Cisco UCS Lab1

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so when we talk about UCS manager we have these three main components one is the fabric interconnect the other one is the i/o modules which is behind each chassis and then the interface card which is there on every blade see in the last class I was saying three components of UCS as chassis I will module four facts and then fabric interconnect but what is there inside chassis is each blade you have eight blades on each braid what you have is a card like this this is the one which is going to create multiple V Nick's and V HBAs every blade has got a big motherboard on the motherboard you will have this big card it is called v card virtual interface card be card see here it is seen Cisco Vic 1 2 h 0e m h 1 k there are various versions of it depending on what version you have the number of Phoenix and VH base it can produce will vary there are also some third party like Q logic and so on available the same interface card is available this is the one which is going to create NIC cards and HPA cards virtually now you cannot find any mcaren HPA port this is going to virtually create it for us without this card you cannot do that and this is the iom which is at the rear side of your UCS director this is the one which is there on top here that connects all the UCS chasis last class I was telling you now we have 96 for it you see this one this has got 48 volt 2064 6248 means 62 the series 6,000 second generation and 48 you people's you Peapod means unified board this board supports both FC as well as Ethernet traffic's that's what you people you have various generations like six one two zero wins 2024 first generation 44 first generation you have various generations you know if you go and see the Cisco's the datasheet even see the latest one and I'm the number of ports in the fabric interconnect see there are various chances there are too many chances one two you can see six in each column likewise you have many group of six chassis connected to one fabric interconnect so you can you can you can manage all these number of these number of chassés and the blades in it from one single window if you don't have UCS then you will have that many number of windows as the number of server if you have 50 servers here in the chassis if you don't have UCS you will have 50 separate servers 50 separate power 50 separate NIC cards if each if each server has got too many cards for redundancy and two HP s 1 11 C then you will have hundred Ethernet wires 100 fiber wires from 50 servers you don't have that many wires here running you have very less number of wires you will see that also between the uses chassis fabric interconnect from the fabric interconnect you're going to have just one cable for you to manage these big number of routers sorry big number of servers that's the advantage of the UCS let me zoom it for you I think the one size is not that right now this is showing you that fabric interconnect is of different size the top one what you see is six one zero sorry six one zero zero series the top one and this is one dracania size if you have twenty ports if you have forty ports then it is too racking rep size it will be both it will be Ethernet RFC in the expansion model you know there will be some excess lot where you can you can add these expansion modules which is not this very an expansion module will be in the next slide maybe so expansion module or additional ports that you can add it may be an FC port or Ethernet put that depends on your need you buy a expansion port and you can add to the expansion slot but this 162 generation or unified book you have even 96 now when this was preferred it was 48 put it is one rack in its nice so on and what you see here is 21 series and 22 series these are IBM's input output modules which is also called as fax which you will find at the rare side of the UCS chassis so if you have not physically seen the uses chassis I would like to show one we have a three dimensional [Music] three dimensional UCS manager UCS right so this is this is BCD series is nothing but this type of chassis CC this is rack mode silver c is not chassis okay C is the rack mount server B Series is blade I know you have blades they blade series you see here you have fabric interconnects 1 2 3 4 CI Williams sir did not have the Clio amps our fax we call this fix you have 4 into 40 gig totally you have 8 for in the left and 4 in the middle so you have 40 gig of each port when you have all four in the left and 4 in the middle connector see how much of throughput you get from each chassis you get 160 into - yeah 116 - tween that much of her yes these are um ports these we connect with for example in case of AC I will connect with the leaf switch no no no this not all connect with leaf this have to be connected to the about switch called fix okay it has to be connected to fix this fix has got 40 gig boats FCoE ports on Ethernet ports already you also have 72 ports so you need to correct these these IOM to this fix box sorry you fabric interconnect box there should be some zooming option okay today okay I think you can see there are four ports here and four ports here this will connect to the above switch and this above shoot you only will connect to your AC a fabric or to 5000 series of Texas or 7000 series of Nexus okay you don't connect chassis directly to any switches chassis without fabric interconnect is a man without a brain man without brain man has got everything but no hater so this is the header so the header alone will communicate it has got mouthpiece to communicate you connect to any device on the top see these are all hot swappable fans you have eight fans and you have radar and power supplies right this fabric interconnect has got two ports here called a king the cluster pours or management ports and you got 16 10 gig ports or if you will convert into AFC port then it will work as 4 gig or 8 gig or 16 gig FC and this particular model have got this other half has got 18 ports of 40 gig Ethernet RFC OE or you can use it as 72 10 gig ports if you don't want 40 gig then you can you can have 72 10 gig ports which means you need to split this one do you have some split cable one port will be splitted to six ports some sort of cables are available with that you can have up to 72 of 10-gig ports what is the cable name this Bala Bala knows it because in Nigeria I had such cable and I was talking to Bala from Nigeria showing that cable I don't remember the name the splitter something like this yeah it is yes that is how it goes like can you can you repeat again correct I remember that's the word I'm sorry not that clear your voice can you repeat again to next cable something like that you have to next cable so if we have then we can have it at 72 port if account you will not sell have some native poor actually you need to use such cable to have 72 port then it will have a Stanwyck port each right or simply 18 ports you have 18 into 40 gig you can have it so this is how the physical look the physical architecture of the UCS we look like now is a breakout cable molded one yes sir please molded with a fiber one right that is true next here it is like if you have 40 geek interface okay it's gotta break apart break okay okay so if you go here you can see each play I'm going to remove this b200 blade see you just pull the latch and the blade comes up so this is what I was talking about the NIC card you know any three pier CB Nick's Vic card virtual interface card you see the description when I keep the mouse here you can see the description at the bottom this is the one which is going to create multiple be mix by Charlie cards and virtual HPE cards alright it's also called as missile minion