CL215 crash landing

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but then as the other plane descends toward the runway for one more touch-and-go something is wrong the landing gear is not down the plane careens toward the end of the runway at the last second our cameraman scrambles for cover as a last resort the water bomber pilots throttle up to get back into the air everyone is stunned top of their girl is landing you don't oh you're down fireman like I saw sparks and everything I spike on no one knows how badly damaged the plane is or if it can make a safe landing that comes back around the crew lowers the wheels but the hydraulics may have been damaged when the plane scraped along the runway they do a flyby to get a visual confirmation from the ground thumbs up ears down great training for them oh you want that david reme shank is in radio contact with the turkish pilots in the water bomber it shows all downtown Locke right now okay and let that come out confirm then they had no I draw leaks that's why the day thing if the hydraulic lines are damaged the gear could collapse under the weight of the plane when it touches down again a crowd gathers on the tarmac waiting for the plane to land enough to see what damage has been done to the home the damaged water bomber makes its final approach if your holds their craft the landing gear holds but now there's a problem simply steering and stopping the plane it's so bad that the nose of the plane goes off the runway before coming to a halt and stearic no hydraulics is it oh yeah there's a ten-foot gash in the bottom of the airplane yeah and hydraulic lines have been damaged as well yeah I got a total backwards no no just you keep everyone out of there away the door keyboard open up Gilly it's a crushing blow for the buffalo crew the Turkish trainee pilots are dumbfounded he's open up his quarry enormous s the damage okay like yeah this is a bad sign not death that's not normal no picture this quarry jumps into the cockpit to try and figure out what happened you get an airplane right after you need to tell what wasn't done properly since the gear worked this could be a clear case of pilot error someone will have to report the whole incident the Buffalo Joe
Channel: 51SQN
Views: 3,405,636
Rating: 4.0037861 out of 5
Keywords: aeroplane, aircraft, apagafuegos, aviacion, aviador, aviation, aviator, avion, b415, bombardier, botijo, canadair, cl215, cl215t, flyingboat, grupo, hidro, hidroavion, pilot, piloto, plane, waterbomber
Id: -hDgtyIbD-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 32sec (272 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 14 2012
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