FIrepower 1010 Overview and Setup

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here it is guys is the brand new firepower 10/10 security appliance from Cisco I just got this in last week I've been playing around with that and I want to give you guys an overview and a demo of what this box can do so a couple things we're gonna go over today the one I'm gonna give you guys an overview of this box talk about what it is what its replacing features of this box and everything flip it around show you guys the ports on the back like I always do and then I want to go into and show you guys how to get this thing up and configured initially to get you guys started so there's a new web GUI that comes with these things it's on box management you can still hook these things into fire power management center but it also has an on box GUI so if you're just managing one or two of these things you know you can do it right from the box so with that let's get started okay guys so let's talk about what this box is and talk about some of the features on this thing so first and foremost this is the replacement to the 5506 and the 5505 Photowall so if you guys had those in your environment and you're looking for something new this is the replacement it's a 650 megabit per second firewall and there's two cool things that we kind of brought back from the 5505 the first being the layer 2 switching I know you can kind of get that to work in the 5506 is with some creative programming but it's now native inside the box here again like 5505 and then the other one is the power of Ethernet capabilities and a lot of people were hurt that that wasn't in there on the 55 was 6 release but again brought that back I will mention on the POV side of things though on the initial release of this box they're not it's actually not active so there will be a software update coming out very shortly here so if you're watching this video after like December of 2019 let's say there probably is a software update available get that software update in your Pew report to start working so I just want to make sure you guys we're aware that before you go to plug something in it doesn't power up and you think you got a bad box it's just a software thing and like I said it's coming so like I mentioned this is a 650 megabit per second photo wall has a lot of the same capabilities and features of all the rest of the photo walls that we we have so it's got the next-generation IPS built-in that's constantly getting that feed from Cisco Telos it's got your application visibility and control functionality built into here as well it has amp built in as files come in through this box we take a look at it we sent hashes to the cloud and alert you of any odd behavior or files that we see that may be risky it's got the URL filtering built inside of here as well VPN capability so obviously we can do site to site VPN we could also do any connect VPNs on here you could do about 75 sessions on this box so again could be good for a small office could be good for a branch office where you have people coming in remotely over any connect just not have the scale of the bigger boxes but if you need the bigger boxes obviously those are those are all available as well as far as management on this thing so we still have fire power management Center and if you guys are managing two three four five plus boxes you know I'd still recommend you guys go down that route in order to manage these things and monitor them but there is a non box option now which is fire power device manager or FDM so that's what I'm gonna basically show you guys today is just the unbox management on here I figured that's probably the best thing to show you especially if you're just buying one for the first time I want to play around with it want to see what the capabilities are so what I'm gonna do is I'm going to turn this around I'm gonna show you the ports on the back point out where everything is then we're gonna go into FDM and I'm gonna show you guys how to get this thing configure and actually before we move to the back of this box I do want to show you guys the front I know I got called out in my first look video when I was at Cisco live someone said hey you show in the back of this thing but what does the front look like so want to make sure I gave you guys a close-up of this box so you can take a look at it is it is a nice looking box is probably the nicer looking boxes that I've ever seen from Cisco it's got this front on it it's kind of a matte finished front here none of the letters or anything sticks out it's all printed on design and then it's got this little bevel underneath that I think is for just ventilation looks like it has some ventilation holes underneath it so if you're questioning what the furnace box look like there it is so let's turn it around and actually show you guys the back and go through all the different ports and everything on it so let's start over on this side and you've got your power plug right there you know nothing nothing special then we'll talk about the eight Ethernet ports that are on here so these are your main ports and the way this thing is actually set up out of the box port one is sort of your LAN port so if you plug in a connection there from your provider it's actually gonna pull DHCP two through eight are just regular LAN ports on this they will give an IP address out so that's how this thing is set up initially you will get an IP address on the 192 168 1 dot X network and then port 7 and port 8 right here those are your POV ports for power they are POV plus ports you'd be able to pull 30 watts of power out of those 2 ports that are right there after that you've got your management port the management port is gonna again give you a DHCP address on the 192 168 dot 45 Network it should give you dot 46 and above and then underneath that you've got your console port and then you also have your USB console port so you know much easier than pulling out the big dongle and all the rest of this stuff you could just simply use a USB mini connector now or a micro or whatever whichever one that is next to that is a regular USB port that's for software upgrades if you want to plug a software upgrade stick in here you can above that we've got a Kensington lock for you so if you're trying to you know lock this thing down maybe it's in a retail setting it's gonna be underneath a POS terminal something like that you know it's gonna be out in the open you can lock this box down and then the last thing on the bottom there is the reset button so guys that's what this box is I'm gonna plug this in I'm gonna show you guys how this thing gets initially set up the big thing to note when you guys get this thing out of the box and I've talked to people at Cisco about this a little bit too this thing takes a while to boot okay so don't get frustrated if you plug this thing in and you try to connect to it after like five minutes and it doesn't work give it 40 minutes and if it's still not up in 40 minutes you might want to just wait an hour to make sure that the thing is booted that's only on the initial setup of this thing after that after it's all setup and everything you know the reboots and everything are what I would consider probably typical you know for Cisco probably under 10 minutes or so but there is a long delay when this thing gets set up you might see some funky things where the lights going on if you have cables plugged in and if you unplug a cable the