Victory and Defeat - Ep: 3 | Crusades | BBC Documentary

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at the end of the 11th century a papal call to arms inspired tens of thousands of Christian warriors to march across the face of the known world to reclaim the holy city of Jerusalem from its Islamic overlords these were the first Crusaders and they're seemingly miraculous victory ignited two centuries of religious war as legends like richard the lionheart and the mighty Muslim Sultan Saladin fought for Dominion of the Holy Land in the 13th century this titanic conflict reached a decisive and shocking conclusion but for all its drama this final chapter of the Crusades has been virtually forgotten [Music] in the end the faint of the Holy Land was decided not on the hallowed ground of Jerusalem but in Egypt and the ultimate outcome of the Crusades was dictated not by Christians but by the Mongol successes to Genghis Khan and by a Muslim slave a fearsome warrior whose story is now all but lost to Western history [Music] by the 13th century after more than a hundred years of holy war and thanks to Richard the Lionheart screw Sade western Christendom retained a fragile foothold in the east as yet Jerusalem remained in the hands of Islam but three Crusader states survived clinging to the coasts of the Holy Land these Christian outposts were ruled by bickering warlords with little or no interest in waging holy war weak ineffective leaders incapable of defending themselves from any hostile neighboring powers as factionalism and disunity crippled the secular powers of the Crusader States the defense of the Holy Land increasingly fell to others above all the military orders the members of these orders combined the ideals of knighthood and monasticism they were essentially Christian warrior monks the perfection of the crusading idea and they would come to play an ever more vital role in the very survival of the Crusader States [Music] after the success of the first crusade in the 11th century Christian Knights banded together to form the legendary military orders today the most famous of these are the Knights Templar but there were others including the hospital errs and the Teutonic Knights together they formed the elite standing army of the Crusader States and they built a series of imposing fortresses across the Holy Land [Music] for the Crusaders these castles addressed a critical weakness a lack of manpower ever since they had arrived in the Holy Land the Christians were short of men and structures like this acted as nails driven into the fabric of this world to hold the Crusader states together this stunning fortress at maan thought stood guard over northern Palestine protecting the port of acre the capital city of the Crusader East about a hundred miles north of Jerusalem [Music] it was here that the Holy Orders established their headquarters and in the heart of the city archaeological excavations have uncovered the remains of one of their magnificent command centers a demonstration of the Holy Orders extraordinary wealth which until recently lay almost completely buried underground this remarkable complex was built by the hospital as one of the greatest military orders it's extraordinary to think that until a few decades ago much of this compound remained buried under rubble and it's only been revealed now by tireless archaeological excavation the sheer scale and majesty of this place reveal the power and wealth of the hospitalist this is a monument to rival anything in the Middle Ages the hospitalist began as a charitable order devoted to caring for the poor and sick but soon like their Templar brethren they embraced the crusading ideal 800 years ago these chambers would have been a frenetic hive of military and logistical organization but this complex also stood at the heart of an international financial institution because these Christian Knights were not just engaged in the business of holy war the military orders received lavish donations from Europe's nobility and also became heavily involved in trade farming and manufacture by the end of the 12th century the Templars had developed such an elaborate and secure financial system that they virtually became the bankers of Europe and of the crusading movement in what was essentially the first use of a check it became possible to deposit monies in say Paris receive a credit note and then cash this in the Holy Land alongside the affluence of the military orders acre emerged as a bustling center of trade between Islam and Europe in fact we now know that the Crusader states were actually minting their own money so that even in the midst of holy war they could trade with they're supposed Muslim enemies the whole economy basically of the Crusader Kingdom was based on this imitation gold coin and the coins are Arabic coins with Arabic script and they are basically imitations made of the coins that were produced in Egypt except for these gold coins the Crusaders also minted these Western looking Danielle's this was this was the typical coin of the West and besides this when we also have I brought an example here of a coin which was minted here in Acre and which was probably a fraction of this one again so what you see basically on this table is more or less the monetary system of the Crusader Kingdom at that period and these coins are minted in the millions the moment the Crusaders set foot in the East they of course understood that they had to fit in economically to build a castle the quantities of money that were