Clark Gable & the Men of the 351st BG and 303rd BG

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it's okay that early April morning at an air base in Colorado 40 flying fortresses lined the apron four thousand men March out for a final inspection they've trained long and hard with these ships the 400 men who fly them and the 3600 who work to keep them fly now the 351st bombardment group is ready by the dawn's early light it assembles for overseas combat you're on your way Joe this is it with his staff Colonel William a hatchery Jr looks over his four squadrons you feel the old man is proud of you he finds no fault with you today nor are you with him you'd fly his wing to helendorf Sergeant Phillip J Hall's top turret Gunner from Springfield Missouri he feels that way so does his pal Kinney Sergeant Kenneth L Hall's ball service Gunner from Perkins Oklahoma related no they think they might have been several Generations ago back in Germany but now just two guys with the same Uncle Sam meet their pilot Lieutenant Theodore arjaropoulos of Redding California Arthur's brother is in the Air corps too their dad was born in Greece yes the Greeks have a word for it fight their Bombardier Lieutenant Daniel F Stevens of Chicago he can bet a thousand of the Norton bomb site Sergeant Paul J pasty Paul Terry Cutter his dad came from Italy Paul was formerly a pastry cook he's got one brother in the Navy another a marine missing in action here's Sergeant Tim touch it tail cutter for Mariana Lake New Mexico on the reservation they named him our key that means boy in Navajo Uncle Sam's boy too a few last minute instructions and we're off the compass points Northeast take another look down there that's your part of the earth out of that desert those mountains those fields has grown the American way of life what you're fighting for you remember the Colonel's quiet words men the enemy has asked for it let him have it seek No Quarter nor give any Beyond Reason be firm be just godspeed you all eight and a half hours out of Newfoundland and other Sunrise it's rising out of the red of battle this sun but 40 more b-17s three minutes apart have roared across the Atlantic night the Irish Coast looks up to say top of the morning and a lake in the Ulster Highlands gives the Navigator a checkpoint off the Scottish Coast dernia Craig is a signal for right Rudder South across the English Midlands Pilots are impatient with lack of sleep head upward pour on the cold let's get there beautiful [Music] yes it must have been a lot different when the wings carried Suave speakers instead of these big white stars don't worry folks we're dropping nothing today just our hats in the ring hello Missy we've brought something for you and brother chewing gum and chocolate bars and there's a crate of oranges in the ball turret ah there Grandpa we'll be seeing you for at last event and there's the base 400 Acres of dispersal areas foreign [Music] the 350 first becomes part of the Eighth Air Force we've reached the Battlefront the combat Crews move into English Barracks they give them those simple quiet names for which Americans are famous [Music] two weeks later the ground Crews arrived higher Gus great Boat Trip off only seven days and without any escort too these submarines or a hundred of them huh well I guess you ought to know because they tell me he was hanging over the rail all the way next day big doings class a uniform showing those buttons his Royal harness the Duke of Gloucester brother to the king of England drops in and is greeted by the old man what's that sergeant major says the RAF is handing over the field to us [Music] on behalf of the air Ministry I hand over this care Zone to keep the building of the shipment for your safe keeping great pleasure to accept the station on behalf of the United Army Air Force [Music] okay RAF if we can figure boots [Music] another surprise visitor General Arnold himself doing a world inspection fight he tells you you've got a tough assignment this is one head man who knows and doesn't kill you we have the privilege to meet General lager Commanding General Pete there for us yeah I'm glad to see you how are you coming to this camera training film New York well I was learning to tell you that sir but we're turning a camera on everything and everybody well I know what general Arnold had in mind and having you make this gun or a picture Captain Gable our Gunners are already the best in the business but if they were only 10 better it had cost the Germans another 100 Fighters a month so far away Gunners plenty more practice before that first mission sleeve is a fork wolf attractive if you don't he might get you and you might have to bail out over the channel perhaps but if you do a Spitfire of the RC rescue service is bound to spot you stubborn Tough Gang this outfit they'll go after you Anytime Anyplace they picked up men three miles off the French Coast with high knee defense batteries screaming no you don't their answer is always sorry old boy we will [Music] you work on your identification of aircraft over here it's with The Real McCoy such as this captured ju-88 there it is everything up forward punched under the nose but the Canadian pilot says it's a sweet flying ship yes sir a dangerous all-purpose aircraft or the heiko 111k [Music] there is a bad ombre but he makes good airplane gentlemen these will be a happy sight in days to come your fighter escort that big barrel nose job circled in white your own American P-47 the Thunderbolt side by side with the graceful spit these are what you don't shoot in foreign daily lectures on security given by