light might still be on you might get IP addresses from different networks it's it's a little weird getting set up I just want to let you guys know that so if you run into that there's not a problem with the box just give it a little bit more time for the initial setup so let me plug it in and I'll show you guys and I'll walk you through getting this thing set up for the first time there's two ways now to get into photo power device manager you can either plug into the LAN ports on the front of the box or you can go into the management port on the box if you go into the LAN ports you're gonna browse to 192 168 1 dot 1 because that's the network that you're on if you plug into the management port you're gonna need to browse to 182 168 40 5.45 I'm plugged into the LAN ports right now so that's why I'm at 1.1 now to log into the box we're gonna log in with the default username and password and that's admin and admin 1 2 3 the password has a capital a in admin so its capital a D mi n 1 2 3 and that should let us inside the box here typical Cisco EULA and user License Agreement accept it make sure you read it and should always read these things and we need to go in and we need to create a new password for the box so first you type in the old password which is and then one two three with a capital A and when I create our new top-secret password here and once you have that done and we click change now when you login so this is the wizard that becomes available to you and just a quick setup of how the boxes is set up initially here you've got your your land port there where I actually have it plugged in then it's got your land ports there you can see that I'm plugged into 1.5 or 1/5 here and it says that I'm getting out on my 1.1 port and I'm getting DNS ntp and we're gonna be contacting the smart licensing server as well to pull in any licenses that you have out here so here's some information on the way that this firewall is set up initially again right so here's rule 1 trusts outbound traffic default action block all other traffic basically this is how this thing is set up out of the box so we're gonna go down here and we're gonna say configure ipv4 using DHCP cuz again I'm just showing you guys how this thing is set up initially here DNS addresses you know those are all in there as well I could change the hostname if you guys want and we're gonna go ahead and we're gonna click Next you can use the Open DNS IP addresses that's actually what those those are in there so we're gonna go ahead and click Next so once that's once you hit next in the bottom of the last page there this might take 2 minutes or so to get to this page here this is basically where we're gonna set our NTP settings so I'm just gonna change mine click on New York for me I'm gonna go ahead and stay with the default ntp servers I'm just going to show you where it's pulling that ntp information from here and we'll click Next again okay so this is where we start getting into smart licensing and if you guys don't know what smart licensing is it's it's a it's basically the portal that now holds all of your licenses so in the past Sisto has done these product activation keys everything was kind of siloed on its own you get a key from Cisco you copy it you paste it you upload it into your device and that feature is active now almost all of our boxes are actually talking to the smart licensing portal on Cisco comm and we get our information from there if you don't have a smart account or you didn't purchase any of the additional features like amp or URL filtering it or any of that you don't want to hook up into your smart account you can you can bypass the smart licensing the base license that comes with all the fire power appliances is fine that'll get you started I'll give you your common features like your your normal photo waling features nat you know things like that you just won't have URL filtering amp IPS things like that you won't you guys won't have access to so I'll show you guys how to get the smart licensing setup if you're using it if not just skip through it so to get this box registered to smart licensing what we're going to do is we're going to click this link here and it's gonna open up software Central and we need to create a token to plug into this box we're gonna click on new token here I am going to do for the power of 10 10 demo box give it a description the token is good for 30 days you could do it for one day I'm gonna number revoking this token at the end of this just in case you guys are watching and try to write down this token but we're gonna have created here and it tells you that a new token was created successfully we see our new token right here I've got four ten ten demo box if you click this blue link there allows you to copy the entire token and then we can just go back to firepower device manager and paste it soakin in there scroll down to the bottom you can also see here if you don't have a smart account you can just click the starter 90 day evaluation period and you can use some of the features if you want if you want to test them out you could also do this after the fact you can enable some of the features once your wantyou beyond the initial setup here so I'm gonna add this to my smart account and we're gonna click finish on here I guess it's important to note too that you need to actually have a license in your smart account for this to be able to register and pull in licenses okay and that's pretty much it now pops up and just says okay the vise is ready to be configured so like I said there's an initial configuration that's already loaded on the box we can go in here we can take a look at what that is we can make changes if we need it we can either click on this or we can exit out of it completely and just go in and start playing around with the with the main GUI so I exited out of it and as you guys can see here just gives me a big high-level view of what's going on with a box here right now we're under device fighter power at the top I can scroll down here take a look at some of the features on here so obviously routing is not configured yet we haven't done any of that we can go away and take a look at our interfaces if we wanted to take a look at smart licensing we've got some of those features here system settings you want to go over how your DHCP is set up in this box change the NTP you know some of the stuff that we configured already and the initial setup you can do that all right here we could also click on the monitoring at the top and we could take a look at CPU utilization memory utilization disk utilization and take a look at some other features on here so guys again this was just meant to be a high-level hey how do I get this box set up what does this box do we you know we can do more videos if you guys if you guys want it on how to set up amp or what does URL filtering look like or how do I set this box up further hope you guys enjoyed this video as always please subscribe to my channel and if you liked it give it a thumbs up thanks a lot
Channel: Cisco Sal
Views: 37,609
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Firepower, firepower 1010, firepower 1120, firepower 1140, Cisco Firewall, Cisco ASA, Paloalto, 1010, 1120, 1140, Firepower 1000 series, asa 5505, asa 5506, 5505, 5506
Id: Vpt7217QIn0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 16sec (916 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 14 2019
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