Clarence Seedorf | Full Address and Q&A | Oxford Union

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[Music] [Music] I saw you admiring your own work there not this guy incredible truly incredible um anyway I'll I'll leave the thought to you wow that's fast um yeah I was still in my in my emotions here um it's a pleasure to be here it's an honor to be here it's um uh an inspiration as I said before to uh join young people uh Young Minds new Spirits new ideas Future Leaders and um exchange thoughts and uh you know also get a bit bit of uh your energy for uh for my own own mission in life so um I I'm not I'm not uh yet um ready to go deeper into anything because I think that the interaction between ourselves is much better to get into you know the the evening um so I'm I'm open for for questions uh of course we've enjoyed my uh my career a bit uh which is always fun um but I can anticipate that I won't be uh responding uh too much on on football questions because I think we have more important matters to handle and to discuss tonight um also because a lot of things you can find on internet a lot of those answers you can find on internet so let's not waste time on that I think it's h it's precious to be together um I hope you hear me in the back by the way yes good enough by my voice is always very chill so if it's if it's too chill then just shout okay um uh so yeah I'm I'm I'm here and I'm um more than happy to uh to start uh our exchange great thank you uh well I'm going to start off with a few questions and then we'll throw it open to the audience to continue and I mean that's incredible you've inspired so many millions of people worldwide so I wanted to start off by asking you who your biggest Inspirations in life have been not just in football but but in life in general can I ask just one question maybe this is not um your tradition but I would like to see the people so can we stand yeah in front of the table should we we can we can sit on the end of the table I would like that yes uh so you can ask question again so I wanted to ask who your greatest Inspirations have been both in football and in life more generally yeah I've uh let's say I've been very lucky to have um both my parents still alive and um they've been together during my whole uh uh let's say um uh Youth and uh they've played of course a major role in in my my development as as a person in my younger years uh so for sure knowing that many don't have that opportunity uh for one or another reason I I I really uh uh you know U give great value to that uh so my father for sure has been my my first and and greatest um uh Idol I would say and and inspiration uh then I started understanding life a little bit better um there were some events when I was really young in Africa about the young kids that actually were dying from hunger and and in Ethiopia and I was seven or 10 years around the time and actually that was the moment that I understood what my life mission was so I said I'm I'm very fortunate and lucky I understood I wanted to give back I wanted to give back to the younger people I want to give back to uh and and help create a better world because for me that was just not acceptable um of course you grow and I I was thinking about building this huge house in Europe and bring all these kids to Europe thought of a 10-year-old later I um understood that was a bit difficult so um I had to do it to other um routes and and um uh then then the story of Nelson Mandela came about and um he has been the greatest uh inspiration uh in my life um besides uh my parents as I said U his story as and the story of all those uh with him have um given me the strength and conviction and uh you know the will to uh to really consider that as my life mission to you know add uh for a better world and and to to to make a contribution for a better world um I was um honored to receive um request from Elsa Mandela to become one of the five Legacy champions of his foundation to spread his message and to continue spreading his message around with Bill Clinton and and Mr Rockefeller um with other two African uh uh people which was a huge honor um and also great responsibility but it was more than a responsibility like a certificate from okay now now you can go and and and do your thing um using my position using football um to um to spread the message of peace to spread the message of Education the importance of you know diversity and and so on and so on so that he was he was and is the man do you see that is your primary role now it's not as a former footballer or as a as a former manager it's it's to go and spread the legacy of someone like Nelson Mandela well no it's it's it's it's how we use what we do to spread the message constantly um it's not that I'm I'm I'm my coaching career has started has been interrupted for a while but soon will'll uh we'll start again um and it's how do you do and I and I you just read it what I I wrote in in in in the book and and it's about when you wake up uh why do you wake up what do you do that day what what is the reason of my existence and um when I ask uh the question before how many of you know what you want to do later when you're in 10 years or so can you raise your hand how how many of you know what you want to do who you want to become what you want to become I know who knows so and who is not so sure okay well this this is exactly and which is not a good or a bad thing this is just reality this is what I see a lot around the world um and it's completely normal and we should just go with the journey uh as I said I've I've been fortunate uh to to know clearly what I want and and how I want to achieve things and um I've been giving talent to to play football I've developed my talent I um and I've used already um you know my position as a player to to make the difference where I could um as a coach I want to do the same I think that if we have we just spoke with Adel tab by phone and and he is a huge Idol for many Moroccan um uh people and um can you imagine if if he can become uh that player that he he has in himself um what he could mean for the Hall of Moroccan for the kids the inspiration that that is why I was inspired to make sure that Adel be you know uh could become u a better player and a better person um he doesn't know it he's not conscious of of of that but it was my