Clash of Titans - Ep: 2 | Crusades | BBC Documentary

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in july 1192 richard the lionheart king of england valiant crusader night stood with his holy warriors preparing for a strike on jerusalem inside the holy city the mighty Saladin jihadi warrior unifier of all Islam readied his Muslim troops for the infidels inevitable attack these two legendary leaders had fought each other to a standstill during a year-long campaign across Palestine thousands had perished appalling atrocities had been perpetrated by both sides now they faced each other in a battle for their final objective the sacred city of Jerusalem this promised to be the ultimate clash between two of history's greatest leaders men who even today are regarded as the figureheads of the Crusades we think we know these medieval titles Saladin the clement and just champion of islam richard the brutish hothead with a gift for battle but we shouldn't settle for legend because if we look at what Richard and Saladin actually did what they said about themselves and how they were described by the people who lived alongside them then we can go further we can begin to glimpse them both as men each capable of dark deeds and act of stunning genius [Music] [Applause] [Music] to understand these men and their epic struggle we must first understand the world that became their battlefield [Music] at its heart was Jerusalem the holy city prized by both Christianity and Islam in 1099 a crusading army had seized it from Muslim hands resting it from Islam's control for the first time in four centuries this bloody conquest eventually ignited 200 years of violent holy war between the Christian West and the Muslim East but surprisingly it did not provoke an immediate response from Islam the Muslim world was fractured riven by an ancient feud between Sunni and Shia Muslims over the rightful line of succession to Muhammad and paralyzed by the power struggles of rival warlords against this backdrop the capture of Jerusalem barely registered near and Middle Eastern Muslims seem to have had little idea of who the Crusaders were and why they came to Syria and Palestine most probably thought them to be Byzantine mercenaries engaged in a short term military incursion not devoted warriors bent upon the conquest and settlement of the Holy Land this dire misconception helped to blunt Islam's response to the First Crusade with Islam divided the Christian invaders were left to expand and prosper in their new kingdom in the east this realm was known in the Middle Ages as sutram air the land across the sea it was divided into four major territories known collectively as the Crusader States Antioch Odessa Tripoli and the Kingdom of Jerusalem as east collided with West cities like Jerusalem became cultural melting pots creating a medieval society unique to the Crusader States [Music] but beyond the boundaries of the cosmopolitan Crusader states a new force was gaining momentum prompting Islam to unite and fight back against the Christian invaders jihad [Music] she had from the rise of Islam was simply spreading the message of Islam into non-muslim territory in Central Asia in North Africa and most importantly into Christian 33 Byzantine Empire but she had gained huge momentum when the Crusaders came to the Middle East in the 11th and 12th century you are not into the other's territory or defending your own territory against the others so she had was a prime responsibility and duty jihad literally means struggle but in the Middle Ages this could represent a fight against internal impurity or a sacred physical struggle a holy war and its message could be spread by poetry the Arab poetry from pre-islamic time through the Islamic history was one of the tools to galvanize society and you have thousands of lines of poetry urging Muslim communities to defend and recaptured Jerusalem let me read you just few lines walk on hospital by to the citta Harun Wallaces away jared allahu to hear the poet is reminding muslim community about how important Jerusalem is and he's calling for its recapture and he say the only way to recaptured it through blood which would purify Jerusalem [Music] [Music] in the 12th century the torture jihad was taken up by a new powerful Turkish dynasty the zengids in the name of Islam they conquered great swathes of territory in the east bringing the promise of a new era in which the Christians might be driven from the Holy Land in 1146 the sunni warlord nur Aldin zengi came to power in the course of his career he United Aleppo and Damascus consolidating the Zhuang get hold on Syria and pushed their rule further into Egypt and rising up through the ranks of his armies was an ambitious kurdish soldier born joseph son of a obon he's known to history by the honorific title salah al-din goodness of the faith in the western tongue Saladin in 1169 Saladin took command of the Syrian forces that had seized shear controlled Egypt [Music] although officially he answered to the Shiite caliphs the spiritual leader of Shia Islam he began to act with increasing autonomy but as a Sunni Muslim Saladin was an isolated outsider and his prospects seemed bleak the qualities that would mark Saladin's career soon shown through when threatened with open rebellion by a powerful Sudanese regiment based in Cairo Saladin was ruthless burning their garrison to the ground with men women and children still locked within but he also knew the value of