Cizeta Moroder V16T: Resurrecting the Wolf Documentary

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I may have met a sneak preview yet when the 12-cylinder came everybody was getting into the 12-cylinder now we have the 16 and I'm sure a lot of confidence are going to get it to 16 now [Music] [Music] transit authority more than a rock apart on masterpiece Italy's latest gate to the world and to you [Music] [Music] thirty years ago a new manufacturer of Italian supercars entered the market to compete with Ferrari and Lamborghini the cheese a tomorrow two V's 16 t was a limited production GT car featuring a 16 cylinder motor body designed by Marcello Gandini of Lamborghini Fame and financially backed by multi oscar-winning composer and producer Giorgio Moroder for which this new automobile company shares his name before the car went into limited production there was a bitter breakup 18 months after the debut of she set a Moroder with Giorgio parting ways with car creator and co-founder Claudio Sam Foley the car arrived at world-renowned restoration service and sales specialist Canepa last year to begin its restoration Christopher kerim mechanic here at cannot been designed and I've been here a year you walk into this shop and you look at the level of the cars and the cleanliness of the place and how organized you talk to guys that even work in the industry and they're like it's Bruce Canada so you know he's got a good name in it the shop is impressive the cars are insane the prototype you see here with the only car to be badged with Georgio's named giorgio retained the prototype after the breakup and it has been in storage since 1990 nearly three decades later giorgio called upon a friend one who with the MC at the unveiling of g SATA moroder to help get the car back on the road again was Jay Leno who refer Giorgio to Toulouse Kanaka Jay and I have known each other for God I didn't how long long time for both car guys he called me up and asked me if I knew anything about this car and I said no and he asked me if I knew Giorgio I said no and he asked me I don't know handful of questions I think which were mostly no and of course I remembered the car for me you know back when they first unveiled it I saw it somewhere kind of was everywhere pretty dynamic are in the day because it was a you know 16 cylinder motor so everybody remembers seeing it so then Jay proceeded to tell me that Giorgio still had the zero-one car the prototype and it was not operational Jay got Giorgio on the phone and then we had a conversation and Jay said he can make your car run and he can get everything operational and that's how it started and here we are but she said it was kind of hanging out and then I showed up so it was a decent fit where we got a new guy in a kind of a weird car and put the two of them together and see if it'll dance it ended up being that the key guy was Chris on the car and Chris has the most experience with Italian cars basically he was foolish enough to say he would work on it so that there there's your decision it's done Cory showed up here no one wanted to work just kind of one of us was so weird that everybody and then I was kind of okay with it right off the fact it was a weirdo because he said yes without thinking about what he was gonna have to work on yeah the Guv a car has been difficult i mean it's there's nothing in it that's conventional you know it was a prototype and it was a lot in and i'm sure as a prototype it was like add this and that didn't work now try this and well that didn't work try this and so chris has had to go back and re-engineer all the theories to get everything to work and that's a challenge and it's a challenge where there's days where you just you know you can you can you might smile which you probably hate what you're doing for a little while at least two months looking for water pump seals these are custom water pumps but they use a seal that is an OE part and it doesn't say what is what a custom water pump is it's a custom water and oil pump yes these seals are butt seals are the OE parts so you're gonna have to hunt and pack and figure out you know what's a water pump those seals might have might have come from you know is one of those deals were the first step with a car is to try to figure out how to get it running so you can drive it because as soon as you can get it to where you can drive it then you're gonna kind of open up a can of worms in terms everything else that doesn't work but you got to have it drivable itself so the engine the engine was really the first and biggest part of the task was to get the engine operational and rebuild those seal distributors the warm-up regulators all the injector lines and then clean the injectors and get a week you know from all and just everything synchronize everything you get to run equally well some of its guessing but but you'd have to start with a baseline you have to start with okay what do we have to do to get it running so you're gonna start with that and it's gonna be as simple as okay does that have oil in it it doesn't have water does the water pumps work does this work you really have to go through every single individual system and see if it's performing as it's supposed to or endure it's performing as it needs to for that thing Doppler has 16 cylinders so Chris has found that crossover was going maximum but because of the way the mag was wired we were still getting crossing mean we took it on the street it was hoppin and farting out the back and you know I mean serious backfires because the spark was going off and when it wanted to so it was a corrupted signal to the other two cylinders because of the one neck so one man because he has two magnetic pickups Siamese