inspiration to make sure that he became more conscious more aware of what he his role is you know towards um the youth especially Morocco so this is is how do we use our position to make a difference um it's not just about selling uh any product or or just making money that at the end is not the drive has never been my drive to have a new contract and earn millions and then every day I would think okay another million today or another 100,000 today no it's it's not what gets me going and uh for sure it's not going to be hopefully what's going to get you guys going so there are many families that are depending on you know um on their bosses and and how do you treat the people so all these elements that I deal with daily um and and that's that's that's my drive that's my drive and Adele was saying on the phone how he he looks up to you as a real leader and I was wondering who's the greatest leader that you've seen in football in football in what sense technical real social leader because also that you know sometimes we see people being kep them but they don't have social skills um sometimes they're just technical leaders leaders uh it it depends what you want to know I've I've played with many great players I've been fortunate enough to play in great clubs and with great teams and of course great personalities and um more than than having seen um great individual leaders I've seen uh great human beings uh who who understood what it meant to be playing for a team and and uh who are capable of putting aside their own ego and because you can imagine that in Real Madrid and as Milan of ax F played all have an own agenda rightfully so but to be able to win you need to put aside your own agenda there's no discussion about that because there will be moments where you can fight for your own agenda which is the moment you're going to discuss your contract that's when you get try to get the best for yourself but once that done it's all about the team and uh just to give an example of Paulo Maldini who everybody of course um would would know has played 25 years in AC Milan and uh the relationship that we have today is even better than when we were playing together um we meet up we go to dinner we have dinner we we play tennis together we we speak about our our our kids and and and and these things didn't happen really during our career because most of the times we lose ourselves a lot also in in in that objective of winning uh which is also beautiful because it means that the importance we give to our goal as the common goal is so big that that even the we become brothers we become family almost uh three quarter of the Year we're together with more together uh with the team than with our own families and and and that's why I say that it's um so important to to have that focus on the group that's has the been been the biggest leadership and Leadership that I've seen with all the Champions uh that I've played with the capacity of really focusing on a group how do you try and avoid that Clash of personalities obviously with the amazing clubs that you've played for them DED Ajax AC Milan you've got so many leaders in one space and one person not leaders personalities yes a lot of personalities a lot of characters a lot of people with ego well sometimes you just fight you have strong discussions and um but everything has to be always to protect the common goal um that have been mostly my role uh which is not an easy role to play because a lot of times you're the the Salman going against the stream uh when you see that some guys who are not focused or their attitude can be harmful for the team um you will see that many won't say anything you know I'm seeing it but I won't say anything and I was just the guy that would be with my big mouth open and say Hey you know this is not how you do it this is not how you should behave or and and and um gatuso for example I we'll talk about Milan which has been the longest period maybe you guys have been able to follow that a little bit better Gus was another guy who who would say say when was needed and and then you would have the more um silent guys like pilo he would come to me and tell me what he thinks and then support me eventually if a discussion was out there so again all about how the team functions how you know we we interact with each other that for me is the most exciting thing of of of people management is we're all different but if you can manage to to relate to each other and and respect each other um then you get a career as I had with all these Champions yeah and many would say it's that's exactly how Leicester have done so amazingly winning the Premier League it's all those individuals putting together as as a team in one kind of common effort um but I imagine that one barrier to that is is language in lots of the teams you pay for you've got lots of people who don't necessarily speak the same language and how do you overcome that barrier well it's not a barrier it's an opportunity it's the way of how you I mean how you see it as I said diversity is such powerful tool if you want to if if you if you look at it the right right way um if you see it as a barrier then it can become an issue eventually but um all the teams have played and we're very diverse um and that has strengthened the team um also because the language was the ball not not not the verbal language but the the common language which was the ball and we understood that and and and from there you start having respect for each other and from there you start having also compassion and understanding and things grow out and and when difficult moments arise then depending on the type of culture one has have um they they can cont make a contribution in a way that maybe um just to give an example Italians have a certain way of approaching the games very seriously uh and they have to eat correctly and then you have the Brazilians that would eat like the pizza before the day if eventually they don't care um but in difficult moments if that pizza mentality uh that takes a bit way of the the stress and the pressure and and take things a little bit lighter because at the end we're talking about playing football it's not that we're going into war we're not you know um so so the difference the differences um in culture uh add so much if you embrace it you can overcome difficulties faster