Ciara On Marriage With Russell Wilson, New Music, Coparenting & More! | Stepping Into The Shade Room

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yeah and then my last question on this like what is a co-parenting like for you guys [Laughter] awesome entrepreneur music mogul mother and wife are just a few of the terms one could use to describe the all-around talent that is Sierra year after year she continues to level up in business life and love and now she is stepping into the shade room to give us a peek into her world from her Evolution as an artist to what we can expect from her with the 20th anniversary of her iconic Goodies album approaching CeCe is spilling it all [Music] what's up what's up Creeper Girl tembi and today we've got ladies and gentlemen see ya stepping into the shade room hey Cece doing good I'm so excited to have you today you're glowing you know good the belly is I just want to know like I'm just gonna kick it off because how does it feel to be God's favorite God don't play about me [Music] it's so blessed I'm excited to be here with you too I'm stepping his little uh no but I I am yeah I do I will say God's favor on my life is absolutely um so what we're coming up on 20 years next year of goodies how does that make you even like it doesn't even feel like it's been 20 years oh my gosh yeah no I feel I feel so proud like beyond measure um you know it's it is that like little tap on the bat you know just say keep going keep believing Don't Stop Believing um keep dreaming big because that is crazy to know I was just this little girl with big ambition and a big dream and vision that you know starting even when I was 16 years old when I signed my deal with Arista that was where it all started for me but again to fast forward to putting out the song goodies and like this is gonna be the song that's gonna break it all for me it's gonna make it all happen it's gonna introduce you to the world and I was like um they asked me at a graduation they sent cameras to my school and they said you know it was we were graduating and they said Sierra where do you see yourself a year from now and I was like I see myself have no more so I'm gonna be a word child and literally goodies is where it started for me and um I feel like I'm just getting started yeah what an accomplishment and two so much longevity because there's a lot of people who you know put music out and their careers don't even last that long and to still be relevant today okay that's God's favor um so what would you say is your favorite Sierra song Oh my oh my that's hard I don't know music marks time and a lot of songs have significant meaning to me for different moments but I'm gonna use goodies goodies yeah because I'm gonna pick that one it's not my own my soul favorite but it's one of my favorites and I'm gonna use it because again that's where it all started for me and then I would say my second favorite would be level up do you have a favorite um song to perform yes uh uh one two step is fun that song never gets old it plays like it's a new record yeah like I always like put it in the lineup at a certain part because whenever the drop comes on that don't don't don't yes it's literally eruption crowd eruption so that song is always fun never gets old I love to level up as well what about music videos because you're from that era where like we knew every dance step dance step to dance step outfit to outfit like every scene that was like coming on the TV like that era of like the music videos and I feel like you kept that same energy with your music videos especially in a time where music videos don't really seem to be the focus like they were back then yeah so do you have like a favorite like music video of yours um okay so I love like a boy okay I love promise promise came before like a boy um I know I'm a choreography to promises that was one of those songs right um I would say uh okay let's keep moving along here um Ride video I love that video um I love my um there's a there's a video for a song idea called dance like you're making love that's actually on my most viewed videos which is crazy and I really believe in that song and they did not put the love and support behind the record they should have yeah but anyways I won't go there um but I love that video um level up um and then uh How We Roll yeah that's crazy okay let's talk about that because you and Chris just linked up um for How We Roll how is that like because I you guys are the two people I could just watch you dance you don't have to say anything like just watching the both of you dance like individually and together there's like a swag there and that's like I don't look like is there's like a swag there that I can't even explain that's just captivating so what was that experience like after all these years to finally come together officially for like a record it was magical yeah um you know um Breezy I just have so much respect from as an artist and his talent and uh his the way that he thinks creatively is really dope and we have been trying to figure this out for years you know we had a song we did I think back in like 2016. I think that's the date we had a song called turntables so we did that we performed the BET Awards we never made a video right so it was something like I think we would always kind of talk about in passing or the fans would say that this moment needs to have and then we were rehearsing um you know last year and when we were rehearsals that's like where the energy really kicked off we shared music