Classic Divorce Court: Comedic Cupid

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on divorce court today she's been married to a comedian for 15 years but their relationship is no laughing matter Makia says Shawn won't listen to her and think she has cheated he says she sabotage his career Shawn heron and makea Grant have brought their dispute for Judge Lynn Toler to resolve testimony in divorce court starts now mr. heron and MS grant the two of you have been together for 15 years you do not however know if you want to remain together anymore mr. heron and I gotta tell you I read your petition and I read read your response and I it was like two people who weren't in the same relationship I've never seen I always see two sides of the same issue you guys don't even have seem to have the same issue so I'm gonna try to figure out what's going on before the divorce really happens because I think you're talking past one another so I'm going to start with you mr. heron why don't you tell me why you think this marriage is ending it's at a point where it's ending because I don't feel like my wife respect me as a man or a responsible person of the house because like you said we've been together 15 years and I'm still getting questioned and and and question about what about just my authority and when I speak upon things at the house you know I could tell I could bring up something about the kids or a financial problem or anything and it's like she overlooked it or she downplay it to where it seems like I don't know what I'm talking about but I always seem to be right and she's the type of person that don't want to hear that she was wrong so what you're saying is she doesn't respect your opinion yeah you know when you say something she just disregards it you're wrong and and she doesn't want to get her take the initiatives to take the point and take a stand to do it and or try to figure out a way to get it done and it still be a problem you know it's like everything I do to do better myself it becomes a problem when she can better herself but you can't better get yeah give me an example of something that she's precluded you from doing that would have bettered yourself but she wouldn't let it happen just furthers my music in my comedy career you know it's times where I needed to go out of town or our go places and she would get into an argument with me or make me feel bad about going or or why you know this ain't bringing in no money you did say you had a show in Ontario maybe yeah and where she took the car where I couldn't make it it was a shitty I think she did it on purpose it wasn't a mistake she did it on purpose cuz it was her car I didn't have no keys to it and she jumped in and drove off and I ended up missing the whole show did you take the car just to keep him from going or did you just forget that he told you about it no ma'am I didn't forget that he told me about it because telling a person is being direct he mentioned it I overheard a conversation that he was having with his other party that was supposed to be a part of the incident in addition to that did he remember that I had to go to work the next day so I guess what I had to do was of no importance and Sean really has the habit of using the car running the gas town and never putting any gas in so sabotaging no ma'am not at all I got you you say that your wife controls all the money you don't know where the accounts are you don't know how much is in them that she takes the tax refund and instead of handling business with that she bought 17 pairs of sneakers for a saw 17 so mr. Harun why don't you tell me how your finances work and how that makes you feel I don't know how do you work cuz I don't I don't believe in the bank I mean a bank keep your money but they also I didn't seen her go through so much so all my money she know what I make and she just hand me the phone say for instance the a year ago sitting in the room she hands me the phone and I get on it it's the death insurance people questioning me about insurance life insurance and I'm like you didn't even ask me about no life insurance that I won't want on me you says had me the phone did that happen and just just hand me your honor that happened after being in the relation ship over eight years of the policy that we had had that was already current ma'am I would never do anything without his permission or try to forge his signature that's part of the reason why he had to be current speaking with the policyholder because I did that right before you got him on the phone let him know that our insurance policy the previous month before was getting ready to lapse I had no money at that time to pay for it so I said if we don't get another policy then it's going to lapse we can't afford the policy that we were in so I got you you bought that boy 17 pairs of sneakers yes son I think he's really over exaggerating and when he fell to tell you is that his son was a 12 and shoe so therefore when he has shoes he beat the ground up with him he pays basketball every day in his shoes so I bought him six pair of shoes your honor because I hadn't bought my son any shoes in a while and I would just I would just feel that as a parent we shouldn't like try to overlook the things that are killing me thanks Pam yes ma'am he needed six pair of shoes he made it six parachutes yes why would you buy a growing boy six pairs of shoes okay because at that time I you know all the shoes that I was seeing at that time were on sale so I didn't buy him six pair of expensive shoes if that's word all right next how does the way Shawn disciplines their