because each culture has um its approach and some have a better and more efficient approach than others and so the more diverse you have that's how the bigger companies and I know you guys know it already the most um successful companies are the most diverse companies and uh in terms of minority uh ethnical minorities it's interesting how you say that in a football game it's just a football game you're not going into war one thing that was remarkable about your career was how you only ever received two red cards in in the entirety of your career yeah I'm still I'm still pissed off with those two though there were just do you think it is it because you I mean did you see yourself more as a role model to other members of the team or did you feel that you had more compassion with this the team members on the other team that you didn't want to kind of do anything too Reckless how did you achieve that incredible feat can I be really honest I wasn't needed I had the ball all the time so I mean I didn't had to no I mean um was a joke now I got these two red cars by the way um really for free I mean the one in Brazil the referee wanted uh I was spped or actually I I need to go of the field and and so was the number 10 come out so I wanted to cross the field which we all do in Europe to go where the guy comes in um just completely normal for me culture and all of a sudden the referee says I had to go out on the other way and then walk around the field and go back so I didn't understand it you know I said but I mean what are you talking about so I just start running and he called me back and gave me first yellow card and he wanted me really to go out to the other side and I was halfway already to go there and um so I still didn't get it and I still walked there and I he gave me the second yellow C card and that was the red card I got in Brazil now maybe the language barrier was a problem there no no it was no language barrier I was speaking with him and at the end there was a whole uh well he he was um how do you call it uh I think he didn't had any game anymore that year because um they saw the video and exchange of words and he said that I said certain things which you could clearly see that I didn't say um and he said that he he gave me the second yellow card because I said something wrong to him it wasn't true so I'm pissed off with that red card um and the other red card was with a Milan the first one one of the last games of the Season we were winning uh against a smaller team and uh I didn't see that somebody was on the ground um so I just took the ball and started dribbling and I dribbled two of them and then I shot at goal the goalkeeper took the ball and put it out and then they all came running to me and I said what what are you guys doing I mean yeah didn't you see the guy there on the ground I said I didn't see him so I mean okay the referee was there with a bunch of people I turned around and a guy hit me from the back in my face just with a real hit and any other normal human being probably would have hit him back and so I pushed him back knowing that I couldn't hit him of course I would have loved to hit him but I couldn't so I pushed him back and uh um that costed uh the second yellow card of the game I had a yellow card during the game and they gave me a second yellow card and so that that's how I came to my two red cards so now you understand why I'm pissed off with it um no I'm I'm actually I'm a fair player I was a fair player I was tough but um I didn't if I had white socks I wouldn't to go after a game with white socks if possible back in the dressing room this this is just um a metaphor so I like I like the Aesthetics I like uh being clean so when I when I entered in a in a in a uh let's say in a one to one I want to get the ball in a clean way it's a mentality so I wasn't looking for the for the legs I wasn't looking for nothing else than the ball um thinking like that um has avoided a lot of strange tackles and stuff um and I think there other some other players that have really had a clean sheet not easy but it were thousand games more than thousand games so I'm I'm proud of that you should have tried playing in the suit and seeing if you could kep that clean ah the shoes had the problem really um did you ever experience racism in football S Campbell has said that he would have been England Captain um if he wasn't a black person and did you ever have any of any similar experiences to that I probably had a very similar experience I probably think he's right um but it's not a football issue that's the part I don't agree about I mean it's it's a society still is full of uh Prejudice and and racism and and discrimination U you know the minorities are still suffering everywhere in the world unfortunately um and and it's up to us to make you know to change that um I think the football sport football can make a huge contribution to changing the perception of um diversity and and making giving a voice to minorities and because it's all it's in your face in football it's all um diverse and and it it it could be really a great example for how we can live together and how we can achieve things together using the sports but then we talk about communication so it needs to be communicated better and my activity for example with wayi as an Global Ambassador for diversity and change yeah is is focused on that it's focused on on the message we we spread focused on how we can use football to tackle social issues and um uh racism one of the things I don't know who's interested in communication is somebody here studying communication in general no okay then we can skip that part okay anyway I think it's important as we all watch television um and have an impression of of what we see we all um have an opinion of what we see and if I look at the NBA then I see um a lot of positive role models I see a lot of positive social initiatives by the MBA I see quality I see a very nice product I see inspir inspirational um uh moments I see awareness that that give something back to the fans to the people on the street when I see football then we have until a few months ago talked about all the corruption that goes on we talk about you know um players that can still try to cheat and get away with it in the field we can get all kinds of behaviors on and off the field which is not