Cirrus Vision Jet G2 Flight Trial

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[Music] Larry englsih no deviation consumer magazine CRS sf50 vision jet of course now since Cirrus introduced the Jets made some sizeable changes with what it calls the g2 model and before we go fly the new sf50 Cirrus as Matt Berg wall is going to give us a once-over of December of 2016 is when we certified the very first vision jet and the first customer Turk delivery and then in just a few short years in January 2019 we came out with a generation to vision jet and we have currently have over 125 airplanes and are flying around the world kind of as we speak what we did with the generation 2 airplane we actually innovated the progenitor one product to do a few key things first of all the airplane goes higher it flies a flight level three one zero and because of the XR altitude you're able to either go further or take more passengers with you on a similar mission than our g1 airplane because you're burning less fuel and carry more payload the second improvement on the airplane is the interior noise within the cabin we actually brought the cabin noise down quite a bit where is even more easier to have conversations within the cabin without headsets on and third we included the perspective touch plus avionics the next generation of G 3000 avionics these avionics has done a few key things for us which were able to start adding even more features to the airplane one of those being flights from 510 the next one be in the full authority autothrottle system and the third being what we're going to be demonstrating today is the safe return emergency at Alliance system which for the first time ever a passenger can land an airplane if absolutely must one of the approvement swith the generation 1 versus generation 2 airplane the generation 2 airplane we ended up taking away that BL ease that were on the generation 1 airplane a ble a boundary layer energizer actually creates a turbulent airflow to ensure that the air doesn't separate and allows the air to hit and still allow the airflow to hit the ailerons but by us taking those off wrecks we were able just to put a trailing tab on the trailing edge of the aileron which then is what catches the airflow and to ensure that there's inner flow on the ailerons in the generation 2 airplane we did refine the cab in a little as well one of the things you'll notice is on the seats we took the opportunity to put some extra storage or we now have a kangaroo pouch that's in front of the pilot perfect spot for your cellphone and another one that's right on the side perfect spot for an iPad we enhance the quality of our carpeting and the airplane and we also have a variety of seating options so for example the plane can easily configure to fit five adults you can buy what we call the family package which gets you with two additional seats that fits five adults and two kids and if you end up travelling just with a few people we also have an executive configuration which is too wide seats and the center console that fits between the two seats that has tray tables extra storage one thing about this airplane with this Williams engine it's they that controlled and starting is literally foolproof well start to startup sequence we got the engine start checklist up we'll put the strobe lights on there is no cast messages first level we can make sure that it's an idle back at Ardell brakes are held brakes are on and out for the edge of knob you just want to go to the rut position and rest just press the edge and start but it [Music] or nine or goal would be pitching for five degrees with breath so there's a positive rate of climb out of usable runway will be breathing gear up so that we're on our way to 17,000 feet here what struggle climb performance we might see it's a hot day and we're loaded with three people dad so we're seeing probably about 13 a 15-footer feet per minute right now and we are pretty loaded up with three people a lot of fuel and it is a warm day out there it's is a plus 15 at the moment or her at altitude this is typical for warmer days cooler days you're gonna get you to see above you know 2,000 feet per minute about runway performance we just departed Hartford Brainerd Airport which is about what 4900 feet or so yep and our takeoff roll was about about 2500 feet see let's talk a little bit about this auto throttle and how it might work in a real world to live the flight plan going back to the ffs profile we have we have a climb habits at 155 or 0.32 bach and the transition altitude so we go from knots to Bach number at 80,000 feet the vernier speed limit up to 5 0 at 10,000 feet and we have a terminal speed of 200 knots essentially in the around the airport we have a cruise speed now pretty much what this will do is this ensure you don't hit the barber pole okay then we have a descent speed that's all set it here as well that will be point five to box or 245 dots it has a speed limit then also turbo area when you get close to the airport it slows you down 185 knots November 7 0 1 both the finger contact the reason why that is one flap secession speeds 190 okay so now when you put you put the flaps about a 50% it will that switch over to 140 or point 334 then when you