played each other's songs um and I played him you know I was like he was sharing some of actually some were too hot was in one of the songs that he played me and he played me some of his records and then he was like you know it was just us vibing like what you guys CeCe you know and I'm like I got you know and I'm like well there is this one song I think would be amazing for us to do together and he was like play it for me play what you got so playing the records and literally he was like that's it and I was like there was a couple more songs I know you already played when I needed to hear so um the energy was just amazing it's always been incredible when we're in the dance hall and we're vibing together as artists there's mutual respect um you know and it was just it was really special like being together from the whole process um to him shooting his verse over like Fast um to us being in the rehearsal Hall re like going to a memory lane of like we were like babies and from being a little babies to having babies yeah like that's a crazy journey within itself um but I think we both like we're in like some of our best places in our career yeah um just creatively where we are and so and then being on set together that was so much fun we danced our butts off starting from rehearsal Halls to set doing the dance breakdown we were creating a breakdown together with um our choreographers and Johnny Blaze and Josh and Jamaica create team it was just special energy and I think we came to work every day with the biggest Smiles because we were so excited at the moment that we've been waiting for and our fans have been asking for was finally happened happening I mean you have your track with little baby forever that's on the new EPCC so okay what's CC and or who Cece and who's Sierra same person okay it's not an alter ego but you know something about my fans say go cc go cc go that lip turn up she get a little stank you know I think that's when like the true like uh like grit comes out you know I always say um you know Sierra keeps it really you know when they go though you go high yeah CCB like I want the smoke like what are we talking about like yeah you know so I don't let CCR all the time to me so so on the on the um record would you say juicing and which one is more CC on the EP that is really good you're making me think um oh okay I mean I was tough because it's all it's CC it's me um um maybe two in love is like you know Sierra what is y'all saying over there uh sorry to win oh they were agree with me um two in love that's my favorite ones yeah oh I love it yeah I love that song it's so like and like you're in love like celebrating love like that's that's that feeling like when you and your partner like you have a little funky moment which you realize you're just too in love that you cannot like resist that love right and you're like oh um maybe winning Cece's definitely in winning um and I would also say in uh Loki let me see you about that let me see you about that hey you just say it what would you say is your definition of winning though because I feel like from the outside looking in everyone's like Sierra is winning at life right but for you what does that mean to win you know winning for me I think in life I've come to change my definition of what winning is and you know when I was younger I would say it's things like Awards or you know number one records and all these things those type of things but winning to me is like having a true foundation understanding of who you are first and foremost you know I also have learned to appreciate the small wins in life you know you can't say for granted just being able to wake up and breathe have breath that's winning right being able to um have family and have a foundation in my family for me that's winning and so I think being able to have that understanding and Clarity that's winning for me okay let's play a quick game okay CC versus Sierra okay okay who's showing up to these situations okay okay so you cook a meal for someone yeah and you know they they spit it out they're like oh I don't like it who's showing up CeCe showing up showing up hold up don't disrespect me like that if I'm really focused and I get the chance to Thanksgiving I haven't really done a full like Thanksgiving meal in a long time but I can I can throw down the turkey is nice and juicy I can make mac and cheese yes you know do you have any carbs carbs it's ridiculous it's honestly really um it's frustrating because I go I kept I'm like I keep telling everybody they're probably so tired of me saying I'm like I don't want to gain the same amount of weight that I've gained in all my pregnancies because I'm a 55 pounder to 65 pounder kind of girl and that is not fun trying to lose that weight yeah that is hard but you look so good you look because I was like when you you know shared your pregnancy first of all one of the best pregnancy announcements of all time it was so good you wear pregnancies very well thank you so much with or without the weight like thank you for that love because I'm like my eyes are starting to get bigger than my head I'm like knowing where I am I'm like oh my Lord are you like I looked in my belly and I was like it's like a basketball is sitting on top of my body but I'm like where are we going with this like what are we about to do we gonna gain the same amount of weight but I can't stress myself out too much about it um you know I just pray for healthy baby that's the most important thing for me um and I will say I am taking advantage