Citan a mi Mamá para una CORTE de Emigración. Qué pasará?

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Hello. Good morning. Hello family. How are they? I hope you are feeling super well. Clear. First of all, my coffee, which cannot be missed. Morning. Also, today is a super important day for my mom and for all of us. Why can you imagine being here in the United States for a while and having to go to court? Well obviously we are nervous, stressed, anxious to see everything that could happen. Do we have faith that everything will turn out well, do we trust in God, that it will be quick and that in the end they will close the court and everything will be perfect, eh? Well, I hope they stay until the end of life. If you want to know more about this topic and everything that could happen today, we are really super, super, super stressed, so let's start with this video. It's 4:40 and we have to leave at five because the trip is five hours away , so let's get started and the adventure begins. family. Now we stop at a gas station that always, always, always and when we are going to travel, we always stop first at a gas station to buy ice, because if here at the gas station they sell ice, thank God you can stop by and buy your ice because we always have one little fridge in the back of the car where we kept the soft drinks, the juices were worth the water and the only thing we bought was ice, well, family. Now, once this is done, we continue the trip, which is quite long. That someone already busy. I feel that if a certain character that you see here goes with us because since it is a long time, it is many hours that we are going to be outside. I don't like to leave him alone in the house, even if he has food to give him water because I don't like it. So we take it with us. The dog is one of us. Well family, I'm updating you. It's 06:46, almost seven o'clock and now we are in an hour or so of travel and we come, as you know, from the last trip to Austin, with a long trip. What do we have to do? Well, load the car and some custom. And then nothing, go to the car and what a big car it is! Oh yes, how great The cars! Well, there look at my mom, the model posing and parents at the photographer . And let's see, look here. Angelino. Be careful, Monchi, he knocks him down. Liam Kelly. We are not going. It's. Well, family, we're here. Are the. Here it is 09:30. Although let me tell you , it's an hour difference. Something to keep in mind is that it is an hour difference from where I live in Odessa. And now we are going to Madonna to have some breakfast because my mom has court at 1:00 p.m. and to tell you the truth we are super nervous, but I have faith in God that everything is going to turn out well. So nothing, we're going to have breakfast now and I'm going to tell him later in the day there's no Liam was fighting with me right now because he wants to throw out the trash with Grandpa. Dale, I wasn't going to throw away the trash, you took it from me and everything. Look like grandpa and all the way Liam. Let's see if it arrives. Come on, turn it up, daddy. Look at it. The applause was worth it. Already. Applause. Look. Look at it. De. Well, now we're in a place that I think. In fact, I hadn't told him where we were going. Well, if you hadn't said in the video, which I honestly don't even remember. We are in the Texas Passage. This is where my mom holds court. I think that the majority of Cubans , I don't know if it depends on the border they enter, but well, I have many friends who have all touched them here in El Paso as well. So I said well, yes, I'm coming, I'm getting on with it, there is a place that really searches a lot on Google and one of the places that really can't be missed is it. It is the CU museum. They are border pattern. I don't know if I said it right, but the initials are Zipi and it is the beginning of how the Well, my mother came in for yes, so what better than to know the story of how it came about? Because let me tell you that here at the Texas crossing is where you can see a lot of what Mexico and the United States enter through the border. So nothing, I can't go to the border, although I would have liked to because many Cubans came there. I would have liked to live that moment, but I am not a resident and I am not going to risk it. So I better go to the museum here in El Paso, I can go and I think we'll see if it's free, but I understand that I think it's free. I'll tell you. Now. Well, apparently there is the entrance, but let me tell you that it is there or not. I know that it seems like we are going to a jail-style police station , it is a little strange, but well, I imagine that it is like giving a name to what it means. Well, as I had told you, entry is totally free. I think so. If you want you can leave some donations. And here we are in the museum. All of this is the beginning of what the border patrol is here at the Texas Pass. I don't know if I really know in the United States. I mean, I'm going to ratify. But hey, I do understand that at least here in Texas. Well, before they say anything, the comments could be there. If you can look, it says here what they have to do while the child is inside the helicopter. But you can because, well, look, in fact it has the little ladder to go up and everything. Let me tell you , this is the only museum that exclusively honors the Border Patrol and all Theft Autos covering the agency's entire history. As you can see, among the exhibits are weapons, used vehicles, including helicopter. Check this out. I can't believe I actually found this here. Well, it was known because as many know, the history of Cuba is that since its beginnings it has tried any way to reach the United States. And well, this raft that you see here called Lo Bueno, they named it the Road to Freedom, says that on June 16, 1994, four Cuban refugees landed by boat in Río Marina, located in Florida. I was on a made raft. This is made with scrap metal, tire tubes, wood and blue canvas. An outboard motor. As I said in Cuba, it is a Russian engine that powered the raft during its one and a half day trip. Obviously, when you arrive at the border you are arrested and processed. That's why visa, migration. The raft was transported to the nearest skipper service . In this case, I think they were transported here because well, look at it here and they were all