CISCO ISE 2.7 Smart Licensing

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hi guys welcome to my channel enterprise security this video will be a continuous video of my previous cisco ice project if you miss my previous videos links are available in the description today we are going to discuss and learn about cisco eyes and licenses how to claim the licensing and apply these licenses on cisco eyes before start this video please subscribe my channel and press the like button if you like this video let's get started suppose as a customer you order some security and network devices from cisco this order contain cisco licenses as well so first you will install and configure these devices but you have to install permanent license before put these devices in a production so here is some confusion come into the picture for the past few years i observed that most of the con customers are bit confused about how to claim licenses and how to apply these licenses on applies when cisco deliver these devices at the same time they will send you the software license claim certificate let me repeat software license claim certificate i will show you how it looks like okay if you come here you will they will send you the e delivery so let's check the ice apex okay so it will look like this so this will be a software license claim certificate it contain product name it contain quantity of your licenses it contain product authorization key in short form pak it will be a 11 digit number and it contain pin number as well and it contain order number as well okay so this information will help you to register your license so before we move on let me give you some basic information if you have cisco devices in your environment or if you order some cisco devices most of the time you will use near about three sites some friendly sites from cisco one is software download for sure if you wanted to download the softwares and security patches you will use software download second one it's smart software licenses if you wanted to download your licenses and apply to your devices you will you will use that site the third one is traditional licensing suppose if you have still you have old devices which are which are working on the traditional licenses so you can use this site so let me show you here so first of all you have to go software at you will be landed here so this is a software download you click here and you can download your softwares this is smart software licensing so nowadays all devices are supporting smart software licenses okay and this is the traditional licenses let me click on soft smart software licenses and login with my account so i just click traditional licenses okay so you will land it here product registration license so here you can register your product so once you click here add new device or new pak token you just need to select one token which you can find it here the product authorization key pa key okay just insert that pa key click ok then here you wanted you need to put the pin number then this product will register on this side once that product gets registered you can see that product um in this here in your pak and token device list so you can you can create a pak file for a traditional licensing or you can move that license to your smart account or your virtual account so let me login to my another account and let me show you my virtual account licenses okay so i'm going to log in my another smart account okay the smart software licensing so in inventory if you if you can see here licenses for instance i cannot see the ice licenses here okay so that's means these devices are still in legacy licenses so i can convert my licenses to the smart account so what i can do i can simply go here convert to the smart account i can simply click here convert the smart licenses default next convert licenses pak has successfully converted to smart software licenses added to the virtual account default okay so i can go here in inventory in licenses again i guess search here nice it will take some time to see that let me open the all see the base licenses you can see now okay so let's convert another licenses into the smart account okay so these are the licenses we will select one by one these are the plus licenses click convert licenses convert to the smart account click on this is ice plus licenses the destination virtual account will by default click next convert licenses your pack has been successfully converted to the smart software license and add it to the virtual account default same thing for other accounts sorry for other licenses select pack this is a different license so that's apex license convert to the smart license select the license this is pack session 300 licenses next convert license same message okay so we can go here inventory licenses we can see our all license ice licenses here now see the apex license base license and plus license these licenses are in are available in virtual account defaults okay let's login to the cisco eyes okay so we have login to the cisco eyes we have to go to the administration and licensing so currently we are using uh the evaluation licenses it's uh have 165 counts 145 114 for plus licenses there is no apex licenses so what we can do we can go inside the smart licenses we have to put here registration token and more okay so first we need to generate the registration token okay so let's go to the license token description nice this 1200 so we'll put 365 days maximum count is 1200. okay create token so we can copy this token okay we can come here you can put this registration token select http direct and click register are you sure you wanted to register you can see the message are you sure you want to register smart license yes so it will take some time to register this device license registration will take some time after few minutes you can see this device the licenses are registered if you go back to the smart license portal you can see here i'm on the cisco smart license smart software licensing so you can see here the apex and base and ice plus licenses out of 1200 and 900 116 licenser licenses are used and 173 licenses are used so if you see here 116 165 114 this will be a like changing so it will take some time to replicate with these licenses but it's it's it's 100 sure that this slice this device is registered with smart licenses and now yeah you can see this last autumn authorization date today is jan 28 2021 so this licenses are compliant so if you click here refresh it will keep register if it will keep refresh the count of the use licenses so now apex there is no any feature used now for the fx so once that feature is used you can see you can see the license count will be increased so hope you understand these things how to apply the licenses and how to claim the licenses so hope this video will uh informative for you thank you for watching this video
Channel: Enterprise Security
Views: 2,953
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Id: DVb_1DDbok8
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Length: 13min 17sec (797 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 29 2021
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