caution waiting a full two years before abolishing the ruling shiite caliphate and uniting egypt under his own rule and as Egypt's new Lord he now possessed a base with huge economic reserves riches provided by the arable lands of the Nile Delta in 1174 nor Alden died leaving his 11 year old son to rule in his stead but Saladin seized this opportunity to expand into Syria to lend his rule legitimacy he moved to Damascus no Eldon's capital and married his widow is mad saladin was quickly becoming the premier Muslim leader in the East with a might of Egypt behind him Saladin brought Arabia and Syria under his control and before long he United the disparate Muslim factions into a cohesive army and began styling himself as Sultan [Music] as Saladin's status and kingdom grew he presented his gains as a necessary step on the road to Jerusalem by the mid 11 80s the Sultan's Empire stretched from the Nile to the Euphrates but his fragile grip on this realm hung on the question would he make good on his promises to wage a holy war as yet he had not shown dedication to all-out battle with the Christians did he really aim to annihilate them and recapture Jerusalem for Islam or were they merely a convenient justification for his meteoric rise to power [Music] in december 1185 Saladin fell ill and retired from the battlefield the exact nature of his malady is unknown but it involved severe bouts of fever as the week's turned to months his condition became increasingly grave emaciated drifting in and out of consciousness the Sultan was on the edge of death his physicians announced there was no hope the Muslim world was gripped with confusion and fear but after three months he pulled through Saladin's friends and closest advisors saw this brush with mortality as a moment of transformation sent by God to wake the Sultan from the sleep of forgetfulness the experience does seem to have deepened Saladin's spiritual devotion before his illness Saladin had been a ruler who spoke about jihad yet spent most of his time fighting fellow Muslims and forging an empire he now emerged with new purpose as a man ready to wage the holy war in earnest [Music] the Sultan must did a huge force near Damascus and prepared for an invasion of the Crusader Kingdom of Jerusalem his troops were drawn from across the Near East some 12,000 professional cavalry Minh and 30,000 volunteers described by one Muslim eyewitness as a pack of old wolves and the rending lions surveying his own troops Saladin observed that a huge dust cloud darkened the eye of the Sun once the swarming Muslim horde began to advance but victory here wouldn't depend simply on military light the real key will be water to lure the Crusaders into his trap Saladin attacked the Christian hells town of Tiberias and on the third of July 1187 a massive Latin army set off from Sephora led by Guy de Lusignan the recently anointed king of Jerusalem in these hot dry conditions dehydration could be a deadly weapon something that Saladin understood only too well the Sultan knew where water could be found and went to great lengths to ensure that the Christians were denied it Saladin dispatched a number of men to guard the nearest ample spring in the village of Hattin and then filled in all the remaining wells in the region the Christian army marching in the height of summer was being led into a waterless killings Oh on the fourth of July the Christian troops left their camp and Saladin's cruel and brilliant strategy was revealed instead of launching an immediate attack the sultan allowed them to continue their pitifully slow progress east woods and waited for the midday sun to take effect Saladin's archers now began bombarding the Frankish troops in desperation they headed to higher ground on the horns of Hattin to make their last stand we know that there's a certain point the food soldiers had left the main body of knights and escaped and basically ran up towards the mountain anyone who was seated on a horse was basically stuck in the basin between the mountain in between Salathe demons himself who was probably positioned about eight hundred meters from here on the other side of this valley twice the Christians launched counter-attacks pushing the Muslims back but it was no use they were annihilated by Saladin's forces salahuddin chose to lead his army into battle he didn't say aside and lefty zamir's played the role at the final moments of the battle he was the one there he was the one standing with his people close enough to see that everything turns out the way that he wanted it to be from his vantage point the Sultan saw the red tent of guida loosing your fall and with it the last shreds of Christian resistance for Saladin the battle of a teen was a total victory it culminated in the capture of the Christian King of Jerusalem and the sacred relic of the true cross and it left virtually the entire army of the Crusader States either slain or in captivity as the sunset Saladin was said to have looked over the field of battle like a lion in the desert this was his moment of triumph a proclamation to all Islam that he was a true jihadi warrior Jerusalem Saladin's avowed objective now stood virtually undefended and in September 11 87 he directed the full force of his army towards the holy city within ten days they breached the outer walls Christian mother's shaved their children's heads in Atonement and the clergy led barefoot processions through the streets but in stark contrast to the Crusaders