accused of violating chapter eight USC 1324, but I suppose they were given the same because at that time there was a provision that they gave equal refuge to Cubans. And I imagine that all these things that you see here are forms, I not only believe that they are of Cubans, but of many people who seek freedom outside their country, who live oppressed by communism and by a dictatorship that is not only Cuba. Cuba obviously has a criminal dictatorship, but obviously Cuba is not the only one, Venezuela is another, Nicaragua is another and many have obviously wanted to look for the country of dreams, the country of freedom like the United States. And well, these are some of the ways they have come. I imagine that, just as in Mexico, many Mexicans have come, because here at least the Texas pass and this entire area is a lot, there are many Mexicans and we must take into account that Texas also previously belonged to Mexico, so obviously it had There must be a lot of Mexicans here and look here. I have seen this in many videos of Cubans when they cross the border, who upload all that. Like that one, that wall there, that they put a little staircase and they go up and cross and there, then there they are obviously waiting for the immigration officers to arrive so they can capture him and then process him to enter the United States. But well, look , I'm left speechless because this really excites me, because imagine everything in Cuba is from the moment you are born, it's like leaving Cuba, how am I going to make money to leave Cuba? Risk your life in search of happiness, in search of leaving that country that is obviously consumed by a dictatorship, which I truly, with all my heart hope will one day end. But nothing, all these here are ways that people have sought to get to the United States. And the Cubans that I tell you have invented so many ways from sea, land. I think that's where one came from. I don't know if we can rectify the comments, but I understand that a Cuban came with something like this that I don't remember what it's called in this square, a flat delta, my dad says. I think a Cuban came with a delta plan, I correct myself, I'll put it in the comments if I'm not wrong, but I think that's how it is. in another museum the Museum of Archeology, which obviously I would have loved to visit. I wanted to go to the zoo, but many places, many places here, forgive Lía, they work from Wednesday to Saturday, they don't work on Monday, nor Master, nor Sunday, only from Wednesday to Saturday. Well, we're already walking fast because we don't want to be late. We want to arrive a minute early, because obviously here you know that you have to arrive on time and not on time, but 15 minutes before the time you have the appointment. Are we nervous? My mom is nervous, nervous that you are even going to the bathroom. Imagine the nerves for that one. But nothing, let's trust in God. Well family, it's out. Well, the court is closed. They already closed the court to my mother. We were on edge. Well, I was more nervous than her. I have to accept. My mom seemed nervous. I was more nervous than good. I had to wait outside the court where I I had to wait outside the court. And I was super nervous and mom was calm and I was stressed, but nothing, family , they closed the court, they already told her the benefits. Well, tell your mother because she is talking and she is the one you lived through. The experience was you. Well mija, I first notice the attention that they didn't have, that they let me spend with you an attention that the police that don't look like what they do in Cuba, with that kindness, that courtesy, left something that was a little nervous , which is that I was going to enter, they did not stop my daughter from entering there with me. That for me already gave me a lot of strength and nothing, when they sent us in they put headphones on us and there they explained to us that we wanted to close the Court and everyone. Of course yes, everyone was happy when he said that word and they already closed the Court and our family. Well, now I'm going to continue telling you a little more, but for now we have to celebrate contentment and happiness, because imagine, that was something that worried us, although many people had not told us not to worry, that in the end that we don't have, that in the end we didn't worry, that is almost always the case in court, it must be something very difficult if they don't close it to you. So nothing family, they have already closed the court and one of the very important benefits is that after a year you can now request your normal, normal residence , without problems, without problems and that no one can say anything because we are in this country. Well, family, I already have lunch where you previously know that I am now the thrifty one and as long as I have the 20% discount , I am going to use it and take advantage of it. And nothing, just meals to follow, adventure. Well now it was happening. Look at reality as it is learned now we go through. At the checkpoint where they took us, where they asked for our passport. They asked my mom because my mom, what's happening? What mom doesn't have in her passport or doesn't she have unemployment like we do? And then they asked him for the paper that said he had a cut. There is. But hey, everything is fine. The real man is very nice, very kind, they treat us very well and we already deliver everything. And I'm not saying that they didn't let me, I didn't even hand over all the delivery passports, nothing else was left and she told me that's fine, everything is fine and that's it. And we had everything perfect. But well, if there is a checkpoint to come from step aa to well, from step here, I imagine that it is something logical because well, eh, we come from a city on the border with Mexico and obviously there have been cases where they have lost traffic of people and things like that, but well, eh, everything is super good here if there is none, but well, well, look, obviously yes, but also many times my mother told me what if we cross? What if we accidentally cross Mexico, actually waiting for directions where it tells you for this, for this area, eh? Juárez, what is the border, huh? From the passage with Mexico, Ciudad Juárez is right there, very close, I think it was about nine miles 26 minutes, nothing more, it was super