of the fact that I can't just eat carbs right you know what I want to eat why not it's good it's good I'm living out I'm winning right exactly the food we're good you're at a football game and the opposing team or fan comes in your face yells and for Russell Wilson he's trash which we know he's oh you know Cece coming out CeCe coming out she's coming out she there okay because she right back she will Class CC will clap back um and I feel like you and your family you both clap back in very subtle ways very subtle ways because it's like one moment you know you're being mentioned in a song and the next y'all on the field with your family to be you know revealing a pregnancy yeah so when do you feel like it's necessary to clap back and when it's not because you also just clap back as someone who you know made a comment about Tick Tock music yeah you know I think it's you know whenever I respond back it's definitely what I'm feeling in the moment I think some cases some occasions just to me you just there's no need to respond back because it's it's not worth responding back to it's not necessary to respond back to certain things um and then sometimes when I feel it like even you know when I responded back to that person that was you know making the comment about music I just I actually like sometimes not going let me look at this person's profile let me see what they what they got going on and I think you know when you see women like I think us women should lit each other up I think that's so important right I think it doesn't make sense to me for someone to be a leader of a group of of women taking wasting time to like spread negativity so I had time CeCe had time that day um so it just depends honestly um you know it's just what I feel in the moment but some things are kind of like you know it's oh so don't need to respond one of my favorite um clap box of yours which wasn't like a clap but like I said very subtle it's very subtle um when you had the dress the Vanity Fair dress and then you posted on Tick Tock wrapped in a sheet yes and you're like um selective Outreach I do want to ask about that because like will not ask it's more of an observation on my end with you saying selective outrage and I can see why with recent events why exactly it is because you are you know on that carpet you had your man beside you per so proud to see you in that outfit and then we have a situation like you know not to compare but for example with Keke Palmer where her man was like but you're a mom and then the public was like leave her alone but then with you like they did not have that energy um so like what do you think about that because people in that situation were like you should be more like secure and support your woman and it's like but we saw that and y'all you know came for for Sierra yeah I mean you know I think there was a bunch that came from me there was a bunch that showed love I'm just saying um but you know I think um in those moments it's like you know I think you just have to be confident in what your vision is like for me I had to create a vision in my mind and you know and there's nothing better than I think in any aspect of life when your love supports you and what your vision is and um you just really can't like think too much about people have to say in those moments right it's like I was being me and for some reason people would like to pick and choose their moments of when they want to say like oh well that's cute oh because she don't oh which is that's not cute like so again like it goes back to just being confident Within Myself like and you know as an artist you take risk right I think that's a beauty of art like fashion is Art um you know and so I think the most important thing is being secure in your understanding of what your vision is and and be and be fully confident in that moment right because people are going to say something about what you do no matter what like right no matter what you know they're gonna I'm just gonna tell you thank you so much that huh you know because I'm going on baby number four I don't know what happens after this one but yeah you know it's you can't be careful people about what people have to say about you you just can't like people are it can if I lived My Life by the ways of the world or what they thought about me I would never make it to step two and step three and four and five um so well what would CeCe say because you are very much about women empowerment and uplifting women and you have your song footed girl you know that's my jam but so like what would you say to like those people who you know had things to say about that like yo you can't relate you know because you're happily married I got nothing to say yeah um no because again child opinion don't matter okay um no honestly it's everybody's entitled to their own opinion honestly they are I think that's also another understanding that you you know once I really like looked at life that way from that perspective it's like whatever you've been winning what's she talking about I'm just saying like you got a lot of keyboard gangsters out there and so your opinion really doesn't matter but what you do show me is that you're paying attention um so you know you only add more to the clicks and the all that stuff so whatever it really don't matter with the music because like I said 20 years we're approaching 20 years next year um and I I have a point here so I'm gonna list off some of your hits okay because this one's for for the audience okay so I mean you've got a crazy