Cinema 4D Tutorial - Arnold Renderer - UV Mapping

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hey guys welcome back to another cinema4d tutorial this video is going to be a conclusion tutorial in regards to the last couple of videos I made about Arnold render and the issue I was having with applying labels to the size of an object so as you can see here based on the last video I made about camera projection that's the method that I used in the end because it was pretty easy to setup and it worked however camera projection doesn't always work because it's really only used for flat surfaces if your surface is organic in shape or it's bent or has any corners to it or anything like that maybe that's like the side of a cylinder or a sphere camera projection really isn't gonna work well because the image that's being projected through the camera is going to end up being skewed and distorted so what I'm going to do in this video is I'm going to show you how to properly UV map an object and that's the method that's probably going to work best for all of us when we're doing something like this because sometimes you might be using a deform ER or a joint or bone system to deform your object and in that case camera projection just isn't gonna work you're gonna want to UV map your object alright so I'm gonna go ahead and just delete these cameras I don't need them I'm going to delete the material off of it and what I want to do is I want to create a standard cinema 4d material now we're still going to be using Arnold but I just want to keep this simple so I'm going to start out with a standard cinema 4d material and I'm going to rename this to main body and I'm going to drop that on top of the object and actually before I do that maybe now would be a good time to point out something if I create a new Arnold material and I'm just going to create a new standard surface and let's open up the network editor and I'm gonna bring in an image so let's get the image node and I'm gonna grab just this image right here not worry about that and we'll just pipe this in over here to the color now I'm going to disconnect it from the beauty and I want to see this in the viewport I'm just going to drag this over top of our standard material now notice what this looks like this material tag is set to UVW mapping but notice how wild and crazy this material now looks this is all being skewed it's being distorted and stretched out it doesn't look right at all so what's going on here okay well the issue that's going on is the UV map right now is a mess and we need to fix it so I'm going to go ahead and delete that material off there I'm going to take our standard c40 material drop it back on there and what I want to do is I want to change the layout over to body paint UV edit now keep in mind that this tutorial is not meant to be an in-depth tutorial when it comes to body paint more than likely in the future I'm probably going to have to make some body paint tutorials so you're gonna have to excuse me for this but this is going to be a bit of a crash course in body paint alright so some very basics of the layout alright so we have two major windows here the first one on the left of course is the viewport this is just the standard cinema 4d viewport and over here on the right this is where the UVs are going to show up at and this is the window that we're going to be using to manipulate scale rotate a position that UV is where we want them this is the part that can be a little confusing anytime you want to manipulate any of the polygons points or edges you'll need to select the mode for that normally that mode is over here on the left hand side you can go into polygon mode point mode edge mode but you can see that none of those icons are there they've now been moved up here to the top so if we click on the object now we can select the polygons and so forth so it can be a little confusing because I've developed a habit of always going over here to the left hand side to select the mode just keep in mind that when you're using this edit mode here that now these three modes are up here at the top so if we were to select some of these polygons you can see nothing is showing up over here on the right hand side the reason for that is because we need to get the mesh to show up so we're gonna go up here to UV mesh and we're going to enable show UV mesh if I deselect the polygons you can see that this over here is a mess basically what's happening here is that every polygon has been scaled up to a hundred percent to fit the entire map so even if I select to say we'll select this you can see it covers the entire region if I select this one here this one is a little tiny sliver over here on the side and this is why that image logo that we saw on there was distorted because it's trying to be applied to all of these and it's just being distorted because of the UV layout the way it is right now at the moment all right now notice that when you select a polygon over here it shows up selected over here but you can't really select anything over here in this window the reason for that is because we need to enable a different mode notice that there are two icons up here at the top UV polygons and UV points anytime you want to start moving scaling rotating or manipulating any of the UVs over here in this right-hand window you need to enable one of these modes so if we go UV polygons and enable that now we can start selecting polygons over here in the UV editor on the right hand side so just keep that in mind because you're probably gonna go back and forth between the two modes of UV polygons and the standard polygon mode all right so the first thing that I want to do is I want to clear all of the polygons and when I say clear what I mean is all of these are currently scaled up to fit the entire region of this UV grid over here and I don't want that I want to get rid of them so what I'm gonna do over here in the viewport I'm going to hit ctrl a to select all of the polygons that will select them over here as well and then we'll go over here to you commands and we have an option here called clear UV it's currently grayed out the reason why is because we need to enable UV polygon mode now we can hit clear UV and now you can see what it's done is it's taking the scale and zeroed them out up here to the top left hand corner now we can start setting up a clean UV map there's different ways of doing this I'm going to show you the way for my example file here that I have open alright so I'm going to go into polygon mode and I want to select the areas where the label is going to be I know there's going to be a label that's going to sit right here below this port and there's another label that's gonna sit here below this one so I'm just going to go ahead and select all of these faces here on the front and while I'm at it I might as well go ahead and select those there as well now I want to position the camera so that it's kind of sitting in line with this I don't really want something that from this angle or up top a way over here I just want something where it's gonna be sitting kind of inline with the camera or something like that and then I'm gonna go over here to the projection tab and I want to project this as frontal so I'm gonna hit frontal and now it's projected that UV on to there and let's go to the relaxed UV tab and I think by default pin border points or pin to neighbors is turned on by default you'll want to turn that off I believe it's pinned to border points I think I think that's the one that's turned on by default and when you do that it basically scales it up to 100% where it fits the entire region and I feel better with that being off so if