Ciara Talks to Oprah about Weight Loss and Finding Love Again

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- Welcome Ciara - Hi, Hi Oprah. Good morning, good day, - Great to see you. Great to see you. - wherever you are. - Thank you. - Great to see you. Where, where are you zooming from? - I'm in San Diego. - Oh, in San Diego. Great to see you. Loved seeing you at that great, great, great football game the other day. It was great with the Super Bowl. You know I believe in the power of intention. And when you are very clear in stating your goals the world rises up to conspire to meet you. That's what the Alchemist taught us. And you couldn't have been more clear, I think when you posted on Instagram last year that you wanted to lose 48 pounds after the birth of your baby and then you and WW found each other. And that's how the universe works. So where are you now in your journey, Ciara? - Oh my goodness. Well, I'll just tell you I'm exactly where I'm supposed to be (laughs) - [Oprah] That's great. - I say that because, you know, I I had a moment where I had to give myself a little grace. We went on a couple of vacations so I kind of ate a few more desserts than I should have. But the beautiful thing about the WW program is, as you know Oprah, is that it goes right with you. It's forgiving, it's not stressful, you don't feel pressure, you know, and I get right back in and I start logging my numbers. This week, I'm actually back on track, like all the way on track. And so I'm excited. I'm feeling really good about where I'm going. And I just want to get to that next I'm ready to close this thing out. I'm literally, probably I'd say have like about 18 more pounds or so more pounds or so left. So I'm also enjoying the process, and I think - To reach your goal. - what's really fun about- - To reach your goal. Yeah, to my goal. - But, but, but Ciara like right now, inside your body, first of all, you look fantastic to all of us. And how are you feeling inside yourself? - Oh my goodness. I'm feeling good. I'm feeling like my best self, to be honest. And with this pregnancy in particular I really chose to embrace every step of the process. Like I'm really enjoying my curves. I actually want to hold on to them. I'm like, I think my goal may change this go-around versus what I used to want my goals to be like I'm thinking I may want to hold on to five more pounds than I normally would but because I'm really loving where I am, I'm embracing every bit of the process. And it is somewhat a new me, you know, in my... I've had two babies before my most recent one. Again, I was a bit more intense in my thoughts and about my goals. And I just realized like literally sometimes you have to step back and look at where you are and say, I'm actually doing all right. I'm actually doing good. Like, I'm loving this extra like these little extra, you know, my love handles. Or my, you know, my hips, I'm loving every bit of it. And to the point to where as I've done a few commercials, a few cover shoots that I probably would've never done back in the days because I would have felt like I had to be back to my base weight. I had to be back like to a certain size, but it's like, you know what? Love every step of the process, embrace every step of the process. And I just feel so much more empowered because of that. - Well, and I love that you were talking about when you you know, you got back on track, which actually tracking, but when you have too many desserts or you, you know binge a little, it's not like the end of the world because this isn't a diet. It's a way of living that does exactly what you have done. And that is helps you get back on track. - Yeah, absolutely. It's a lifestyle, you know, it's about total wellness is about the big picture. And again, that's a part of life you gotta like allow yourself to like enjoy the process, enjoy yourself. Like, it's okay to have a little fun. You need to have a little fun. I think if we're so intense about everything we'll be going crazy. And especially in this pandemic and being a mom of three it's like, I got to give grace, you got to give grace in the process. - Yes. That's a beautiful word. Somebody pointed that out this morning. - Yeah. And like we say, with the WW program it's really easy and it's really fun. And you also get to learn a lot on the app which is really cool. You know, you kind of, you I'm like, Oh those, that food is only zero points. Like, okay, I didn't know that. Okay. So you get to learn a lot in the process as well which is really fun. - Yeah. What I've learned is, to track the look up what the points are before you eat it. Cause after it's, when you find out, oh, that was 14 points. Not good. - Exactly. - You're like- - Not good raisins, not good. (laughing) Exactly. I go, like, I felt so good about that meal. That meal was like, It didn't feel like it was crazy. And then like you say, you discover, you're like, oh those points were really high, or like cheese like cheese can add more points. - [Oprah] Oh, forget about it. Forget it. - I'm like, what in the world, right? - [Oprah] Forget the cheese. So, but you're right. You educate yourself, - and it helps you make better choices. - Cheese, cheese and peanut butter. I just, I have learned to live not on the tablespoon version of the peanut butter but a teaspoon could go a long way. You can get that teaspoon to go across the whole piece of toast. That's what I've