Church Moms Try Each Other's Fish Fry

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that's what we're talking about hey hey okay [Music] hello I'm Tori I'm Baptist and I go to Mount Hebron in Connecticut hi my name is Natasha supis Henry I'm a Christian baptized hi my name is Katrina I am Baptist and I go to the Abyssinian Baptist Church I am a bedside Baptist I skipped some Sunday I have to be honest I'm not one of the by the book Christians so I would say a bedside Christian I like to brunch on Sunday so sometimes I'll miss service but I love the Lord fish fry for me since my background is from Haiti we love fish started back in the slavery days where they would have their day off from the field working on the field and they would go fishing people call me if you know any Caribbean friends but first thing we do when we get the fish we clean the fish and after when the fish is clean now you start to put some flavor to it I use red sniper fish I did not use peanut oil I really use vegetable oil I did bring aside today because I want you to focus on the fish my fish fry tastes like heaven I'm in heaven everyone at my church love it it's perfect amen [Music] okay [Music] hmm okay that's not the limit let me take the lemon away so I see a lemon a broccoli okay it looks a little wilted okay like it don't been through some things right and then overcooked piece of fish it's not thick enough to be Cod maybe like flapper I want to believe that all people are Godly so yeah and godly woman made this plea it does have texture it does so you could tell like she coated it well you can see the different seasonings and spices that are here interested to try it [Music] so the taste is good it's just the inside is dry but it's actually better than I thought it was going to be yeah that's on water I'm tasting like paprika I think maybe open I think for the coating I think she probably used breadcrumbs doesn't feel flourish it's a little heavy it tastes like maybe the paprika some salt there's more fish than breading it could have been fried a little less I'm not touching the broccoli I'm gonna give this fish a six it's good but um it's just a little stiff taste wise I would give it a seven it does taste really good it is a little peppery you can definitely tell that she is a Godly and a virtuous woman okay you can tell that she put love and some soul into this fried whiting and I used peanut oil the way I prepared my fish fry is I rinsed off the fish with tap water then I dried it with a paper towel then I put it in my special seasoning and then I fried the fish on both sides and then put them in the oven for another 10 minutes I didn't get the side my mouth but it's crunchy it's Savory it's a little salty I'm going to win today because my fish is good and I don't need any sides by the way God is great God is good let us thank him for our food amen oh okay this fish is swimming solo on this plate just looks like a tilapia this to me automatically looks like Whiting like the shape of it [Music] smell good though smell good I see the seasoning but I can't really like smell it I love this it's flicky look at that flakiness okay I'll give I'll give her that okay [Music] um all right I'm definitely not rushing for water for this one okay something's missing definitely need seasoning what's the flavor come on now what's the flavor we need to call on the ancestors okay we need to call today ancestors for this one bringing this to church people want to enjoy this what's the flavor so I would have expected like some garnish some color some contrast I need more I need more in my plate come on this is no no thank you next [Music] it has a very very mild flavor it really does but I feel like if she added a little more it could definitely be elevated like when I just first look at it yes it looked like wow I give it a five five imma give her a good hardcore sex there's no apis no no spice [Music] traditional southern style fish would be catfish your Porgy your Whiting and today I have porgies okay it's large and Flaky it has a sweet flavor to it and it fries really well it does have the bones in it so you have to be careful I have cabbage here mixed with some red peppers some turkey bacon because I don't eat pork and then I also have some potato salad now if your potato salad isn't yellow it's not right okay and then I also have honey cornbread here with my homemade whipped strawberry butter my fish fry is unique honey it is seasoned to Perfection into the ancestors like and okay I mix mine the traditional Old School southern style way with yellow cornmeal mixed with a little bit of flour with the seasoning the herbs and the spices and I'm telling you it is so delicious most high I ask that you please bless this food and give it the nourishment that we need to survive and yet since Christ's name I'm on [Music] oh yes wow what I see right now I see Joy because I love what I see right now on my plate this is the Thanksgiving day and my plate is like like a side oh smell amazing thank you Father God yes I think that this type of fish is a catfish this really looks like a red sniper but I could be getting catfish too like maybe this is not a Christian woman that made this oh I could smell the lemon juice okay I see cornbread and I see cabbage and a potato salad we don't love a potato salad I can tell that there's definitely a lot of seasoning on this fish and sometimes less is more okay okay no come on okay what's going on with this one there's definitely more crust than fish oh no no no no no no no God will just save my life what is this that's a bone I do see bones I do like one two three four bone come on no listen now definitely like the other fish better than this one What's Happening Here no what's going on this would not go off a while in my house oh yeah yeah it's good though just as yummy no no when you bring that to church make sure young young kids don't eat it this is very serious and very dangerous I take some spices I can't put my finger on exactly what it is but I don't like it very much [Music] the punchiness is there oh yeah I do want to try this cabbage the cabbages this person know how to cook do you want to try the cornbread I like this cornbread this is good thank you God this is good it's a little bear I don't eat potato salad that much no I am in heaven that's the flavor so it's a yes for the Cabbage it's a yes for the cornbread it's a no for the potato salad and it's a big no for the fish on a scale of 1 to 10 five of the fish we've got overall with the side of beautiful seven yes the fish alone I say by two maybe a three I'm a Christian so I say three including the sides I would have to give it like like a six it's like over season you don't need that much seasoning for a fish [Music] first thing first thank you God for the gift for the blessing I would just like to thank the hands and the teachings of my late grandmother is this a joke I don't really think I lost all praises to the most high as well for giving me this Talent what next what next a book yes maybe a book [Music]
Channel: Cocoa Butter
Views: 2,557,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: K_fe, buzzfeed coco butter, buzzfeed cocoa butter, coco butter, cocoa butter, fish fry, food, food react, food swap, funny, meal swap, ranking, rating, taste test, try each other's food, try each other's food buzzfeed
Id: GoVq0QOml-g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 11sec (611 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 31 2022
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