children drive a wedge in their marriage have you been living together for years but find that splitting up is as complicated as divorce call toll free at 187 7 3 1 1 22 22 or visit our website at become a fan at slash divorce court broken relationships real solutions divorce court continues so give me an example of a time where you believe your wife undermined your authority with the children we're just dealing with the kids period you know it because I'm more strict than she is no I come from a background where you know just if you don't do right you shouldn't get rewarded no and I'm raised like that it was a lot of people raised in my house with my grandmother and grandfather so they came with us wrong and I can tell the kids to do something or I can be explaining it to him in a way where she feels like I shouldn't be talking to them like that or I shouldn't get at them like that so I could tell them to do something and they won't do it or they go behind her and do it and she'd get on me worse it then I just got on them you know it's like I'm the kid and they're more responsible than me then the family it's like why are you coming back sides with them against yes even even when we get into an argument my wife will gather up with the kids in one room and badgered me you know discuss yo dad did you that this dad this and they all gather in with her cuz they more afraid of her and they'll anymore it's a mrs. Greg you about she gonna you were about to fall apart oh you are so angry they can do anything it still get six pairs of shoes I got no I got a way because where I'm talking to miss Greg did you hear what he said I mean did you really hear what he said yes ma'am does he he meet out a punishment for something and you override it - no ma'am no ma'am no ma'am I'm very I'm more than thorough the children will tell you that but I'm more converse of like I to my children and you know it's not on the level of immediately go into you know give corporal punishment or fill make them feel as if they're inadequate because they couldn't follow through something that I asked them you know to do I feel like I feel as if I feel that as a parent we have responsibilities and therefore Archer we're we're the modelers of our children and if we don't follow through on certain things and we have inconsistencies then how are we modeling but your honor it doesn't have anything to do with disciplining children you could always talk to your kids and they'll always have to understand what's going on but there's a point at which you become the disciplinarian and say this is it that is bad and it's not about conversation I think he does more of that than you do and you don't like it so you don't let it until she get fed up no ma'am once you get fed up she see it my way it takes her to get mad at them or get tired of it just say she disciplined she say jump the whole house jump just not the kid she jump in and say well why you gotta talk to them like that doing this yes the net but you know what are your problems is this you never allow the man to finish a sentence okay you're in here I'm on you know and I'm trying to you know this is a very ordered process where I asked and the person to whom I ask a question responds and you continually chop him off and if you're oh yes you do you're looking at [ __ ] so you got you're not gonna believe you just did it and I just had to stop you so you need to believe that that's what you do cuz I'm watching everything septic not gonna see you talking over me okay you're talking over me when divorce court continues does respect for privacy have any place in this man [Music] do you think this couple can learn to respect each other and save their relationship call 1-800 to a to 1991 to vote now and see if America agrees with your opinion you'll also receive some valuable offers call now if you would like your case heard on divorce court call us toll free at one eight seven seven three one one twenty two twenty two or log on to our website at and join the conversation on twitter at divorce court divorce court thinking news that was i was talking to mrs. grant and i saw the level of frustration on your face explain to me are you frustrated by what i said do you think I'd miss characterized what's going on what where's all that agitation coming from the agitation come it's coming from the things that he has done to me he invades my privacy by going through my emails by putting in a coat that I did not give him going through my phone he goes through my clothes he will go in my purse he will follow me in the car and the car he has put ever dropping devices yes ma'am mister is that true yes I have I have done that now mr. Harun that's awfully extreme why what bra is a reason for everything I mean what tell me because give me a couple of examples of things that she's done that lead you to believe that that amount of surveillance is required well not paying attention to me not just showing me to UM you know the attention that I needed this happened when I moved out the house actually I just we are separated for a little while and I had moved out and I started another relationship myself so I was feeling guilty about so you put her under surveillance to make sure she was doing what you were doing right cuz I wanted to find out I wanted to find out him I wanted to find out if I wanted to move on actually but I didn't want to leave what then you leave her without what I'll tell you that's you know that's that's you got pretzel going on that way yes ma'am having acknowledged that just now yes ma'am having acknowledged that in fact you were