learned to do. - That's exactly it. And you start to kind of train yourself or condition yourself to like, no you don't need as much as you thought you needed. - [Oprah] Absolutely. - Once you gradually cut back. - Well, Ciara and NFL star husband, Russell Wilson welcomed a third baby last July little Win. What a great name. Win Harrison who joins big brother Future and big sister Sienna. Now you recently shared the prayer that you said that brought Russell into your life. And one of our team members Joseph said the single people out there need to know what that prayer was. Could you share that prayer? - This, this prayer thing? I mean it's so funny, but it is real. I won't say I share the exact things that I said but I'll give you the idea. You know, I was at a very critical place in my life. I was a single mom and I was just really wanting to envision where I wanted to go at life. And at that point, when you have a child the word 'responsibility' becomes really real and there's really no room to kind of play around. And so I just kinda thought about, okay where I've been, what I've, what I've gone through and what I don't want to go through anymore. And I was intentional in my thoughts, you know I wanted a man of God. I wanted a man that loved kids because obviously I had kids. A man that also, you know loved the world, loved being an adventurer, like loved, you know exploring, like all the things that I desired. I was kind of declaring it and praying and being intentional in my thoughts about that guy or that person. And it became so real to the point where you could taste what you were, what I was, I could taste what I was envisioning. I was like, I could see it. And therefore automatically in that same breath I saw what I knew what I didn't want. And I knew when I was, I would see what I didn't want and I would know it, wasn't what I wanted. And so there was this, I just was intentional in my thoughts and intentional in my prayers. And I was ready to level up for lack of better words. I was ready to go to the place that I deserved, to the place that I desired, the place that I hoped for, I was ready for it. And so that also, I think it was critical in the process. And there you talk about self-love. There was a self-love phase for me that I thought it was important not to try to be in a relationship. It was important for me to take care of myself and at that point it was, I was gonna get my bounce back. I was going to get my sexy on. I'm not going to be a single mom out here holding on to all this, like, you know the excess weight that I had gained. And I was like, you know what? I want to like go to another place that I've never gone before. And I committed to that, and that was my own personal goal. So it was really me moreso envisioning where I want, speaking, envisioning where I wanted to go, speaking life into where I wanted to go, writing down where I wanted to go, and then pressing go to get there. So yeah, there's kind of like a lot of, you know a lot of my thoughts that I had going on at that time. And it was game-changing, because once I committed to all of it, it just literally start to like happen, like just gradually and at the perfect pace for me. - Well, as you know we've been working on our workbook this morning, Ciara and will you stay and do the next exercise with us? - Of course I'd love to! - Okay. Everybody take out your workbook pages right now right below the self love score. You'll see a gratitude space to write down three things that you're grateful for today. I started doing this years ago and I will tell you you want to change your vibrational frequency. You want to change your ability to create abundance in your life. Gratitude is it. That's how you do it. And you start with being grateful with the smallest of things. I've actually started replacing the word gratitude. Now with delight, after reading this book by Ross Gay called the Book of Delights. Delight is one of my favorite words. Because I know gratitude gets overused a lot, now. Remember in the nineties when I first started asking people to do this nobody even knew what we were talking about. Now, everybody talks about gratitude. But once I started living in this space of being thankful for the smallest of things, I can't tell you how, well you all can see a lot of the rewards that I've received. And a lot of the rewards that I received you can't see because they're internal, but I feel blessed all the time, no matter what the circumstances, because of this practice of gratitude, especially during a pandemic. And I have seen that when I was not as faithful in being grateful or at least conscious about being grateful, things seem to go awry. And I would say, what is going on with me? And I think, Oh, I haven't I haven't been disciplining myself with this practice of gratitude. It is literally my strongest spiritual practice. So whether you call it gratitude or thankful or my new favorite word delight, take a moment to write three things that you are delighted by, that you are grateful for. And Ciara, I want you to share what you wrote. - [Ciara] All right. So I have down first, I am grateful for breath. Just simply the gift of being able to breathe. Knowing how much of a blessing that is. My husband and I have been able to get to go to the Seattle Children's Hospital. And we deal with patients of many kinds some that are, you know, literally on their deathbed and those that are fighting