sack of Jerusalem in 1099 Saladin took the city without a bloodbath and this episode has been instrumental in shaping his reputation [Music] for centuries it's been argued that salad in the wise and just ruler willingly agreed terms of surrender with Jerusalem's Christian citizens this notion has become a cornerstone of his legend but it ignores some critical evidence accounts written by those closest the events and to Saladin himself shockingly this material suggests that what the sultan wanted was not peaceful capitulation but a bloody massacre Saladin's secretary Ahmad Alden al Isfahan II arrived in Jerusalem the day after its surrender an early copy of his written account is kept in the bodily and library in Oxford this text offers us the fall of Jerusalem as Saladin wanted it to be remembered [Applause] [Music] what's remarkable is that Ahmad Alden makes no attempt to present Saladin as the man of peace instead he describes Saladin the holy warrior reportedly telling the Christians inside Jerusalem in categorical terms you will receive neither amnesty nor mercy our only desire is to inflict perpetual subjugation upon you we shall kill and catch you wholesale spill men's blood and reduce the poor and the women to slavery Saladin only relented offering more generous terms when the Christians threatened to fight to the very last man destroyed Jerusalem's Islamic holy places and execute thousands of Muslim prisoners still held in the city Saladin's primary concern was not to present himself as a magnanimous victor what he feared above all was an attack upon his image as a Mujahid as Islam's perfect champion of holy war Jerusalem was back in Muslim hands Saladin's string of achievements that year turned him into an Islamic hero but they also sparked a new crusade [Music] news of Saladin's attack on the Crusader States his conquest of Jerusalem and the catastrophe at Hatton sent a shock wave of horror coursing through the West when the news reached the elderly Pope Urban the third he promptly died of a heart attack on the spot the new Pope Gregory the eighth immediately issued a new papal proclamation Aldi tetraman D declaring a new crusade our dieter tremendous call to crusade was lent force by two compelling themes God's suppose a decision to allow Islam victory in the East was explained as a punishment for sin the guilt for which was shared by all Christians and for the first time the evil enemy was personified Saladin himself was named and likened to the devil [Music] the messages contained within now DITA tremenda were soon translated into popular songs and music composed and played by traveling court singers these troubadours toured the courts of Europe to sing about chivalry and love now their words and music became infused with religious passion as they spread the word about the coming war tens of thousands of Latin Christians enlisted including whole tranches of the European aristocracy princes and monix among them the King of France but even before this crusading fever had spread one leader made an immediate commitment to the cause the man who would emerge as the driving force behind this crusade Richard the first was crowned King of England here in Westminster Abbey on the 3rd of September 11 89 he was now ruler of the anjuman Empire a powerful realm that stretched from islands to the Pyrenees but by the time he took the throne Richard had already committed to joining the puse aid the decision had shocked his family a volatile dynasty Richards youth was spent variously scheming against his brothers including Prince John and then uniting with them in opposition to their father Henry the second before his death the old king opposed Richards decision to enlist in the crusade but now the holy war offered Richard an opportunity to emerge from his father's shadow but this was also the start of a troubling crisis of identity as the Lionheart struggled to reconcile his roles as a crusader and as a king [Music] for now England would be entirely dedicated to the preparations for holy war and to footing the bill for the Kings colossal military campaign henry ii had already begun to raise the necessary funds by imposing a special crusading tax the Saladin tithe throughout England but the Lionheart pushed these fundraising efforts even further spending on an unprecedented scale thanks to fastidious record-keeping in medieval England details of this immense outlay can now be recovered from the pipe rolls of the Exchequer these documents the earliest surviving public records in England contain accounts of the royal income arranged by county for each financial year this is the pipe role for the year 11 89 to 90 effectively a full financial account of Richards reign it shows an incredibly precise and detailed record of what was spent to prepare for the Third Crusade here is suit hand Shire that's Hampshire there's a listing for 800 Bocconi bus that sides of cured bacon to be taken to Jerusalem with the king and the cost 58 pounds 18 shillings and 11 pens and the record continues with 20 portions of beans an extraordinary 10,000 horseshoes with double nails and a hundredweight of cheese in total Richard spent around 14,000 pounds preparing for his crusade more than half of England's entire annual crown revenue [Music] [Music] not only would Richard be the best provisioned Crusader king he also adopted an entirely new approach to the problem of reaching the Holy Land his crusade would travel by sea this major