Major Scott your scotch-born intelligence officer let's stop kidding ourselves this flying field is only 20 minutes from the Battlefront the dumbest pies have all been shot the Smart Ones are still living and you'll be run into one of them tonight at the Red Lion Pub and if you go to the pub remember one pound is not one dollar but four dollars and that equals equals 20 Shillings one chili equals 12 pennies which equals 20 cents one English Penny equals two American pennies and don't throw your panties around uh major seems to me these paper in this town is not very durable what do you mean durable after this one for 20 years [Music] thank you [Applause] what is it one of those bitter lessons you learn in training buying close formation in rough Air at low altitude is no good gentlemen save that for high altitude when you're headed to the Target next morning we crawl out of the sack to find britishers on the field again big Halifax bombers that have blasted Berlin during the night their own field was closed in by weather so they dropped in on us for breakfast say at Percy how's the attack over there rough well not as bad yet well cityol Lads thanks to the m h it's a long Percy old boy we'll be finding out for ourselves one of these days [Music] that day arrives the order comes over the teletime the communications clerk carries it to Colonel Milton operations officer to Colonel Burns Deputy Commander the old man is on the phone then in the briefing room and summarizing whatever you read it to this Dr flight for your full Northeast to avoid this black area P-47 or as fortunate about this point on the way in and spit nines we'll meet you about here on the way out as courts you all the way to home and now the weather officer weather's plenty important you'll probably have to go over and above the altitude that your schedule and Supply 23 000 feet from the IP to the Target the winds will be very strong Tailwinds and your ground speed should be well about 250 260 miles an hour the visibility is good everywhere east of that cold front and the temperature at the Target should be comparatively warm minus 25 degrees Centigrade today is your baptism of Fire Canada geropolis today is your baptism of fire if Lieutenant our geropolis ever felt responsibility he feels it now in the Armament shop his crew is picking up their guns now remember fellas don't let him get too close trying for a short kill the main job is to bring these airplanes back got plenty of ammunition keep them out there at long range all we know they've given you an easy hop only three and a half hours in and out what they call a milk brother but you'll remember this first mission you don't admit it now you wouldn't show it for the world but later you find out everybody else felt the same way you did nice order from Wing headquarters Wayne wants three more ships added to the High group three more bombays have to be loaded got to step on it positions in the formation change [Music] thank you [Music] this doesn't concern sergeants Kenny and Phil hose Gunners think only a smooth working guns and plenty of ammunition ammunition is cheap with six cents worth of 50 caliber weighing into the cockpit of a measurement that's what will bring you home what did that weatherman say 30 below over the target electrically heated suits the air cord dresses for every occasion yes everything has to be right brother check everything every strap tight every Buckle set everything understood you get into your Flex Zone Mighty heavy material but it wears well the man says the thermos of hot coffee The Joker who brings it says it'll help keep you awake hard straps on his throat mic over this intercom system he'll be able to talk to every man in the ship they can talk to him they'll be talking for Keeps today well that clear from the tower ought to be long any minute now [Music] all right there it is start engines turtle's already been on missions with seasoned outfits today he leads you on your first [Music] second player start Taxi [Music] punch Wing to Wing at the start of the runway easy now slow you cut somebody's tail off rev her up and ride those brakes hard red Roger you keep your eye on the tower [Music] take off the old man leans full on his truck and 15 second intervals you follow [Music] [Music] [Music] you're on your way [Music] the rest of the outfit sits down to wait go ahead Mike your deal come on I cut oh okay what time are they due back do you know Scotty said around 5 20. gosh I sure hope they all hey how many you're dealing I'm in oh sorry we know Mike everybody's sweating them out you mean what's coming over those trees major no that's not them just a flock of crows that was a truck driver on Canal Street but I never felt like this before all right the ambulances I gotta be casual you know carefree and easy like the dog the listen Wise Guys talk to us the ground crew for each ship we'll tell you how to feel okay here they are three four five six seven eight nine ten thirteen fourteen that's the stuff 17 18 19 20. here's the old man and Jenny Joseph you can uncross those fingers now six two seven that's Joe fishels to hot Joe and you're a hot pilot here's kanglin 742 chalk him up here's old zip at 879 it's got number four prop feather two here's 953 with number two out and look Jim couldn't get his Bombay doors closed either thank you [Music] oh the old okay sign huh Sergeant must have laid him right on the nose yeah oh he said he saw him land right on the MPI responding Steve that's for me Pete provenzali your Navigator okay Leo shock up number one nice driving Captain Arch you sure know your evasive