Classic IFBB PRO VS Men's Physique IFBB PRO 4K

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Mr HD Fitness ifbb Pro David Hammond and we have something special planned for you today we're going to a gym called graphism gym we're going to meet mark double time Pro card winner and we're going to take the boys with me Shaq and spend Fitness Anton all right so it's going to be a men's physique versus classic thing we're going to try that today obviously the classic man I'm got a bit size than us okay but the men guys got set pop into you so stick around for this episode guys and follow me even the it's like a video game even it sounds good once once it's in the books them brother you see if I put that in my calendar yeah that's it no yo yo you know what I respect that yeah I said that to Jack yeah cuz I see when you said on Wednesday after the show I totally forgot you know I swear totally forgot that [ __ ] totally forgot so shout I was like bro bro if it's in the calendar it means I respect it that's what it is though you me as well you know see if I put it in the calendar that's it it's it's it's around my yeah yeah it's around I've got even if I got to go see somewhere put it in the calendar no yeah it's in the calendar yeah facts so starving brother starving so we had to pull over at a service station I'm about to do something naughty don't judge me it's offseason but I know we've got a big boy back session Mark's got a back session planned for us so I need some energy man need some mackys man should we get some donuts what are you getting see at least we're getting chicken said it to me I'm not a spicy guy you know before you before I did it he was that BR I want this one bro no such thing as just just a burger yeah [Music] introducing the one the only Marquee double Pro card winner classic physique here that's it it's truly an honor it's an honor to be here with you mate it's an honor for you to come what we going to train today bro pool today po yeah I'm walking around and I'm seeing some interesting machines that I've not seen in a lot of gyms a lot of prime equipment you know I love myself some prime changing the strength curve all of that so Mark's going to bring us for a bad boy back day and it's going to be fun we preworked out up with carb St we ready to fck [ __ ] up man then what you feel like excellent excellent soon as it's pre-work workout goes done I'm ready to go you're done now gas mode graft is him let's graft we're going to split up all no no we just what was it four through it yeah yeah yeah yeah we just R through it bro hey you're the leader today BL all right let's go M I can't play no games today so you're using an underarm grip yes SL underarm and put the load at the top so then we focus on the stretch Rel yeah yeah all right so we need give you a mic man main part of the lift is going to be through yeah the bottom end the bottom end okay and it drops off as you get to the top yeah you know normal machines yeah they have it's like they have just one range one range just like a it's it's just like a mid-range yeah they say they say p they say panata equipment does that automatically then if you want to bi us one particular range can't do it a do it sying this you can [Music] let's [Music] go it yeah Big L nice there we go boom's going to bring that 2024 smoke [Music] M I love that I love that me and Mar talking about the concept with opening the lats before you start Contracting it now me personally I always start with getting the lats in a shorten position before I moved on for my set but since Mar's introduced this type of work to me of lengthening the lat muscle before moving into a contractile movement feels way better so this is definitely something workers yeah first one now now we're going to go 10 to 12 and then we're going to whack on more weight and then we're going to go like 8 to 10 yeah now [Music] the [Music] king [Music] ma a MAG grip yeah but you can change you can SC yeah yeah you can change the angles as well yeah yeah yeah [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] love [Music] yeah 10 starting on that yeah yeah let's go boom that's it really push that chest High there we go bang that's it yeah woo that's it drive lovely nice bro let's go shows the one from the backat bro [Music] that's it nice let's go HD [Music] yeah nice lovely oh I love that yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah nice in it come on come on come on let's go here we go drive yeah 15 yeah that's it let's go yeah there we go nice bro big Drive lovely yeah sweet nice bro you know what we're let's [Music] go you want now in the presence of [Music] a [Music] you are now in the presence of [Music] a [Music] king [Music] so we just got finished off this is our third exercise now we just got finished off with our seated um mag neutral grip row and now just because that's a little bit more taxing on under the forearms due to the fact that it's a m grip and you can't use any type of augmentation to help support the wrist the the grip we're moving into a straight arm rope pull down okay so you shouldn't feel any type of forearm pain okay so we get emphasizing that nice contraction on the movement as well as a stretch depending on how you torque your body nice those lats are hanging bro yeah that's that's what we want where if I hold it there I can just I can just literally dry yeah yeah yeah yeah to be similar to like doing a push yeah yeah yeah where if I put my hand that way I could just bring it in and I to think about my elbow getting there that's the reason why when I nor do this I know use a z bar hold it on that one so hold it flat hold it on that one there yeah yeah so I hold it