logistical operation required extensive planning and was not without its dangers from shipwreck to disease but this new approach would be quicker and safer than marching troops through enemy territory and would also allow Richard to transport the machinery of war to the east from weapons and armor to horses [Music] with his meticulous preparations complete Richard was ready to depart from the port of Marseilles although familiar to pilgrims traveling to the Holy Land this was the first time it would be used for such a major crusading expedition [Music] the conditions would have been appalling they departed Marseille on the 7th of August 11 90 so we can assume the temperatures hovered around 35 degrees Celsius you're talking about 150 men or more crammed in with provisions in arms in a vessel with a shallow keel meaning it was susceptible to anything above mild sea States seasickness with certainly the Knights and their attendants who weren't used to sea travel would have been a real concern as would dehydration dysentery and any of the maladies that you would expect among men in close quarters for a prolonged period of time [Music] the fleet would take the long way round avoiding the more treacherous route through the middle of the Mediterranean you needed to go as close as possible the shoreline in order to navigate in this method he had to travel during the day also water was severe limitation brewing was arduous work your oarsmen needed to approximately 8 litres a day it take a metric ton of water to keep a whole crew complement going for the day the horses would have taken as many as 28 to 35 litres a day so you had to put in almost daily for water and food replenishment reasons alone [Music] in june 1191 richard the lionheart sailed down the coast of palestine at the head of his fearsome crusading army and caught his first glimpse of a kur one of the greatest ports of the Near East a curse stood at the gateway to Palestine for the Muslims it was a bastion against Christian attack from the north whether by land or sea its looming defensive walls rising from the Mediterranean would have been visible to Richard as he approached with his fleet and what the Lionheart found was a city deeply entrenched in a siege that had already lasted one-and-a-half years the Muslim garrison within the city was besieged by tens of thousands of Crusaders and beyond those spread out across the plains were the tents and trenches of the Muslim armies with Saladin in their midst [Music] because of Akers location on the coast Saladin had been unable to crush the Crusader siege prior to richard the lionheart arrival the mediterranean sea acted as a pulsing artery allowing troops to flow from the west to the Holy Land [Music] no matter whether the Sultan would kill a thousand Christians on one day 2,000 more would appear on the next for Saladin acre had become a military engagement that was almost impossible to win [Music] breaking the siege would take all of Richard's military genius [Music] to smash through acres mighty walls the Christians deployed heavyweight siege machines capable of unleashing a terrifying aerial barrage and to make them even more destructive they were loaded with huge stones that Richard had shipped in from Messina by late July the Christians tactics had worked and the city's walls were on the verge of collapse the men inside were weak and exhausted by constant fighting one Crusader summarized the Muslims predicament writing that they were afraid of the miracle they now beheld how the whole world had come to annihilate them they saw their walls broken down pierced and destroyed their people injured killed and cut to pieces Saladin's garrison could take no more the great Victor at her teen conqueror of Jerusalem Saladin now had to watch in horror as acres shattered garrison buckled and negotiated peace terms with King Richard the Third Crusade had achieved a categorical victory [Music] Richard wanted the terms of surrender settled quickly so that he could press on with his Palestinian campaign but Saladin played for time a dangerous strategy that prompted Richard to take shockingly brutal action as Saladin's advance guard looked on the bulk of acres Muslim garrison some two thousand seven hundred men were led from the city bound in ropes herded onto the open plain they huddled together in fear and confusion some perhaps imagining that they were about to be released a Muslim contemporary described how as one man the Crusaders charged them and with stabbings and blows with the sword they slew them in cold blood this terrible massacre sent Saladin a stark message this would be the ruthless dedication that the Lionheart would bring to the holy war this atrocity one of the most controversial acts in Richard's career shocked Islam fueling the fires of jihad and left an indelible mark on the Lionhearts historical reputation Richard's task now was to try and March his army down the coast of Palestine but even for the Lionheart persuading his troops to leave acre was no simple matter the port had become a comfortable refuge from the horrors of holy war a fleshpot offering up all manner of illicit pleasures and Richard had to induce his men's obedience through a mixture of flattery prayer bribery and force finally four months after arriving in the Holy Land richard the lionheart christian army set off on a long march down the coast his aim was to avoid a confrontation and reached the southern staging post of Jaffa