Cisco One Software - C1

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hi everyone thank you for joining my name is Colette Iqbal systems engineer at Cisco Systems Canada today my goal is to explain you why Cisco and software in less than 10 minutes so let's get right into it we're going to look at what is this goemon software why is it good on software and what value does it bring to our customers and partners in the end I will walk you through a use case scenario of intelligent when let's talk about what is cisco 1 software so in the era of digitalization cisco one software provides the foundation for digital network architecture for our customers and partners now when we came up with cisco and suffered a number of objectives in mind let me give you a few key objectives of cisco and software the first one is to offer a flexible way to consume cisco software for network infrastructure and number two is to enable IT to deliver more business value and number three to simplify the purchase experience for our customers and partners now let's do a side-by-side comparison of traditional way of selling hardware and software compared to c1 in the case of traditional way of selling hardware you would select the hardware as an example 43:31 is our and then you have to make a decision on which iOS or the available bundles that you would buy security in a price communications and whatnot and then you need to worry about the additional features and Oxana T's that you would want to sell to your customers based on their business requirements so there are hundreds of debility price items skills that you need to select from the list and what happens in the refresh so let's say you per cycle is five years old in five years when you refresh the hardware not only the hardware you need to buy the software the license and everything all over again why because in the traditional model the software license and the software is guide to the life of the box but when you look at a cisco one model it's a school model you still need to buy a hardware which is ISR for easy 31 in this example but instead of deciding i OS and features you have to make a decision on software suite so cisco one has software suite approach which we have different models different levels available so you can go for the foundation then you can go for the higher to tear of advanced application and then we also have advanced security and it's available for then when and the data center so here you need to make a decision on which software suite meets the requirements of your customer and then when the time for a refresh comes here what you need to do is you only need to swap the hardware they portable the license portability feature of cisco one license and software it can be ported on to the new device that you would buy at the end of your refresh when you do the V crash now this helps to lower the total cost of ownership at the end when you refresh your network and I will show you in terms of what savings can you see at the end when I walk you through the use case scenario now let's talk about why cisco one there are many benefits I'm going to highlight the top five predictable buttons then we have the options of capex versus the up X the fixed term subscription lens available one year three year five min which gives you the flexibility support contract included if you are in cisco one software subscription or enterprise licensing agreement or your sis contract is activated or active in terms of the perpetual you know if you went with the perpetual option so this gives you a regular tech support the updates and upgrades included access to ongoing innovation which is one of the key ones so let's say at Cisco we continue to innovate new software the features and functionalities so let's say if we create a new feature or functionality and we're continuously adding those features and functionalities into the software suites that we have developed for Cisco and software which means that let's say if you have bought c1 foundation for when and if we develop a new feature which is part of Sivan foundation you already have it so you don't have to go back and and look at the purchase of the new feature and functionality through the British program and finally license portability which I just talked about at the time pre-crash licenses and software are portable as long as you are under the support contract which will bring your little over the total cost of ownership when you refresh opinion now let's have a look at the value Cisco one software brings to our customers and partners for customers at the time of purchase we simply find the purchase experience in terms of you know making the decision on iOS versus you know - selecting the software suite access to envoy realization which I just talked about number three it helps lower total cost of ownership because of the license portability feature of Cisco and software which we talked about it here at the time of refresh the customer will see additional savings when they refresh the hardware when it comes to partners it brings a number of value first one is recurring revenues so I know when I sell Cisco one software to my customer two one three five year terms I know what to expect in terms of revenue number two is protect customer base and this is one of the key one so in today's time when everybody is trying to protect their customer base it's so important I will link this one to ongoing innovation access to ongoing innovation it as a partner you're making sure that customer has the features and functionalities that they need to run their business this will create the stickiness in the environment and when the time comes to have conversation to relive this see one subscription it will be easy for you to protect the base and this is one of the other one point third one is lifecycle services opportunity so as a certified lifecycle partner you have a great opportunity to land a dot and expand you go to your customer with the access to ongoing innovation you can always go back and enable feature XYZ such as energy management which is part of some of the talks on from some of the foundation bundles you could go and enable that feature or any other new feature that that it is being added recently and customer they don't have to worry about going back to the purchase motion of the features and functionality so you can help them to implement those additional features and also help them to adopt some of the features and functionalities either for their network or for their users and in the end you can expand on the opportunity which brings more revenue to you in terms of satisfying your customer and meeting your numbers now in the end let's talk about the use case which is branch intelligent while you network which is one of the hot topic let's say if I were to go the traditional route if I buy is are 43311 Dax bundle the products is $5,300 us when I am smart net to wit so 6:30 price comes down with 59 30 forces if I go the seaman route I would still need to buy hardware remember from this example the hardware cost is 3300 but here I need to make a decision based on the software suite versus the bundles of you know unified communications or security or features or iOS here we are selecting the c1 foundation for wide area network it's $2,000 then we add smart net for the box then we add source for this even foundation the total price comes down to 59 80 to look at the difference 59 82 verses 15 and 30 how much X are we paying $52 only but to see what are you getting in terms of buying well foundation software suite it's leaving your application visibility secure connectivity thread depends OpenDNS way more DMM and flash a number of other features and functionalities when you look at these individually price items in the traditional way you are saving 84 50 US dollars right at the gate idea at the get-go and when the time comes to refresh remember at the time of refresh the licenses and software are reportable all you need to do is buy a hardware hence this is going to help you to lower your total cost of ownership and in some scenarios you can save up to 30 percent when it comes to a refresh at the end of the cycle so I hope you found this fiscal one software discussion useful where we did not have any PowerPoint slides I just wanted to make sure that I'll touch the tea-things write on a whiteboard and walk you through some of the examples but I wish if I had access to Cisco smart board I'm sure that you must have heard about spark but if I had it I could have done this knife on smart board and would have been easier for me to share with you in this back room but I'm going to take a photo and share it with you in this part one that we have created for ongoing communication in the end - in order to have a deeper understanding log Cisco and software please do not hesitate to reach out and also make use of the c1 conversion tool that we have been available to our partners where you can put the order of Villa patil and then it can give you a bill of material with c1 excuse to have the conversation with your customer with this thank you very much thanks for watching
Channel: Ovais Iqbal
Views: 3,782
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Id: 3J5HNKZdp3M
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Length: 9min 20sec (560 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2017
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