yeah I hold it like that rather than hold it like that so then I don't get no tricep the a bit better yeah yeah perfect yeah yeah he changes the position of his wrist to help isolate a little bit more lat and opposed to keeping it straight where You' extend Q from extending the forearm and then activating the tri we just put a little Bend in it so you keep the arms bent and you can just scoop the lats a little bit more so as you can see him doing that looks and feels a lot better work work and more and there still more yeah nice no numbers work come on we call that the cage C more now three more now more come on bro one more come more awesome woo let me add it you know when you get excited watching your set let's go yeah that's it boom there we go beautiful that's it go let's work here we go let work that's it yeah that's it nice let's work let's work let's work come on more in there more in there yes that's it keep going elbow in the pocket elbow in the pocket open up yeah let's go yeah that's it come back a bit further as well you got a mad stretch here we go that's it no tricep put your elbow to my handles bring the elbow in more forget to try it there we go there we go open up boom that's it that reminds me of Simon Tye yeah yeah Simon type of physique yeah proper let's go come on come on open up here we go give him a spot give him a spot that's it come on more more more more more that's it one more one more elbow in the pocket elbow in the pocket more oh my go got a lot more yeah yeah going on you right you want the bench yeah go for it go for it I feel like my my arms are just rest let's [Music] go there we go nice look at [Music] that there we [Music] go good keep going that's it now the work Starts Now the work starts here we go here we go and again more here we go more more more more more there we go so we've got our last exercise our last set of this exercise which going to be a rest for so that's essentially us going to failure dropping the weight breathing 5 Seconds 5 to 15 seconds and then executing the same weight going to failure again good so just another way of pushing past the limitations of the set so Mark's going to have 15 seconds or 10 seconds and he's going to go straight back [Music] [Music] in [Music] after every set I've got I've got to have a sit down you know it's a tactical rest we call this a tactical rest all them Mand wasting energy look at look at them look at them man they wasting energy and me I'm having a tactical [Music] one you know what's man I remember I remember before I remember when I I was going to do the last show and I was like yo who's doing the show man and I saw my man on the Arnold stage I was like my man's going to be there I see did you see me preing your page I was preing that man's page yo I did that I did that on my second shot never never again never again I saw on stage yeah you start like and I saw you about the show I'm like yes Bud good I think we knew what was going on I was happy when he wasn't doing men's physique he get me they said in the untested shows they said men Z fine they said in the natural show it was like you can't do was like no but then that's why in the final I done classic and body building and you gave me a chance because is if you came there sign up for all three categories men's physique bodybuilding and classic and went home with a three Pro cards I would have been squealing blood I would have been like I would have been prop bro want it anyway I would have been like y [Music] you my first off [Music] [Music] SE I need see some ifbb worthy some ifbb worthy rips four letters let give you the you know big man let's go go God very good temp man let's go very good temper worth let's go go go go two more let's work go let's work still all you more oh lovely let's go good one more one more let's work God come back slow lovely this man can spot come on man it's all about I have to check myself you know you make it sound white wait what did you say this man can spot no because you might always trying to call me out for some M you made it sound zesty bro everything sound zesty this man y I said my name I said my name the other day someone said you sound like you from the movies blood I'm like my name's David H David Hammond you sound like your r p Hammond David Hammond you see what left what let's go God keep that Tempo keep that Tempo come on God more work work don't let that way want three more now want three more now three more don't let the weight take you you know control it control it more control it that's seven you got n on other arm you got get n on this one don't yank control it one more oh my God right there that spot was amazing bro [Applause] hey you can't call wife for that one bro so not only is Mark ifbb Pro he's also a phenomenal coach as well and I want some questions I'm going to ask him some some questions because I admire this guy and I know any advice he gives to me I'd appreciate and it will work so in terms of holding on to overall Fitness as you can tell I'm out of breath from that top set and I'm off season I mean a lot of food in terms of holding on to overall Fitness in oppos to just keeping condition would you recommend steady state or would you recommend a hit fashion type style work arm cardio split both to be honest a bit of both find the steady state is good obviously when you do steady state you don't push your heart rate up too high but you do elevate it slightly so it's always going to help but then if you throw in hit sessions or if you do circuits here and there it's going to really push the heart rate up and it's going to keep your Fitness optimal especially when you're eating a lot of food and you're in not off season