Cisco 5505 Factory Restore

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okay real quick video on how to reset a to factory reset Cisco a sa 5505 VPN firewall I've already actually logged into the Cisco interface USB to serial adapter and so we're going to go ahead and login this particular one I've been playing with so I don't have a password on it so just going to enable command again no password so then we want to type in config T it's going to put us into a configuration mode clicking over there okay once we get to config T we're going to actually wipe it out with no config and then we will actually go back and put the factory default on there so first we want to type in write erase hit enter yes we want to confirm that then we are going to reload and it's going to ask us if we want to save it yes and confirm it yes now it's going to reboot reload means reboot it's rebooting once we get there we're going to actually drop the factory config back on to it and we should have a DHCP server back default one 92168 1.1 so we're going to wait till we reboot this is good if we mess up the config which I'm known to do always go back home all right now we're back to the original interface type in en we want to login and enable there we go okay this time we want to type in config T to put us back into a configuration mode and now we want to type in config factory slash defaults we'll get two more - hit space and you can see that it is actually is setting the DHCP back and it is given a no shutdown command to our VLANs and our interfaces so right there you can see oh seven oh six no shutdowns there's our one ninety one six eight 1.1 255 255 255 0 and we are back now we want to do a reload it will ask if we want to save it and yes and we will confirm the reload yes now we are back as soon as this finishes reloading rebooting we will be back to factory default with a DHCP server 1 2 1 6 8 1.1
Channel: Matt Fuller
Views: 38,332
Rating: 4.6190476 out of 5
Id: 0mzwYGF7Uz8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 46sec (226 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 21 2014
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