any of those are on you can just disable those and the mode here I'm just going to leave two LS CM I'm gonna hit apply alright so it really didn't do much that's because the camera angle was pretty much correct here for the frontal projection now we can just go over to UV polygon mode grab the move tool now we can move the around and if you want you can scale it up but just be careful though that wherever you place your cursor at and click to drag the scale that is going to be the origin point from where it's going to be skilled so if I click down here in the bottom right and I scale it you can see it's scaling from that point and I don't want to do that so I'm gonna start up here on the top left and scale to kind of scale that out where it stays inside the box all right now we'll go back to polygon mode and I want to select the faces over here and might as well select that inner circle there and we just want to line the camera up again to get a nice projection here for frontal we'll go back to projection hit frontal we'll relax it go back to UV polygon mode and we'll just go ahead and scale that up as well all right so basically that's pretty much all we have to do right now and the reason why it was that simple is because there's only two places where I want to label now if you want labels in other places you're gonna have to setup those movies for those areas as well but for this I know I only want two labels one under each of these ports so I've got this set up pretty good and the rest of this is going to be since it's zeroed out and we cleared it it's just going to show up as the the main color which is going to be black that's gonna be the base coat all right so what we can do now is we need to set up the material for this because right now even though this editor over here on the right hand side even though it's got the mesh showing up and we've got the UV here there's no material file that's actually been applied to this such as a JPEG or a tiff or a PNG or something like that so we need to create one so we'll go over to the materials tab and notice that the main body is turned off so first of all we want to enable that and turn it on now we want to right click on main body go up to texture channels and this is going to give you the option of which channel you want to use for your material in this case I just want color I don't want alpha or transparency or anything like that just standard color I'm gonna click color it's going to give you the option to name it we'll just leave it at main body color one and the resolution make sure you leave this as a square ratio so 1024 by 1024 will work now we also need to pay attention to the color here because the color is currently set to white now of course we're going to be opening this up in Photoshop so white for this will be okay so we'll go ahead and click OK now this new white material file has been applied to the object the problem right now though is if we go over here in two layers we've only got one layer called background and it's basically all white what this means is if we were to open up this main body dot TIFF file and Photoshop you're not going to be able to see where these UV edges are at so we need to create a new layer that's going to show us where these edges are at otherwise you're just gonna be guessing so down here in the bottom there's a little icon here that says create UV mesh layer but before we do that we need to change the color because right now I believe it's set to white so we'll go over to swatches and we're just gonna click on a color here it could be anything since our background for this object is going to be black I want to be able to see these against the black so I'm just going to make it something like green we'll go back to the layers and we'll hit the create UV mesh layer that created it for us now we're pretty much done with all of this now we can jump back into our let's see where is startup all right now the important thing to note here is that you need to save your project file in order to save this new material to the texture folder so if we hit ctrl s to save it's going to say do you want to save changes to the textures of the project remember we just created a new material so you want to click yes that's going to save that TIFF file to the texture folder and now you can see that this new material is applied over here main body color one TIFF to the color Channel and it's being applied to the object and you can see that the UVs because we use the green color to outline the edges alright so now what we're going to do is we're going to open this up in Photoshop alright so I've got the TIFF file open now inside a Photoshop and you can see here over on the right in the layers panel we've got the background which was white and we've got our UV mesh layer with the green lines indicating where our UV edges are at so I'm gonna go ahead and just change this background color to black and now we can just drop in our label so I'm gonna go ahead and grab that and we'll just use the power symbol like we've been doing we'll drag that in scale that down well and just put it right about there I think that will work and I'm just going to duplicate that and put this one up here right about there now if you wanted to technically you could put whatever you want on here we could paint some stuff on here whatever you want but those are the two labels that I'm gonna use so now we can turn off UV mesh layer and now we can go ahead and just save this image as a tiff so we'll go ahead and click file save that saved it as the TIFF all right so we can now open up the Arnall material that we created and we'll go into this image node and I probably need to go and move this over all right and here it is right here which is main body color one will open that one up push that back over and now if we take this material and drag it on top now you can see it's showing up properly and if we pipe that into the beauty and we turn on the IP our window there we go that's a little reflective at the moment so we'll tone that down a little bit let's go with she's in like like that I think we'll be okay there we go so there are our two labels applied to the side of an object and we use the UV map for it now technically we could have put more labels on this and then all you have to do is just set up one image node apply that to the standard surface and you can see just how clean is compared to what we were doing before with the camera projection method which was kind of getting a little messy depending on how many of these labels you wanted to apply alright guys so I think that pretty much wraps up this tutorial like I said it's a bit of a crash course in body paint I hope you were able to follow along with this I wanted to make this video just kind of show the final conclusion to it as far as getting this done doing it the right way a course camera projection did work by thinking the end more than likely setting up proper UVs and using this UV method it's probably going to be the best way to do this alright so I hope that this video has been helpful to you I hope you're able to follow along with it if you have any comments or questions feel free to comment below I will try to answer as best as I can and as always guys thank you for watching and I will see you guys in the next tutorial
Channel: ShepperdOneill
Views: 6,310
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: C4D, Cinema 4D, 3D, Arnold, C4DtoA, arnold renderer, uv mapping, bodypaint, tutorial
Id: uqfuTaKeFMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 13sec (1033 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 01 2017
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