and it's actually going to make your performance better cuz end of the day when we're in offseason yes we're going to eat a lot of food but we want to keep our performance optimal if we're too heavy we feel learic our performance isn't going to be optimal so that's where you want to keep in that bit of cardio to make sure that you can keep your performance uptable cuz if you can then you're going to build better muscle more quality muscle so as you can see I'm slacking a little bit on the cardio side of things it's been a couple of days took 5 days off cardio couldn't find a time but that's no excuse so I will be executing in terms of hit cardio though how many what's the time limit you reckon would you say 7 to 14 minutes or would you say a longer period of time it all depends on individual that's not even something can really answer it depends on the individual some I might give one person you know 15 minutes yeah hit I might give another person 25 minutes hit all depends on where they are what stage they're at yeah yeah yeah you heard it from the man himself guys okay so um we've just finished the session and you know after the session we're in graphism Jim we've got to do a bit of posing light's amazing we got the down right coming in making everything looks smashing it's a little bit dark now but there's enough light to see what we can do all right we're going to highlight the differences between men's physique and classic we've got two classic guys here and we've got two um menys guys here and we're just going to show you um some similar poses we going to go through some mandatories and we're going to go through just a few drills okay so let's show so we usually start with our mandatories quarter turns so we got to go front relaxed then quarter turn to the right that was to the left wasn't it qu 10 to the right 54 then quarter turn and then quarter turn then you come back to the front and then they usually get you to do the front double side chest sometimes side tricep depending on the judge then we go back double bicep and then favorite classic pose whatever that might be show all right so obviously I'm classic as well um I'm going to get Mary just to run me through cuz I've not done the T Ros one before so you but anyway we can just do all of them anyway what I mean yeah man yeah let's get it man let's get it let's start with our quarter turns lovely that's it I would hold on keep there I would drop that shoulder a bit Yeah I want to see the whole line yeah that's it and then yeah there we go lovely okay c a turn to the right face the rear nice quarter turn to the right yeah there we go and face the front good let's go front double bicep nice want to see if you make kick that back and it make your arm look thicker here we go side chest nice good drop that shoulder there we go let's go side tricep nice it's a good side tricep bro and face the rear for a back double bicep lovely kick those elbows forward a bit that's it and face the front good and your favorite classic pose there we go I'm changing mine this year actually next year yeah yeah yeah I'm actually yeah I'm changing it that's good though yeah nice nice chess boom none of that and then you know none of that like make sure yeah you'll know yeah yeah extra movements yeah yeah just shows that that you're confident in what you're doing yeah you're confident and that your poseing is more polished yeah you look more seasoned yeah yeah the main difference between men's physique and classic bodybuilding obviously we got longer shorts on so we show no legs so that whole notion of activating from the floor it goes out the window we don't need to tense our legs up they just need to be in a pretty position where we can show off a little side sweep and a little couple VMO if you got cares you got carves certain man a bless man Ain bless with cars but they don't watch that I got a pro card with zero carves so man then without the cars you know you got you got hope there's hope train cars though yeah I'm not even don't even cosign that train cares guys but you're blessed with what you're blessed with okay so we're going to go through couple mandatories with it's pretty simple we've just got a few poses back and front the judges just want to see what you've got from the front and when you see what you got from the back that sounds mad that sounds mad sound that sounds a bit mad but we're going to be mature yeah we're going to be mature you want to see the front pose and the back pose so we're going to go through a couple man soing you guys that one sounded M that sounded M okay so with meni the key thing is you want to highlight that you have a small weight so a lot of people tend to twist from the side okay if you put all your body weight on that one leg slightly push it back and rotate that Top Line okay it gives you an illusion that you're a lot wider than you are based on the fact that the core the waist gets a lot smaller now some guys that are gifted with a naturally small waist they can just highlight the difference through just holding in the waist keep the core nice and tight and just show off how wide their frame is some people not everyone okay the majority of people Twist from the side use that second hand to push over and then you want to round that right shoulder or whatever side you stand off okay just to highlight a little bit more of the lat and just to then again highlight that top frame okay so I'm not going to do no talking I'm just going to show you a couple of mandatories okay so walk in make sure you got sauce boom leave the stirring the PLT thing out get confident with it bit of transitions flare into the back open up the back if you got a bit of stri