adapter destiny adapter so you have Xeon processor here v3 series so each plate I have got these components you have memory module theta 2 GB team 24 teams like I've got 24 things that's ddr4 that's what wonderful thing here the latest one the speed and throughput is mentioned here the total memory that it can have a 768 GB okay and this is hard disk SATA hard disk you can also have HDD or STD depends on how much we pay alright so let us put this back into the rack inside the chassis then likewise let us remove the other blade for six this is full bling there's full blade so you will have the double the capacity double the throughput at the same time the space occupied is also double see this also have got the missile Indian card of veena card to 20 gig I wa per blade more memory modules 96 teams not just double and Xeon processor but this is version 2 family the previous one of specialty SATA is to be right some additions Lots fine this is full blade if you have full blade then you cannot have eight plates you can have only one two three blades three full blades and two half breaks here we see totally five blades to half plates and three full blades this is another series let's see that two six zero they have another full blade this is only 160 GB through portal it was 328 thing this is 160 even though it is full blade the size is big but performance is slow all right on the rear view let's remove your components in C rear view can I remove the module fan module no no okay this one I can remove what is this this is IO m23 its third generation the presentation we saw tu1 and tu2 currently we have 2 3 and 0 4 stands for 4 slots you see at the backside it is like this you can see only these 4 ports inside you have something like this which connects to the blade see you don't have any knee cards here this all will get engaged with pins inside the chassis now they will have inside a kind of fabric connection to all the blades we are going to see how they these will be connected to the blades in the presentation and what way they are connecting to all the blades from here but you don't see anything related to this when you see the chassis you just only see this for ports only this 4 is available for the invisibility but behind you see how many clusters of ports this year and this all connects to to all the blades and this all will form ether channel or poor channel I should say the word for channel because it is unified it's neither a it is it's it's both the FC as well as Ethernet the connection from this place to your blades are poor channel ok but who does this poor channel configuration it is automatic you configure anything between this and blade you don't configure anything like you need to be alone you need to be poor channel it is taken care order medically but here from this ports to the fabric interconnect which is there on the tops as a switch you are the one who is going to say whether all this port will be both channel or it will be separate separate see this is what the type of exercise you will have an exam option is very simple you will go under the IOM column IOM tab and say I want poor channel if you don't say poor channel then these four links will be separate separate link then you need to map which blade will use which port as they exit static mapping you would need to do dynamic pinning is also there static pinning can also be done or you can simply say I want to group all this for port as port channel towards the fabric interconnect so that there will be redundancy for you if you don't put do poor channel if you do static pinning what happens is if a connection if wire from here to the fabric interconnect fails that particular blade will start going where the other I am on the left hand side or in the middle and then there will there you will find more traffic okay so what I'm coming to say is yes if you if you if you don't poor channel these four links that goes to the fabric interconnect if you don't do poor channel this poor channel you have to do it manually so I'm here to the fabric interconnect you have to do it manually if you don't do it it will dynamically pin it will dynamically connect blades these ports depending on how many wires you connect if you have all the 8 blade all the 8 ports with wires of 40-gig then you have totally 8 wires and if you have eight blades each plate will be pinned to a dedicated port that is dynamic pinning if one port goes down here but not both port will not go down the link the connection goes down the traffic will go all the middle middle pork but if you do static pinning what happens if the port link goes down then that's that that server will not be under service it will not be providing any service so static thinning has got advantage as well as they said where they static putting advantages you have the dedicated port 40 gig port for the blade to which you ping that's the advantage but the disadvantage is if anything goes wrong with the link then you have to manually come inside and do something dynamic pinning is not like their dynamic pinning if one link goes down it dynamically puts the traffic in the other other side on the right hand side so it is taken care now let us see the cable connections wirings see this will show you how would you be connected this is how we connect all right when we have to fabric interconnect for it in and see what we will do is we will connect all the left to one and all that is there in the middle to the other one so you will have load sharing usually Cisco sells with two fabric interconnect here they are not shown to fabric interconnect that's why they are connecting to one single box all eight port but for adherence this is called with sells with two fabric interconnect all right do you have any question did you understand the physical architecture of UCS this is so this is the port through which we manage we do HTTP s and get into the boovie of it that is what you see in the cloud here admin C 1 SC o 1 2 3 4 5 yes so we get this page through this management pot here you see me that I can show you the fabric interconnect separately we have I'm ready to connect to show here no fine so going back to the presentation this is how the fabric interconnect will look like though the switch on the top now you have 40 boards which with two expansions not here in that expansion module you have 46 airport in this particular series of six one generation it's the older generation we also have six three now we have seen that in the in the three-dimensional view in here we see 120 port and 26 headboards and you have one expansion module this is that expansion module where you can connect any of this you can connect this one with eight FC ports or 6 FC ports so the the green one here you see you can see a green border which means they are FC ports here if you say no I want some Ethernet port on some FC port there now so you have an option combo option in which for pores will be Ethernet and 4 ports will be a green border which is FC or you also have another option Ethernet only with six ports which supports FC wheels all right this is 6248 series since this is a unified port it can support FCoE so you need not to have a nor dedicated port for FCN the ethernet you can have FCoE or you can have only FC it's up to you inside this is how the fabric interconnect looks like you have this Carmel is nothing but a ASIC chip yes IC chip and you go out port MAP so eight ports are mapped to one a cas IC chip and all this is IC chip are connected to a central fabric or unified cross bar fabric and all these are connected to another a ASIC which connects to the CPU and CPU you saw the internal architecture okay you remember CB fabric interconnect architecture so this also will have