transferring your guilt onto her is there something you want to say to her now about that behavior yes I'm sorry I apologize you know I apologize because I was in the wrong you know and I just wanted to know for sure it was I doing the right thing and you know people make mistakes now have you stopped or do you not talk about the relationship she didn't find out no no no no have you stopped surveilling her well no no just the other day just the other day was an incident what was the incident the other well this was Father's Day um Eve Saturday for of Father's Day on the 14th and she asked me well she didn't ask me she just decided when I got home that she just got a call that she's gonna go to a club I don't mind her going out but you didn't have to explain that is a Jamaican Club it closed at 6:00 I didn't have five offers this weekend to go out so you choose Father's Day to want to go out to a club that close at six o'clock with your friends so she left anyway and left so I followed her to see what she gonna go to where she said she was cuz I'm like this is just too extreme for me that you didn't pick Father's Day night to want to go I mean that might have been inconsiderate but it is not an indication of cheating it's not we're just her explaining all that stuff detail by detail I'm like did you do anything no ma'am I follow this and tell you mr. Harun in [Music] judge lynn toler ruling next divorce court judge lynn toler ruling right now I've been out here for a minute with the two of you and I've only been able to scratch the surface you know I mean there's a lot going on here I agree I don't think this isn't an intimal event yeah but I would like to have your marriage go from here go here like that yes your or I'm saying so I'm gonna make recommendations to both of you but before I do that I want to say that I like you both I think you are both good people I think that anything else my mother said to me one day she said you know if I didn't love you I'd let you go out looking like that seems and saw mom I expressed some love first to you mr. Heron you got a issue that's that's not normal it's not right and if you can't stop on your own you need to go see somebody I think deep underneath all of this you feel inadequate in your own right because I think you perceive everything she does as either demeaning derogatory and it may be not quite right or not quite acquiescent enough for you but you know to chase her around to think that she's cheating and all of that that speaks to your insecurities some of it may be a function of how she deals with you but a lot of it is a function of what's going on in your head you have to decide that a your role in the home has value has great massive incredible value and it has meaning and you have to accept that and you have to accept the love and the care that she's giving and feel not less than because you're not out there bringing home the bacon yes okay but you need to see somebody because that that where she woo not right at all it's not right at all miss grant you can help him with his issues if you make sure that you bring him into the beginning of financial discussion even though it's all you're making all of my hick baby this is where I am this is what it is this but this is what I think I'm gonna do what do you think about it I mean you feed that to him even when you know what you need to do and you know what's happening you know what needs to go on he needs to be consulted as a meaningful equal partner did you see what I'm saying you with me yes I agree I agree and I believe everything that you're saying right now is really true and I don't and I did tell him that I need to start including you more absolutely beginning because these projects that I have set out to done I still lean towards him for emotional a monetary all that support so I should I use judgment I want you to know that your presence in the household is tremendously respected I don't kick you down because I know you've been through a lot of things in life and before anything you didn't come with anything you didn't come with money nothing I love you because of you and I just want you to know that now that very fabulous that was and I haven't told him this but i'ma said on national television there is nobody that I've ever ever been with or ever experienced the things that I've experienced with you they can't top that shot I'm not going nowhere I'm not going anywhere buddy I want us to be able to be able to communicate and talk without cutting each other up cutting each other off like judge land and I want to be more obedient the most important element and communication is the ability to listen you tend to talk a lot and when you talk at people a lot they feel unheard and so what you need to do is learn when to put a period on the paragraph that's all I'm gonna say good luck to you both of you this matter is Makia and Shawn agree with the judge that their marriage can survive and they promise to listen to each other in the future post a comment or submit your case at or call toll-free 1-800 to 20 to follow us on facebook and twitter at divorce court [Music]
Channel: Divorce Court
Views: 292,761
Rating: 4.7106919 out of 5
Keywords: Divorce Court, divorce, marriage, Lynn Toler, lawyer, television show, reality tv, judge, 2770, Dating, Love, Relationships, Couples, Cheating, Infidelity, Comedy, Drama, Court TV, Romance, Bride, Groom, Husband, Wife, Wedding
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 0sec (1200 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 06 2020
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