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hmm [Music] [Music] you want to ask a guy out on a date if you want a chance at picking up a guy you're gonna need some professional training oh okay what does pistachio mean there he is not your chance get out there and knock him hey dead you honky man you wouldn't calypso stay your name wi-fi because i feel a connection between us they say the eyes are the windows to the soul and i got big house oh i think i must be walking this way now listen to my angelic pipes horses i've heard facts machines that sing better than that [Music] well that was certainly a train wreck what's a train hey there beautiful i couldn't help but notice that you seem to lack basic intelligence i like a woman i can relate to no no no no you'd have to be so monumentally brain dead so utterly lacking in common sense to want to date someone like that i honestly don't even know why i tried boy am i ready to read a good book this is the literature club right oh goody the new member oh let's get you situated all right guys today we'll be reading the three little bears once upon a time i like your top hat oh well thank you wow what in scott's name did you do oh yeah that i can't answer when someone tries to flirt with my man anyway the three bears came back from their walk in the forest [Music] there's something wrong freddy no good then the little bear said someone has been sleeping in my bed at the table in the kitchen there were three bowls of there were three bowls of porridge was finally i have you all to myself i have a huge crush on you freddy fazbear kiss me well it's kind of dark in here what's wrong freddy what's wrong you killed all my friends actually i only knew them for a minute and 20 seconds but enough about them let's talk about us what do you like most about me uh you have nice posture posture well yeah posture is really important for your health [Music] i'm alive now that they're out of this video you and i can be together forever and just the two of us this is a compilation no no no um hello who are you i'm your twin sister circus twin sister huh okay can you do this [Music] all right your turn sis okay okay can you do this [Music] that was terrifying well bet you can't do this one [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] ah strike me down that'd be the funniest costume i've ever laid me optics upon costume i'll have he know that i'm a genuine bona fide terror of the high seas right can i be captain crunch please i can tell an imposter when i seize one considering i be an actual pirate captain be that so then where's your hook class you mean me cutlass books be so seventeen hundreds oh am i avast a pirate captain be nothing without his hat ain't ever leave the poop deck without it a real captain never be afraid to flaunt his battle scars me leg seven felt the ground in ears a captain wouldn't hesitate to take hostages now better booty ain't as bountiful as mine don't got a bigger ship i pressure [Music] ten years of accordion lessons four moody [Music] i forgot what i was gonna say i must be their first pirate off come here [Music] crap sandwich she's on a date i love you what a lucky guy you're such a good boy oh you bet i am want to go potty not really my style but i'll be right back boy man's best friend listen up flesh bag i know your game stealing purple girl's affection from me you think you're an alpha male i've sniffed more butts than you ever will sweet asphalt [Music] oh rufus you want to dance huh all right let's cha-cha [Applause] [Music] you wouldn't [Applause] you made a mistake dog you think she pets you cause she loves you she only pets you cause you're fluffy purple guy are you strangling my dog yes just because we're both bullies who wear purple security guard outfits and hang out around 80 style pizzerias doesn't mean we're compatible but they're any style that's gotta mean something you know you really need to start using your other hand when you wipe oh my god look it among us from the hit video game among us look there's another one and another one dear god this among us is everywhere or a manga among ears not whatever boy i can't believe among us is real yeah just like santa claus [Music] imposter says what huh you're supposed to say okay never mind imposter says huh what among us among us among us among us that's right your honor my good old friend freddy here is the imposter but what the imposter i'm not the imposter he's probably the freaking imposter listen listen my little bean-shaped bruddas he's got a knife wait guys i'm still here i accepted this debra freaking hand if you help me out publish your visor [Applause] wait we're please we can breathe in space there's nothing to worry about i dislike you strongly i need a challenger you've got the wrong place matey no one can take on foxy the pirate box and you're foxy he looks more like a kitty cat to me hey shut your truck oh contraire my feline-esque friend my trap is primed it's time for a rap battle three two one go [Music] quantum triton's neighbor those your turn cat [Music] [Laughter] [Music] get wrecked ye scabby sea basses [Music] there you are old pal come on let's take you back home boris boris i'm not boris you build rat i'm foxy how boris my boisterous buddy you can't fool me your wolfish nozzle is unmistakable stop calling me boris you scallywag now what's the big idea idea ow oh why the long face boris you used to love the old idea gag it's like you're not even boris because i'm not i'm not jokester boris stop calling me boris you're joking me boris i've got you like a mackerel if you call me boris one more time what nothing oh mother of mine inspire me it's time bendy what did i tell you about conjuring gateways to the ink realm sorry demons you know how it is who and parappa's name is that [Music] what is this some sort of squid game we are going to play red light green light with a twist first person to cross the finish line without getting caught the winner will also receive a 15 walmart gift card run away that's obviously a good idea you can kiss that sweet 15 discount goodbye boris cause i'm winning this thing poppycock i happen to hold the world record for world's fastest fox and world's fastest pirate [Music] boy whoever moved there must been a real blockade hey bloodbot [Music] come on now little girl you look like you could use some extra credit looks like it's monoi motto pal i've got all day there