you know Ram processor so on and you got a management port to communicate to this this is expansion module gem module owners gem is nothing with generic expansion module which we already saw in the previous slide like you have some eight ports this is sixteen sixteen port expansion module sixteen unified port so the speed that they support on mentioned here this talks about different fabric interconnect and their comparison now these are all not up to date and this is a little bit outdated six one series we don't see much we see six two and six three so this is not needed if you want to see the latest update you need to compare the datasheet in the system tab this is the comparison between the generic expansion model version 1 and version 2 for this also you can visit to the Cisco site in the latest so this talks about the unified port when you have unified board see you have 32 unified put but you may not be willing to have all 32 as unified board in case if you want let's say 8 ports to be a FC port and 26 port sorry 8 port and 22 for 24 ports if you want 24 for to be Ethernet port out of 32 and 8 po to be FC port it is possible either you you go and make it as FC only or there will be a slider I'm going to show you those things in one particular version you will I think it is 6248 only you will have a slider if you move the slider towards your right then whatever the port that is there the left will all become FC port if you move the slider towards your left whatever the port that is in the in the right will be Ethernet port so this all will be Ethernet and wherever this is where I left the slider there will be a slider to push and pull so you need not to right-click and figure if see or you can err to select the port and make it as if she just moving the slider will allow you to choose FC okay so this is what I was talking about see you have the fabric interconnect selected here let us go to our fabric interconnect here see fabric interconnect a see this is fabric interconnecting this one don't have slide in this version do not have slider this is 63 32 and it has got 16 you P unified poles 16 unified ports so here you can select one for work okay you can select one of the for work and you can make it as FCoE our storage port on a playing port and server port by selecting an option here right now this one is up virtually physically desert but no poor type is enabled through green color right no it's not it isn't green color the green means it is up but no portal ok type is server type see when I move the mouse there it shows it's the server type server type means it is connected down towards the chassis what about this one this is also server is also server server so I can see here seven ports one one so totally seven ports are connected towards the chassis this is not configured this is also not configured see if I want to configure I can simply make it as a server port like this and I mean do you want to configure - a server for yes then successfully configured photocell but now it is green see let me and configure it I just showed you a blimp or but this is configured as an uplink port which is network typing when you say uplink what it means is it is connecting towards a CI it is connecting towards 5000 series or 7000 series Nexus that is what called as Network types Network type means towards the south towards the north server type means towards the south and in this you may need FCoE then you can say F Co airplane which means on top in a CI or in the Nexus you should configure FCoE if you want it to be a storage boat if you have anything directly to a storage box then you can click on this let me and configure it okay server port means you see these wires all of these ports here these 8 ports will be connected as a server port why they're connecting down to the users chassis if there will be a cable connecting upward then it will be network type or uplink port type will be network is it clear all right so this is how we configure the ports but I was telling you in some version you will have a slider which you can move towards left and right that itself will make it as MC oh look at this this one when you move the slider towards the right towards the right all the ports in the left will be FC and all the port in the right will be sorry all the port in there the right will be okay towards I'm talking from the picture side okay you are seeing now you are seeing the picture then I move the slider towards the left when I move the slider towards the left all the ports on the right the last four ports in this diagram is the FC only put in the diagram the last four port if you still move the slider further down towards the left then you will have more FC ports now this is nowadays we don't have in newer models like the slider we have only right-click and configure all right this explains you very well about the network port server port and so on see uplink ports a plane ports where is the appling put here this is an uplink boat this is an uplink port this is a server port silverpool all right and then this is management port to which we communicate this is the fabrics which port this is for these two boats to synchronize fastly we don't do any cross connect there's a special cable for this you you you use that special fiber cable you can extract to straight put one to port one go to the portal I'm sorry no cross connects allowed even here also no cross connects you connect all the IOM of a to fabricate all the IOM of B to fabric B so here they are showing you 20 chassis is chassis number one to chest number 20 this is how we connect and we have in each braid a virtual adapter the CNA inside the blade CNAs virtual adapter color is network adapter on each plate whether it is 1/2 blade or in his full blade we saw both in our example in the demo the three-dimensional demo if it is full blade you will have to viniq no questions or take it as snow so from each blade if you see there are two connections coming out one is connecting towards the left another one is connecting towards the right so but don't think that there is only two connection coming out from the CNA they just want to show you each CNA is connected to both the fabric interconnect some time you will have 32 in the left going 32 on the right it depends on what sort of the card mezzanine in card that we have now you saw here when I remove that I will you saw here there are a lot of holes for the pin all this pin will be engaged connected you know in front the motherboard internally you will have a huge cluster of fabrication fabric inside so how many of those things are going to be active it depends on what sort of mezzanine and card you buy there and I install it as many of the spot will be used that much of throughput you will get from each blade and that will come out of the spot those those things are the number of holes that is going to be in use it depends on the museum alien card that we have they are the blades right so see they another diagram that explains things more clear for us this is the IOM which is at the rare side and you can see from each blade a connection is going to each I am this is actually inside architecture the picture is trying to explain as how inside they are connected the back panel traces the big motherboard that silver lines that you have on the motherboard alright so you have connection to both fabric fix a and fix b4i way m1 and IOM too so whatever goes to IOM one will go to fabric interconnect a whatever goes to IOM to win go to fabric interconnect be right so this is just one chassis with eight blades eight servers so 1/7 means first two chassis seventh blade like why you see if you have 10 chassis you will have 10/7 10/8 that is how it will appear