How to find the CHEAPEST flights on Google Flights! (Money Saving Guaranteed)

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are you ready to save hundreds if not thousands of dollars when booking your next flight in today's video I'm going to show you six Google flight hacks that will save you money as well as give you the confidence to know that you are getting the best price possible make sure you pay close attention to hack number five because I'm going to show you a tool that will compare all flight databases with one simple click let's get into it we're going to start by making our way to Google flights so head to your browser and type in Google flights you're going to click the top option I really like Google flights because I feel like it has the most wide range database as well as I really enjoy some of their tools once you've reached Google flights you're going to start where most people will naturally start and that is the where from bar basically where do you want to start your trip from what airport do you want to fly out of and most people just plug in the closest location or the airport closest to them so I'm going to do that for myself for me that's Minneapolis so I'm going to plug in that airport now this is going to lead us into our first hack which most people don't realize that you can add multiple airport locations in that where from bar so what I like to do is I like to add in other airports that are close by to me and you do that by clicking on the where from bar and you're going to see a plus sign on the far right side you're going to click that and that's going to give you the ability to add more airports for me I'm going to also plug in Chicago because that's close by and then maybe Madison Wisconsin what is so great about this is this will now give you a much broader range of flights to pick from because sometimes the cheapest flight option to whatever destination you're going to is not always coming from the airport that is closest to you so now you will have flights pulling from all three airports which can ultimately save you quite a bit of money hack number two and hack number two is gonna require you to change the entire way you think about booking flights what I mean by this is typically people when they book flights they decide where they're going how long they want to go for and then they search for flights well I'm going to challenge you to do the exact opposite if you're really looking to get super cheap flights you have to kind of almost reverse the order of this and to do this you're going to start by searching for cheap flights then deciding where you want to go and how long you want to go for and you're going to do this by using something called the explore tab in Google flights so let's go to the computer here now I have my three airports plugged in I have no destination from there what I'm going to do is I'm going to see this explore icon you're going to click on that and a map is going to pop up now what this is going to do is this is going to give you locations and prices or destinations and prices from the three airports that you plugged in so you can see the three airports I plugged in there are these three pink dots and you're going to see different price options you're going to see 98 dollars to Kansas City you got uh 139 dollars to Austin Texas and what's great about this is you can look at the map and decide which flights are cheap and that can help dictate where you want to go and we can even look out further on the map and we can see Honolulu from Chicago for 460 bucks that's a pretty decent deal and you can start to narrow down where you might want to go on your trip what's also great about this explore tab is once you've kind of decided potentially where you want to go you can start to get a little bit more specific on time of year and potentially length and you do that by going over to the left side of your browser and you're going to click on this calendar icon and it's going to give you options of potentially what month you want to travel in how long you want to travel for whether it's a weekend or a week or two weeks so say I want to travel in October and I want to travel for two weeks boom and that's going to change your search results and now you can notice I can now see Austin for cheaper 115 dollars versus whatever it was before I'm saving like fifty dollars so that can be a really cool tool to use to help guide you to find cheap flights as well as help decide where you maybe want to go for your next trip hack number three and that is going to be noticing the difference between round trip fares and one-way fares now oftentimes Meg and I will book one-way tickets because it saves us a lot of money A lot of times when you book a round trip flight they will strategically place you on the sand the same airline both outbound and inbound whereas you can end up saving a bit of money if you book two separate one-way tickets because you're not required to fly on the same airline both ways now I will say it does make for a little extra work in the booking but it can maybe save you upwards of a couple hundred bucks let me show you on the computer here so we're in the explore tab now and I have my same three airports plugged in and let's just take a look at Austin for example being that we've already kind of noted that destination so you're going to notice Austin round trip is 139 dollars now I'm going to go up in the left hand corner here and I'm going to change this to one way and you notice the price obviously drops but it's going to drop to 58 dollars now what's awesome about that is as I was saying is you might be able to find a cheaper flight with a different Airline on the way back so that is another thing I would potentially recommend exploring is playing with the differences between a round-trip ticket and a one-way ticket it might save you a few bucks hack number four and this is probably one of my favorite features on Google flights and it's a feature called Date grid and let me show you how it works so I'm going to plug in a little bit more of an interesting flight so let's go Minneapolis to Paris France and let's go for a week so we'll depart on let's say September 3rd and come back on September 10th one week trip to Paris quick search and you're gonna be populated with a bunch of different flights now day grid is up in your right hand corner and you're gonna click on it and it's literally gonna pull up a grid of various prices and what's so awesome about day grid is it's going to show you how you can adjust your itinerary and timeline to save you money so for example I originally plugged in Sunday September 3rd to Sunday September 10th but if you can see on day grid if I adjust that to Monday September 4th to Sunday September 10th I'm going to save almost 200 bucks and even more so if I go Monday September 4th to Tuesday September 12th I'll save like 400 dollars so day grid on Google flights can be a great way if you have a little bit of flexibility in your trip itinerary to adjust days on one end or the other to save you like quite literally hundreds of dollars so I recommend on your next trip click on the date grid see how you can adjust your days to save you a couple hundred bucks before we move on to hack number five which is probably my favorite let me know in the comments if you have any tips or tricks for Google flights that have worked for you I'm always looking to save money so we can travel more also if you found this video valuable so far please give it a thumbs up as well as maybe share with a friend