Cirrhosis of the Liver | Signs, Symptoms, Interventions & Nursing Care

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[Music] now for therosis the big liver lecture so the pathophysiology is simple in liver curosis just think scar rosis for curosis normal healthy tissue gets replaced with scar tissue making the liver hard like a rock now what causes this well think about it here anything that can Scar the liver in scar rosis so alcohol abuse can Scar the liver chronic hepatitis with inflammation can Scar the liver and even cystic fibrosis where we get serious mucus in cystic fibrosis this mucus can build up and clog the entire body including the liver now what does the liver do as you know from our liver song the liver acts like a recycling company with four major roles and responsibilities detoxing ammonia a waste product of protein drug met metabolism storing glycogen producing bile COA factors and albumin so coak factors are our clotting factors to prevent bleeding an albumin is used for drug Transportation as well as to attract water into the vascular spaces now I know that's a lot so let's break this down one by one simply think the liver produces ABC a for albumin B for bile and C for clotting fat factors so starting with albumin albumin is a protein inside the blood that does three things it transports drugs inside the body it also attracts water to keep it inside the vascular space and also binds with calcium to make bonees strong so just think albumin attracts water as well as attracts drugs and binds with calcium now another memory trick that I personally use during nursing school is to think of albumin as Al Pacino from that movie Scarface for scar rosis now Scarface is an old movie from the80s about a drug lord who transports drugs and he's near Miami basically near the water to help you remind me of water so just think here when the liver fails in Scar rosis the body can't produce albumin so we get hypo albuminemia so drugs don't get transported properly and water builds up inside the body because I'll be isn't there to attract the water and this causes edema and third spacing like aades where the abdomen is filled with fluid so just think of the Double A's aades is for abdominal fluid and lastly hypoalbuminemia we see low calcium inside the blood due to low binding so we see weak bones with a big risk for fractures and even osteoporosis those porous bones and lastly the two classic signs of hypocalcemia or basically low calcium is tros we have an arm twerk with the blood pressure cuff on and also chiastic which is a smile when you stroke the side of the cheek the next thing is B for bile which we call the bile bus helping to scoop up excess cholesterol and Billy ruin taking it from the body and into the potty via the bowels now cholesterol as you know are those lipids that clog the arteries if we have too much leading to Major cardiac issues and Billy rubben is just those dead rbcs or basically red blood cells so when the liver fails then we get a buildup of both high cholesterol and high Billy Ruben which Billy ruin turns the body jaundice making the entire body yellow so we get yellow skin yellow eyes specifically the white part of the eye called the Scalera so Kaplan mentions sorosis expect laboratory results is elevated Billy Ruben and this is due to the lack of bile or the bile bus to help carry this Billy Ruben out of the body and into the potty the last letter in our ABCs is c for clotting factors or coagulation factors which helps the blood to clot so with liver disease the blood doesn't clot fast enough leading to huge bleed risks always our number one concern is bleeding so naturally we see longer clotting times resulting in longer coagulation times on the coagulation panel when we look at lab results so hessie mentions which complication is a patient with therosis at risk for and the answer is bleeding and another question which hematological symptoms might be noted in a patient with therosis of the liver select all that apply here anemia low blood volume lucenia low white blood cells and a big one here thrombocytopenia low platelets under 150,000 now before we get ahead of ourselves here just focus on the thrombocytopenia here we'll talk about anemia and lucenia when we start talking about portal hypertention okay now the second role of the liver is to detoxify ammonia which is a byproduct of protein metabolism so just think of ammonia as a protein wrapper it's trash the body will absorb the protein and trash the waste the ammonia so the liver converts ammonia into Ura pushing it into the blood as Ura coming out as blood Ura nitrogen when we measure bu and then it's excreted by the kidneys as urine thanks for watching for our full video and new quiz Bank click right up here to access your free trial and please consider subscribing to our YouTube channel last but not least a big thanks to our team of experts help helping us make these great videos all right guys see you next time [Music]
Channel: Simple Nursing
Views: 524,447
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cirrhosis, livercirrhosis, liverdisease
Id: gq14q3gDpfQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 8sec (368 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 22 2022
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