on fabric interconnect I'm sorry you see Asst manager use this manager if you see 2/7 which means it's the second chassis 7 to bleed this knowledge is very important for you I you're going to create several pools today in your lab you're going to say that I want to have one server from bleh uses chassis one another server from uses chassis - why I have two servers in the pool in case if chassis one is down my customer will not feel that they got that service drop the other observer will immediately take up the load on the other chassis you know for redundancy server redundancy so your uses manager lists all the servers in one big list from all chassés so you can push or pull and drop it inside the pool that which you want to create and give it to customer one of the blade will be used by the customer if their blade has got some issues even blade may get some issue chassis may not go down but the blade that you are sent to server may go down so immediately all the services that were running in the blade will be moved to the next blade that is there in the pool which you have kept for standby purpose that is that may not be the same chassis it may be in different chassis so that naming is like this do you have any question in this slide please ask so the old blade identity goes to the new blade and whatever was running before in the old one runs on the new one with in less downtime few minutes of downtime put a fabric fabric interconnect right initial configuration we will go through not command based but question answer based dialogue based what is this fabric name I'll say fabric a what is the name for the other fabric fabric B what is the IP address for this fabric this is the idea that what is the ideas for other family this is the IPO what is the IPS for the cluster these two are going to be in cluster no fabric a and B the cluster IP address only will be using fun GUI and what is the IP rows for the cluster this is the IP address all those things were live even laughs do you want HTTP our HTTP that option also will enable those basic configuration to get the page the GUI page you need to do it on the C&I and that is not again CLI command line base it is it is dialog Beast okay question always comes in the mind words and that's up to you how you want to use a server Cisco says we also provide you server and this ever understands the networking better than the individual servers when you are already a Cisco family you can have no more privilege come on we give you this by it it makes a more friendly than buying another server from other vendor because this is well understood same nexus family we have nexus famish witches so this is a nexus family goobie plexus family server so we have one nexus family everywhere in our data center customer is happy educational place it's the VM that you're going to create and provide you service where ever previously you are providing service same service you are going to do now on the Cisco uses chassis all the apps will be gaps team because we don't know how that works just give them the IP address of your VM they put the app there they install it same like as they install on individual server it's the same way there is nothing new there for them they need an IP address to tell it you just give the IP address of your VM that you created they're going to tell that or they are going to do FTP or they are going to do Remote Desktop get it done they they get the remote desktop the install whatever they want they will see a hard disk there right you mount a hard disk from your jaybird and you give them they see a hard disk according to them so they can yes yes you you are saying you create a VM with type II errors are without IP address it's up to you if you have IP pool and mapped to that VM then it is going to have IP address dynamically assigned from the pool and you you see the IPS that is assigned and give it to him and he does remote this stuff from somewhere or if you say I will not give them IP means you know there is no I people then you have to statically assign an IPS and give it to it only IP response a network part you give the network part you finish your network part all the rest will be taken care of it changing the create server pool means your you're going to put some blades let's say you have five chassis so you will have 40 blades this 40 blades may not be for one customer you may be willing to give five blades to each customer you have 40 blades you want to give five blades to one tenant in AC a language tenant five blades to one tenant five blades to one organization here we call this organization here we actually called a sub organization parts four one five links five five physical grades on top of that it is their wish to put vm and to have multiple VMs from five they may make it as fifty they may install ESXi that doesn't matter that it's not our job if they ask you to put operating system windows 7 and give you then you can put Windows 7 and give them if they ask you to give you only the bare metal you give the bare metal they that's up to there it's up to their wish now what I'm saying is the server pool will that you give the customer may not have all 40 blades you will have 5 blades from each chassis or 5 blade may be from all 5 will be from same chassis it depends because the server may does the customer may ask a specific profile for their server that may not match in one blade sorry one chassis the profile that they are looking for the customer is looking for you may find in different different UCS chassis so whatever matches the customer profile customer expectation on a server may not be found in one chassis so you take those blades that are matching the customer from different chassis and put it in a pool for them to use so whenever customer comes and requests a blade will be taken from that pool which matches the in few minutes those thing will be deployed you know those things also will come under policies and those things will be added to you yes X I can we automate yeah there is a VM tab I think those things can be automated what you're saying but I need to check or it may be as we as you say an ill me he needs to do it only a server will be provisioned he may need to go and install ESX de and so on but Windows operating system can be if it is not a ESXi on the blade Windows operating system can be just given like that you know without any intervention wait a minute let me so there is a tab on VM tab see this tab we need to work on this one go to check whether what you see there is there is an option there is an option CV Center all the stuff but ESXi I need to check I need to check all our lab guide may have it I'm going to share you a lab where you go through that if you don't have an answer you'll find an answer I think according to me there is an answer in your lab guide which I'm going to share with you long time back I use that a movie a year back I use that lab guide so I don't exactly remember I think it is possible automatically I'm 5050 now I'll I need to confirm it by a verified yeah good see you can see here it says the tabs explains everything right you have a center itself which means you have control over VMs it is possible so we understood this page this shows you know the design the advantage you see that it explains you the advantage or it also explains you how the connectivity can be done one cable from each i/o am so from each chassis you get only two cables two links so if each port is 40 gig then you get 80k if each put a cell gig then you get 28 it depends on the series all right and let's assume each port is 10 gig see we also have 40 gig let's assume which code is 10 gig board then here in this you get 20 gig throughput in this you have to to wire so 