for their lives. And you just go, I'm just thankful to breathe. I'm grateful for breath. So that's my first one that I have. And I also have, of course, I'm grateful for my family. I'm grateful for my family. It's a blessing to be with them especially in this pandemic. You know, they talk about finding the finding the silver linings, that's been mine. And because I know I'd be running all over the place otherwise. And so in the midst of the chaos just being able to spend time with my kids day in and day out, and it gets crazy. It's not always pretty, but it's a blessing to be with my kids and be with my husband more than we've ever been able to because of the pandemic. It put us, it put us in these four walls together and I'm grateful for that. And then thirdly, I have, I'm grateful to wake up doing what I love doing and knowing that what I do blesses me with the opportunity to give back to others. I'm just grateful for that because I know it's a blessing concerning all that we're going through and I'm driven to find ways to keep, you know taking my blessings and blessing others with them and finding ways to give back. I'm super driven to do that because I know the circumstances could be different. And I'm humbled in this process as well because I know where I came from. And so I just, those are my three things that I have, breath, family and know where I came from. - I love that. And we, we, we never forget where we came from. That's why success feels so great when you've worked to get there and you never forget how you got there. Thank you for sharing that. You know, I wrote health because first of all I spent 321 days at home without leaving. And recently left, went to Maui for my birthday and then came back to do this with all of you all today, but 321 days. And with Steadman and our, you know, daughter girls from South Africa, wonderful, wonderful wonderful experience in terms of getting to know each other and bonding as a family. And I say this. A year ago, last year, I think I was, I think I was in San Francisco or getting ready to go to LA with the WW tour. And during that tour, I think we were I was in stadiums all total like 120,000 people, shaking, hands, dancing, laughing, in people's faces people in my faces, selfies. And that's when the pandemic was moving through the world and our country. And every day it makes my eyes water. I thank God that I remained healthy through that, that everybody on our team remained healthy through that. That's when we thought, you know, just you know, hand sanitizing ourselves was, would make us safe. Nobody was wearing a mask. And I mean, and we were in each other's faces. So health, health, health health is number one for me. Being able to have this digital experience with you all, top of the list. Being able to share in community, be of like minds with each other means so much to me. And just the thing that Dr. Shefali was expressing, I have learned to live in the present moment, and be content no matter what that moment is showing for me. And so, however I can offer that in grace, in blessings, in knowledge to the rest of you who are here seeking that for yourselves, at higher ground for yourselves I feel like such a blessing. Thank you so much Ciara for sharing yourself, your light and your wisdom with us today. - Well, thank you for having me. And I just want to give a shout out to all of the moms out there. I want you guys to know that you are not alone in your journey. You know, even for me, I, like I say it's not the prettiest every day. I can be a teacher's assistant at this point. You know, we've all had to deal with the virtual schooling for our kids. But we're really built for it all. God has blessed you with the ability to persevere and to go through everything you go through you are built with a, built for it all. So I want you to know that, and be encouraged by that that you have the stuff, you got all it takes. And again, like it's not going to be pretty every day, but you can really push through and you will if you speak life. I'm a believer that when you have, when you speak, you have a chance to tell your life story. So when you speak say great things; I can, therefore I will. I am, therefore I can, I can. It's all, it's, you know, words are just so powerful. So to speak life into where you are. Speak life in your trials. You know, there's a scripture I say, a scripture that we love here. Consider it pure joy when you face trials and many trials and tribulations of many kinds, for the testing of your faith produces perseverance. James 1-4. Consider it pure joy in the midst of the storm we're going through right now, because it's going to be great on the other side, if you keep your faith strong. So I just want to encourage you guys to do that. And thank you for having me, Oprah. It's a blessing and honor to speak with you today. - [Oprah] And it's such a joy to have you as an ambassador. Thank you so much.
Channel: WeightWatchers
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Keywords: ciara oprah interview, ciara russell wilson, ciara weight loss, ciara postbaby weight loss, ciara wellness, oprah be the love you need, ciara ww, ciara weight watchers, oprah weight watchers, oprah ww, how ciara lost weight
Id: ZVtNODxk6rs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 57sec (957 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 18 2021
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