catalog and a lot of it's very nostalgic so we have goodies One Two Step lose control both with Missy o which is my favorite Sierra song um like you promise so what can't leave him alone like a boy ride body party I have a point I promise and you know just there's just so many there's someone uh I'm out with Nikki there's love sex to Magic there's just so many right so how does it make you feel when it's like I just want her to be pretty and just not make music anymore like when you have like such a crazy catalog like does that hurt your feelings does that like no but it's so amazing you say that because when you walk through that list and then you go like even the person makes a comment about Tick Tock because I'm like well you know what Tick Tock does determine a lot in music so I'm just saying to Sweet yeah so okay so speaking of that though so when it when you hear you know the tick tock music comments is that something that's like it's a little hurtful or is it like Tick Tock is where it's at right now so that means I'm on the right track people are going to have opinions yeah right so it's like it really again it doesn't matter but I think it's like again like you just said you know a list of songs I don't like really talking about my accomplishments so much but I you know I I can proudly I'm very proud of like a lot of the songs you just listed um you know so that's the truth is what the truth is like they say numbers don't lie okay you know so um you know I don't really you can't again like I don't know what great that I was that I was inspired by hasn't been challenged or hasn't been told they can't or they won't you know and and that's just the way of the world but I don't live my life by the way of those opinions yeah so it really doesn't matter like it motivates me more than anything to keep on saying on the right track and the reality is is that you know I think that's very silly and small mind and say a person should stay at home like I've always been a very ambitious girl CC bit about that life okay they want you to be a Sunbeam listen to each his own but listen I don't knock any person's like position in life and what they do you know I think everybody's out here trying to get it I think there needs to be a lot more celebration and encouragement of people out there trying to get it like we need to root for each other we need to live each other up and encourage each other this world was very hard and those everyone so many challenges and you know I just chew the world I choose the world of positivity and I'm going to say the course of what I know God has planned for me and no one can get in the way of that so again people are entitled to their opinions and that's okay but numbers don't last um and you've worked with a lot of amazing artists is there anyone you haven't worked with that you would like to work with yes okay so I really want to do a song with Lil Wayne baby I'm like let me play the universe because you know the tongue is powerful is life we see it baby please say that baby it's gonna be crazy uh yeah that'd be dope um I think J Cole's amazing that would be amazing um those are like two artists that I really think of that I think could be super cool to work with I like literally was like I could like put my dream list out there yeah that would be I'm gonna hear the Lil Wayne and Sierra track hey that's the next summer Anthem I mean that'd be amazing that would be good that'll be good I I would like to see you know just putting it since you're here just putting that into the Universe um I think you and Victoria Monet could do something cute yeah shout out to Victoria yeah my mama yeah and people are like oh I see like the Sierra inspo she's she's so talented and I know she's been around for so long her pin game is crazy shout out to the girls you know the victories of the world that you know just a talented across the board but that could be super dope all right so you have that like being like Your Own Boss in the Music Space especially like coming from like a label like what is like the biggest like relief or excitement about having your own I feel so empowered you know I there's nothing better than being able to you know when you believe in something to just be able to go after it versus versus having to wait for uh the chain of like order you know of opinions and decision makers um it's very um praying I feel more empowered than ever um I'm also having so much fun you know um again that process of having to wait to see if someone likes it and then then you have to get a majority to like it and then you feel like you're also when you have a vision you're fighting for and you're fighting against someone to like your vision that process is just like so okay I have to shout out my team my BME team um shout out to the BME you know we small But Mighty okay um yeah no I'll have let's just say if I have a record that I like for example How We Roll I'm like the song right here really believe in this song I want to go this song next so then we'll talk about it and sometimes too like I open the floor for like honest opinions and those opinions matter yeah okay I like my team's opinions because I think that you should always be the one that no you I I I can feel very confident in my vision but I don't want to always be like my answer is always right like most cases it's yeah [Music] but every now and then I'm not so criticism I love constructive criticism I welcome it my team will tell you that I love us coming to the table to just put the ideas out