Cisco Firepower Management Center Upgrade v6.4 to v6.7 | vFMC Upgrade | Steps to Upgrade Cisco FMC

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today we are going to learn about how we can perform a firepower management system from 6.4 to 6.7 before we jump on to actual upgrade process let's see what the cisco release notes says when you do upgrade to uh motion 6.7 okay here on our cisco web page if we look at the release notes for firepower cisco firepower management center we are on the very latest version version 6.7 and this particular video only talks about how we can perform the upgrade from 6.4 to 6.7 let's see some couple of major features that are introduced and supported from version 6.7 as you can see um version 6.7 started supporting the ftd device from the version current version and it also supports any connect module feature additionally it also supports any connect authentication through sample as in single sign-on authentication it also supports ldap authorization for remote access vpn let's see also let us also see what are the duplicated features on 6.7 if your environment configured to use user agent you might need to consider uh when you do upgrade as the this feature is no longer supported you cannot upgrade fmc with user agent configurations to version 6.7 so you might need to contact the cisco tag specific to this configuration when you do need to perform the upgrade so be careful uh on this specific area then that i think pretty much we are good as this is very latest version we we still need to understand the list of known bugs as you can see the list of known issues are less but there are possibilities when you do upgrade from older version to uh latest version which is 6.7 again this is a very major version this does not cisco did not introduce any further new version um most likely the 6.7 has been introduced lost in november fine so i will put this release notes into the description um you can also uh search um on the browser uh easily to find out the release notes okay let's jump on to the upgrade session now okay i'm on my virtual firepower management center before we uh start to upgrade the latest version we need to understand the system requirements are met to perform the upgrade cisco recommends if you have a virtual fmc you need to have at least a 32-bit memory force vcpu and 250 gig hard disk space again 32gb memory for vpc vcpu and then 250 gig hard disk capacity if you don't have such requirement made your upgrade will fail so please consider to upgrade those system resources first for that to upgrade so i'm i'm going to shut down the fmc console initially uh in order for performing the memory upgrade uh as the memory upgrade will be done through esxa console uh which may not be i'm not going to show that in this screen but yes i'm going to shut down now and and going to do the memory upgrade in the back end so you can see the server ping to uh the fmc console is continually uh performing i initiated this a system shutdown command in about a couple of seconds the system will start to go for shutdown and then in the back end we can perform the memory upgrade okay the system is now back up i have also done the memory upgrade um we may able to check the memory status once we get into the session i mean once we get into the console session as you can see i have verified the system memory by putting um free space hyphen m i could see um 30 to 173 almost 32 gig memory is allocated for the fmc console okay the system is now ready uh as i have the system is already allocated for uh 4 vcpu on the 250 gig hard disk capacity the system is now met the requirements what it needs to do to upgrade to motion 6.7 okay now go to system updates system updates to perform the upgrade over here based on the version what you have the system update will automatically can be downloaded but just by clicking the download updates button okay so before we go in uh go into upgrades folder uh let's verify if you have any pending deployments uh to all the ftds or sfr con sfr modules you need to consider to push those deployments and then we can start to perform the upgrade okay the deployment has been initiated as you can see uh deployment will start and get finished based on the based on the system number of configuration okay we are now ready to perform the upgrade one more thing um as you can notice i'm on the backup management system so you have to go to system tools backup and restore to ensure you have you have taken the backup so that if anything goes wrong it will have the configuration to import it back to the virtual management system to restore the services okay let's go to system system updates i have already uploaded the 6.7 version uh which you would eventually need a reboot and i would click the install option once you enable that the system will start to perform the upgrade you don't need to click the launch readiness check as it is going to perform the up on its own health check readiness check which may or may not be useful for you but yes it is recommended to perform that operation but in this case i'm not launching that i'm directly performing the install you can watch the upgrade task in the um task section and as soon as it starts as soon as it starts performing the upgrade will be able to i mean the system will create a dedicated folder and the folder will be available in the uh in in the system specific location so in order to verify that you need to go to the system in the expert mode i mean root mode so we are now under um we are now under cd where log nsf so once you go there you'll be able to find the older version of folders in about some time the latest version folder also will be created by the system automatically so we can verify the upgrade process through cli i mean cli console also yes as you can see the folder has been created 6.7 now we are getting into that folder and after that we just need to type update dot status sorry update underscore status dot log followed by tail hyphen status dot log um so over here you will be able to notice uh the upgrade process how it is been performing we have to wait for some time as the upgrade process will take on its own time to get it completed giving time uh i have paused the screen recording and now we are almost 100 completed the system will now reboot to get the system ready to boot it from 6.7 version okay the reboot has completed successfully and started responding as you can see on the show version it's now showing as version 6.7 as upgraded this is the new version of a team that you will get right after you perform the upgrade um based on the i mean authentication type that you have for your environment you'll be able to log in so this is pretty much uh different theme altogether based on what you have previously on your previous versions uh we are going to explore this newly right so hopefully with the new all the new features i think going forward everybody will start to use fmc for managing the ftd devices yes okay so that's all about it so once you come back to uh uh re reboot you can also uh perform the deploy just ensure if you have any uh pending uh deployment action and the policies will be pushed to all its own individual lab devices okay thank you everyone um so in this video we have learned how to perform the fmc upgrade from version 6.4 to 6.7 and we also went through the release notes from cisco website thank you so much we will catch up in the next video
Channel: SecGuru
Views: 4,567
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Keywords: Cisco Firepower mgmt center from v6.4 to v6.7, Cisco Firepower Management Center Upgrade v6.4 to v6.7, fmc upgrade version 6.4 to version 6.7, upgrade firepower management center, firepower management center configuration guide version 6.6, cisco fmc upgrade, fmc upgrade, cisco fmc, ftd, ftd upgrade, asa to ftd upgrade, ftd imaging, cisco FMC, firepower, fire power management center, firewall, virtual fire power management center, vpn, cisco, fmc upgrade steps, ftd explained, secguru
Id: g62uLte_bik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 58sec (958 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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