Cities Skylines: Little France - Elevated Roundabout above Train tracks | Paris build #Ep64

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[Music] [Music] hey guys welcome back to another episode of little friends uh it's episode number 64 and today we are going to do a very cool build and that's the reason no the reason actually what why i love this one is because i'm doing a roundabout elevated one on top of some train tracks it's going to be looking pretty damn cool and this build it's not going it is from prairie paris but it's not going to be placed in a specific point it's going to be random in little france like any other builds and this roundabout as you as you can see here it's right on top of the train tracks next to garlazar from paris but um i'm going to build it right next to the most train station and that is because we already have some train tracks there and we need to do a continuity and i really love this one look at this uh so we have some one-way roads we have two-way roads all over the places i love the roundabout idea uh here i saw we have like a i think this is a parking area over here and i'm gonna do something differently and much smaller but let's say i'm gonna take inspiration from that and the buildings surrounding these also i'm gonna take inspiration from from from these ones but uh on on my map or the place where i'm doing this uh right next to this road is we have the same reverb so yeah it is going to be placed as i said randomly but let's say hopefully actually it's going to be done um in a good place maybe there would have been a better place but i think it is a very uh good one and uh getting back to the time lapse over here first i had to clean up of course the area and then i had to think of a way on how to get those train tracks uh actually a bit lower because as you can see if i continue with the same height then they will crash into the bridge and that's not bueno but it is what it is i made a booboo when i first done this train station here because i should have sunken the train tracks a little bit more but it is what it is so i have to deal with it and now i have to lower the train tracks a tiny bit more well trains can go of course um on lower around uh yeah take the these ramps and go higher lower whatever [Music] it is right and especially if the ramp is has a very nice and smooth slope uh good anyways um so i kind of have to do or to rebuild a tiny bit this area or to rethink it not to rebuild it but to rethink it because also if you can see at the bottom of the screen there was another road a road having some tram tracks as well and those ones will kind of go towards nowhere which means um i'm gonna show you this later which means that at a point i have to do something else and by something else i mean at the end of that road i have to build a tram depot um that's that can be the only explanation or the only way of doing this one so yeah i had i really really have to of course in case i'm not gonna find a different solution which i doubt but yeah i'm gonna do a trim uh depot over there so cars and uh well not cars the trams will come start from there we'll we'll leave from there and come there and so on and then yeah we will have some let's see specific places for some cars where to park for those you know the trim drivers by the way now that i'm i've mentioned this one um i'm gonna drop off a question to you guys or not a question about a more like request maybe if you have any really good ideas of some tram depots from france no matter which city it is please do let me know in the comment section so i can have a look and maybe do that build i've done the same with the bus [Music] hub that i made from lyon you guys come up with some good ideas but i had to choose only one indeed anyways so yeah who knows maybe this tram depot will be the one you mentioned so yeah hit me up with that one uh good now that we have a trim track there uh time to do the roundabout on top of these uh on top of these trim tracks train tracks on the tram train and um it's not hard actually it's quite easy i had to look on google earth to see the direction for all these roads made how many lanes they have if they have parking let's say lots on the roadsides and whatnot and then of course with the help of the roundabout builder mod easy peasy one quick um roundabout creation uh and then with the help of the intersection marking tool and with the help of node controller actually i'm gonna do a perfect roundabout because the node control allows you to move and to play with the angles for the roads angles for the intersections and whatnot and those actually are yeah this mod helps you fix up the entire roundabout over here so indian is going to look pretty damn cool in my opinion and um yeah we have some uh catenaries going through those uh roads but no worries i'm gonna fix that one pretty easy uh pretty easy fix um but anyways uh as i said love doing roundabouts guys as you know and um an elevated one is actually pretty cool and the only way of doing this properly in my opinion was to do to use roads as to force them actually to stay at the ground level and not turn them into a bridge right but elevated them on so they can look like they look now because otherwise if i would have turned them into bridges uh from the start then we would have had railings all over the places including the middle of the roundabout and that's not bueno so i had to force them to take the terrain to to take the terrain to be flat and just elevated and nothing else but when you do this you you you have those ugly sidewalks right and i had to think of a solution on how to hide those ugly areas of that of those roads and i found a solution eventually a solution that took me some time to to do but all in all quite easy fix as well so i i have to admit that and to say out loud there that everything has a quick fix now a days in city