are 10 seconds left what you did not win fair or square as they say in america cheaters get stitches that's not even how the saying goes guess who's got a 15 walmart card me [Music] come on nerd just grab it already [Music] hey i see you're also into bullying children to cover up the pain of your own failed dreams you too [Music] oh yeah it's your favorite color also purple it's in the name karina okay okay last thing before we start planning our wedding the color of your car is purple what did you say cochelicott why all you had to say was purple you uncultured swine [Music] i'll get it mateys it's me purple guy purple guy purple guy is the worst his sadistic cruelty is unmatched and i'm not even handicapped how are you gonna make a wish now losers [Music] hey long time no see chums i just came here to let you robits know that i'm a changed man now see purple guy apology choco chip cookies bon appetit my buddies oh i these ain't chocolate chips they're raisins guys someone stole the ball pit again i mean i didn't drink i should be cooler what happened smoothie what we use the smoothie my ingenious invention it makes cuboid objects less angular don't we look great yeah i'll pass what why don't you want to be perfect neat freak oh i'll need freak you're spying if you touch me with that just look what you did to what i can only assume is hand unit whatever we can change back whenever we want idiot so uh funny hypothetical here how hard would you laugh if i told you you were stuck like this for eternity maybe a chuckle it wasn't that funny no i was just kidding papa looks god awful i can't look at him like this now guys think positive we can make prank calls [Music] [Applause] all right now that you're here we can check on the others oh look look there's ballora come on press the red button what's it gonna do press it boy come on do it again [Music] [Applause] [Laughter] watch this [Applause] how does it feel hurt your little circuit board how the heck did i get in here [Music] i gotta get out of here rabbits ugh [Music] this doesn't look like the overworld steve it's fine just throw the eye of ender it'll lead us to the stronghold oh i let that toot strike you take your dollars i'll smother your mouths with pungent slides never mind good morning mr substitute uh yes good morning class i am i am mr springman hello mr screaming what will you teach us today mr springman uh today you'll be learning about geography the country of is liechtenstein between austria [Music] and that's why you should never drink a giraffe's milk after christmas all right class i'm back from the bathroom now who can tell me what the powerhouse of the cell is oh my god jeremy do not stick gum under my desks go to the timeout corner thanks for filling in for me teach ugh what are we even doing out here audrey oh lighten up purple girl we're just having some much needed sister bonding time on a slat in the atlantic ocean yep what was that i'm sure it's nothing oh my god i think there's a shark relax it's just the jaws theme don't worry he can't get us now call of duty my name is merchant wanna buy some fastball friends merch sure i can't believe they came out with circus baby merch oh my god i know right let's get the purchases ladies [Music] freddy what's going on quiet am i hear you who's it listen to me there's a dark shadow haunting this pizzeria shaped like bonnie bonnie yes bonnie when i'm cleaning the tables it's there i'm eating my mustard it's there when i'm alone in the dark strangely nothing i'm still living in fear just waiting for him to appear again what hello there what a spiffing evening i'm looking to purchase a slice of your finest pizza [Music] wow he's british hey boys come over here put on your sunscreen we did ballora you just can't tell because we're solid white [Laughter] bombs not white so why animatronics can't get sunburned we're made of metal you'd be surprised geez the lack of brains in that woman yeah she actually thinks that metal can get sunburned hello anyone in there an idiot what does happen to metal when it gets hot i bet it wait what happens to electronics when they get wet freddy i've acquired something you said i'd never have legs no a girlfriend a what what isn't she just gorgeous oh stop it you handsome bunny you and that paint cut it out what is going on here so what do you say we ditch this place and go have some fun oh yes [Music] my dear bonnet oh you're such a wonderful delight yeah i don't think this is gonna work [Music] so i should get going bye what a waste come on let's get a hot dog wait where'd she go all right let's give this cheat code a try a b b yodel a little yo la hee hoo b be up kick the machine eight times forward back back back left up right circle right back left left b type 1987 on the side of the machine forward why hello there my name is freddy fazbear success another bow defeated monkey pump i've just uncovered buried treasure we be rich lads what will we even do with all this booty oh we gonna be rolling in it [Music] [Music] you've all been spending millions of dollars with counterfeit money there must be some kind of misunderstanding oh i miss me oh don't come crying to me fox how do i turn this thing on i think i see a smudge i can fix that you're making it worse here put this on freddy have you gone mad there's no way i'm putting on a bunny shirt oh come on foxy don't be such a baby hi how come you get to wear a freddy shirt and i don't get a foxy shirt well you've got plenty of other options we have sweaters joggers hoodies and shirts why you can buy all of fazbear and friends merch by clicking the link in the description below who are you talking to wait a second if there be so many options why did you make me wear this oh bonnie gave me five fast coins what ah you can get all the merchandise from fazbear and friends by clicking the link in the description below buying our merch helps us keep the lights on at old freddy fazbears so please consider getting some thanks for watching and we'll see you next time [Music] you
Channel: ZAMination
Views: 9,845,292
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, animation, fnaf, zamination, enchantedmob, fazbear and friends, circus baby, twin, sister, circus baby's twin sister 2, foxy
Id: TGdcwIqqPGA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 17sec (1817 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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