to help them save a little bit of money on their next trip all right let's get into hack number five and this is probably my favorite hack as I was just saying and it is something called travel arrow and travel arrow is a Google flights extension that you will need to download but what travel Arrow does is it's going to compare tons of different different flight databases all with one easy click to know that you are getting the best price possible so let me show you how it works you're going to go to your computer you're going to open up your browser you're going to go to Google Flights in the top right hand corner you're going to see a bunch of like a square dot icon you're going to click on the Square dots you're going to scroll all the way down to the end and you're going to see something called Chrome web store you're going to click on that you're going to go to the search bar and you're going to click in travel Arrow and it's going to pop up at the top it has this kind of like purple pink background called travel Arrow you're going to click on that now for me I already have it downloaded so it says remove from chrome but basically you're going to click on this blue button that says download okay now once you download that you're going to make your way back to Google flights so once you've made your way back to Google Flights you're going to plug in your flight like you normally would let's just do the same flight that we've been talking about so Minneapolis to Paris France we're going to leave on the 3rd of September come back on the 10th search for flights and now this is the cool part on the right side of your browser you're going to see a white box come up and this is going to compare prices from not only Google flights but all of these other third parties so you can see we have kayak sky scanner trip and Expedia and other I'm gonna get rid of other and I'm just going to click trip and Expedia in quick compare and you're going to instantly notice at the top of your browser it's going to open up different pages for all of those third parties and this is going to allow you to compare the price so if we go back to Google Flights we'll notice that the cheapest option here is about 1 338 dollars now let's make our way to you're going to notice that the cheapest rate is actually 990 bucks so over 300 cheaper now let's make our way to Expedia Expedia seems to be a little bit more expensive let's make our way to kayak similar on kayak from what I can see and then sky scanner see we got on sky scanner very similar on sky scanner as well but you notice they found a cheaper rate must be a different combination of Airlines and flights so travel Arrow can be a great way to build confidence in Booking your flight to know that you're getting the best rate possible because sometimes it can be really hard to know where to look and this Google flights extension will do it for you with just one click so I highly recommend downloading travel arrow for your next trip hack number six and this hack might not necessarily save you money but I can promise you it'll make your flight a lot more comfortable as well as make the booking process a lot easier and this hack is another Google flights extension called leg rooms and before I talk about what it is let's get it downloaded so the same process as before I'm going to go up to the right hand corner click on the all the dots I'm going to scroll down to Chrome web store in the search bar I'm going to type in leg rooms quick search and it's going to be the top one okay you're going to click on leg rooms okay where it says remove from chrome being that I already have it downloaded you'll click download and then you're going to make your way back to Google flights so what is legrooms leg rooms is an extension that is going to make it way easier to determine what amenities you're going to be offered on your flight things like how much leg room are you going to have does your flight offer Wi-Fi does it have USB ports for charging is there an entertainment system all those things are really really important to the comfort of your flight and sometimes it can be really hard when you're booking a flight to see if you have those amenities I feel like we've all been there before where we book a flight and you're all excited to watch some movies on your flight and then you sit down in your seat and you realize there's no TV screen so leg rooms will help you solve that problem and I think the best way to depict this is to show you what it looks like without this extension and then to show you what it looks like with this extension so let's start by showing you what it looks like without so this is what Google flights looks like without leg rooms and you're going to notice it's going to give you your flight time flight duration your layovers or stops emissions and price okay so now this is what it looks like with leg rooms you're going to see the same stuff you have your flight time you have your duration of your flight you have your layovers or stops you have your emissions and you have your price but on the far right side you're also going to see these added icons and over here you can see this flight has this symbol here which means you're gonna have USB charging you're also going to have onboard Wi-Fi and a TV screen for movies or an entertainment system it's going to tell you your uh the plane that you're going to be on and on the far right side you're also going to see this leg room icon it's going to give it to you in inches and one thing to pay attention to is if any of these numbers and inches are highlighted you're going to see right here this number in inches this 29 inches is highlighted in red and what that's going to tell you is you're going to have below average leg room compared to if we scroll down we see this flight here has 32 inches highlighted in green that's going to tell you that you're going to have above average leg room this Google flights extension can be particularly nice if you're doing a long international flight we're going to be spending hours on a plane you want to make sure you book a flight with the amenities that you expect hopefully you get the opportunity to try out some of these hacks when booking your next flight we all know traveling is a heck of a lot easier when you're not breaking the bank to do it if you want to continue on your journey to making travel easier and a little bit more comfortable I would highly encourage you watching the video we made about how to survive a long-haul flight it will completely change your mindset going into those long flights and hopefully make it a lot more comfortable it's if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to our channel for more content like this we will see you in the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: The Travel Coaches
Views: 175,423
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheap flights, google flights, how to find cheap flights, how to find cheap flights on google flights, google flight hacks, the travel coaches, how to book cheap flights, how to find the cheapest flights, budget travel, travel hacks, travel tips, flight deals, how to use google flights, google flight tips, how to get cheap flights, travel arrow, google flights tutorial, best flight booking website, 6 google flight hacks, google flights explore, cheap airfare, cheap travel
Id: zRyI5fQpsrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 51sec (951 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 11 2023
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