action uh oh Harry caught something 20 millimeter right across His Radio orange looks at a hole in the horizontal stabilizer nothing at all I have to eat come on let's throw these guns and get to interrogation you're feeling pretty cocky nobody blames you it's great to get that first one over with but this one was pretty easy remember you got a lot more to go longer ones tougher ones take it easy boys take it easy back from the raid comes major Lewis Nowak group surgeon doc flew this first mission to study the physical reactions of men in combat he didn't have to go but that's the kind of a duck he is and today on the walls of the officer's mess Begins the chronological record of the group's success [Music] Trey German fighter base in Belgium and he doesn't live there anymore in the meantime we find Kenny and Phil cleaning their guns in front of the Armament shop hello Kevin hello fellas well how was it you know cats I don't think those Germans like us are you ready to go again sure gotta get this thing over did you learn anything you didn't know before planning at homemade host the Jerry's made most their attacks on the tail today most of them are on the nose yeah most of the time I had my third point at 12 o'clock the most part a thousand rounds I saw all these guns Ken okay yes check those guns if you had plenty more use for them the next two weeks emden heal pelham's office Satan is there Raymond and every swastika stands for a hun pilot that asked for it and got it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] came days when enemy targets were hidden by weather so the more energetic have you found relaxation in peaceful combat well the more studious men discuss tactical chart groups like Kenny and Phil went into the nearby villages to visit the quaint old Cathedral churches and shops in the English Countryside surrounding us or on days when they were confined near the base the old Cathedrals and shops would come out to see them this little shop wants to go home meanwhile back of the kitchen we find a very unhappy and angry man [Music] Ila hello [Music] turned on it I thought so too sure but I've been grounded oh you're fast broke up on you huh yes sir they found out a chef at the Brown Derby in Hollywood and now they have me in the mess making the cake tonight for the office's party nothing you can do about getting back into combat I don't think so captain well Sergeant remember this there are two kinds of cake Waterman's good and the other one I'll be seeing the gals or potties you're still fighting a war and you're getting mighty good at it nobody knows it better than a sucker who started it little a dog you know what you said uh two kinds of cake [Music] so possibly's back in the air with you you're blowing factories and power plants a thousand feet in the air [Music] okay how about you Winchester foreign what's that Black came in the side of the radio room and hit the Box on my parachute it's on the floor well who wrote this point uh bill uh what time was that it was about 1600 hours 1600 hours where'd it happen you know it's right here just East the bus Easter bottom that's right we'll confirmed that oh I saw it I confirmed it after he fired it uh came down and passed underneath her left wing and exploded right underneath nobody just bailed out and when you hand out punishment like this you've got to take some too the day you got back from overflow to play just outside of Paris was plenty rubbing signal flares that means wounded abort what's tough about it was you had to bring your bombs back when you reach the target you found it closed over by weather that's an order when you're flying over France no indiscriminate bombing to German installations [Music] Colonel Nelson who led the raid is a tired sick guy this day and nobody blames it he had to fight his ways three hours in three hours out under constant attack by over 200 messerschmitts and Fork wolves he lost men he lost ships couldn't strike his globe that's rough here's Peter provenzali remember him art is Navigator today he got a 20 millimeter through the leg thank you control cable shot him too some wounded Gunner wouldn't quit he'd tied them together who's in there both waste Cutters huh the docs are working on them now one's pretty bad thank you [Music] easy now you guys it's Bob Wallace co-pilot I slammed one through the cockpit or in the Wally below his knee bulletproof glass well Sergeant guess you live right here's the bombardiers with their first aid kits and plenty of work today crawling back through the bomb days trying to keep a steady hand in the rough going foreign many of your pals left you that day [Music] [Music] oh every day bring it up you guys there's another loading but if you happen to catch one in the wrong place they've got a pretty nice repair shop ever see a sergeant flip a tulip in a Lieutenant's face well you just did [Music] while the gang at the base carries on you can take it easy for a while [Music] all right are they fighting Sarge nice fat pie this one's been stretched a little we drop in on Lieutenant Bob Wallace to see how he's doing how are you feeling hey I'll be out of here in a couple of weeks oh Mr O'Neill it's Captain Gables how do you do Kevin Gates well I never got a chance to ask you uh tell me just what happened when you got here well we'd left the target we were on our way home we got to the post and we had our guns sewed away a couple left dog gets snuck up on us and gave us a good burst oh I see you had your guns towed away here that's right a little early wasn't it it certainly was it's not a very good idea to relax over here until