there and how we're going to support the record um do we love the record what we like about it like how can we talk about the vision of the creative the marketing plan to support it um you know we talk budgets everything like we talk about all of it and then we talk about the game plan we do a long lead you know a short term a short site plan and then we have a long-term vision for the record if we really think we're gonna go the distance and we just talk about execution and it gets really fun because I love seeing my whole team activate and where they're strong it's something about that camaraderie that energy that just feels so motivating and I feel like you know obviously when I when everyone wins but it's a big win for us because we're small right so there's something very intimate and personal about that that I love and I'm so proud of I'm like so um it's it's my baby my team is they're like another one of my babies um and the success that we have like it just feels different because we're really out here pumping and doing it all you know on our own essentially together okay because when you do the traditional deals you have to work so hard to recoup and then to seek to reap the benefits and your benefits are so much smaller when you don't own your Masters so only my Master's for me that's something that um is very it was very important to me the chapter of ownership is very important to me you know I feel like I've earned that opportunity and I won't look back it's amazing I mean your whole businesswoman really an entrepreneur so I'm gonna you know runs out of your businesses too you have House of lrnc okay and that's like clothing right yep that's um the fashion house arrest and I have the house of love respect and care yeah and I live like [Music] you have has like acronyms are very like inspiring or like very positive because you're Your Leader line within that is Love Is The Answer yeah meaning I think you know words um your name carries weight as Russ would say his dad would say um your name's your name carries weight you know and I think the names that we also use um with things like there should be some kind of meaning to it right and so and the mo the most important goal honestly you want to do is impact I want to impact you all that I do so I want to make sure like like beauty marks my recording company all the scars you get from the obstacles you're facing life for your beauty marks right so I think there's something more exciting about having a greater connection or some meaning to it and you have oam is it oam or is it oh I am okay oam which stands for on a mission I'm a woman of ambition on a mission oh come on um and then you're the co-owner of ten to one room yes so what's what's the name ten to one ten to one it's the idea of the original confederations of the Caribbean coming together to become one the tin yeah original um confederation so yes so it's amazing because my partner Mark Farrell I had the shout and mouth he was the youngest vice president at Starbucks and um you know at the time he had a vision to go and start this rum business and um I got to have my first spirit that I had post pregnancy in the pandemic after breastfeeding for 10 months it was a celebration and I put Tinder one up in the air that was the first beer that I had post baby with wind and this stuff is amazing so why are so why a room so fun thing funny true story my first ever experience with the spirit of any kind I was 21 mm-hmm you know and it was such a celebration as you know I back then you know they would have those specials where they'd be like like I remember um I think Paris Hilton had one on like this like crazy Party tour and like you know in her and she's like travel all over the world and Atlanta I'm like I'm gonna do like that I'm gonna turn it up too so I'm like I did this whole like I had a whole ambition for a Party tour and literally the third third party it was a wrap like some crazy weather thing happened and it was like this party thing but I had my first Spirit which was rum my first experience was with rum and so I've always been a fan of that spirit in particular it's always in my jam and go-to but what's really amazing about this rum ten to one is that there's no added sugars um the performance is like you get the top the best of the best performance and experience with this ROM we say we want people to reimagine Rum so we're like don't Envision Ron to just be in the pina coladas and the strawberry daiquiris or frozen strawberry daiquiris like Elevate the way you think of rum like it is sexy it can't perform like a tequila you know like the ramarita you know I have a romarita that we use the white rum um you can do it neat on the Rocks like yeah it's a sexy experience but it we are the most rewarded ROM which I'm really proud of congratulations yeah but this stuff is just real it's just it's good yeah it really is and I want it to be a I want to be and I wanted to be um connected to something that I authentically believed in and um you know yeah really believed in so ten to one is pretty fun yeah okay so if you had to put a number on it because you know you're glowing if you had to put a number again how many how many kids do we want because it's like the nauseam [Music] yes he is yeah um well I don't know I I think I think I think five could be great wow I do I think because your kids are your legacy yeah yeah they're like an extension of you and like you know see my babies grow up every day it gives me like new life all over again like I feel