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as a motion designer i always face the problem with render times and of course you can rent a render farm but in this class i'll show you what tools and settings you can use in red shift to optimize your render times and to shrink down the waiting time and of course even in renting render farms it can save you a lot of money so let's start to explore their techniques redshift is a powerful tool especially when we it comes to render optimizing we can on our render view so we have some render and by default you should check the render info is on and we have not bucket rendering but progressive rendering and for example we have some settings by default when we render this thing we see that there are a lot of noise sometimes it can be tricky how to fix the thing i show you the logic we're going to samples mode and you'll see that we have immediately bucket mode these black and white image the white zones shows where we hit maximum of our samples our logic is to get a gray image for example i up these samples we see that we have less more noise i going to brute force and maybe up this thing up our image became more clear we can check it so you remember the first attempt the second a lot cleaner shadows but we have some issues with metals of course you can go the hard way you're going to oh aov manager going to maybe [Music] diffuse reflection refraction shadows oh i think diffuse we don't need for now and all other stuff especially if you have volume rendering etc and you can check layers and you can see which layer has the noise but i prefer to simplify workflow we're going to disable brute force for now and we see that we have much clearer image because brute force insert a lot of noise we can go and investigate what zone produce a lot of noise as we see we have noise in glass our shadows were almost clear so we're going to sample overwrites going to reflection and i pick our samples max and multiply by four we're going back to our samples and our reflection start to gather a lot of more samples we have these white zones and the lowering the threshold the most samples you get in noisy zone for example if i up it to very high level we see that our white turns into gray but when i lowering the threshold we have our white come back into the scene i suggest you to keep the balance maybe using default adaptive threshold and if you set samples over 4000 it's time to investigate do you mix do you meet adaptive error threshold in your scene for example maybe all you need to do is just decrease maybe in twice and you don't need so much samples i keep the default up our samples and we have some noise in refraction maybe i repeat this thing random of course all these manipulation gathering extended rent time but i'll show you the trick why we're doing this thing so basic a lot of noise noise nice improved and our maybe final settings and you see that in metal we have a clear result and after you did the basic settings you go into gi and work with brute force the same logic maybe twice and hit render sometimes if you have long render time you can change we can render i think a very good and clear result we have here especially in this zone and in this and we have of course uh drastically improve of render time and sometimes just hit irradiance point cloud and it works bad now you may ask we have 20 4 seconds instead of 12. for example here we have these four seconds 54 but let me show you one thing duplicate and set not optimized not optimized four and a half seconds and now we're going to our sample overrides disable this thing and set 2088 in our uniform let's check the time six seconds and let me render full res with our previous result with our unified sampling you see that we have a lot of noise already and in shadows and check the render time we had 24 seconds and now we have much more time to render almost 35 seconds 37 so this is the best thing that shows that using not only unified sampling but analyzing your image and going to these sample overrides folder and up only samples you need to clear your image is a good way for optimization your render and don't forget that we starting with disable this gi we're going to unified sampling fighting something in between for example 4 and 256 sometimes it can be higher it depends on your scene of course but we keep samples lower going to simple overrides and up only samples we need to clear our scene shadows maybe refractions or maybe lights so shadows would be more clear or maybe vellums or scattering so this is the first lesson the next scene you see this is a kind of bubble will show you how we can optimize or we can play with redshift 0.3022 and higher there are two more a new settings that we have here and let me render before while it's rendering we go into basic settings and just investigate what settings of a crank up we up simples max reflections and i have sub surface scattering going here and this is the logic i show you in first lesson we're playing with samples find the level find proper error threshold value and then going and upping samples we need for example we have a lot of reflections here and we up them 45 seconds now we go into system and if you have rtx cards you can enable rt support on your render cards and we hit render i think this technology will be improved again and again if you have 2 000 plus family cards maybe 20 80 20 60 