coherent with the sport values but this is what we're communicating because let's say that especially on the field I would say more than 90% of the things are positive the exchange between one player and another and the opponent are positive you know they're shaking hands and they're but the people who are behind and who are you know with the cameras and everything they need to be more aware of what they show and I think that probably uh FIFA waa all the governing bodies should step up and and and and make um let's say yeah make make some changes in that and and make sure that the message that that that is sent is a more positive one is more transparent and and with the the values that sport you know Embraces thank you before my posture gets even worse sitting here on this table uh we're going to open up to questions from the audience and let's start please with a question from the gentleman in the aisle um what do you think are the biggest challenges facing young Africans nowadays and do you think football can help alleviate or um just solve some of them and you talk about all Africa the whole of Africa Africa is um has an incredible potential for sure but the problems are bigger than football um again also there I think sports football can help can give you know the young an opportunity to stay off the streets um we all know that Sports in the development of the early ages of of a kid is is fundamental for their psychological mental development and and um they that's that's where I think that football and and Sports in general can make a great contribution um so creating sport facilities creating sport activities uh educ life skills um programs which can definitely be a life Cher for them so the Nos and and the the organization the institutions of football and other sports should invest more in that to contrast a little bit what the political uh situations are generally uh complicate for these youngsters yeah thank you can we go please to the the uh the question just next to you KY yeah sorry thank you very much for coming first um my one of my first memories of football really was the 2005 Final in Istanbul uh and I was just wondering what was the atmosphere in the Milan dressing room at half time uh and would you say the second half was down to Liverpool's genius or or Milan's complacency yeah are we going to concede the football question we're going to ConEd the football question maybe one or and he picked exactly that moment that he is a guy with courage I'm sure um no we were super focused and we went we enter the second half creating chances uh I think the the goalkeeper made a save on on the line like after 5 minutes in the second half to make the 4-n and after that I think it was just Destiny it was Liverpool's time we played one of the best finals FC in the last 20 years um had to be like that six six minutes three goals in the final I mean what what to say thank you let's go to the question right at the back on my left hand side um I was wondering you're talking about your future I was wondering what it is that you want to do with the rest of your life your life goal you talked about like making a world a better place but what like so what's the future what's the vision that you do for that okay well the vision is to use every um all of my interest and activities to uh to make a contribution directly or indirectly um I have business interests uh in sports um and and also personally as a philanthropist you know going around the world making my contributions with my Foundation or other foundations um so so that's my guideline uh but I'm I'm not I cannot see the future so I don't know what's coming the only thing I can do is try to recognize the signals try to recognize what's coming on my path and and try to grab those situations that I think can uh yeah can add to what what I want to achieve and again it's not about me it's not it's it's it's about um me as a tool with all the people around me me that that that one the same uh trying to make a difference I I don't know even where I going to be coaching next year so to give you an understanding it may be here in here in England it can be in Russia maybe in China I don't know but for sure the way I'm going to be coaching is is with a certain philosophy uh and and for sure changing some some of the elements that that we spoke about before thank you let's go to the question on the other side at the back hi uh thank you for your talk just a question I guess which links some of the themes in the talk um and you talk about say your future in coaching uh there's a Dar of sort of ethnic minority managers in British football um so I was just wondering if you could talk perhaps a bit about uh the Dutch Football system and they the way it encourages say former players to come through into management and perhaps how you'd suggest we may tackle this problem in Britain well it's not only a Britain problem I think it's uh much broader um it seems all quite uh uh strange to say but but but football has is living a moment of change every everyone is looking to in Holland they're looking to improve the game again and to make new projects and new methods to to find young talent and to develop young Talent um here in Britain the there's there's no black coach in the Premier League and and well I will give you a few numbers um this is all research done by University together with waya and um only well less than 5% of minorities involved in the top Management in all the institutions of football in Europe and in all the branches as coaches that's the situation where we are so talking about the racism and the discrimination and all this these are the figures so there's a lot a lot to do um in terms of in terms of the the British um coaches the interest and the system you don't have to reinvent the wheel if they really want to make a difference um there are so many countries who are great developers of coaches that they can just copy it if they want so it's it's it's a question of who's leading there and why uh aren't things better today for the British coaches they should I think you could probably answer that better than than me because it has to be a political issue doesn't make any sense France Holland Germany I mean they have all developed great coaches over the years to just give a few ideas thank you let's go to the question on the