40 gig throughput 80 gig throughput and 160 through so it depends on how many wires you connect from each chance a to the fabric interconnect speed varies depending on how much how many wires so you know how much of traffic may come from each chassis you know how much of via how many VMs have been created on each blade and how much of utilization by each customer each members of the blades based on that you calculate and you collect the number of wires in order to connect all eight wires of 40-gig when there is only very small throughput it's waste of you know money face that's God is not throughput for example we have ten VMs and and two of them one of one of them is downloading stuff and it is it is utilizing 10 10 GB and the other is using my 5 5 GB other will be those things are taken care by the the operating system in the effects it will control the flow will be based on beta H so you will not have a struggle there it will be queued it will be queued and it will be slow but it will be slow but it will be properly queue according to the QoS it will happen so in that case you need to increase the number of cables you know a nice piece I have seen in I cannot record this right so from each as I get 320 GB throughput so now they don't have any struggle in the when they fully utilize the blade resource thanks so this talks about the the IOM that is connecting to the chassis now externally if you see here the four physical ports only you see you see only four physical ports internally I showed you a lot of things you saw in this 21:04 you got up to eight internal back panel but in our case you saw more than thirty-two let me show you one more time and I do this it's not 32 it's more than that for too many I don't know how to count they are not specified the number of for this is B series later this is 2 3 0 4 model 2 3 version now what you saw in the in representation is 2 1 series so 2 1 series don't have much internal back panel folks it's the more si explanation about 2 1 6 not needed it is outdated now those internal ports if you if you go to see a live this is how it will look like but not necessary to go to see and is off you need not to go to those things so this is another series maybe 22 series yeah this is 2208 on top you have 8 ports visible is 8 port you see he put at the backside you have 32 ports oh no sorry you have only 32 ports but in our case it is more than 96 I think it is 96 in our case but 4 ports only available physically in our free dimension but at the back panel you have up to 96 so they shows the differences and the asic that is used the vendor called Woodside by noon this is about the second generation you can go through this you know these are all self-explanatory the diagram itself explains everything see the misdemeanant card which is there on the blade from the blade how the connections are made to the back panel of the i/o module and from i/o module how the connection goes to the fabric intercalate pinning meaning how they are pinned how the servers are pinned to the ports now I would like to stop here initial configuration we will not be able to do in the lab but at least you need to see this pages to understand what we do in the initial configuration okay this is what you will get initially when you connect to the console this is what it will it will ask you okay it says instructor will complete this admin and then the password and then okay this is erasing the older configuration forget about this in case if something is configured you raise the configuration now this is what it this is how it will start the basic setup configuration dialog and then you get into the setup you type setup and you say yes I want strong password okay okay you want to choose the setup a new fabric interconnect yes I want to set up a new fabric interconnect continue you want strong password or weak password it depends on you and then right now is this fabric a that you are configuring or be open fearing I told you for each for for UCS you need to fabric interconnect it is not for each chassis me took a fabric interconnect you can have as many as you want if the number of ports are available to support more chassis in the fabric interconnect you can add you can keep adding more chasis but fabric interconnect always comes in to a and B which one you're configuring now I'm configuring a give any name that you like and give the management IP address this management IP address is not the cluster IP address this management IP address is for that box only for fabric a only and the separate mask gateway it's optional in case if you are managing through a router you may need to give a gateway but don't leave it blank put some IP address it need not to be there as a gateway hope you understand this concept right now ting in case between the fabric interconnect and the device which you are using for managing testing is router you are not in the same subnet then you need gateway so this is the cluster IP this IPS will be same on both a and B right now we are configuring a with one zero one IP address be maybe one zero two all this thing will be saying this also will be same do you want DNS no they want default domain no join the centralized management in case if you have V central UCS central not to be recent you say central what is you say central multiple fabric interconnect is managed with one tool like UCS managed uses director like uses director there is a tool called UCS central which is to cluster multiple you seeis managers hope you understand UCS manager have got multiple uses chassis now if you have multiple UCS manager itself to have say for example UCS manager one has got 50 chassis uses manager two has got four features so totally hundred chassis but this hundred chassis are separate separate 50 50 you cannot see in one place if you wish to see in one place you have another tool called UCS central you need to give the management IP SR IP address of the UCS central by saying yes here but we are not focusing on UCS central so uses central will look same like this like what so we don't have uses central so we say no here and then okay it shows you okay this is all that you have configured would you like to save it if you want to reenter than you need to say yes in case if you want honey apply and save you need to say yes if you say no then you can go and edit it that's all you will do on the the black page okay after that it will it will login if you want to go and see the CLI it's up to you not necessary actually so get into CLI we will straight away go to GUI right you can go into console if you want but not necessary likewise you configure see these are all CLI commands high-availability is not ready why you have not configured B so you need to configure B also that brings us to the end of the setup configuration and what else we see here okay this one you know when you get into GUI it will ask you to select launch you seeis manager you saw me clicking on it and then because it you will be able to login with the same password that you configured in the CLI same password and once you give the user name and password correct you will be in this type of tab but the new tab is not like this the new tab is like this see the server tab the older one server tab is like this equipment is like this in the newer one see the equpment is like this server is on the Left equipment is also on the Left LAN tab San tab vmware and storage and admin chassis and that mean okay you don't have something called chassis here you don't have something called storage in the olden version the newer version you have storage tab and the chassis is chassis tab separately in the equipment it will come in the older version in the newer version is like this and then