plus and all that you can get sometimes a great boost in render your sim so we're going to system experimental options and enable optics rt for unsupported gpus we just set this thing on and we get reduced by 10 seconds without losing quality one two beautiful and the next thing is automatic sampling what it does it provides enough samples to meet adaptive threshold value the lowering this thing is the highest samples will be distributed to proper zones hit random and we check what we get of course there is some preparing and these will not be optimized and it depends on your scene so every time you're working with a render optimization check all methods you can use before send to render farm or to final render 32 seconds i think this is a great improvement and one thing i want to show you that in our base settings we had a big amount of noise in some zones and in automatic samples we can get a clearly result so these two options enable optics rt and automatic sample also can improve your render speed even if you think you find the best values for separate sampling let's go to the next settings now we have very simple scene and i want to show you there one more trick that is connected with bucket rendering let me set to bucket rendering and you see that we have small buckets that goes in our scene and render it in six seconds almost seven seconds upping back in size and we have four and a half seconds and one more the huge buckets four seconds so we goes from 7 seconds to 4 seconds but sometimes you can find let me disable bucket rendering close this project almost identical scene but in the center we have very complex element and very simple at the side so we can go to our buckets i keep with 128 going to our rendering and you'll see that they stuck with this element you can sing everything is not working but it's okay you can see the sound of your video cards maybe you can check temperature rendering is going on but it really stuck with element while this card is rendering only one zone the other card almost finished all the rest of the scene we have 53 seconds and sometimes you can go and decrease bucket rendering so both cars will render the complex zone you avoid situation when one card is rendering there maybe this transparency or maybe subsurface scattering and the other card finished in other regions and wait it's very scene dependent and resolution dependent it depends on how much cards you have sometimes it can works with lowering resolution we can check 39 seconds and we had 54 and now i want to show you that this scene almost identical but resolution is much higher and we have one minute 34 seconds with big buckets and with small buckets it doesn't render this thing in half be sure to check different bucket size rendering but in more cases they're huge value will help you a lot of time let's go back to our bubble candy scene and check what we can get more with bucket size we had our 45 seconds 34 seconds 33 and now we can go to just bucket size i disable our apr hit render and what result we can get here the render of our balls 32 seconds with small bucket and 20 seconds with bigger ones and you see that sometimes in low resolution we can get improvements with small buckets but in final resolution we have a lot of lost of time we're going to our sample scene and now we have 32 seconds and head 33 so now you know that the logic is fighting with unified sampling if you don't use depth of field or motion blur you can go to sample overrides find the samples you need for your scene then you're going to gi go into brute force and sometimes you can just hit irradiance point cloud i don't change from default settings and it gives you a lot of improvements even in animation then in system you can check of course optics rt automatic sampling and checking bucket size so now you know all the tools which i use to optimize our render and one more thing is that we have optimization settings if you have not much reflections or refractions or transparency you can decrease these values also to improve your settings for example we don't have refractions here maybe we can decrease we don't have transparency and maybe we can lowering their reflections hit render and sometimes it can gives you a much speed in rendering but sometimes not it depends on your scene and render optimization is one of the not interesting part of motion design but i think that cutting few seconds from each frame will save you a lot of time in rendering all sequence you see that we get 30 seconds of course we lost some see here some reflections but overall i don't see the much difference and i prefer to render my sequence with 30 seconds per frame and not this 45 thank you for your attention and have a nice day
Channel: Modern Video Collections
Views: 8,416
Rating: 4.9580836 out of 5
Keywords: cinema 4d, c4d, tuts, tutorials, motion graphics, greyscalegorilla, Cinema 4D, Redshift, Redshift for cinema 4d, Redshift c4d, redshift tutorial c4d, redshift tutorial, how to use redshift, redshift settings, redshift tutorial cinema 4d, cinema 4d redshift, red shift, redshift3d, c4d red shift, c4d redshift, redshift quickstart, redshift renderer, redshift render, intro to redshift, beginner redshift, redshift
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 54sec (1074 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 20 2020
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