put the flaps a hundred percent the airspeed will switch to 95 so essentially what that means is you don't have touch the throttle above 200 feet on the take-off and 200 feet on a descent that for you know take out to her field just said right now Matt the first generation airplane was approved up to to a tow 28,000 feet the G to 31,000 feet how do you see that affecting the ops of the airplane barri so the typical trip absolutely so even just that 3,000 feet of extra altitude gives us a few different things it allows you for burn less fuel that would allow you to you know go further it's just you know yeah for the safe out of payload verses that you want or it allows you to carry up to about 150 pounds board that a g1 airplane reward those intermediate trips because you're carrying less fuel so you can carry more payload and of course to be certified that high you need you are BSM did you airplane have our BSM no it did not good not so the g2 is also harbors that are BSF compliant so we're at 3100 31,000 feet and cruise good time to do a speed check what do we got Matt just passed that 300 dots so at flight level 3 1 0 true airspeed 300 knots what do we got for fuel burn sixty gallons an hour you know I just took off my headsets to listen to the listen to this sound in the airplane you guys have done some things to make this cabin quieter think of bourbon I think since the g1 letter here that glad to hear that yeah we do have a passive system that we put at the airplane it says we kind of recognize where that noise is at the G one will come with rope we attack how do the big noises first and that this is that passing system does quite breathe the cabin down quite a bit mentioned it before worth mentioning again any time in this airplane have just got an amazing view the outside we went on this go DS great both in the front cockpit and for passengers in the back cabin with those big windows for the cabin experience was kind of our number one priority when we initially built the airplane both for the pilots and for the passengers in the back trying to create that out very comfortable at that very pleasurable experience no matter where you sit the airplane as we go to production Cirrus is working toward type certification of Garmin's emergency auto land system which is called safe return and division jet as it does in the piper m600 turboprop single the safe return engages automatically if there's a pilot incapacitation or it can be manually engaged it can also be disengaged at any time by pressing the autopilot disconnect button now unlike the piper or the auto land switches on the instrument panel Cirrus has a big red button in the cabin overhead so anyone in the aircraft can get to it now safe return will be standard in all 20/20 vision jets once it's certified I got to experience a full safe return deployment and route to Plattsburgh New York one of the things that's nice about our flutter where it's at is you can even back roll passengers if you touch it or the people in front can't do it as well okay just reach up push the button to speed up push-button emergency auto land activating but if you did this get back because it was an accident emergency auto land activating automated emergency communication wonderful right now if it could be indicated air traffic control even though a typical right now it also be squawking 7700 or a submergence e frequency and it also will be pocket on the vs. frequencies as well as well as whatever what you're currently are on whatever agency to the party to the Southwest 5/3 to get the screens are very simple giving you exactly how much miles you have left you'll you have just set it in a minute turning left in the minute but we're going to so the current price point of the vision jet isn't we're at 2.75 million for a fully clipped g2 vision jet and a current order book is about 500 aircraft orders I do want to say though if you are interested in a vision jet and want to get one sooner there is different opportunities while there's demonstration aircraft or position holders who are in line who visit jet ownership is no longer part of their future now single luncheon turbine buyers looking elsewhere will have to look to the turboprop market the Williams turbofan-powered vision remains in a class by itself to get auto throttle and Garmin's G 3000 avionics there's a die here TBM 940 it has more range more speed and a higher price tag by over a million dollars now as we go to production the company hasn't announced on a lan but we think it eventually will there's also Piper's m600 with less speed and a bit more range for just under 3 million dollars and there's also the plot of pc-12 and GX that's priced a million dollars higher is slightly slower and has Honeywell avionics now you could look for a full report of the second generation vision jet that upcoming issue of aviation consumer magazine reporting for aviation consumer I'm Larry Ellison oh and thanks a lot to Matt for the good demo
Channel: AVweb
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Id: wcoBdlhgAQ4
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Length: 12min 57sec (777 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 06 2019
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