which is unconventional but it's working as as the polarity was reversed it was corrupting the other signal is the nearest I could finger because we had backfiring so we had random misfires on two soldiers it became obvious that that engine has never been operational as a 16 cylinder engine not that not this particular clock and so from air intake systems to water pumps to mechanical fuel injection to the ignition systems nothing was totally operational for 16 cylinders we then heard the car run you could tell but it was it was backfiring I mean you drove down the street people were like somebody shooting the gun I mean it was bad you know it was crossfire backfire out the tailpipe you know fuel being ignited out of time and going off the exhaust so that took that took a few hours to figure out it was it was better part of a day until I could figure out because I kind of fooled myself I removed magnetic pickup for the two cylinders that weren't functioning and I was able to trigger it using a soldering gun because it creates a field so when you put the soldering gun near the magnetic pickup it will excite the wire and tell the ECU that it sees a signal so at that point I was able to identify that the magnetic pickup from the magnetic pickup to the ECU was a good clean line and under normal circumstances should be firing so when the trigger comes by that mag picked up it should tell the computer we have just seen I just seen I just seen a stroke and the Magnetic pickle will convert that into a signal to tell the coil coil is going to send a spark spark sending go to the distributor cap down the trail and send it to the wires that was not happening once that was faced we could say that the car for the first time in his life went properly on all 16 cylinders when it was when it was here it was in their harness that was potted in it was it was in resin that's the way it was assembled from the time the car was born so I had thought they go on out and flip them and we had 16 cylinders and it was a different car and of course today it is you've been in it's it's a real car now it drives down the road we spent a little over a thousand man-hours working on this hoping that we could make it an escutcheon before that you know to tidy that up while the car was here as it kind of it kind of asks for it but we didn't get around to it you know going down the list of the things we really needed to attend to it was on the back end of what we needed yeah we're doing development at this one yeah yeah because your one thing that gasoline it's way too hot yeah soggy so naturally we're gonna end up wrapping the header or at least that's one so we've got to do that but I think we put that pan here you're like like Porsche guys you know if you have to eat away from the exhaust or motor mounts they always put in a katuk somewhere the headers kind of cooked the gasoline it makes the car kind of feel funny so we're gonna we're gonna go ahead and wrap the headers and shield the gas tank so he stays away from the tanks they moved to closer yeah it cooks the gasoline so that's the only thing really planet I've left to do to help this thing they had heat shields in place but you see they didn't get to the level of around right now yeah so there's not much distance between a header in the gas tank so you jump it boils the fuel you see I'm saying closing that McLaughlin's thing scraping the glue off the the gas tank you gonna put a new heat shield the other heat shield you saw it was all burnt away metal it's metal with fiberglass see between and then there's just sticky pack thanks to fuel pumps to fill filters it has an equalizing tube going from one side to the other so utilize the fuel so what happens is because there's only six gallons roughly or eight gallons in each tank the vapor blocks even quicker because the headers that's why we have to do all this there's a book going uphill or a half-hour he's like 17 perfect which is good makes it good for us I checked it running or this present so I took a running flake in the middle you can see it's very tight look at the room there's no room between this and the seats so tight in here so if it gets each really and not Dan you'll get seats in and out without damaging everything you got to really take your time you know yeah it feels good wait till Houston ships now step on the clutch makes better reverse that nice reversal rustlers right there never you gotta fight a little bit click here yeah versus a lot better the wire to the fuel sender was off I noticed that blew the grill as I was just looking around the car and so there are two wires one wire is for the fuel level the other one is for on the fuel level comes all the way down the back end of the lever it's a two pieces of metal touch and it turns the light on that says fuel level low as a light so one of the wires was hanging out and I'm like it better be the fuel level low light because they were telling me that the sender was working so if the sender was working then that low light isn't isn't connected so I'm just gonna go and touch that to ground right now with the key on and see if the light lights up and see if I'm right [Music] [Applause] and I will fix me now well hopefully it was a full tank guess you'll never see me again [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] okay so basically the first time the car is hitting the road other than short little bursts to see if we have tuning and stuff right this is basically like a shakedown we don't really know what side line the car 20 years ago it could have been a litany of things but where all the car seems to run fine and be doing all the things that it should be so it was like well it's taking on the road and see what happens