Cisco Extension Mobility Setup and Demo

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hi this is Anson Garcia with tier 2 UC engineering and I'm going to give you a quick rundown on extension mobility we'll look at the setup and we'll also do a demo ok so there's only three things that you need to do to set up extension mobility its create a physical device when I mean physical device we're going to create a phone inside Communication Manager so UCM we create a device profile that's a virtual device a fake phone so to speak and that phone has a DN call search-based partitions coordinately answer and all those things that are associated with a physical device as well and then the add the device profile to the users control profile so let's take a quick look at this and see what it looks like we're gonna go to Communication Manager real quick here and let's take a look at the physical device first so I have a physical device configured here it's a IP communicator phone and I'm doing this just so I can show it here and I don't have to show a separate video to show you the demo I can see that this physical device is registered and there's the IP address and if we look here here it is see five five five two extension five by five here it's registered the IP address is 170 217 181 and we can see that my IP address on this PC is 172 17 1 181 ok so we have our physical device and one of the things I said we have to do on our physical device is add the extension mobility service so we can log in so let's take a look at that over here services subscribe unsubscribe I already have this done so I'm going to just show you that I have the extension mobility service now if I wanted to add it I would go here if it if it wasn't down here and then I could add it and subscribe to it ok so this service is already created in Communication Manager by default so there's nothing you have to go create you just have to select it and add it to this particular physical device okay the other thing we have to do is to ensure extension mobility is on on this physical device where do we do that look right down here there's a section called extension information right here you can see I have this check mark enable extension mobility okay there's some other features here I won't go into again I'm just trying to teach you a little bit about this and how to set it up and give you a demo you can read further after you understand it a little bit better so we have that on as well okay what else do we need to do we need to create a device profile this is a virtual device okay so let's take a look at that and I'm going to show you this graphic here real quick to further drive home this point I have two columns here one is virtual devices on this side and real devices on the inside on the virtual device well let's look at the real device first I just showed you that there's a real device a IP communicator phone right the DN it's five five five and then I have this other one over here it's just we won't use him yet hopefully I get a chance to shoot a video on a physical device and you'll see that as well okay so real quick extension mobility the concept of extension mobility is to take the virtual device and overlay it on the physical device in other words I don't care what DN is over here in this physical device right we just saw this physical device is DN five by five there it is I'm gonna create this virtual phone and then what I'm gonna do with the extension mobility service is log in from this real device over here and then I'm gonna overlay the virtual device right on top of the real device and it will take on the personality of the virtual device okay in other words it's going to take on this DN partition culture space and all that okay so let's go back over here let's create our device profile or our virtual devices what I call it we go to device device settings and then there's a device profile right here now I've already created this so I'm just gonna show it to you there's nothing magic to creating a virtual device just like creating a real device and here it is I created it right here okay you can see it looks like a physical device phone template things like that call search spaces and partitions here's my line I added a line and I have you know call forward to answer and I have all these things that are associated with a dn okay look here let me go back to the device itself look here though it's a name there's no MAC address associated with this and also don't get confused by this this virtual device is actually based on a physical device so it really doesn't matter what physical device I base this virtual device on it matters somewhat for line numbers and speed dials and I won't get into that just suffice to say that you do have to pick up a product type if I add a new virtual device or device profile I have to pick a physical device template all right and I'll leave it at that for now okay let's go back to our device profile slash virtual device what do we need to do I have here we create the device profile the virtual device I've done that ad extension mobility service so you can log out okay I created the surface on the physical device so I can log in so in this virtual device when it overlays when this virtual device overlays the physical device over here it needs a service with it so I can log out what does that look like let's see here is my virtual device slash device profile let me go to services right here and I can see that that I do not have for some reason I thought I had in it already so good we have to do it I'm gonna add the extension mobility service I'm gonna click Next here I'm gonna subscribe I'm gonna save here and I'm gonna close all right so now on our device profile we see that we have subscribed to the extension mobility service ok let's go back again I just want to show you real quick on the physical device which is this one right here which is this one right here we have subscribed to the extension mobility service right there and then also on the virtual device which is the device profile right here I have subscribed as well to that service ok and I think the actual one I'm going to to use for this demonstration is just Ben Franklin so we're gonna log in Ben Franklin is gonna be our test user and let's just make sure that he has subscribed