with his armies intact his soldiers were escorted by a fleet of ships sailing along the shoreline they would rendezvous along the way at Haifa des tois Caesarea and Jaffa so that the soldiers could travel light with the bulk of their resources carried by the fleet [Music] Richards coastline hugging route offered him protection from Muslim encirclement where possible the Crusaders advanced at a measured pace the right wing of their tightly packed ranks practically wading in the sea at every stage they were shadowed by Saladin who launched sporadic attacks and harassed the Christians with skirmishes always looking to provoke an open battle and stop Richard in his tracks Richard took great care to conserve his Army's energy resting for two days after every marching interval but by September with food shortages starting to bite arguments were breaking out ordinary Crusaders apparently swarmed over the carcasses of the fattest of the horses to fall during each day's march brawling over their flesh much to the disgust of the dead animals nightly owner's Richard stepped in promising to replace any lost mounts so long as the carrion was freely offered to worthy men-at-arms his grateful troops were said to have eaten the horse flesh as if it would game on the 6th of September Richard set up camp pausing to rest his starving exhausted army meanwhile his enemy's patience was faltering eyewitness testimony from within Saladin's camp tells us that he was deeply frustrated by Richards inexorable advance and wrong-footed by the Lionhearts policy of resting every two to three days what the Sultan needed now was to engineer a confrontation a pitched battle when Richard and his men set out for Asif they were met with the full strength of Saladin's army the Sultan had decided that this was where the Crusaders would be stopped the Christians marched on pummeled by Saladin's incessant onslaught the air thick with Muslim howls and thundering battle drums one eyewitness described how the Crusaders were now surrounded like a flock of sheep in the jaws of wolves so that they could see nothing but the sky and their wicked enemies on every side King Richard's soldiers begged him to let them retaliate but he refused they would keep marching in formation but Richards hands suddenly was forced to Knights near the rearguard unexpectedly broke rank fueled by anger and humiliation they raced towards the Muslim lines screaming the name of st. George thousands of Crusaders joined the headlong charge with no hope of recalling his men the Lionheart spurred his horse to gallop and joined his remaining forces in battle the Muslim armies shattered under the charge hotly pursued they melted into the forests it was another damaging psychological blow for Saladin the Sultan had thrown the full force of his armies into the field hoping to stop the Crusaders in their tracks but he'd failed despondent Saladin's heart was said to have been full of feelings only God could no Richard by contrast could look back on our soup with some satisfaction he may not have set out to confront Saladin in open battle but when the moment of decision came he reacted with swift resolution scoring a morale-boosting victory it now seemed that Richard was primed to march on Jerusalem his strategy now combined a forceful military advance inland with a subtle diplomatic offensive this approach involved a remarkable proposition the warrior king offered his own sister in marriage to the Sultan's brother al a deal the details of this offer are recorded in the biography of Saladin written by his close advisor Baha Alden a rarely-seen 800 year old original manuscript of this account is held in the library of the Aqsa Mosque here in Jerusalem a piercing insight into the Muslim view of richard the lionheart they are reaching this deal after a lot of negotiation taking place a lot of letters between each others but on the empty reaching point that al molecular then the the brother of Salah Hadean will married the sister of Richard this wedding offer was a cunning move by the Lionheart designed to sow seeds of doubt about Al Adil who was not just Saladin's trusted brother but also a potential threat to his son and heir and someone who might be harboring personal ambitions Saladin agree about this agreement while they agree because everybody wants the cost and/or the the city or the city but Richard agreed to give all the costs to his sister after the merit the Halden's text reveals that Richard was an agile and cunning negotiator and the Saladin was only too aware of this both were engaged in a delicate game saladin almost certainly only accepted the idea of a marriage offer because he thought it would later be withdrawn and he was right within a few days Richard replied that his sister would be unable to marry our Adil because he was a Muslim by December richard was ready to march on his holy prize jerusalem he moved his troops to within 12 miles of the city and prepared for a strike but that winter conditions were appalling one eyewitness described that it was cold and overcast rain and hail battered us bringing down our tents food became waterlogged armor rusty and even the Crusaders clothes began to rot and yet morale was high [Music] the Christians were almost within reach of their goal and were said to be filled with an indescribable yearning to see Jerusalem to complete their pilgrimage but did Richard share his men's single-minded devotion finally within reach of the holy