front row over here thank you and thanks so much for coming I have a question concerning natural talent to what extent do you think natural Talent affects performance I mean if you suppos you take two people and they put the same amount of training to what extent do you think that would eventually reflect their performance being different I mean to what extent are you born to be that good yeah well if the can you imagine if Maradona would have been training the same as gatuso he would have been like Untouchable effort you know I think that who has raw talent and and puts the same effort in developing that Talent there's no competition with the one who doesn't have that talent I mean will improve his game but never become as good what do you think makes him that talented it does it come down to jeans definitely yeah we're just some just born with with what that's talent talent is what you were born with and I think everybody has talent in one way um uh and a lot only really recognize their own talent in a later age all the hands so we're up there maybe there's still space because you don't really know what your real talent is um and that's the journey we need to to go that's that's why life is beautiful I think that's why we explore and and we try and we do something and we study this and we study that we do this job we do that job until we find ourselves not many are as lucky as I've been to to understand and also be able to um have a job that is actually a hobby with which is I mean there was never a job for me so how lucky can one be but on the other hand it's also fantastic to be able to have that journey and to explore things and to get to know yourself and and then finally hey this this is what I want this is who I am this is and and that's the thing I I generally say try to stick as close as possible to yourself you won't go you know far from being um right uh about you know what your real Talent is but for sure and I've been with many many talents when the talent doesn't really work on its Talent generally they don't make it and the guy that doesn't have talent and he works hard makes it that that has been generally what I've seen in sports and in life yeah thank you obviously a large part of it is that you have to have natural talent but to a large extent it's also about the training how you are nurtured when you're young and to become a professional sports person nowadays you have to start training when you're so young often sacrificing academic studies other activities you made your debut for ax when you were 16 do you think it's ethical to start training people at such a young age and to kind of pigeon hole them and say this is what you're going to do you're going to sacrifice everything else and focus on your sports career well it was never really a choice to um not study with uh a actually if you didn't study well you w playing so um I think they can go hand inand uh I think the American um system is a perfect example of how Sports can be completely integrated into the school system in educational system um is the will where you're right is that um once the young players reach the first team and they have the contract that's where this is where I think things should should change um I made a proposal to um oblige all the the clubs to continue at least for three years um the courses for the players for the talents they should not stop studying and I think that if you um because we have a lot of time you know who asked me about PlayStation was it you probably yeah yeah I mean if we can play Playstation we can also study correct we're traveling a lot um that's true physically it's not easy because when you're exhausted physically it's hard to then also be studying with your books we all know that but at the other hand we can still find our time and and um nobody told me to continue study so I didn't but then 10 years later I actually wanted to study again I started my courses again but this was because of myself because of some people that inspired me to to do so again but I think that the systems should oblig oblig the the the clubs to continue support and and and um you know um ask from from those young talents to continue studying in something they like just the fact of being being with the books and and being in that chair um gives another perspective also to life and and another understanding and I think that would change also the level of players that when they end their career ending up in depression and ending up um without any money or just huge problems uh in general because when you stop learning at such a young age it's it's just too young to not have any development anymore um from from you know with your brains I mean you need to use your brains m thank you let's go for another audience question let's go to the gentleman in the aisle uh thanks for your talk so far um just wondering like you seem very uh selfless in your outlook uh whereas a lot of professional sports people are notoriously egoistic um you've talked about your your life mission being to improve improve the lives of others um how much do you think that all of us should look out for ourselves and how much do you think that that should actually be kind of subsumed within a greater goal for doing good for others or do you think which do you think should come first or do you think one can work for the other yeah this is this is great philosophy I mean I think each of you guys have have developed a philosophy uh until now um I believe that you need to take care of yourself first because how can you take care of others if you don't take care of yourself how can you love others if you don't love yourself how can you um understand others if you don't understand yourself if it's the other way around it means that something eventually I reckon is missing within yourself because it means that you are um and many people do that I've always said I need to be okay so I can give so there are certain moments that you need to make the choice but generally with a bit of contradiction generally you're giving most of my time I'm spending um to be with others to be there for others but I need to regenerate myself too and in those moments I need to take care of myself thank you let's get to the question uh from the gentleman towards the back on the right hand side hi Clarence um I just want to ask you