involved we're talking about two million millions of gold coins just in the building of a castle of a two-year period so the investments what you see around you Crusader r8 the buildings the stone the Masons the people involved it must have cost an enormous amount of money and it shows that societies were at war with each other but underneath trade went on and it only became bigger and bigger [Music] in the midst of this tide of trade and earthly transgression it seemed the Christians had forgotten their sacred struggle for Jerusalem at the same time the Islamic East had fragmented after Saladin's death his heirs the ire bids retained control of Egypt Palestine and Syria ruled in theory by a sultan in cairo this was really little more than a loose coalition of rivals given the vast fortunes to be made through trade by Christians and Muslims alike both sides now had a vested interest in maintaining the status quo back in Europe the crusading fire still burned but its force was often directed away from the Holy Land as the papacy launched campaigns against southern French heretics Baltic pagans and the Moors of Iberia for 50 years those few crusades that did reach the east fails to achieve any lasting conquests the crusading movement was now in crisis and the recapture of Jerusalem seemed like an impossible dream what was needed was the leadership of a great European monic another Richard the Lionheart who could spearhead a new campaign and galvanize support the only likely candidate was King Louis the 9th of France around 30 years of age tall pale skinned and slight of frame he was not quite the storybook crusade hero but Louie was born of a line of kings who had waged the holy war and his royal blood was infused with the crusading impulse [Music] Louie was a fanatically devoted Christian obsessed with the life of Jesus Christ in 1238 he obtained what was thought to be the actual crown of thorns worn by Jesus on the cross the young King spent a fortune building this magnificent chapel in the heart of Paris to house his sacred relic even in his youth the King was renowned for his intense spirituality but at the age of 30 a grave personal crisis stirred in him a profound commitment to the crusading cause in 1244 louie contracted a severe fever that brought him close to death in the grip of this dial miss hua declared his unswerving determination to lead a crusade not since richard the lionheart seventy years earlier had a major monarch launched a crusade on this scale with this degree of determination and devotion in the months that followed virtually all the great Nobles of northern France enlisted in the coming holy war one of the Crusades most important recruits was a young knight named John of shworvel a gifted writer who became one of Louie's closest confidants as a participant in the coming crusade John of Zambia came to know King Louie well and witnessed the holy war firsthand years later he wrote a vivid account of his experiences on campaign albeit one that portrayed Louie in a heroic almost saintly light the epidemic in the camp began to grow worse our men had so much dead flesh on their gums that the barbers had to remove it to enable them to chew food and swallow it was most pitiful to hear the moans of men from whom the dead flesh was being cut away for they mold just like women in the pains of childbirth [Music] Joan of Swan VLEs King and hero Louis the ninth set out to perfect the art of crusading warfare his campaign was driven by the same spiritual zeal that empowered the first Crusaders 150 years earlier yet was underpinned by the most meticulous planning this fortified town of egg Mort in southern France became the European base of operations for Louise crusade and it was here that much of the logistical preparations for the expedition took place to finance his campaign Louie amassed a huge war chest royal accounts show that in just two years he spent a staggering two million leave turn watt much of it in paying for his knights given that royal income was around two hundred and fifty thousand left and whopper annum this was a vast commitment Louie effectively mortgaged France to pay for his crusade [Music] in late August 12:48 hundreds of ships set sail carrying Lois troops to war a formidable Christian army determined to defeat Islam and recapture the holy city of Jerusalem as far as your eye could behold the whole seas seemed to be covered by the canvas of the ship's sails whose number large and small was given as 1800 vessels [Music] King Louie stood at the head of the most perfectly prepared Crusader army ever to depart Europe 25,000 well-equipped professional troops but unlike the great Crusades of the past their destination wasn't Palestine but Egypt at first glance the decision to launch a crusader invasion of Egypt rather than target Palestine or Jerusalem directly might seem questionable but Louie's actions actually made perfect strategic sense even if some desperate attempt to take the holy city succeeded Jerusalem could never be held because of its isolated position but by attacking Egypt the heart of Islam's economic and military strength Louis hoped to deliver a telling and deathly blow to his enemies power base from now on the war for the holy land would be waged here in Egypt Luise target was Cairo capital of the eye Abids the fragmented dynasty whose grip on the Muslim Middle East was faltering the French King reasoned that victory here in North Africa would undermined Islam's hold over the Near East assuring in a new age of strength