you can see two fabric interconnect in our case if you want to see fabric interconnect go to equipments and under equipment you see fabric interconnect here or you can also go here and keep your mouse okay keep your mouse here is the fabric interconnect okay this one closes dynamically no this this goes in closest but in the older version it will be this will be fixed like this this panel will be fixed like this in the left hand side here it collapses and it goes on fabric interconnect a and the physical ports in the fabric interconnect Fixer module you have Ethernet module you have FC ports so you have in Ethernet how many ports you have around 20 to know what people what the Ethernet port this fabric interconnect has got and FC only ports nothing there is no FC only port since this is unified we don't have dedicated FC only put you have one Ethernet port module so that is fabric interconnect a fabric interconnect B which is the subordinate or kind of fences standby but not standby both will be active for the management fabric interconnect a will respond when you take the ego be using the cluster IP address right now what I am saying is a Govi but who has given me this movie its fabric interconnect a the primary the subordinate is not responding to me it is not giving me the boovie in case of fabric interconnect it goes down then this becomes the primary and this will provide me the GUI they both sync each other in they will be always same they are identical always so here this fabric interconnect module has got Ethernet ports and the FC for let's see how many Ethernet port it should be same actually when they buy they buy similar 140 here also and FC port null lower power supply unit you have two power supply units for each fabric interconnect that's what you see here the lepridon I showed you these things love the ports the Ethernet ports they shown you right you can you can go and click on this port and and see these things if you wish to right do you have this port now if you want to see what they are showing you click on this see these are all the ports that you have out one photo 240 you even have and somewhere up enable and then you can see they're all they're all server type that's the role you can also have uplink or FCoE some are not configured at all no wire is connected they're not unkind figured if you want to see if you want to filter it out I want to filter only several ports and I can uncheck all this it shows only the server put if I wish to see only the network put what is network port the port that connects to the upstream there is no letter put configure so let me go to one I'm configured port and make it is network just by clicking right clicking I'll make it as something phone uplink code is nothing but network type then now if I uncheck this I have a network port port number eight I just now configure this network type all right let me and configure this okay so now we got all the ports in the list you can also go one foot up this is what exactly you have in this diagram the picture here alright this is what you see port number tie d6 slot number one and the MAC address in this mode is access port type is physical overall citizens up administrators enable this the MAC address is the fabric see the newer one will appearance is slightly different but it gives similar information this is what exactly you see here all right so go down this is another way of configuring port I showed you one way of configuring port as a server port on a playing polar FC we put this is another way of configuring you choose the port you choose the board and then if you go down you have options like reconfigure I'm configure show interface let's see show interface interface it shows that roan is a server role Ethernet type who the transport is not AFC physical battle type land fabric ID to which it is map is B we are in fabric B actually so this is how it shows you cannot configure if you wish to or disable the port or reconfigure the port to some other type no this is what they show here in this page all this we see so in the CLI also you can go and see cluster when both are available fabric a and fabric B high availability is ready this is our message but CLI is not at all necessary to focus in uses manager all this you know all right so this is about this is just showing you know the different tabs they are teaching your different tabs here there is an example there asking you to go to land tab and go to the pools by filtering here you go and choose pools the reason is you will have too many information if you don't choose pools so this is related to pool so you you know IP pool extension management is related to pool they're asking you go and filter they're teaching us that there is something called filter which will give you easy visibility to what you want so you can also try the same thing now this is related to the land no because it is I people so go to land tap see all will show you too many things here they're asking you to go to pool dams hose and then other I people you have pool extension you can right-click and create one if you want sorry so they're just helping us to understand the tabs here directly can manage IPS pool create blog just now I shown you this in the newer version see you create an eye people I want you to do similar laps you know I must showing I will show you an ipv6 you do it on ipv4 I'm creating an ipv6 for from and then say mm : ABCD : : 1 I want 1000 addresses starting from one I want 1000 address in the pool gateway I would like to give 2000 : ABCD : : 0 0 0 1 this famous taking one right primary DNS it's optional 1 I can give my 1 2002 are no problem 2020 : : 8 : 8 : 8 : 8 secondary DNS 22 g 4 4 4 : : I need to put double colony done so we created ipv6 who alright and created ipv6 for I can see it here but oh here it is this is what the ipv6 interested we couldn't rouse the addresses leader here you can see all thousand address here / 64 right sorry like where's you do one example in ipv4 which is mentioned here in the lab guide say IP address forget about CSeries now we need to go to section page number yes it will be used by physical blade virtual machine wherever you are you call it you can call it under the service profile for whatever you create the service profile whenever you call there it is going to get assigned so in useless chassis task number 4 in thing lab is for lab number for customer foo you can you can take events that happen in past faults that happen in past by going to any tab in each tab it is available in equipment up here they are showing an example right where you click on the fall to tab it shows all the faults you can also upload it to a local Hardesty expert is the option and click on the export and export it to a local disk and save it and you can also open it with the notepad or WordPad notepad is better sorry WordPad is better notepad you need to say would wrap or something like that so see them so this is one from here the important thing starts like configuring the external connectivity related things like VLAN beasts and MAC address pol IP address pool ww en NPN poles these are all the one with which the uses will connect communicate to external devices for that you know in our example first of all they are less establishing thus and connectivity for that you go to the sand tab and the newer versions and tab is here sand tab in Santa we will we will find if you see down visa you will also see we say an option under each fabric she fabric be and the fabric be I have on visa option fabric a I have another recent option if I'm configuring for we send a only sorry fabric a switch only the fabric interconnect a then I need to right click here and say create visa if I wish to create