skylines i don't know if there is any i don't know build or whatever that cannot be fixed or yeah cannot be fixed so everything has a solution now insidious colonies thanks to all mode creators and asset creators so what i've done there i've been using these um i want to say fences but they're not fancies yeah i've been using these ones uh these balustrades they are called actually from monaco uh that's how they look like and are so i've been using these and played a bit with their shape made them smaller and whatnot so they can hide that ugly area that sidewalk that you see there and then uh and when i say the height that i mean both directions uh horizontal and vertical one and just plop them one by one until i manage to fix everything there and to hide everything every ugly area of that one the let's say the remaining ugly area is going to be covered uh with some probable pavement so all those areas that are empty or look like gravel they will be hidden as well under some poppable pavement and yeah simple and easy fix later on i'm gonna also change the color of these balustrades because they are brownish now and i want to make them a tiny bit grayish so i'm going to find a solution of repainting them to find a combination of colors that will turn them into a grayish area a color uh dealing with the parking area over here the parking garage let's call it so i had to find a solution and some combinations between some buildings and i really find i found a working parking area and two other small ones but the small ones will be uh turned into procedural objects so yeah by doing that i can you know make them smaller reshape them and whatnot but i'm gonna leave the big one so cars can actually come there and park inside that parking garage right and then i had some extra you know checks with the google earth to see if i'm getting any closer to the look of that parking garage from real life and as you know that one is way much bigger but hey i had a smaller space to feel so i couldn't make it that big and you know what it's just inspiration the difference is just a french inspiration but in the end i don't know it was that something and i wasn't totally sure if everything is correctly done or if i have to do some extra things so i'm gonna add an extra building on top of that garage to make it look more realistic in the meantime i'm gonna just fix the uh sidewalks as i said i'm gonna just uncover them up with these probable asphalt and in as a tip let's say in the very let's say squeezing squeezed areas or whatever they are called when you have some strange angles or anything related to that just use the round shape the round shape either is poppable asphalt or pavement or grass or whatever because this one has multiple um little these little dots that can be moved so you can create your own shape okay getting back to the uh the garage there i found the train station made by jazz from uh it's a it's a metro station and um yeah i said okay let's turn this into a procedural object cover things up um squeeze everything there uh because actually in the end you will see it will have more it would be have a more similarity with the existing one from paris in my opinion at least that's what i thought so yeah i think in the end it's going to have will have the best or the best possible not scenario but the best possible look for sure there will be a better if i would have had more time or maybe if i stay and think about it now maybe i can find even a much better solution because everything has a better solution and in time you might find assets that can help you in that way i had some looks over the steam workshop but in the end i don't know i ended up with this train station or metro station whatever that is and because i cannot color the entrances with red color like they are in real life uh as i said i turn them into a procedural object and with the help of the uh colored rectangulars you can just cover some areas and rip actually repaint them properly i mean yeah they they will look uh pretty close to the uh real one i had to do an extra trick with the road over there to make some different curves to make sure i'm gonna you know to make sure everything will look okay in the end because uh those buildings would have been on top of the road so other uh i had to yeah i had to make different shapes uh and then i i said okay let's go with the road also inside the garage getting on the other side so uh this way we can actually see cars driving into the garage and outside and yeah it it will trick it will trick you guys thinking that it's a properly let's say a proper garage there so cars will actually actually do drive inside inside them uh the last trick of course adding that uh black curb uh cube neck or black cube inside to make things look like it's dark inside you don't know when you go from outside to inside always it's it's that few seconds when you see it darker so that was uh done uh that then i i've done the lines inside the roundabout and now the most boring part adding buildings one by one yes i always thought and still think that it is very very boring to add buildings one by one i think that this is one of the most or it's yeah it's a thing that i really do hate and now that i mentioned it i've posted a [Music] let's say a message to all my patrons no matter what level they are if you guys want to take the save game because you can download download the save game and by the way i think very soon like today tomorrow uh the new save game for this episode is going to be released also on my patreon account um you guys all my patrons can help with some builds like this one look at this build that i'm doing here i'm filling in those shapes those areas with buildings yes taking inspiration from paris or other french cities and you can do that if you want you can add your own little residential areas and i you can send them to me and i