younger because of them um you know and and also my my sweet loves love but um yeah I think um I enjoy being a mom I do I love it I think it's my best job of all my jobs I have so much fun and it gives me something that's like it's humanizing for me like it's like I feel like I'm really successful when you talk about winning being a mom and in in that life and being able to you know figure it out every day especially with freedom things it's precious things precious beings running around like and then another way it's like I'm exhausted you know but I feel so proud yeah I that is an incredible accomplishment to me to just be able to love one that I'm going to see them you know be successful and to keep evolving and keep you know growing like that to me is like one of my greatest accomplishments it is my greatest what's your favorite thing about being a mom favorite thing about being a mom um my favorite thing about being a mom I would say that love that that unconditional love that your kids give you it like it gives me um it puts the p and purpose for me um and it makes me really feel like I'm somebody that makes sense like because my kids look at me and they look up to me and they love me so much it's like it's so it's so amazing and so powerful um and then also they're so funny yeah like kids are like they they just they funny like and and they they're honest and I love that about them like their honesty is pure yeah like they're pure um so their intentions that what they do for you is pure like there's no motivation unless they're trying to get you to buy something right um yeah it's like it's pure love everything about being loved um yeah that feels good building a family together that feels really good like I feel like I'm doing something you know um I love loving on him too yeah I think that's important I think we always talk about you got to still compete you you know when you first meet somebody you like you know I know I'll be keep my head and you can't forget to do that right right you can't like you can't forget to still like want to keep it cute and keep it like hot and like so I think I feel so blessed when I wake up every day and and going on this incredible journey of life that you know is not perfect all the time but to have a partner that believes as much as I do we talk about being equally yoked shares the same vision with me and we both you know um you know we share that together like that is one of the best feelings to wake up to love like that every day that's a blessing what advice would you give to someone who wants to know how to put like God at the Forefront of their relationship you know I will tell you guys this is my own experience that having we talk about having Jesus at the center and obviously having God as well that has been like a game changer more than anything I would just encourage people to do it if they can like you know to understand that you need something to go to when you have your toughest moments because forgiveness is so important and sometimes so hard to get to but I I would say from my own personal experience that has been like a game-changing force and foundation in our lives and I feel like if we have that we can make it through anything yeah so how do you guys what would you say that's how you would navigate like if you're like in an argument or or like your makeup style like what is that what does that look like um okay so I think sometimes you're doing your own individual soul searching to be like all right yeah let's do this you know um but communication you know like communication is so important like sometimes we don't realize things that we say to each other yeah and I think just being able to to talk about those things is huge and sometimes it's hard to talk about those things but I have learned that when you do and this is in any relationship uh marriage boyfriend and girlfriend friendship you know communication is huge because sometimes just a misunderstanding that you have with someone but when you guys can sit down and talk and like I say sometimes you have to say the ugly Define the pretty say say it all yeah and you're gonna get to the pretty because you talked the worst thing is when you bottle up things and you don't say anything and you let time build up and you keep on putting a rug over something and then you just explode because you just kept like biting your tongue and not saying what you felt and sometimes the communication is ugly yeah it is uncomfortable but that uncomfortableness um in that like ugly stuff can eventually turn to pretty and being comfortable when you talk yeah so I think communication is huge for us we believe in that prayer is huge we believe in praying praying together is um a beautiful thing because it just resets the heart it resets the soul and the connectivity together because again when you start putting God up in that thing it's just it's hard to kind of you can't be a productive guy just like you can straight to it you know and it helps to pull you through so yeah well do you would you because everyone I mean I love you guys and you know there's like we want to see what's here and then there's like you know goals do you have does that give you any kind of pressure um you know I think that again you just can't live life by the opinions of the society like we're we're humans just like everybody else our relationship is no different in the everyday relationship so um I I think you know obviously we we have lives that aren't yeah soup the most normal but we are human our blood