yes he is ok what's next let's see right here so we've created device profile we've added extension mobility service so they can log out and then we add we need to add the device profile to the users controlled profiles what is that all about ok all we're gonna do is go to the user device profile excuse me the user and remember we're picking on Benjamin Franklin this time we're going to go to Ben Franklin's user and what we're gonna make sure is in the control profiles right here he has his extension mobility device profile okay seems a little strange all I did let's take a look at this is in the device profile here okay take look at this right here benjamin extension mobility and then let's go back over here device profile there it is right there i created a virtual device slash device profile and that virtual device i named benjamin could be in any name benjamin underscore extension mobility once i create that virtual device and then i give it a DN and all that now to marry the two to connect the virtual device to a user i go to user management ben franklin and then I'm going to Mary Mary that virtual device to this user by going to this section right here extension mobility and it was in available profiles and I added it so it was like this I in and I all I did was add it to his control profiles once that's done you're pretty much done okay so let's see what it looks like let me bring this back up again all we're gonna do here is this device profile which is associated with the user Ben Franklin we're gonna go up to a physical device we're gonna use the extension mobility service to login as user Bren Franklin since Ben Franklin is only associated with this virtual device it's gonna apply push this virtual device on top of the physical device and it's gonna take on the personality speed-dials DN and all that stuff so let's see what it looks like all right let's bring the IP communicator up we're gonna push services here there's only one service and so it's going to do that one automatically if we had several services it would list them extension mobility be in one okay Ben Franklin we're gonna log in here and we're gonna to the pin okay login successful so what is doing right now is rebooting the phone applying this virtual profile right here onto the physical right so you can see remember before the real device was cipc DN was five five five five now we basically applied this device profile this virtual device pace did it on this phone and now we have the DN a-- 303 three eight we have a different partition we have a different call search space we logged in as Ben Franklin and then we have our speed dials let me do this this one had speed dial we're on the virtual device itself okay and that's it now remember on this virtual device we subscribe to the extension mobility as well so if we push this button it's gonna say oh the only thing you can do is log out so I can log out let me log out that now what what's going on is it's rebooting and it's taking on the real devices personality again okay and that is all there is to it I'm gonna do it one more time just so we see it again services there is my username my pin number I'm gonna submit login successful now what we're doing is applying this profile device profile onto the phone you can see the DN has changed the speed dials that are associated with this device profile are on there and let me show you those equipped just so you can see that remember device device profile this is the one we're using let's see if he has any speed dials or speed dials are right here right there you can also see him over here I can just click right here it's two ways to get there I can see I have a speed dial 1000 Anson's office okay and we do see that right here okay logout again and that's all there is to extension mobility okay now we're going to see how extension mobility works on a ninety nine seventy one you saw how it worked on a Cisco IP communicator and you saw that we overlaid a virtual device or device profile that we associated with Benjamin Franklin and we overlaid that onto a IP communicator let's take the same profile and overlay it on a ninety nine seventy one so I'm just gonna push your Settings button you don't see my finger here but I'm just pushing settings on the ninety nine seventy one I've added the extension mobility service to this phone it's a little bit different than the ninety-nine hundred phones it comes up as a little icon there I push that and my user ID is already displayed for me there it's cache because I've already tested this and the pin number so I'm gonna push the pin number here and I'll enter my pin one two three four I'll hit submit now that device profile is now laying itself on this phone and it'll reset and you'll see that we are going to get Benjamin Franklin's D ID as we saw before on the CI PC phone and we also get two speed dial now just so you're clear we created a device profile slash I like to call virtual device it was based on the CI PC template and we associated that device profile with Benjamin Franklin and then we walked up to a 99 71 which is different than the device template being based on CI PC and logged in and that device template our device profile was now overlaid on this phone so it doesn't matter what you create the device profile as it matters somewhat if there's you know if you create a device profile that has a phone has eight-speed dials and you walk up to a 79 41 or sir 945 let's say no one has stooped to limes obviously things aren't gonna work as you expected but the line will be there maybe you had four speed dials but you only get one so that's one difference anyway hopefully this kind of brings it home to you what extension mobility is I'm gonna do one more demo here I'm gonna hit extension mobility again and then it's gonna ask me if you want to log out yes and remember we put the extension mobility service on the device profile as well as the physical device itself that's where we can walk in and while go and there you go we're back to what we were before
Channel: Anson Garcia
Views: 10,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cisco em
Id: 4Pol_X2VkC0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 23sec (1043 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 30 2013
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