from there you know once it's under a load and it starts really being used you don't know I mean he can you can drive around a parking lot all day long that's one thing about Bruce he wants to make sure a customer gets in their car and it is dialed in no ifs ands or buts and he goes to great lengths to make sure that we make sure that that's the case he'll help us chase squeaks and rattles he doesn't want a customer listening to that and wants the car to be the music ideally I'd still be on the highway on my little road test loop button we could reverse poss let's handle it normally go down 17 you are for speed get off + Campo and then come back this way which is a good series of just turns and bumps see here squeak and rattle test and and ideas smudging compliance see if you have clearance yeah they'd be going with wheel arches so it's a good road for that and it's got it funny how we jump on the highway first because provide for my road-testing normally this would be the better way to go is let's get the low-speed challenges and bumps out of the way before we get it up to a higher speed I mean you're you're aware of the weight behind you so very great Countach Diablo Testarossa you know we definitely aware other ways back there good full tank of gas let's take credit for it he's a good person she's geared for high speed [Music] over 2000 rpm and 60 all as here it was like now no the engines the music I was like this come from a composer good car stable good driving car better higher speeds and lower but nice at this point it's ready to be turned over to Tony the road test guy for a good good couple hundred mile run which is what we do and then barring anything crazy Bruce will get it and then we get the real list which is you know I mean if we've done our homework everything will be good but then Bruce will pick out what he doesn't like we take the tackle those things and it goes to the customer well I was pleasantly surprised at how how well it drives because it's 30 years old and it's your time I 1988 and I went out on the freeway in it and kris has had some time in it but nobody's really gone out and really driven it fairly aggressively I don't think not supposed to here yet so so I did that and I I did a couple laps back and forth to Santa Cruz just driving it and shifting and stuff and making mental notes of little things that I wanted to see adjusted or changed versus great because he's a very he's a demanding guy that knows what he wants and that's better than a wishy-washy guy who you know lets he knows so once he knows and he says to you in clean English what he wants you get it done once I'd had a couple laps in it then I started you know I mean honestly I 140 miles an hour and and it was smooth as glass very stable very comfortable didn't take any extra effort didn't take any professional effort to drive it I mean I just sat back in drove it and then it steered where I wanted to go and it did nothing that would it would alarm you in any way it stopped good it shifted fine it sounded good it made decent power I went through us there's a section of highway out here the transitions from highway in an off-camera curve from highway to crossing a bridge to back on the regular part of the highway and that upsets every car you take through that it just kind of glided right through that it didn't even care and then of course it is a big car and it's got enough enough track width and enough wheelbase and enough weight that that helps it make it very stable but it didn't drive like a 30-year old car I mean it drove more contemporary than that it doesn't drive like a home-built car or a one-off where it was incomplete or or they're still working out you know I mean a lot of times you get in cars in and you can literally feel torsional stiffness in a vehicle you'll hear a lot of creaking I mean this is a this is a positive vehicle it's even even sending it through corners you're not you're not nervous it's not a it was a good short footed vehicle and decent power delivery and you know you you're in something that everyone was trying to cop a look and crane their neck so you know fun I think this car is a more refined car as a driving car than the Diablos I don't think the yacht Diablo was was this stabled smooth and efficient on the road in terms of driving I don't think the Diablo is a bad car don't get me wrong one after Countach is with that Diablo was pretty darn good car and because the cocoon touch I love the Countach but it was it was it was kind of a tractor you know and it steered heavy and you hit bumps and it changed lanes and and it didn't like sliding around very much I did it in the car but it wasn't something people were comfortable with it made a lot of noise this car is much this cars more refined than those cars were in that era yeah well the Diablo was a was a it was a big step forward over the Countach but I'd say this car was probably a step above that if you're in the same era if you went back to 1988 as you mentioned that would have been a very impressive car in 1980 that's about the best endorsement you give a car when it's like that she's good I mean I sobs nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ispeedonthe405
Views: 350,902
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cizeta, Cizeta Moroder, V16T, V16, Exotic, italian, italy, Marcello Gandini, Gandini, Bertone, Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche, Canepa, Canepa Design, Lazarus, documentary, Supercar, hypercar, 200MPH, mid-engine, mid engine, Diablo, Countach
Id: 6JiIaNWnI5U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 9sec (1389 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 12 2018
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