Citrus Trees Growing In Containers Fruiting - May 2023

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all right citrus trees growing from container video four this is the May update so it's currently May 16th I believe um could not do the video update yesterday we do every 15th but it's all right um first plant right here pink lemonade tree um currently I don't think this guy is going to make it though he seems pretty yellow so it's probably gonna fall off but we do have another one growing right there and uh significantly starting to grow um gross shoe that shoe so probably gonna trim that a little bit so we can Branch out a bit more and uh we're probably gonna have to put it in a bigger pot one of those ones to um about the roots really expand more but uh so yeah and then we also right here have the semi-dwarf Valencia orange um that one's growing good pink lemonade is in the way but see if a little oranges right there I don't think I'm gonna let it set fruit this year because of just the size of it it has more flowers and um yeah but you can see the size of it it's not that big so um but did grow it is growing so that's an improvement over here we have our I believe it's a kishu mandarin tree uh I was not really sure what type of mandarin fruit this was but um I made the Assumption because we got it we got this one from Home Depot and I figured it's a kishu variety since that's what usually um Home Depot sells under mandarins but if we take a look this did set fruit it set especially a lot of fruit actually and you can see right here we have all that right there and um yeah so we did have a bit of leaf foliage drop right there most likely because of the fertilizer and um yeah we also have new growth as well though so these leaves actually these are all new branches that grew and you can see it's starting to set they're starting to get a little bit more green but they're a little light so I figured fertilize it a little bit more and um we have more growth which is absolutely nice and we still have mandarin fruits right there and of course we do have a little bit that are gonna fall like this one right here easily falls off and it's expected um a little tree like discount holds so it can only hold so many fruit but um we'll keep an eye on these fruits this is ones I'm interested in uh moving over this pole we have our Meyer lemon tree now as you can see um we kind of exited the flowering stage but um from time to time with Meyer lemons or even with any other Citrus you may see see a couple more flowers pop up but mainly between February and April is when the flowering period uh goes around with all citrus so you can see we have new branches coming up and this is what I did want for this tree now you can see it seems a little bit empty with leaves a little Hollow and um between February and April it started flowering and so now we actually have fruit setting you can see how nice that fruit is right here we actually have multiple from when I first counted I think we have at least 15 on this right here 15 new fruit setting not including um this one right here which has grown um I'll give it until July that's when I figured it'll start to ripe and then we can pick it but as you can see brand new branches growing new leaves everything so that's all new and I'm expecting for this to really start shooting off because as you know we just planted this into a huge bigger pie and um yeah so far this one seems like it's the most successful so yeah so this is the Meyer lemon or improved Meyer lemon tree and uh so far we do have two larger fruits you can see that one right there so yeah and then we have this larger one we took it ripe and I'm very curious to see how these fruits turn out on this tree and they are a pretty decent size for now so um Meyer lemon's growing really nice moving on we have the moral blood orange of course barely got it about a month ago and so with the update with it now it hasn't really started producing anything muscle size there's a bit of cuts um just have to edit out a few things but um with the blood orange tree as you can see it's still nice and green uh only problem is that we haven't seen any new growth or flowers if this can focus thank you um did put more fertilizer on it so we should start seeing New Growth soon within the month or in within the next few weeks um I do see Bud starting the pop out on the edges of them if this can focus well and it's not but um right there you can see on the nodes on these leaves so that's where news growth is going to start coming up so um we'll see uh if this starts growing or not and lastly with the Meyer lemon tree yeah I have two my lemon trees and um same exact deal with like the other one um this one is growing well at a much more Greener has much more leaves as well though but as you can see lots of my lemons this is its first year our second year producing at least from what I think and we also have a few flowers as well which is nice um right there but um I'm hoping this can grow a few more leaves right here just to get a little bit more bigger but yeah so this is all of the citrus trees that we have here in our garden including the pink lemonade and uh yeah so this is the May update also including the mini pomegranate tree you can see uh grew a lion actually and we have flowers now so I thought that's a cool little mention and we also have this pomegranate tree from seed growing in a pot just for fun so I think it's just nice to have and uh yeah so this is the Citrus growing a container series uh I'll be following or giving monthly updates on the fruiting so now we're in the fruiting stage and we are exiting the flowering stage except for the Valencia orange and pink lemonade but all the rest are basically finished flowering and now all their energy is going to be put towards fruiting so um yeah that was the video and thanks for watching
Channel: ElexGaming Youtube
Views: 13,141
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Id: 7dhHZmNFb1g
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Length: 7min 58sec (478 seconds)
Published: Tue May 16 2023
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