can import them in some empty areas from little france and if you are interested to do so just let me know and i can share with you what areas you can build so i can import because i don't want either you or me to work both on the same one and then yeah i will have to just waste time and you waste time as well so let's just talk before and you guys can help because trust me little friends is huge and there are so many empty areas that needs to be filled in with new and more residential buildings and by the way i'm ashamed to tell you these guys but i figured out why at the level of the city we have we still have like 745k population and i was like why god why and then i was checking some buildings and i got not shocked but i was like surprised very surprised seeing that many of these french residential buildings are not actually residential there are most of them are commercial or offices most of them and only a very small part is residential so hell yeah it makes sense now why the population is still only 70ish k and still i don't see that many cars driving around the city so hello skibit welcome to the real world anyways um i can fix this by let's say two ways uh i can add inside all of these buildings i can add those residential cubes so we can bring people but you know what then again i thought to myself man you know what it's good that we have only 75k population because otherwise probably the um the fps of the game would have been horrible super super horrible okay uh good coming back over here i need i had to get some to do some on my own inspiration now i had to use my my my inspiration for this part because uh again it's not a perfect inspirational build because here what i'm doing these buildings there are the is the guard lazar from uh from paris so i'm not gonna do the gear that uh train station i had to do something else so i had to improvise and just do some stuff and i thought okay you know what we'll be perfectly here so more i want to say modern buildings than the very old french ones and yeah i've added some like offices or whatever they are yeah offices they should look like offices in real life uh and then some of them had this parking area on top of it and i said okay you know what i can do even more i can add a parking area over there on top of those buildings i don't know why i felt it was right probably and in what in the end is going to be fine-ish uh again something else that is still missing from little france is uh the foliage we don't have too many trees and i know we should add more i should add more but the reason why i'm not adding more trees right now it's again fps problems you know as soon as i would got i'm gonna add like 100k trees the fps is going to be unbearable so i still have to stay away a bit because i would i mean eventually i'm gonna add some suburbs or the yeah the peripheral i want to say but it's not a word in english i think right anyways i'm gonna add suburbs uh of the city with the low density houses maybe some who knows little forests little farms queries quarries because i saw that around paris at least and not only there are so many query queries queries queries queries right yes and i should add one eventually so yeah i i have to get to that point uh very soon as well because otherwise um uh not gonna be bono i mean it's not going to be super realistic at least when you look at the city from uh from the top [Music] good um minute 21-ish 22 um just adding the let's say final touches over here i'm gonna add some trees inside the area of these buildings um so i can you know cover up some ugly areas because i cannot detail every single bit of little fancy again fps fps problems otherwise so yeah only small areas will gonna get this extra detailing for instance uh we are here next to the sun river and i have to cover everything the area deep let's see the riverside area a bit with some trees some benches maybe i want to make people get down there on the river side so can they can actually walk uh eventually i'm gonna add more boats standing up there i'm gonna add a few more ferries going all over the the sun river and whatnot we need a bit more of let's say library city and adding here another metro station like it is there in paris but yeah getting very close to the end of this episode as well guys so uh before ending it i wanna say again uh you can find a new save game on my patreon unfortunately i'm sharing my save games only with my patrons i say unfortunately because some of you guys really want to use them but it's one of the things i can give in return to those who support me on my patreon account and yeah i can share them only there and also i saw lately many of you guys are asking me about the map theme and the lut these are also being shared on my patreon account with you guys either together with the save games or separately so yeah sorry for not sharing that also with every one of you um yeah guys thank you so very much for watching this i will leave you now with the cinematics um talk to you soon right in the next video or so but till then guys take care of yourself stay safe and absolutely [Music] [Music] [Music] hello [Music] you
Channel: Skibitth
Views: 2,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cities skylines, cities skylines lets play, cities skylines urban planner, cities skylines modded, city skylines, cities skylines mods, cities skylines dlc, cities skylines parklife, cities skylines tutorial, cities skylines france, cities skylines french, cities skylines series, cities skylines new dlc, cities skylines paradox, cities skylines french series, cities skylines expert, cities skylines train transport, cities skylines trains, cities skylines road, roundabout
Id: zjNrn7P0cSs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 27sec (1467 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 17 2021
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