Cisco Router configuration

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hey guys welcome to my Cisco command-line for beginners pretty much I'm going to be going through all the beginning stages of a router configuration and I'm going to be explaining you know like the privileged modes and the different config mines and everything so we're gonna get started here I'm just going to explain what we're looking at right now if you guys have never seen this it's called packet tracer great program for testing on a network I'm going to try and simulate this as real as I possibly can and explain everything so you guys can visualize it so I listed our objectives here so we're going to change the host name of the router to router 1 we're going to change the password for privileged mode just Cisco 1 2 3 and privileged mode is just a mode that we can do like general administration nothing that just think of it as nothing that can change the configuration of the router we're going to set the passwords for telnet and ssh and we're going to set the passwords for the con the console we're also going to set up some banners and some login messages and we're going to set up the IP addresses as you see them here so and then - 24 so 24 bit subnet mask and same with these two and so what this is is just kind of picture this as a small office ok so you got your router you know and it's cabled in with straight-through cable all the way to your switch and then your switch you have connected to your management so you got your boss here or yourself and then you got your agents or your users down here just connect it to the ethernet earth to the switch via ethernet cable which is like cat 5 or cat 6 your standard blue or black or getting different colors so you just plug everything in you haven't done anything yet so you get your IT department they come in with their laptop and they connect their console cable to their laptop through the RS pour it on their laptops right to the console cable of the router alright so then within their laptop within Windows they open up a terminal a terminal session ok don't let this confuse you you do this in Windows so you just open up a terminal section you can use like hyper terminal whatever program you choose and you want to make sure your settings are the same as this which is default pretty much so bits per second 9600 data bits 8 parity none stop bits 1 and flow control none just hit OK and you're going to get to this screen here might look a little different depending on how you guys are doing this if you guys are doing this with real equipment you'll probably get that black screen with the grey writing but for us we're doing it through packet tracer so what you're looking at now is just like the this first page you'll see when you log into your router you can hit no here or yes if you want to walk through the basic configuration of your router we're going to do everything by hand let's say but if you wanted to you can also look up here and you can get some information about your router so as you can see here we got two fast ethernet ports 802 3 that's Ethernet if we had Wireless it would say 802 11 we got 190 1000 bytes of NVRAM we got you know this much bits flash you know our software 1841 the version 12 for 12.4 okay and it tells us you know if we need some support we can go to Cisco calm so moving on I'm going to hit an end here for no and I'm going to get to my gain started so I hit enter again and you want to look at indicator here beside the name or a word router see how it's like a forward arrow like a greater than symbol right there that indicates what authenticated permission you're in like what control you can do so this one is called user exact mode which is very limited functionality like I mean basic show commands no like debugging or nothing just pretty much you can see things about the router that's pretty much about all you can do now to move up a level to get to privileged exact mode which you can do some basic administration you know you can do some debugging but you can't do just think of it as you can't do anything that can change the router I don't know I said that but that's like the best way to think of privileged mode so to get there you go enable and hit enter and see how it changed to the prompt well that means whatever you guys want to call up camera thank you very know but anyways that's the privilege exact mode now from here you can issue some show commands you know show version for instance as a good show come in to get some information about your router so hit enter and again it's pretty much the same thing we just seen at the starting shows the same the only real difference as you can see your system file image here so let's just tell it like that's the name of the image for your configuration here like your flash alright so you can hit enter spacebar enter we'll go line for line spacebar we'll just do the whole page and again we get the same information down here okay so you got the 18:41 everything else is the same tells you your memory though now you can go like show IP interface brief and you can see a list of your interfaces here which is a good command to learn to you know like once you have everything in production and you guys are having an issue just issue one of these you can pinpoint which interfaces down you know you'll notice it over here administratively down just means there's a no shutdown or there's a shutdown command issue we'll get into that in a bit so moving on to start doing our job that we got hired to do here to set up our network here for this little company we got to have to move into configuration mode and that's a level up from privilege exact mode and with this mode you can this is like the admin mode of the router you can change anything you want in the router with this mode so you just want to issue a config and then T you can hit tab and you can ill finish out the word and hit enter and now noticed how we have bracket config so that means we're in the config mode and the great power of the Cisco IOS is the help okay it's nothing misleading if you've ever seen a lot of other command-line and you're trying to issue the Help button there's just all these digits doesn't even look English well with the Cisco IOS you just issue a question mark and it will automatically list what you can do and the position