is red you know so we we were all like the same um you know so I tried to think of it that way I think the most important thing is just like living our life as best as we can you know being the best examples we can be to our kids that's important to me um you know and I think it's an added bonus and people say great things about your love and and lift you up and celebrate you and cheer you on that's a bonus that's a sweet thing yeah yeah yeah and then my last question on this like what is a co-parenting like for you guys hahaha [Laughter] you're awesome [Laughter] yeah but you know what's something I've always wanted to know what went through your mind like when it was announced a couple years ago uh that Russell was the highest paid NFL player like what like what like what how did you guys celebrate um you know I think the thing is he worked so hard for um you know I think every amount of success that he gets and it's so inspiring to watch like you know he when I get to learn more about his history as a young boy he was about that life since day one since he understood what he wanted to do so I think in those moments it's always obviously a celebration you know especially seeing him um you know be the beautiful black king that he is um you know that's it's always a special thing to celebrate um you know especially in sports it's kind of a thing like I feel like in sports it's kind of weird how it's like they give all the details of things I'm like there's a lot of details that people know but it's like the culture of sports um but no I mean anytime you get another opportunity to go at it and to have another round of years of you know opportunity and success it's always a celebration but what is one thing you don't mind dropping a bag on like even if it's just buying out the restaurant and trying all the food what is the one thing that you're like we love good food and we love our people and and the energy of like celebrating together so we do that we do kind of do that a lot but um I think on a vacation okay because we see you dropping it alone okay [Music] okay so um if you could give advice to anyone right now who wants to know um how if someone says how do I know if I'm being loved properly how do I know if I'm being love prop advice yeah oh uh it's all about what a person does versus what they say um you know I think actions speak louder than words is really true like um you know are they consistent with you I think consistency says a lot about how a person loves you effort that they make like okay God forbid something goes wrong what kind of effort are they making yeah um yeah how do you know if someone's the one is the one oh you know you know when you know we say when you know you know it's a feeling it's different like it's it's really different but you know it like it's like you can't even fully um describe it because it's really more of a feeling but you know it without a doubt like without any doubt yeah you know okay well I'm gonna wrap this up with a little rapid fire okay okay where's tenby gonna go just very quick um what's your love language oh my love wait um what are the five love languages again it's there touch touch acts of service yep um affirmation gifts quality time quality time quality time oh that's that that's your love language yeah acts of service what's acts of service it's kind of like the effort that you're making that's mine yeah ads of service yeah I like effort yeah um if you could only eat one thing for the rest of your life what would it be don't do that to me food too much oh I know I'm telling you yeah um but I do love a chicken melt with onions some Waffle House is so good um mmm I love mac and cheese mac and cheese and cheese is so good so good what's your comfort TV show Comfort TV show I like the 48 hours kind of shows okay I love those shows I don't know if it's comfort able but they're good to have watch before I go to bed relax good yeah uh what was your first job first job I didn't technically have like a real nine to five job but my job experience was selling hot dogs and um what do we sell hot dogs it was the Atlanta Braves stadium one of my friend's mom asked when to come out and help her see we sold hot dogs and we sold something else because I don't know at the concession stand we did that and then I also did it like at a NASCAR race thing the same group I don't know that was at my school or not with I didn't really have a nine to five situation but that was really fun what's the job you think you'd be terrible at terrible why are you laughing over there wait oh makeup she said makeup out of all the years I've been sitting in this chair yeah and get my makeup done that lets you know how focused unfocused I am because you don't know how to like to okay do a natural beat okay but when it starts getting to like the Contour of the eyes and the start I start like not now that's when I'm not so like I don't be trusting myself I'm not so confident like I need to be that's why I started with the skincare part but I think that and then I think being a lawyer I'm not sure because I can't remember Jack oh oh yeah so the story might kind of be yeah okay my client would definitely fire me and you wanted to be able to be a longer though right I did I want to be where did that come from because it sounded cool um I was told it was that thing like where you can make a lot of money you know when you're younger I'm gonna be a lawyer it just sounds like sophisticated sounds like a lawyer it's like whatever kids want to be because it