#CitiesSkylines - What Map - Map Review 1338 - Mashuppa

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[Music] hello and welcome to whatmap your one-stop shop for everything workshop i'm bombambi and you're very very welcome well map watchers will be very excited about today's show because it's the return of one of the true greats of the current map making community a creator who's responsible for two of the very best maps of last year has now definitely made one of the very best maps of this year there's no argument on that one it is a rehash of a previous map which was mashup we reviewed in episode 1240 by sir mark which in itself was a mashup of three previous very iconic maps delta range enhanced seventh island enhanced and grimsoy which we reviewed in episode 7 179 and 966 respectively it's a very strong map you are definitely going to like it it does require a few things but not the world's longest list and it's beautiful it's beautiful also beautiful is bonbon bingo a link is in the description that grab your bingo card and check off the memes as we go along and if you like to keep yourself active well we've got some exercise for you here it comes right now [Music] that's right clicking that like button really does support the channel gets me seen by more people and helps me grow a little bit more every single day thank you for your support today's map is mashapa by annaboo mary nature roo what a creator and what a map they've produced here uh mashup got itself eight stars i think we're going to blow that away in the rebuild here start square looks very usable no complaints about that at all we have terrain heights across the map which are different plateaus different biomes very interesting as well we've got some very strong resources across the map no complaints about those basically very playable yep and if you've got sunset harbor you want to do some fishing we have a mix of all of the little fishes as well nothing to complain about there after the workshop what do we need well it's a mass transit map you will need mass transit for this one there's a list of requirements as well including a one-click collection uh there's one extra requirement on there that i think i would have liked to have seen or seen created at the very least and that is a theme mix for the map although there's only two uh themes required for the map which is oh by the way while your game is loading read this story that's a great way of passing the time while you're waiting for everything to load in but yes the um we'll be using the not so rocky hills theme mixed in with the frostic fall theme and now i've got well over a hundred themes it took me ages to find the frosting full theme and the theme mix so it took me ages so i know it would be nice to have a pre-built theme mix but not essential and we'll be using the coastal lut there's one or two quality of life mods at the bottom there as well like the random tree rotation and tree log fix which won't break the map if you don't have them but uh they're recommended definitely recommended right okay out here on the edge of the map where we have snow uh there's a little bit of glitching of the textures along the edge of the highway that is why the camera is in motion leave the camera still for a few moments and it stops and that's obviously just a game engine that are trying to render something very technical while the camera is moving about the game can do it but it just needs a little bit of help with us not moving the camera around so you can get some nice cinematics out in the snow not that there's very much highway out in the snow that was just it so is it does it really matter at all is it's just a little stretch deep in the snow deep in the fog probably not anyway obviously a fantasy map so anything which is just slightly fantastical we can allow in terms of like this long elevated highway coming from the mountains um i quite like it's been very slickly done and i think it works definitely in context of the map i think it works very very slickly and very smoothly and of course the standards are going to be very slick and smooth on today's map but is it going to be an all-star map i mean you can clearly tell already it's going to be up there isn't it we were talking about the creator of titilla poppo and of mossy sobo from last year and this this is right up there this is definitely a right up there so it's well in terms of my ratings for this map it's more a question of why can't i give five stars this is the thing i'm looking for reasons um first intersection here it's very slick in fact i'm just trying to make decide which way to go if we take a right goes to the start square that just goes off to the edge of the map we'll be taking a right it's it's pretty slick that intersection i'm gonna say that the lane merging which i'm not really zooming in on solely because there's a lot to see on today's map the the lane merging could be a little bit more slick i can see the argument for why it might not be to um try and prevent things like blue mantle and um and just the uh traffic that might want to stop start i get that i get that so um i can understand why and what what we have got there is of a very strong standard i've just seen it been a little bit more polished in the past just a little bit more polished um is that the one little thing that i can allow for this not to be a five star for detail map i think we can say that is the one little thing that i will allow for it not to be a five star detail map so now it's the next thing is if we see anything from this point on no matter how minor that is where we'll lose that fifth star but for now we are still on maximum score for detail and in terms of aesthetics i think we are a maximum score still and i'm not seeing any reason why this can't get five stars for gameplay yet either so let's stop talking about stars and let's start talking about things like the routes that the highway takes uh we haven't gone overly complicated on highways it's just uh it's three highways that come and meet together where that intersection which we've already seen and this one goes off the edge of the map over here which means i think we can skip across and have a look at the rail now the rail we've got to allow um this is a fantasy map and we are going to come down from the mountains down to the plateaus which means we're going to be making our way down a slope now how steep can we allow it well i think it if it's clearly a slope then that's where you have to start deciding but this looks pretty flat pretty fa maybe a very slight gradient maybe but it's maybe i could you say for certain this was going downhill at this point i don't think you could now this is one of those little tricks i love this i love this okay tunnel and tunnel emerges over here okay except for there was