and security for the Crusader States and opening the road to Jerusalem's recapture on the 5th of June 12:49 the Christian army arrived at the mouth of the River Nile where they found the armies of Islam waiting for them the full array of the Sultan's forces was drawn up along the shore it was a sight to enchant the eye for the Sultan's standards were all of gold and where the Sun caught them they shone resplendent this would be Luiz d-day a daring beach landing here at Damietta the king was gambling the fate of his entire expedition on this one moment failure would end the holy war even before it had begun as the first crusaders began to land fierce fighting broke out up and down the coastline the Muslims launched withering volleys of arrows and Spears on to the Christian landing craft and a desperate struggle for the beach commenced many boats couldn't get close enough to land and with the possibility of the attack collapsing urgent orders went out for the Crusaders to wade ashore when lui watching from his landing craft saw his royal standard the oralin planted into the sands of Egypt he lept overboard into chest high water once ashore with his blood up the King had to be physically restrained to stop him charging headlong into combat in the beach assault the Muslims were said to have lost some 500 men while the Crusaders suffered minimal casualties for the Christians the entire landing had been a startling almost miraculous success a beachhead had been established and many felt that they had been lifted to victory by the hand of God it was the most stunning opening for a of any crusade and overall victory now seemed all but assured [Applause] Luise army now marched south along the Nile some argued for an attack on the strategically vital port of Alexandria but the king decided to risk an advance on Cairo itself and have a huge gamble one that would strike at the beating heart of Ayub it power in the Middle East but to reach Cairo Louie would first have to defeat a mighty Muslim army that had now gathered here on the banks of the Nile at mansoura [Music] on the 21st of December 12:49 Louie's expedition reached the river Tanis a tributary of the Nile thousands of Muslim troops were camped on the opposite shore and beyond them stood the fortified town of mansoureh the water separating the Christians and Muslims was too deep and fast-flowing to cross but just as a stalemate seemed inevitable Louie made contact with an Egyptian traitor willing to betray his people an informant who led the Christians to a secret crossing of the Tanis further downstream on the 8th of February King Louie and a select band of his troops began to Ford the deep river the vanguard was led by his brother Robert of Artois alongside a party of Templar knights as dawn broke the impetuous Robert decided to launch an immediate assault directly contradicting Louie's explicit orders the Muslim camp was caught completely unawares and a mass indiscriminate slaughter began the muslim general al deen was set upon by a party of templars and cut down by two mighty sword blows as they rampaged through the Muslim camp it seemed the Crusaders would be victorious but in the heat of battle the King's brother made a catastrophic error of judgment urging his troops on to attack mansoureh itself once inside the town gates were closed behind the Crusaders and trapped within Robert and his men were butchered almost to a man amidst the chaos Louis tried to rally his remaining men back at the Tanis the Kings stubbornly refused to retreat and for two dreadful winter months his Crusaders endured near daily Muslim assaults sustaining crippling casualties the Christians were ravaged by disease and starvation even the king was struck down by illness when he finally did try to pull back marching north towards Damietta Louise bedraggled army was routed [Music] at nightfall on the 4th of April 1250 Muslim troops eagerly fell upon the fleeing Christians the Crusader Kings audacious gamble had failed Louis the ninth crusade had collapsed in confusion reluctant to abandon his men but debilitated by disease the king was persuaded to take flight Louis so stricken with dysentery that a-hole had to be cut in his breeches were spirited away by a group of loyal left tenants he was eventually forced to take refuge in a small village and their cowering half-dead in a squalid Hut the mighty king of France was taken captive his dream of conquering Egypt had ended in abject failure and personal humiliation [Music] this Cataclysm on the Nile stunned and bewildered Christian Europe never before had a Western King been taken captive during a crusade Louie was eventually freed after payment of a colossal ransom and returned home in shame if anything his piety deepened indeed he was later canonized as a saint yet for all his devotion the perfect Crusader King died without seeing Jerusalem reconquered [Music] Louise defeat in Egypt marked the end of the great Crusades in the Near East it also spelt disaster for the surviving Crusader states for what no one in the West yet realized was that it had been no ordinary Muslim army that shattered the French king's crusading dream [Music] one of the reasons for Louie's defeat at Mansoura was that he faced a deadly new adversary spearheading the Muslim assault against him were the elite Mamluks or slave soldiers taken captive on the Russian steppes as boys these Mamluks were sold to Islamic rulers indoctrinated in the Muslim faith and trained in the arts of war these fiercely loyal and highly