you get back to your own base is that right that's right well go ahead then then what happened well we uh after I got hit I climbed down out of the files compartment and uh got the top turret going to help me down in the bomb V he gave me some first aid and put the tour cut on my leg took a good good job of it well that's fine I guess you think it's a good idea for these combat Crews to have first aid training in is that right I sure do yeah so Wally what do you think of the b-17s your uh instruments your guns and all the rest equipment they're giving you to fight this war with the best foot in the world that's good say I hear you got your purple heart too yeah spiral candle was in the other day and gave it to me I was more nervous when those FWS were diving well outside of that are they treating you all right around here did you hear that Miss O'Neal while he's doing okay back at the base they repair your ships too busiest lakes in the outfit belong to Major Ace Aiken the S4 his airplane's got to fly in the mornings don't be ready so a major I don't know if they're well let's handle Paramore let's get the fans turning keep the fans turning slogan of the ground crew they work hard these boys they work 90 hours straight without sleep your ship is there baby and she's got to fly and if you need to repair a few thoughts Sunday's always a nice day for it if there's no raid scheduled [Music] this church was built 900 years ago over at the hospital father O'Connor celebrates the mass [Music] the boys receive Holy Communion here's Pete provenzali he's leaving the hospital tomorrow [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] it's not so much a thrill for you the big chicken will hand the folks back home the Silver Star the distinguished flying cross and soldier's metal dad and mom that certain day still cut out the clippings and drive the neighbor's nuts Bombardier Stevens the DFC because he's been batting a thousand over Germany and won the pilot Peters he had to ditch in the channel these coolers and courage saved his crew Hill Hall gets two clusters on his air medal or straight shooting the DFC to Tim touching a golf wolf and a mountain lion no difference he says the control wires were shutting too so the DFC to Sergeant Del Connie who tied them together his hands punctured with black a silver star finds itself next to probe and Sally's Purple Heart he refused first aid till the Jerry Fighters quit and stuck to his gun Dave the group led the wing over schweinford Colonel Hatcher was air Commander to him the Silver Star and the DFC to Kenny Halls Colonel Groves is smiling because Kenneth was having a coat in the PX with his name was called are you forgetting your five to firm Kerry sergeant we're not and they don't forget you when you're a little battle where you need a rest at a very gay Seaside Community a world famous resort hotel has been converted for your pleasure by the Red Cross a great place here sleep eat or what have you hey [Music] not on your life Clark none of that here oh but look are just a few shots oh we're here for a rest right you guys all right all right then how's this I'll follow him around with a silent camera for one day they won't have to say a word good deal good deal an English Surrey with a fringe on top ice cream carry you to the old swimming hole thank you [Music] foreign slide in [Music] now let's see what the boys back at the base are doing well they're getting a few laughs too we let the man who's handing them out tell you about it hello everybody this is Bob somewhere in good old Jolly hope laying a few eggs for the boys that really know how to lay him yes sir this is one of the happier cow pastors that we worked in over there in England and look who's dancing you know I used to dance from Fred Astaire we couldn't get girls and right here you see Jack pepper she was here through the courtesy of his draft board His picture's a little dark I understand but after we were there a couple weeks we got a little braver and we started to work with the lights on this is really a great great crowd out there tonight and I understand Rhett Butler Is On The Fringe of the crowd they tell me that they stopped him from flying in those b-17s they claimed his ears held a plane back nice little scene shows pepper trying to get his expense money look at that Mom you should heard him cheer when Francis Langford walked out and when Tony Romano played the guitar yes sir you'll never know how this bunch of boys picked up our morale [Music] again the weather breaks over the continent and the handwriting on the wall spreads your story you're into the third panel now you've been out eight days in a row and done a doubleheader over France on the ninth this man's air force is piling it on combat Wings have been added two air divisions fought so you're not very surprised what Jenna Laker comes that day nothing big is nothing The Briefing room the old man and his staff they call in the Squadron commanders even the fight commanders what did he tell them your four Squadron CEOs they know but don't don't just do another with excitement it's something big all right because the bomb dumps have been getting plenty of heavy stuff lately and a loading order came through this afternoon stand by more than that Wing racks we're really going to pile it on [Music] that knife as always when you know a real Dilly is coming up you're a little Restless out in the dispersals you hear them winding up those engines [Music] that's all right ground crew make them sing make them sing good [Music] all right you side breakfast at three breathing at four okay man for