you're at so for instance you know what's the first thing we have to do here on our chores we've got to change the hostname okay so to change the hostname let's see so scroll down your list okay host name sat system that works name alright so just hit enter until you get to the end you can scroll through and take your time and look at all the things you can do or just hit spacebar so now we can go a hostname and then what okay you're still unsure so you just hit question mark and now it tells you what you can do at hostname so when it says word that just means you type something so whatever it is is whatever comes after hostname that's going to be the name of your router so our boss here wants us to name it r1 so we're going to our 1 and hit enter and now look we have our 1 bracket config bracket before we had router okay so that's done so now he wants to he wants us to set up half a password for privilege mode so member privilege mode is that and that is user mode so when they say they want to set a password for privilege mode that means when we're sitting at this prompt and we go enable there's going to be a password to get there so he wants us to set that make it a little more secure so again we're going to go into the config T and we're going to go enable let's see if we can get there through help it's easy so we'll hit question mark so enable you see here modify enable password parameters okay she might not have known that it was enable that you had to go to but you know a quick search on the internet how to set privilege mode you'll figure it out sometimes you want to go to enable and then you can hit question mark I'm going to stop doing the question mark once get the idea that you can pretty much issue it wherever you are in the command so this one's a good choice because see here you got two selections you got password and secret so what that means is password will assign the privilege level password but the difference between them is secret will encrypt your password and password will be plaintext so when you go when you issue a show run you'll be able to see you know the enable password is whatever we enable it as so I know our boss didn't really specify it up here but we're going to make it encrypted so all you do is you go enable secret because that's the only two we can either hit password or secret and then hit space so from here we can put a zero to specify unencrypted password which we don't want five which you know specifies encrypted let's see how nice and easy it is to read this command line it's beautiful so we're going to go five let's say and we're going to name it Cisco one two three now we got no errors nothing came up so we know now that that worked so if we wanted to issue a show run and I'll introduce you to the do command the do command which just go do show run some commands will only let you run them in privilege mode like saving privilege mode so if you wish you a do show run or a do a save startup config running config you'll be able to do it from whichever pillage mode you are so do show run okay wait a minute for some reason that didn't make it encrypt it so we're going to change that I'll show you guys that in a second so enable secret and then Cisco doing the 5 you know seeing how it said that it would be encrypted mobile do show run and now we can see that our secret is just like you can't guess that you know like that would be so hard to guess that that says Cisco 1 2 3 all right so moving on here we need to issue a show run you can also see the status of your interfaces a little more detail to just tell us there's no IP address there's no duplex or no speed it's shut down same with our VLAN so moving on now before our boss gets pissed off at us he wants us to enable passwords for telnet and ssh so what telnet and ssh is is that like actually you see here and your vty lines your vty line 0 to 4 what that means is you can have 5 current telnet logins at the same time you always count 0 so 0 1 2 3 4 which is 5 and you can always some routers have 15 so if you want to secure all the connections you have to go line vty 0 space 15 for our case we only have to go 4 so we're going to go to line vty 0 to 4 and then go password question mark let's just see let's go with 7 question mark word so our line our sorry our telnet and ssh he said to name it snakes so i hit enter and login and when you when you enter login here that just prompts for the password when they will log in through telnet and ssh so exit and he wants us to do the password for console so again if you can see here when we did our show run you can see line cotton 0 so that's where you want to type in line con space 0 password might as well at 7 and he needs this one as need to know enter an invalid so for some reason i guess it's the packet tracer that's not allowing me to do encrypted passwords for some reason so you can just go password need to know and then login again so that it prompts for when they login and exit so now when we do a show run you see our privilege mode is encrypted you see our host name is our router 1 still again we haven't configure different interfaces and our password for the line console 0 and it looks like again that encrypted password for the line vty is glitching in packet tracer so let's just go back in there so line vty 0 2 for password and he wants it at snakes login exit do show run go down and now it's there and it's there too for line con okay so we've set up all the passwords made it a little more secured now a guy gave it the host name so now we want to set up MOTD so that's message of the day so what that is is when we log into the router we're always going to see this message so that's just a banner so you can go banner and then MOTD you're going to issue any I'm going to say character on your keyboard and this is what's going to tell the router okay when you see this command anything after it is going to be my text for the banner and then you're going to have to hit that same key at the end of your text so that the router knows between the two that that's your message so I like to use a @ because not too often you're going to use that in your message so you can just hit enter and then now you're going to see enter text and end with the character at so I like to give it a little flashy thing here enter enter enter unauthorized access is prohibited must