professional warriors would come to play a decisive role in the final chapter of the Crusades [Music] above all these slave soldiers were consummate Horseman schooled in riding from boyhood they trained relentlessly using an early form of polo to hone their skills at first they had served Saladin's heirs but in the aftermath of Louie's defeat the Mamluks swept to power in Cairo slaves now became the masters of the Islamic world [Music] the advent of these mighty Mamluks transformed the war for the Holy Land but in the Crusades final chapter Islam's main enemy was not the Christians but another band of empire-building warriors nomadic tribes 'men from the vast plains of Asia who had united under the leadership of the legendary Genghis Khan they were the Mongols and it was their titanic clash with a man Luke's that would dictate the fate of the remaining Crusader States in the east the Mongols were a force unparalleled in the medieval world perhaps in all human history unrelenting seemingly unstoppable and utterly uncompromising their rise was mercurial in the space of just 50 years they exploded across the face of the earth by 1260 the vast Mongol Empire stretched from China to Europe from the Indian Ocean to the northern wastes of Siberia they had crushed all who stood in their way and now their eyes were fixed on the Holy Land it was Genghis Khan who put the Mongol Empire on the map by the 1250s rule had passed to his successors who led an invasion of Iraq there in 1258 they crushed Baghdad devastating the city putting 30,000 Muslims to the sword only the Mamluks in Egypt could now prevent a Mongol apocalypse engulfing the Islamic East in the early summer of 1260 invoice from the Mongol general Hulagu grandson to Genghis Khan arrived here in Cairo demanding the Mamluks surrender only those who beg our protection will be safe we will shatter your mosques reveal the weakness of your God and then we will kill your children and your old men together at present you are the only enemy against whom we have to march the mamluk sultan qutuz responded by ordering the mongol invoice immediate execution their bodies were cut in half and their heads hung from one of the city's gates with this defiant statement of intent the Mamluks went to war sweeping south through Syria the Mongols were now just 50 miles from Jerusalem for the Mamluks the fate of the Holy Land and the future of Islam itself was instinct and they decided to confront the Mongol horde head-on in Galilee here at Angel oohed I think even from the beginning it was it was a far far fetched venture the Mongols had a terrible reputation they had already taken most of Syria they had behind them of course the entire Mongol Empire they were virtually in defeated their conquests were accompanied by by destruction by death by by by massacres and they're the scourge of the of the civilized world now the mom looks were good soldiers too but they since the their victories against the Crusaders in the in against Louie in 1249 1250 they really hadn't any great victories so it was a bit of a gamble and basically acuto's was putting everything into one pot he was he was betting everything that he had on their own this venture if I was gambling in Acre or in Damascus or in Cairo or in Baghdad or anywhere else in the area I would probably put my money on the Mongols the Mamluk vanguard was led by a fearsome general named Baibars a blue-eyed caucasian slave warrior who had fought against the Crusaders at mansoureh a decade earlier contemporary accounts describe how the Mongols launched two devastating charges that shook the Mamluk army to the core but teetering on the brink of defeat kutas managed to rally his troops and mount a decisive counter-attack that shattered the Mongol lines and left their commander slain upon the was not the first time the Mongols have been defeated but it was the first time in a long time in this area they'd been defeated so the Mongols are thrown out of Syria and the Mamluks take over Syria up to the Euphrates River with the exception of course only coast where the Crusaders are still found Angelou was an astonishing triumph Islam although the Mongols continue to pose a terrifying threat their advance had been halted but there was a twist to the tale of this historic Mamluk victory in October 1260 on their victorious march back south to Cairo the Mamluk army stopped in a remote spot in the desert Cotto's wanted to indulge his passion for hare coursing he was joined by a small group of elite Mamluk commanders among them by bars the man who had led the Vanguard at angelou accounts suggests that Baibars asked the Sultan a favor and when could who's agreed he reached out to kiss the Sultan's hand at this moment Baibars gripped the Sultan's arms to stop him drawing a sword and another conspirator stabbed kutas in the neck the Sultan died beneath a furious torrent of blows [Music] before angel oohed cutters and by bars have been bitter enemies rivals who briefly put aside their differences to face the Mongols now with courtesies assassination by bars was free to seize the reins of power after more than a century and a half of war in the Holy Land it would be this remarkable man who would determine the outcome of the Crusades by bus story is all but forgotten in the West no images of him survived few recognize his name today and yet this is the true Islamic champion of the crusading age the man who turned back the savage Mongol horde who bent the Muslim world to his will and who brought an unparalleled ferocity