city he now faced an agonizing decision between his Crusader ambition and the stark reality of war the Lionheart announced that the crusade was to turn away from Jerusalem fragile supply lines back to the coast were faltering amidst the freezing winter rains and any attempt to besieged Jerusalem would be unacceptably dangerous in strict military terms Richards decision made sense but his announcement had a catastrophic effect on morale one Crusader later recalled that not since God created time was there ever seen an army so dejected and so depressed everyone cursed the day he was born but Saladin's armies were also faltering and as the two forces circled each other at arm's length rumors of unrest among Saladin's troops presented Richard with an opportunity to make a second advance on Jerusalem but his plans were disrupted by troubling news from Europe during Richard's long absence from home his brother John had been plotting to take control of England this news deeply disturbed the Lionheart he now had to decide should he stay and fight for the Holy Land or return home and tried to secure his kingdom the king was paralyzed by indecision but his men were determined to strike out for Jerusalem and Richard eventually conceded having effectively lost control of his crusade and against his better judgment the Lionheart began a second advance [Music] Richard's indecision had given salad in time to regroup he was already positioned inside Jerusalem with his troops readying himself for the moment of decisive confrontation [Music] but with an attack on Jerusalem imminent the Sultan's remaining troops threaten mutiny many were fearful of being trapped in another disastrous siege like that as acre and long submerged tensions between Turks and Kurds in Saladin's forces began to bubble to the surface threatening to boil over into open conflict in this increasingly precarious position Saladin's closest advisors urged him to leave the holy city while he still could it was the Sultan's turn to agonize should he stay to mount a hopeless defense of Jerusalem or do the unthinkable and turn his back on this most sacred city Bahaa el-din was beside Saladin through a long and torturous night and he's left an extraordinary record of the Sultan's state of mind he wrote that Saladin felt a concern for Jerusalem that could move mountains and that it was a night entirely given over to the concerns of holy war by morning the Sultan had made a shocking decision he would abandon Jerusalem here in the axe' mosque on Friday the 3rd of July 1192 Bahaa el-din watched the sultan prostrate himself and say some words while his tears fell on his prayer rack richard was on the brink of victory once Saladin marched from Jerusalem the city would be open to attack the Lionheart was hours away from achieving a startling triumph but entirely unaware of Saladin's astonishing decision the king's own resolve was weakening richard was said to have looked upon Jerusalem with its near impregnable defenses and had a change of heart he called a meeting with the crusade leaders to discuss what should be done but according to eyewitnesses his mind was already made up and once again the attack was called off for the Crusaders this was an appalling reversal after the vast sums raised and spent the months campaigning away from his empire and the lives sacrificed in the name of Jerusalem Richard's retreat was utterly shocking if he had held his nerve the king could have defeated Saladin's stricken armies and conquered Jerusalem instead his crusade was torn apart without either side scoring a victory Richard the Lionheart the legendary Crusader Knight left the Holy Land without ever setting foot in Jerusalem when he returned his odds of in realm the kingdom was still histor rule and he spent the remainder of that decade campaigning against his European enemies until he was shot and killed by a crossbow bolt islam held on to its holy city but despite his undoubted military genius Saladin had been wholly unable to prevent the Christians from reconquering the coast the story of these two men has so often been simplified and manipulated cast as emblematic of the great struggle between east and west Christians and Muslims even today their images are manipulated and twisted by those who wish to appropriate them Richard the ultimate warrior the cruel lion-hearted King and Saladin the clement hero of islam avowed enemy of the west but their confrontation during the Third Crusade also revealed the complexity of their characters Saladin was not simply the pious defender of Islam he could also be ruthless and self-serving and Richard was not just the masterful warrior king but a wily and skillful negotiator the bloody war for possession of Jerusalem had raged for a hundred years in the century to come the final chapter of this epic struggle would be played out in Egypt as a saintly French King a fire with crusading zeal and the most remarkable Muslim of the Middle Ages fought for ultimate victory in the east [Music]
Channel: BBC Documentary
Views: 1,351,639
Rating: 4.6321526 out of 5
Keywords: bbc documentary, documentary bbc, bbc, crusades bbc documentary part 1, crusades bbc documentary, crusades - episode 1 - bbc documentary, crusades documentary, crusades history, crusades explained
Id: YNneQMNFdws
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 25sec (2905 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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