globally and later decide to what fabric then I need not to be under any fabric I can use this visa which is global let me close this collapse this global one and then right click and say create and I want to create visa and five five five and this is global here and visa and number is 5 5 5 and the FCoE vielen in case if you are mapping this v sand to a VLAN which is called FCoE Ethernet over FC you need a velar number it is always recommended to keep it the same but make sure these wheeler numbers are not used in classical Ethernet only environment so this is your dedicating or before FCoE purpose so whenever you do FCO a traffic of triple five will be resent traffic at sea traffic triple five will be carried by ethernet triple file we ran through five created so this will appear under global not under any fabric see it appears under global meat centripetal fight we say number one is default same like your Ethernet in an unmanned here also we said one is default to which all the interface will be member you can map it to any interface now in case if I would have had one Fc boat I don't have an EPS teapot actually I checked it we checked it in the morning station we don't have FC Porto if I would have had an FC pot I would have mapped the beasts on here but let's try to put one of the port in FCoE I'm taking port number 24 and I'm going to I'm going to configure this is an FCoE uplink FCoE uplink and then the right and then see here also you have faults for each step we will have faults you can export now they showed only on equipment this is for one particular interface if you want to take the logs you can come here and export right now I'm planning to allocate a VLAN to this user label there an option to map I mean I'm sitting here and if I have FC only what I can immediately see that it will go through this lab guide in lab bed also they should show that things then but so here we are creating vcn like this in the older version and then see this is what exercise they give you create these penny v-- sets put it in different fabrics okay so like if you are creating visa you need to provide visa an ID as well as FC we VLAN ID we just now read this thing to provide triple Phi and we created it and then verification also we did it they go to FC put x FC port when you click on that port you have this option here to map the visa so the port will carry only that we said let us try this digging deep here go back and go back to the equipment tab the equipment tab I'm looking for this is fiction model do have exponential model no expansion module in this there is no FC port there is no expansion what number 24 what rate is 24 to disable reconfigure and configure your interface I just know there is no option to map this to any code as of now have to be done through policy only if it is FC only then we would have seen that this is not FC only port this is unified port so let me reconfigure it has a few in storage yeah you see I can map now the V said I get the option but when it's the reason I created this is this is this is I'm in which fabric I mean fabric a but I don't have any vision in fabric it is global so I need to go and now create one create one for fabric a I'm going to create one see this is another way of creating visa you can right click there and create or you can come like this LT this is for fabric a visa number is videos written one so the reason ID is true one and VLAN and go to map a test right now it will be available for us to use there we were in port number 24 okay we are already in port number 24 here many do refresh it let us go and check one more time I don't know whether the reason is created I did not verify it you can verify here and we said yes to honest here triple bonus here if you want to edit it you can edit it even now okay the VLAN clipper one we have not created it that's why we are saying for this we said I want to give billion tripping one but where have we created we have not created so let us go to the land tap the land tab under fabric a you can create VLANs right I will create one VLAN VLAN 1 fabric he a VLAN IDs cannot set one ID because it is already taken by FC UV lamp for me sent everyone okay yes I want to use that only okay mean if I should not you know the triple role is already created why this car the changes going back to equipment equipment I'm going back to the port number 24 it's having only default anyway we'll fix that one later about FCIC this is how it will appear whatever the villain that you created way up here here you need a map all right you just map the reason but this is here in our example in the lab guide it is FC only is it's not Ethernet as I have seen sorry fine after you map it you save it you see the villainess mapped for port number five so likewise you dual and connectivity now we just now finished configuring we stand and assigning we stand to our FC port next is LAN connectivity you create each other sorry vielen so if I am doing for fabric a I need to be under fabric a create this is for fabric II and I didn't say VLAN 100 million 100 click ok so wheel and 100's created fine so that's all they will not allow they they will not assign this to any interface the reason is mostly we will have trunk on the land so only creating VLANs deal ends will be assigned only to NIC cards ok so 9 9 90 is the villain here they're creating then that's it so this is about creating violence so we have seen some connectivity and land connectivity what is next is resourceful MAC address is a resource we need for LAN ee w pn w WN is for land UUID is for the buyers for each place we don't know how many buyers we will have it depends on how many operating systems VMs and physical blades we are going to have so these things we need to create pools next is the server pool the server pool can be a manual pool or it can be automatic pool what is the difference between manually populated server pool and automatic populated server book the manually populated server pool is nothing but for one customer you are saying blade five blade 6 plate seven you manually say these are the blades I'm giving for this pod for this sub organization for this tenant that is manual automatic pool is you don't say how many servers you don't say which server you simply say this is the profile I'm looking for for this pod I need Xeon processor I need this type of power supply need this type of support like I need this type of cooler even the heat sink I need this this ddr4 ddr3 RAM I need this mini-ramp minimum requirement you specify all those thing the blade that matches your expectation the server that matches your expectation will be automatically taken and assigned to this pool do you understand automatic populated several means so this is the main difference between manually populated an automatic populated let's see how to create it MAC address pool we know you need to go under land tap see it become very easy for you now it becomes boring also for you know definitely it will not be under land it will be under server yeah pools go to pools let's have a pool UUID pool okay correct early MAC address pool will come under land only okay so we have not created suburbanization if you wish to create on sub organization for that if you want to provide a server pool you can create an organization I'm going to create an organization called AJC international this is the company that I recently registered AG C dot international you're not is not allowed okay so for this if you want to create server pool you can create several boutique agency international now this will be available in breathin when you go to land tab you will see this organization under the land you will have a pool and you see suburbanization I created there in San