a little bit of a drop there there is a little bit of a drop between between those two points it's very subtle it's about twice the steepness of the rest of the transition of the rail and quite often if you if you want to lose a little bit of height on your rail best place to do it is underground because it's just the same you can't see the transition you can't if we've done that over ground it have been very clear it'd be very very clear indeed and now out across the plateaus and again is this perfectly flat are we going down the slope does this look like it's going down so it could be going down slope now possibly but again how how can you know for sure how can you without switching the lines of gradient on it's impossible to be absolute certain because there could be an optical delusion it could be it could just look like it's going down here it might be going up i've actually seen that where i thought that something was going down here and switch those gradients remember that episode when it was actually going uphill that was that was bizarre anyway off the edge uh not the edge of the map we're going into a tunnel sorry i take that back tunnel emerges over here and then now we're heading off past the essential lighthouse ah isn't she lovely i know we're flying here i know we're going really really quickly but we've got so many things to see in the second half of the show i'm just showing you more or less basically showing you the roots and the visual aesthetics at ground level uh for this little fly through here it's not really too much to grumble about um we've got here though we've got a rock full oh have you seen any trains oh we've got a rock full and if we come over to this side you may notice you may notice here we've got a tree clipping through the underside of this elevated rail and as we go around here we've got a forest on the rail hello hello and there's a train this is a live working rail line and i don't think that counts as perfect detailing so i'm going to be a bit mean and some more here i'm going to be a bit mean i'm afraid you're not going to get an all-star map not this time manipu but even so across the whole this map is outstanding for detail and you've not seen the half of it yet guys you've not seen the half of it off the edge of the map and we'll be back after this short intermission [Music] are you impressed by the custom assets you've seen some youtubers let's plays did you know some of them might be made by a mod within the game itself find out more with bon bon beats procedural object mod tutorial click the i button now and so back to mash upper by anipu marination room and the shipping routes which are going to be absolutely fine we've got shipping triangles where there need to be shipping triangles we have access into all the nooks and crannies where you want access into all the nooks and crannies where the ships go through the bridges the bridges are high enough and we go either side of the pillars and posts and we take little routes past lots of little um essential lighthouses all the way across the map there are loads of little ones dotted around and and even the one or two places where you think i don't really need one there i can see why there might be one there there you can make an argument for them we're not even gonna focus on them because there are so many other things to see on the map but yes just showing you all the nooks and crannies there water flow in the start square we've actually got two water sources both of them quite deep pools so if you like to pump and draw you can pump from one and draw into the other and you are absolutely good so overall the map wow where to start where to start i'll tell you what let's go past enough for essential lighthouse we'll go through this bridge and then we're going to come to land and tie up our hovercraft at this jetty and then we're on to the dirt tracks and we're going for a little you thought we were down with networking no but past the um past this little village abandoned village here got loads of fun detail areas to check out of high standards is that a soft junky janky is that a soft jinky janky right there arguable it's a dirt track i think dirt tracks are meant to and janky pass everybody's favorite factory and up into the hills with little switchbacks just making it a nice gentle climb for our um our horse and car now let's do a detail check here right we've got um perfectly slick rail i like that the other bus nice mix of trees have we got any trees growing out of rocks good question this red one oh that red one seems to be growing out of a rock okay the other two look fine now minor detailing check i i would be a bit harsh if i was going to be docking the fifth star for that but i think we've lost the fifth star already uh heading the rail up into um up into the hills to go around the around the lake and we have here a split marked by this standing stone and we're going to go both ways because both ways lead somewhere interesting this one those of you like oh it's a castle this is more like oh it's a citadel i really love this in fact there's a few little areas like but we're not going to see all of the areas like this today because there's too many of them in fact there's going to be little areas that i've completely ignored just because of time look at that citadel isn't she lovely very nice indeed uh okay and uh we'll head back to the footpath a lot of you though what a view look at that fancy taking a brief holiday a vacation up there amazing and back down to that standing stone as we uh find where else we can go from here so yes the um there are areas like for example there are dragons we've we've seen dragons before in hanapu's work there is a dragon area which we're not even going to go to we're not because there's just too many other things and there's more and there is more we're going to take in some areas so we're going to take like this is this is going to places really first of all once we get to the top to the plateau at the top of the snow here we've got a little um something going on here okay and just over here we have got a little um there it is oh it's a castle it's a custom castle and again look at that that's defendable that is very defendable loving it we've got an entry over here as well loads of towers it's almost like a prison i don't want to be sent there tell you that for sure anyway uh then we head down into this little hidden secret area over here for look at that lake over there it wouldn't be lovely to swim in that might be a bit cold let's go down there see if there's uh somewhere where we can like get changed into some warmer clothes hang on a second let's uh head down to our icy lake down here we've got yep we've got a little building down here to take a little dip in the freezing water now is freezing water too cold