there just to highlight the fact that you're lean enough activate engage straighten them up and then spread the lats okay you want to make sure you're not spreading the lats out like this a lot of men they'll sit on stage and they'll be like that and everyone's barging each other make sure you tuck the elbows down shoulders back and chest up all right be aware that there's people next to you okay so be mindful on stage guys okay want to add some source to it bam flip around rotate deci side your pose bam come in the middle and then open them up so the thing what I like about mental Z you can stay smooth okay you can be you can feel like the man on stage you can wink you can do your thing bodybuilding bit more gritty mean face keep itoo it's the menique in the classic Awards all right so yeah classic smooth classic smooth class in the middle we're both smooth we're both smooth we're both smooth yo Mand I just want to say something about this brother's ABS the most symmetrical that Don just got carved out like this you know them lopsided ABS that you see up that's not here okay so show me a couple moves bro awesome very symmetrical dense muscle tissue especially from the Top Line okay so what we want to do I'm going to look at you from the front Okay we always want to make sure we're hiding that hip okay so we don't want to be in a position where the hip is facing the front because then it gives you an illusion that you have thicker weights and the idea is to sit all that weight on that side leg okay take as much weight off that leg you should be able to float that leg in the sky if you wanted to so if I came and I kick that leg he should have all his pressure on that back leg okay okay make sure the waist is twisted around we want to exaggerate the fold in that lat so bring that lat around okay my personal opinion if we get the hands to the side okay let this hand go so use that to flare the lats around make sure we can see that Top Line we can use this hand to further push that hip over to the right a little bit more just to emphasize on that lean a little bit more so we don't want to be in a position where we tilt onto the side like this we want to kind of like stay upright and rotate that hip if you get what I mean so we're staying upright and we're just rotating that hip through so a bit of Mobility does come into play when it comes to POS posing so make sure you're doing your rotational movements and make sure you're staying mobile throughout the poseing just to get a little bit more of emphasis on that on the moves okay so we're going to do our transition and then we're going to move into the rear now ATS is phenomenal phenomenal core so we want to highlight as much as possible when we do the transitions awesome so again he's listen to what we said about flaring the elbows too wide we'll keep the elbows in a little bit more Arch Back slightly so we can get the musculature in that lower back and you can show us the development in that lower back as well all right what we don't want to do is pull back too much pull back because if we pull back too much yes we can get the striations there but we can't get the width so we need that width all right and that's the same with men's physique you want to look as much like a Dorito as possible so play that lat whilst keeping the chin tucked so me personally when the chin is here I think you get a lot more fibers can you see that the twitching of the fibers in the mid back okay perfect and then relax so that does take a lot out of you if you're in that position remember you don't have to keep squeezing your core let your stomach hang out you're not being judged in your stomach from the rear position so relax don't brace your core as much keep your um chin tucked chest up and just hold that pose okay my biggest advice to you when you're holding your pose as well breathe out slowly a lot of people just you're just heightening your heart rate and you're just getting tired on stage up slow breathing through the teeth hold that smile and just look sexy with it bro you can relax I find if you bring brace the core a little bit more if you bring it in you don't have to tense it but if you bring your let's say Your belly button bring your belly button to your you can see a little bit more get more detail yes yes I stand corrected yeah so yeah so keep that brace forget about what I said said about pushing the stomach out and relaxing it obviously don't squeeze the ABS to the maximum but you want to keep that core nice and controlled I find you get that little bit that little bit more detail back lower back and then that could be the difference sometimes if you're in a tough lineup there's the difference between me and you and I've just braced my cord that little bit tighter through and my lower back is showing a bit more tighter than yours because you're a bit more relaxed that could be B between you see guys we can always learn so much from each other just picked up a little tip from Mark you there keeping the core brace but not contracted where you're trying to look for Visible detail in the ABS but just keeping the transversal dominance tucked just so you can get a little bit more musculature and a bit more definition in that lower back so good advice bro really good advice so don't just bloat the stomach out keep active but not too active yeah there we go love that I love that I love that we [Music] learning [Music] he [Music] he [Music] he [Music] oh
Views: 1,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: zyYihFYU5I8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 2sec (2162 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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