to the jihad against krisily once he had seized power by bars most urgent concern was the legitimization of his own rule and the consolidation of Mamluk power in Egypt he dedicated the early years of his reign to reshaping the Muslim East forging a potent and authoritarian regime one of his most cunning political moves was to reestablish the Sunni Caliphate here in Cairo because the Caliph as a spiritual figurehead could offer him the legitimacy he desired once he had selected a suitable candidate Baibars publicly swore allegiance to his new puppet and then pledged to uphold and defend the faith to rule justly and to wage jihad against the enemies of Islam in return the Caliph appointed him as sultan of the entire Muslim East giving him free reign to forge an empire and to crush his enemies [Music] in early summer 1261 Baibars staged a spectacular procession through the streets of Cairo to proclaim his new power and authority dressed in his finery buy barsen the new caliph rode in procession through the heart of cairo Baibars was to be invested as the sultan the ruler of egypt and the muslim east his subjects would come to love and fear their new master by bars the blue-eyed former slave transfixed and terrified by the specter of another mongol invasion the muslim Near East willingly accepted by bars tyrannical rule and with unrivaled and absolute power in his hands he set about creating the perfect military state the Mamluks dedicated themselves to military training striving to achieve perfection as warriors they were taught to deliver precise sword strikes by repeating the same cut up to a thousand times a day by bars encouraged his troops to experiment with new weapons and techniques his army became the most highly trained and disciplined force of the Crusader era more than a match for Mongols and Christians alike by bars Mamluks were a force more numerous disciplined and ferocious than any yet encountered in the war for the Holy Land and one with no interest in reaching an accommodation with the Crusader States these enfeebled christian enclaves now encircled by the Sultan's mighty Middle Eastern Empire were horrendously vulnerable and exposed in the spring of 1265 Baibars marched out of Egypt he had actually mobilized his troops to counter an expected Mongol invasion of Syria but this never materialized ever the ruthlessly efficient commander with his army already in the field he turned his gaze on the Crusader States weak as they were the Christians could still turn to the elite Knights of the military orders and to the formidable fortresses that had preserved and protected their fragile foothold in the Holy Land for nearly two centuries [Music] of social like several other fortresses throughout the Levant is a masterpiece it is the last word in military architecture there the complexity the quality of the building here the quality of the garrison inside it's just a remarkable piece of work [Music] capturing the castle at our tzuf would be a fearsome challenge for any army yet when Baibars arrived here in march and deployed the full force of his Mamluk military machine he quickly proved his mastery of siege warfare down to the finest detail Pyrus was an incredibly well-organized Sultan his logistics are a masterpiece when we go back to the archeological finds here you can see it you can see how careful he was about the planning so if you look at all the walls around you you look at the foundations of the castle you look at the towers it is built out of local stone it's a very porous type of beech stone you look at the catapult stones this is not from here the catapult stones are made out of a very very dense hard lime that comes from the foothills of the Sumerian the hills so when he was planning out this sage he says I cannot boom bard the castle with the same stones that the castles are built here because it's not gonna be any impact so he's got some day 15 kilometers away from here chipping those stones away that is a lot of work I mean it will take at least I would say week maybe ten days just to get your ammunition ready bye-bye knew he had time there was no help that was going to come from outside [Music] and because they did not have help coming from anywhere they were fighting a lost battle [Music] after three days of fierce fighting Baibars took control of Asif those Christians who survived were taken into slavery and then forced to demolish their own castle Viper's was on his way to fight the Mongols on the Ephrata so he was not planning to besiege anybody or or destroy Korea and I'll sue but you know he's got the army here he's already paid for the them to arrive from Cairo to the coast why not utilize him and he done it by bars policy of devastation meant that the Crusader states now faced total annihilation but the Sultan was not just a brutal military genius he was also a frightening ly efficient bureaucrat who imposed his will across the Islamic world [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is a town called lot in the Middle Ages it lay on a key route through Palestine and it still holds one of the great treasures of the crusading era albeit a little hard to find [Music] far from the usual Trail of Awesome Crusader castles and mighty cities it's nevertheless a potent reminder of Baibars unique achievements an unloved medieval treasure this is Baibars bridge still standing almost 700 years after it was built and incredibly it still got traffic running over the top of it we know it was constructed under Baibars rule because it