for you well maybe you want some nice warm warm water look at this what are you doing to us this is the contrast here is absolutely amazing got another one over here as well the contrast between hot and cold is absolutely brilliant absolutely love that amazing stuff right okay rail let's have a look at the uh transition the gradient here switch the lines of terrain back on if we can there we go and there is a transition it's not flat there is a transition question is this too steep for you now this is down to personal taste i would say this is right on the limit of what a fantasy map can allow uh it's not it's not something you can visually see with the naked eye you might have guessed it was going down the hill but how steep can you allow this this is too steep for bringing a train straight down the side but look i mean that is just amazing that's your two that's your your start square plateau on the left and your expansion plateau on the right uh it looks amazing then we've got this is like an interesting feature area this is not to my taste but again i don't think it doesn't it doesn't not double negative it doesn't not work with the map these assets here from mulan the disney movie and uh chinese buildings so it's kind of like the um there's a whole set of saucepans out here in in the uh the side of the map here i i don't not like it okay i don't not like it and then we've got a little farming community over here it's uh very very sweetly done all the fields around it looking very nice as well and again great visuals around that and then we have more castles and stuff stuck on the side of cliffs again looks amazing absolutely looks amazing not overdone these ones there are there are a few all right these are the the two which immediately popped out for me there's a couple of other little feature areas just like this as well loving the terrain work here by the way this is uh all of the snowmelt coming off forming that lake at the bottom and the uh the erosion looks amazing and this area here this quite a large area of the map i just love the shape of it i think that just looks totally believable and almost google google sat like that isn't it amazing right one last feature area to take in uh this one looks like uh annapoo has nuked the area where the the brits have settled i don't i can't say i blame him looks stunning but he has provided some little areas for us so yeah having nukes for the houses we've got a little shelter in here we've got a lavatory right next to the shelter uh we have a little cat's uh cat's hand pit there for pulling in as well and we can watch a movie telling us to stay safe at night lovely set up there uh i love the fact that we got the solar panels to power that too i think that's amazing i think it's amazing anyway um all of that said there's so much we haven't seen but we're almost up to 20 minutes already so let's get straight back to the start square and find our asset of the day this one's quite a subdued one today subdued it's the jp simple office japanese simple office by oh casa great love it absolutely love it um simple could be used in most people's city builds regardless of the type right factoids because factoids let's stick with the mash up and stick with a factoid about mash the hit tv show mash no less aired for 11 years from september 1972 to february 1983. however the korean war on which it was based only lasted for just over three years i say only meaning that the characters in the show spent 11 years serving in a three-year war ah while other occurrences of things going on for way too long can you think of other than like friends and everything after season eight basically [Music] oh man alive anyway yes um yeah um japanese simple office i really like this it doesn't have to be a japanese build it's so generic i think that would work in most places and the back door is on the front as well you actually do have a fire exit along on the left there very nice work out simple office by japan or from japan from japan not by japan anyway what do you think of today's map tell me is it a one star map is it a five star map is it somewhere in between your vote really does count we use it at the end of the month for the viewers choice top 10. will this be one of the top 10 maps of the month yes it will only you can decide click the i button now in the top right corner of your screen or the link in the description taken to the voting page where you can vote for free with a facebook gmail apple or a patreon account but what do i think of today's map well aesthetically well i can't really do anything but give it five stars it is absolutely stunning it's beautiful and it's iconic it's not one that you're going to forget uh detailing detailing i was really hoping this was going to be five stars this is the one thing that was going to hold it back if anything and uh could we have lost the extra you know bit of a star without the trees and the rockfall on the rail line could we have done i think it would have been harsh but um it would have been a call but with trees and rocks on the line i think we we do have to drop it down to a medium-high four and then gameplay potential oh well where do you want to play how do you want to play it how do you not want to play it what's wrong with you it's it's a five-star map for gameplay if this isn't one of the best maps of the year i don't know what is will it be map of the year uh you've only got a few months to wait to find out in the meanwhile i think i'll definitely give it the bon bon bc of approval because i'll be stupid not to because it's outstanding and a poo take another bell just keep taking fact don't bother stopping taking just stay in a haunched state bend over from the waist and stay like that actually probably best not to there might be somebody behind you and well quick stand up anyway if you're still here you're part of the 20 and now elite use the words of the day in the comments score yourself some population points just for fun prove you're part of that 20 and at least and i'll be back tomorrow with another map in the what's map series and i don't think it'll be as good as today's but i've not seen it yet so i don't know
Channel: BonBonB
Views: 753
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: city skyline, cities skyline, city skylines, cities skylines, sim city, transport fever, transport tycoon, map, maps, cartography, help, guide, tutorial, cities skylines maps, cities skylines assets, cities skylines workshop, best map for cities skylines, best asset for cities skylines, starting a new city, how to start a new city, what map, map review, asset review, gameplay
Id: SznvmZnyD-Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 17sec (1277 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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