see administrator for more details and that's what he wants us to have okay and then we just issue a at and make it done and there's our message of the day so to see that we can go end and oh my god well I'm going to make you guys sit through this this is the worst part is when the router comes to a configuration and it doesn't know it it tries to translate it and this takes a while I'm serious you guys are going to sit through this book with me I'll show you guys how to disable this later on it's really annoying and I get too caught up in the getting down in my privilege modes just kept heading end but it's exit now you see how much this would suck when you're right in the middle of configuring something you just make a boo-boo and you got to wait two minutes okay so now we're going to hit enters this pretty much as if we're and it says line you know our one line con is now available so you might even have to enter password so we hit enter and look at that we got into our password because we're on our line con which is this so our password should be need-to-know and here's our banner so whenever someone sees this they will get that so let's login with need to know and to look at that damn we're good so now we want to enable and our password for enable comes up and what's that Cisco one two three all right so config T so what did he want us to do now oh a set a login message - so same thing banner and instead of going MOTD even you will log in what that's going to do is send a message after you hit enter in the password here it's going to like just kind of brief so you can like tell your you know your authenticated people way what to do so log in again at and then you start your text see Hall in add ministration for login credentials pretty easy end it with an at done let's just see this okay so we hit enter no that's crappy shows up right there otherwise that is the login that's where it goes I was mistaken I really didn't think it was after the password alright so we want to hit need to know and then enable Cisco 1-2-3 config T because now I think our next step is to setup the gateway with the IP address all right so let's move our file over and let's gala a shot here of our network all right so our gateway needs to be so to do that you go actually I'll show you with the help I know it's interface so it's interface select an interface to configure pretty straightforward so interface and then for sure from bingo FA for Fast Ethernet I don't know why that works or you can go like this so you can go FA for fast to Ethernet okay so FA and then you want to configure the interface that you're trying to get to so if you're unsure you can always check your router so it's FA 0 dot 0 or 0 / 0 0 / 0 enter ok so now you can see you're in config - I F that means you're in the interface configuration mode so the issue an IP address it's pretty straightforward IP address and then they want to name it space subnet mask in full forms of enter okay so now you just gave it an IP address but the interface is still shut down it's only open when an administrator opens it so for that you just go no shutdown enter then you can see your messages here you can see your little green light pop up so now your interface is up fastethernet 0/0 change state to up like go exit so that's done and now we want to figure the rest of the computers with the proper IP addresses so later on in more detailed videos we can set up a DHCP pool on our router and we can have our computers point to that and they'll get their IP addresses but for now we're going to do it static so it just means we're just going to be putting in their IP addresses so we're here we can go and exit we're done okay so we're out of our terminal disconnect our cable and we come over here I don't have a little bit numb so we walk over here and we just set up this computer and we were looking at it alright so we're going to go to the desktop we're going to go into IP configuration we're going to go one nine two dot one six eight dot one dot ten subnet mask should auto populate and default gateway is the gateway of our router so it's 192 168 1.1 and just saves it and we can make sure that we set that correctly and we can do an IP config and there we go so from so from computer 1.10 we've set it up let's try and ping our router one 92168 one dot one hit enter as you can see now we can speak to the other router so that's good so this computer is set up so the management they're good to go we of course got to make them ready and then you walk over to the agent computer and you want to do the same thing but just to show you guys we'll try and ping our router and we're going to get nothing obviously because we have no IP address so ctrl C to end that so IP config should auto populate for default gateway command prompt hit up ping good to go so now we've set up everything and we now have routing between the computers the gateway and just a tech s or just to check the ping between agents and management to see if they can talk to each other will issue a ping to 1.10 hit enter and we can reply you don't need to go to this one because if one replies they're both going to work because one issues the ping and the other one receives the ping so that's it for this video and in the next videos we'll get a little more detail and we'll set up like a VLAN so we can separate these two networks here and this is going to be the building block so we're going to build off of this network and company's going to grow and he's going to give us more objective to do so stay tuned and hopefully you guys learned something from this and thanks a lot
Channel: Paul St.Onge
Views: 412,157
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tech knowledge computers, tech knowledge comp, tech knowledge, windows 7, how to, paul st onge, paul, st onge, Understanding Cisco commands, CCENT Commands, Cisco, commands, ccent, icnd1, basic cisco commands, how, to, configure, router, packet, tracer, packet tracer, set, up, cisco, cisco router CLI, router configuration, configuration, config, setup, Software, Computer, System, Cisco Systems (Organization), Router (computing), Cisco IOS (Software), Technology
Id: HO8-cAwQDHk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 4sec (1624 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 09 2012
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