come from like a very talented parents you know so it could you know go either way but like is there anything that they're like saying that they do right now um they have their passion so like future is like super athletic and super his hand-eye coordination is amazing any sports thing he tries he does it really well and effortlessly um he he talks about football and basketball and then he's really good at baseball oh all the sports yes and he likes music he can beat box really well and he like he likes to play DJ in the car so I don't know so it could be it could be it could be we just gotta go position you know okay um CeCe Mama she's really good with like being creative Sienna is good with creativity um she could actually be a good lawyer one day because this girl can negotiate and she can she can convince you yeah some stuff and why right she's really good like she's really really smart um and then when this is the three-year-old like I don't even know what we gonna do because when is like he uh I mean he just run through the house like boss baby like like what is going on yeah um so he's very like I did look at him I was like he's a little stud like I look at him I'm like his little like by his little arms his physique like he he has he also throws the ball really well that's three years old yeah like he's the way he's tossing it for a three-year-old is pretty cool like I think he's got something to how he's doing it he got the flick of the wrist already yes you got it already what's your hidden talent I don't know I mean I have a thing with languages okay so I think I can like pretty much pick up one languages pretty well um I'm not fluent in any of the languages that I know but I do think I have something special so Spanish um Japanese oh Frenchy um in Germany I also can I mean it's so little like a little bit of Mandarin but yeah like I can learn but the ones like Spanish is my goal to really get Spanish down yeah I really want to get can you like hold a conversation in Spanish it depends what we're talking about some things I can like really like navigate my way through and then something just like yeah I don't know what you just said to me yeah I'm fluent in Spanish you are well my resume says I am okay [Music] so if police arrested you with no explanation what would your friends and family assume you've done I don't know wait what'd you say oh for it that's not right I don't even run red lights that's a lie that is a flat out lie Jaden's I run red lights see you've known me for how many years so it might have been one writ like out of the 20 something years so speeding no I don't go that fast anymore I've slowed down I'm serious I'm taking it more serious I'm taking my driving like more like let's not get crazy I think I'm lying um who's the most famous person in your phone the most famous person in my phone what in the world that is a good question I'm not going to say the most famous person on my phone but let's just say that he's a very very smart person and he is like a friend of our family of us and I um no it's not Obama but I do love Miss Obama yeah um for our first lady um uh yeah this no I don't I feel weird saying who the most famous person on my phone is okay it's weird but I but he's do we need to buy everything on the Block oh I mean on the Block he can buy it yeah it's still weird but you can do the math of it I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to go through your phone if you could leave on the world that lived forever what would it be mark on the world that lived forever I would say in life you have to give the following if you do the following you're going to live the happiest and healthy life that you can live You Gotta Give Grace you gotta spread Joy you gotta lead with love at all times and you got to forgive and You Gotta Serve if you can go do those things I think you will live the best life you can possibly live okay I'm gonna start doing all those things I thought you said you got to start what you doing oh well thank you so much Sierra for stepping into this day during amazing if you have anything you want to plug let the people know you already know the ccepl baby that's how we roll no yes uh I this was fun stepping into the shade room and yes I just want to thank my fans for all the love they've been showing on my ccep um like I said numbers don't lie and the numbers are going up but all because of y'all love um so I just want to thank all my fans my die hard day ones that are rock with me rock with CC's from the beginning you guys motivate me more than you know you're a big part of the reason why I keep on going every day and I love all y'all so keep on listening to the ccep and stay tuned for more good stuff and how we roll baby let's keep it going yeah [Laughter] hey roommates if you want to see more celebs stepping into the shade room make sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel here foreign
Views: 394,006
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Keywords: the shade room, TSR, theshaderoom, celebrity news, entertainment news, music news, celebrity, music, entertainment, latest tea, ciara, ciara russell wilson, russell wilson, chris brown, lil baby, victoria monet, j. cole, lil wayne, r&b, ciara interview, cici, cici ciara, the shade room ciara, stepping into the shade room ciara, future ciara, future
Id: CU6BobaEPa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 42sec (2982 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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