how did you feel uh and how you decided when was the moment to stop your career to say okay I won't be any more a football pledge how do you was it difficult I didn't even have the time to think about if it was difficult enough enough because I I stopped one day and two days later I was on the bench in as Milan in between I had the flight from Brazil to Milan and there was more or less 11 12 hours so no I didn't really had the time to think about it but I thought about it before let's say years before um I I expressed before how many players actually end up their career and then get into depression because theyve never thought about it's completely different my life today I've been messed up for a year because I didn't had any no schedule no nothing nobody telling me that I had to train when to eat when to go to okay um so I and so I I actually uh had a completely new life um I was more home which was also different um but I prepared myself mentally before I was always as I said thinking about that football was part of life I I had other interests um I had my restaurants business I had my um Sports businesses um activities as I said travel around the world that has helped me in that year to fill the Gap um the only problem I had unfortunately um I found a way quickly because I like to do sport activities and not having the facility available every day freaked me out really freaked me out and and you start eating at certain times that you weren't used to and I was quite you know um dis lined and and regular I couldn't be regular anymore so this is what they go through when they stop playing and the ones who have not prepared themselves a little bit mentally just loses for many many years and um that's a Pity um I will write a book about it because I think it's not necessary um and uh but not for the ones who are stopping for the youngsters who are coming up continue studying and think that every day is a day that you need to thank God who believes or at least acknowledge that you can be injured and you can be injured in a way that you cannot play anymore and what is Plan B do you have a plan B think about the plan B maybe you never use it but everybody needs to have a plan B if you're a cook and you go and play tennis you can break your your arm you can hurt yourself you can break a finger whatever think about it what happens if you cannot use your you know main physical tool um to express your talent and obviously in football sometimes it's often out of choice you when you get to 40 you have to retire or you get an injury you have to retire and have a a career change do you think that more generally in life is it important for people to do different things to do one thing for 20 years and then to do something else to keep themselves alive and fresh uh well it helped me to have sorry to have other um activities going on interest actually developing my other interests and talents exploring them um I think that's very important to acknowledge your other interests um responsibly it should not take away from your core business your core activity but um it can add because when you only focus on one thing at the end you don't see so clear anymore but if you then maybe focus on something else then all of a sudden hey idea comeb backs and then you can make it happen again and and and create so yeah I think to be creative it's good to have U different initiatives and activities great we go for one final question uh on this side of the room thanks for the talk um you've spoken a bit about leadership and I wondered um what were the best examples of good leadership ply from managers in your career that you've learned from and you also think that would be applicable to us potentially not in football well let's talk about you guys you like that oh no um this is another thing when you ask a question you get a response I said you like it you said yes or no I would like to know whether you like if I'm going to talk about you yes because I like to talk about you guys much more than talk about the coaches I've had um because it's about you guys you are the Future Leaders of Tomorrow you will make a difference eventually how you treat your colleague how you treat your employee how are you going to do that are you going to be the boss or are you going to be a gentle boss are you going to be an inspiring boss are you going to be somebody who empowers others because at the end everything that we produce comes back to being a human being and um they will make the difference and I think that this is the leadership that I'm talk this is the leadership I talk about do we Empower people or do you work on fear do I encourage people to be creative or do I kill their creativity because I want to control everything do I delegate or always come and check everything these are the choices that you should you should be be um thinking about your philosophy how are you going to be what you're going to be and how are you going to act with other people because of people doesn't matter whether you're their boss or whether you have a boss who is that boss challenge him or her don't accept that because um it takes away from yourself and I've always done it it's not always been easy not always been accepted I've done it with respect you can challenge your bars with respect you can challenge authority with respect because you have self-respect and that that's leadership is is is for me fundamentally respecting others and um being there for the others taking care of their needs um they know they can count on you you know um and then you are individuals uh everyone in a different way um so you cannot just generalize it but follow a certain path that is a positive one that's empow an empowering one to others thank you I'm afraid that's all we have time for this evening could you please will join me in thanking once again clown sedor
Channel: OxfordUnion
Views: 114,795
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Oxford, Union, Oxford Union, Oxford Union Society, debate, debating, The Oxford Union, Oxford University, Clarence Seedorf, A.C Milan, dutch, holland, netherlands, football, soccer
Id: 0GRnvFxj8IU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 27sec (2907 seconds)
Published: Sat May 21 2016
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Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.