Security's sake anyone know what the target is for today Saint is there Russell Harris [Music] for this group we've got a A plus part over here we've got together today okay gentlemen stations are at 505 start engines 605 taxi at 6 15. take all 6 30. got it that's all okay man let's go get this turned and we'll take the Jab [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign oxygen check engine station [Music] at the designated splicer Point still over friendly territory Rendezvous and other groups your combat Wing Banks into position Wing after Wing as far as the eye can believe they attack the wall it heads for its assigned targets 500 miles away up until this moment your fighter escort is still on the ground guarding his limited fuel capacity now play control gives a signal to the Thunderbolts they climb upstairs to overtake you [Music] minus three o'clock low watch it that should be our escort your rights are 47s [Music] it's already hard why don't you lean out that's right you guys laugh at all right now a bombshell goes better than two fingers of rye around three hours out arge looks at his watch he knows it's time for the fighter escort to turn back all over the ship you watch them leave you're really on the ball now because you know that enemy Fighters will appear any minute they know exactly where you are they've been watching the stratosphere condense off your wingtips giving you away in Long Trails of magnificent treachery okay here they are nine o'clock high and High same thing at three o'clock yes at least those Paper Trails work both ways Arch watches the enemy formations as they parallel your course seems obvious they're staying out of rain going out ahead to turn in for a frontal attack High all turrets swing about to help guard the rear tough tourists hunt the sky above in all directions some more out there keep your eyes peeled how the enemy pours in at you from every point on the dial [Music] [Music] get that one at three O'Clock High [Music] [Music] [Music] smoking on number four is going out and now check the church you guys one shot out of the tail two out of the waist Roger fighter six o'clock [Music] for what whoa [Music] [Music] the 190s hi they're putting out one of them on the button bailout he's not walking away from it [Music] this enemy [Music] another 17 hit and again you have to close the captain of formation [Music] and again and again they come 12 o'clock high four o'clock level out of the Sun and up from the ground [Music] [Music] is coming through five o'clock [Music] Crossing another flag area it's heavier this time so black and thick you can almost hear it and it's more effective [Music] for the number four cover my account everybody [Music] [Music] to left waist there's another one working shortly over can you help him no can do sir a lot of rain beginning of smoke screens announces the approach to the Target area enemy's been caught off guard he's trying to cover up too late in desperation through his own Flack the final hunt fighter makes a pass at the low Squadron but still blank I think [Music] there it is the flare out of the lead ship the signal for the bomb run this is your attack or HD we're on the IP she's yours I got her body do is open [Music] [Music] make a good run now Steve I'm on it yes Make It Count bombardiers they build these ships around you bombs away [Music] all right [Music] group picks out his MPI in the dark area let's go with the heavy stuff in the big incendiaries the High group heads for the industrial section and hands out the same medicine [Music] the low group turns to the adjacent air drone it blasts the field the hangers and repair shops with hundreds of deadly anti-personnel bombs [Music] a nice pattern Bombardier good deal you can't hear what's going on down there five miles below you but marshalling yards and chemical tanks ships and warehouses spare engines and ball bearing factories are disintegrating in molten chaos foreign [Music] you said Americans were soft and decadent well here's a red white and blue headache that'll help you change your mind [Music] the Palm Bay doors closed you take a last look at the Target engine smoke from a spring debris Rises sixteen thousand feet into the air or flat he ain't still good down there [Music] thank you how about this trip home is it going to be rough [Music] Pilots yet looks like we're lucky this trip enemy Fighters High coming level to three is Eight O'Clock High you don't want it 110 one o'clock high I got him I'll play it in bailing out either another 110 at 10 o'clock is yours Kim there he goes my pigeon novel commanders throw their products into formation with suicide order okay formation is tighter than ever you're not sparing ammunition you're knocking them down like balance one more [Music] and another [Music] he's through [Music] another who in a row for the boys up forward [Music] that's mine you see him Kent George oh I'll confirm him all right 110. follow up [Music] here sweetheart [Music] your shadow on the undercast the Pilot's rainbow Nations end but not the end of the battle fighting men from Maine to California still have a long tough rainbow to travel they're looking the enemy right between his eyes they're fighting in the American way their American way of life enemy of America look at these men they're not going to lose brother [Music]
Channel: ThatoneWW2lover
Views: 14,092
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 67CLse6R4nM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 41sec (3641 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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