bares his famous lion emblem and symbols like this appeared on scores of bridges constructed across the Near East under his reign it may not look that impressive but this unassuming bridge was just as important to Baibars military strength and power as any of the Magnificent weapons he could bring to bear in war before by bars no one had been able to rule the Near East from Egypt because they were unable to communicate with the far reaches of their realm by bars understood this truth and that's why he threw huge amounts of money at infrastructure building bridges like this and roads and with that communication system in place he was able to create what was known as his buried this was effectively a postal service a system of elite riders and messengers who would go in relay from point to point bringing messages to the Sultan himself forlorn forgotten as it might look this bridge was actually a key element in the success of Baibars Mamluk State when the age of the Crusades began 200 years earlier the Islamic world was in disarray divided and disunited the first crusade and most of the holy wars that followed had been waged against an enemy paralyzed by infighting [Music] but vipers tyrannical rule United the Muslim world as never before finally bringing Islam the power to prevail in the war for the holy land spelling disaster for the few remaining Crusader states in may 1268 three years after defeating the Christians at our tzuf the Mamluk army arrived at antioch a city of special significance to the crusades two centuries earlier this mighty metropolis had been the Christians first major conquest in the Holy Land now it would mark the beginning of the end the first Crusaders had taken eight months to break into Antioch but when sultan baybars turned the full force of his Mamluk military machine against this city it fell within a single day as his troops poured through a breach in the defenses Baibars ordered that the city gates be barred so that no one could escape he then had tens of thousands of men women and children butchered the last days of the Crusader States had begun the inexorable obliteration of the Crusader States continued after Baibars death in 1277 the Sultan's successors conquered Tripoli in 1289 and finally seized acre itself in 1291 after almost two hundred years the war for the Holy Land ended in a definitive victory for Islam dark brutal and savage as they often were the Crusades nonetheless left no permanent mark upon Islam or the West in truth the war for the holy land had been all but forgotten by the end of the Middle Ages so why do these distant wars still seem to exert a profound influence over our modern world [Music] in the 19th century Europe's fascination with the Crusades was reawakened these medieval wars were now recast as glorious triumphs that seemed to affirm the capacity of great powers like England and France to forge empires to colonize the supposedly barbaric Near East the desire to reconnect with the medieval past found its ultimate expression here at Versailles King Louis Philippe of France dedicated five rooms the Salle de Quesada to these monumental highly romanticized paintings of the Crusades here is crusading history reshaped in art the first Crusaders capturing sacred Jerusalem richard the lionheart crashing the muslims at Arsuf and even King Louis of France the saintly monarch brought to his knees in Egypt now portrayed as an all-conquering hero this triumphalist propaganda eventually found its echo in Islam not least in the promotion of Saladin as a Muslim hero second only to Muhammad himself and the misappropriation of the past continues to this day five days after the terrorist attacks of 9/11 the american president george w bush referred to the ensuing war on terror as a crusade many commentators were horrified while Islamist extremists including a sama bin Laden seized upon the president's statement as proof that the West was still waging a holy war in the Middle East the idea of a direct and unbroken line of conflict linking the medieval and the modern eras has helped to give rise to an almost fatalistic belief that a clash between Islam and the West is inevitable yet careful study of the complex encounter between Muslims and Christians in the age of the Crusades reveals that the uneasy mix of peaceful contact and simmering conflict was not so dissimilar to relations between rival powers anywhere in the Middle Ages the Crusades do have things to tell us about our own world but most of these lessons are common to all eras of human history how hatred of an alien enemy can be harnessed how trade can transcend the barriers of conflict and how faith can inspire extraordinary deeds and horrific violence the notion that the struggle for the Holy Land has a direct bearing on the modern world is misguided we must examine and seek to understand these medieval wars so that we can counter the distortion of our own collective history but above all else we must place the Crusades where they belong in the past [Music]
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Views: 841,132
Rating: 4.7147059 out of 5
Keywords: bbc documentary, documentary bbc, bbc, crusades documentary, crusades history, crusades explained, crusades movie, crusades bbc documentary, crusades bbc documentary part 1, crusades - episode 1 - bbc documentary
Id: D6sH2bXJ7hk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 57sec (2877 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 18 2018
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