it is available now for every taps land tap storage tap everywhere you create anywhere the organization this is called tenant right you know you can create multiple tenants now you see I want to create MAC address book right click and create MAC address I give a name AGC Mac Pope sequentially I want the market has to be incremented and the MAC address starting from this portion they will give you the first half I say starting from MAC address one I want 1000 MAC address so 1000 MAC address is created finish MAC address police over likewise I can create WWN pool from the sand tap go to sand tab under sand tab I need to look for pools and under pools I need to go under Aegis international age is international and the radius international you see WWN pool ww-p and pool WB example example means it can be used as WWN n RP n if you want to specifically create you can specifically create I'm going to create WWN and full separate P n separate for AGC international and then pull sequential underscore is not acceptable - it is available no this is what this is an input alright say next and then it will give you the first half of the portion so you need not to worry I want to start with 1 and go to 1,000 in the exam they will give you these informations pool is created I finished so 1000 WWN their enemy you need more actually for each server you may you may have to NN + 1 P and so P and I can create just hundred a thousand some I'm going to say c pn sequence sure and first off is given starting from 1 to 500 ingredie finished so what else is in this exercise we created MAC address pool we created this okay now UUID is under the server URI IDs for the server so it needs to be under the server service over here and at the sub organization a GCC UUID suffix pool UID so under ages international if you want to keep multiple sub earn you can do that so if AJC is one tenant under under the tenant you can have multiple tenants and different groups of servers for that tenant or if a JC is worldwide you can say for India a suburbanization called India these are the rules for Europe these are the pools no can do that now let us read you can you can put any number whatever they give you in the exam in a lab guide let's see what they give here in the laboratory you add a suffix book the using see here they're using sub organization called Ford nine this is mac address book we did all this we finished on this okay this is fair river under the server tab under the sub organization we created a UID suffix okay here they are using f9 no-no-no okay zero zero zero zero one only the default one so we will also use the default one I don't know how many servers I will create I may have 2000 stuck for 2000 is not available talking how much is available maximum this is 1000 available available 199 or not available so you cannot have that many service thousand five hundred not available thousand 250 200 100 I think when thousands are Mexico 1001 now 1000 still is the maximum for this organization you can have multiple organization you can change the upper bits higher order bits and have multiple range this is again locally significant address okay for your BIOS to be identified for each organization it will be unique for different organization it can be safe nothing wrong it is local for that server okay so we have created UUID now what is next is the server pool sixth is first is the manual manual several pool that we create for our organization same way you know you have server pool and I click create AJC manual server ad servers you see you will see all the servers here right now how many servers we have we have eight server nine eight seven now I can move it I want the first server to be the pool I'm moving if you see it is added here it is fooled I want to put forth server see two servers I am putting in a pool called AGC international server pool and I'm finishing so total size is two so far it is not assigned to anyone the servers are server number four and server number one this is static pool our manual populated circle see this is what we did now automatic pool is same creates have a pool and say next and you don't move any any servers don't move any servers after that you come to the pool that you created with no servers in it no servers in it go to the policies in policy you define how the server should be what sort of profile you are looking for so under your sub organization called AJ's international you have an option called server policy several pool policy qualification there you go and specify what sort of server you are looking for so let us create one dynamic server pool AJC dynamic here speak we don't map any servers here you just finish it we just created a dynamic pool now go back to the policies on the same tab server tab go to policies and a policy you need to go under your organization sub organization you will find the AJC international in this we will have several pool qualification well if ocation right click see what sort of adapter what sort of CPU or the hard memory you are looking for what sort of power qualification blah blah blah same time server pool so here they may give some example see memory they want to say them this is the minimum memory that I'm expecting 2 GB RAM I want so let's do the same thing in our case memory so first of all give a name here for EGC dynamic memory lovely memory minimum capacity how much 1 0 2 4 4 2 0 4 8 2gb other things you know if you know very well about memory you can use I don't know about the clock and all speed and all those people who are in server-side they know more about this thing how many units it should be I want I want 4 into 2 GB so totally 8gb RAM so what memory we have seen like where CP how many number of course for course and let's put - what if it is not there in the other things I don't want to mention okay if you know very well about these things you can click and you can have options and say okay so I just created now right here they're using RAM as an example CPU as an example for code and finished right this is damn now we we can check it if you want click and check it and then create several policies and map it so let's verify this so this is what we have we have safe qualification Asst memory qualification we have mentioned two zero four eight four units process qualification we have mentioned now go to several policy pool policy and I click and target pool dynamic pool qualification just now we created I give name as from EDC dynamic whole dynamic qualification so now whichever server suits your expectation will be there in the pool not all what if all matches all will be there so we have did this now you should go and check the servers and we will find the server in the pool let's go and check it go back to the pools and this is the dynamic server pool look at this 11 servers qualifies what you expect Levens servers because this has got more chances behind it see from chassis to 2/2 2/1 in chassis 1 almost all have come because all qualifies your need this is dynamic pool static pool we just moved only to service up to here I want you to finish up the page number 121 you finish and tomorrow we will go from service prefer actually this is the final step service profile final step just one jump to be finish our UCS right but I need to teach some background and then only I can take you to this lab we stopped here
Channel: Jayachandran
Views: 12,364
Rating: 4.818182 out of 5
Keywords: ccna, ccnp, ccie, networking, online, training, cisco, bgp, jayachandran, sathiyan, ucs, data, center
Id: lVpsGr19oQo
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Length: 121min 50sec (7310 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 30 2019
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