close, but well, nothing, one day I will visit Ciudad Juárez, Family. It's 8:00 p.m. and now we're in a golden hour, so there's still a trip to go. But well, since it's already eight o'clock we already had to load the car too. As you know, you have to carry it to be able to get there. Well, nothing, we have to come here and buy something to eat to eat here with Carlos, because when we get home it's already very late. That's why he prepares food that you eat, you get used to it or something to eat and nothing. William. Here guide. Guide. We arrived at 9:30 p.m., but we already arrived. Look at the dark circles I have. I can't explain the dream I have to take everything out to take a bath and I'll tell you. Well family, I'm going to put you in touch a little more. Now that I'm bathed and almost ready to sleep, eh? I tell you that , thank God, I didn't pay much attention to all the things they told me about my mother's court, because many people told me you have to get a lawyer, if you go without a lawyer it's going to be a problem. , it has to be to the Court before you go, eh, You have to do a thousand things before you get to the court. And let me tell you, I am going to give you this advice that since I heard many people who told me that I had to do all those things, that obviously they told me it for my own good and that maybe they would hire a lawyer and they told him that he had to be like this, obviously to collect extra money. But I am going to give you some advice, it is that if you enter by yourself through the application, yes and enter a two-year comparator and obviously they set a court date, do not hire a lawyer because it is not necessary, you go on the day you have a court date . Obviously, if you want to speed up the process and have them close and give you the court date earlier, or not have to go directly to court, then obviously hire a lawyer and if they went to court because it is quite simple. But in case you don't have the budget that you don't want, close the court ahead of time, because you go that day and that's just a minute. Gentleman, it really was only a minute. My mom came out super fast and they didn't ask her any questions at all , they just told her that it was already there. They were going to close the court, which after a year had the benefits of being able to request residency and everything that a person has when they request adjustment of the Cuban adjustment law. Well, maybe if you have any other questions, that was the experience I had with my mother. I already told you, everything went super well in court, let me tell you that the police treated us super, super, super well , super nice, I really didn't believe me and something to keep in mind is also very very very important. And thanks to a friend who told me and thanks to her, well I had that knowledge, is that if they go an example on the go since it is a border city with Mexico, when they return they always have to bring, if they are not residents then their passport eh with where you have protection or any visa that you have, because if they are going to ask for it compulsorily in the case of us, my mother did have, like, the paper that said the cut-off date, but in the case of me, my father and the child , well obviously we had to bring the passport, which is where we have like the picture of the lantern. My husband is a resident, so I only had to show the residence, because there they only ask you if you are a resident or citizen and the rest they have to prove what your legal status is and they don't have Social Security or a permit. work, nor Heidi, which is the driver's license. Nothing. That only applies to them as the legal status , whether they have it in their passport or whether you have residency or citizenship, obviously. So it is something to take into account. Very important, because if she had not told me, I would not have known and I would not have carried a passport or anything like that and I would have had tremendous problems, thank God the officer was also quite kind and we just gave him the papers, he didn't let it pass super easily, but I obviously understand that it's protocol, because even though it was very, there were quite a few people in the car, well it's protocol. If you come from a border city with a country that is quite frequent, the illegal entry of people, then obviously they had to search you, so maybe if you have any other doubts regarding the court, in case you leave it to me the comments, I'm going to clarify it for you because my mom already went through that, I'll tell you today we are super happy because the court has already been closed, they already have all the benefits that a person with Parole and 94 has because she was given Yes, but he entered with parole, that one with I 94, thank God, because my fear was that if they gave him two 20 Ah, well, it was wow, the worst thing in the world. But because I know all the difficulties that a suitable person has. But well, thank God she got COVID 94 and although I was more nervous than her in court, everything was not super fast and they already closed the Court and everything was super good. So nothing family, that's all for today. It was something so that you would more or less have knowledge of a topic that for me I know is a little important, because I know that there are many Cubans who have entered there. Maybe they don't know what I have to do or maybe they don't know that they hire a lawyer for which they say you have to hire a mandatory lawyer. And no, it is not obligatory. So nothing, I'll tell you, if you have any others, leave them in the comments. Don't forget to subscribe, it's totally free right? Like the video and see you in the next video. Kisses. I love him too much. Bye.
Channel: Hildina
Views: 34,205
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Keywords: hildina, hildiniando, el abuelo cubano, cubanos en estados unidos, realidad de los cubanos, cambio de vida en un nuevo país, corte de emigracion, corte emigracion cubanos, cbp corte, i94 corte de emigracion, i 94 cbp, Citan a mi Mamá para una CORTE de Emigración, yoliene, anita mateu, alita world, emigrar a estados unidos, el paso texas, cubanos por el mundo
Id: iEkotZ3VYjY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 20sec (1280 seconds)
Published: Fri May 31 2024
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