CHUNK of GOLD Found Washed up on PUBLIC Beach Metal Detecting

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[Music] g'day guys welcome back to lost recovery today i'm here with stuart what have you lost sucker how long did you lose it put it to one so what are we doing four to the one quarter four okay about three hours all right no way we will find it [Music] we're on our first solid target we've got to watch out for the surf sounds can't tell me that's not a gold ring let's dig it yeah that sounds bloody good [Music] [Music] whatever it is [Music] [Laughter] oh and i thought that was it underneath play four chance let it keep going [Music] it's got low tone sounds more like a diamond ring than a gold ring oh guys let's dig it more likely to trash [Music] nothing for trash for the aluminum it's not a bloody ring let's keep going we're on the target but the owner said that we're way out of the search area now it's a lower tone let's sneak out this could be a ring owners lost or hope maybe let's dig it [Music] bloody pull tabs it's not the ring let's keep going [Music] we're on day two of the search the owner couldn't be here today let's search today we're coming out we're going on the right tide we've got the marking pole it's going to be 20 meters across and we're going to work our way back into shore now i did tell the owner i was actually going to be working my way back out to the ocean but the tide's coming back in so it's safe for me chasing the tide back to shore scoop get out there for about 45 minutes i'm on my fourth line across going 10 meters across we have a target right here in the gutter i'm hoping that's it all right let's dig it [Music] oh we've got another tone we're right in the kelp so it's getting really hard let's work through this gotta get through it [Music] i'm not too sure let's dig it [Music] been here for over an hour we're going to get pulled out not really let's keep going [Music] let's pull tab after pull tab but i just got a clear as day signal and that sounds surprised it could be the ring i'm praying it is been here for over an hour now it's the second day out here let's dig it oh [Music] check out the side of the ring now the owner said you know it's got a bit of size to it that's always two centimeters across white and yellow gold 18 carrot that thing is heavy two days that should be fine two bloody days oh hold on to it yeah i don't want to drop it it's a big one check it out guys two days that took didn't find on the first day oh she's a beauty the owner's not here unfortunately it's massive 18 carat yellow and white gold that thing is mad i can't get over that's got to be about seriously that's over about 20 grams in gold that's really bloody heavy what about lycott hand over the ring if he's home it took me two days to find it actually hold out your finger feel the weight oh just your finger put it on your finger all right i think i should reckon that way and that's what you've been looking for last few days you know it yet two days i took it were you out here yesterday were you yeah yesterday it's a gold nugget he didn't say it was this big speaker g'day it's stuart it's michael from lost recovery give me a call i might have some good news for you hey cheers bye all the time oh here we go he's calling back hello let's do it yeah man i've been out there for about two hours now i've come across something can you give me a quick description of your ring it's like two triangular pieces at the back we can send you a photo it looks like two rings joined together i've got some good news for you no way yep really two bloody days this took but i got it that's i want to come to where you are i don't want to put this thing in lock up overnight i've got a ton of rings that i've been getting for owners i want to get out to you right now and hand back your ring where are you now i'm not taking it off holding my kiss the whole time the assistant's place ain't letting it go all right take care bye [Music] oh i am buggered my um my eyes aren't the best at the moment still but working through that with the doctors and everything like that uh my skin yeah it's still not greatest my feet list goes on but hey guys i love what i do and have a look at that that's not a gold ring that's a gold nugget [Music] we're here [Music] i cannot believe you found them i know that um that's incredible two days in the making that was that's incredible i just i thought that's it i didn't think it was gonna be a massive gold nugget that's huge how much you reckon that weighs quite a lot i'm reckoning about 20 grand he was devastated i can imagine that last night there's just silence yeah don't bring out the ring yeah that's incredible and then they're away on holidays at the moment they've just left this afternoon that's all right it's amazing loving it and nice to meet you oh thank you nice to meet you too and thank you so much yes we know who to call if it never happens again definitely all right guys we've got another recurring shoot off too let's gear up get back out there cheers thank you [Music] got it guys that's it we were out there for two days first day we missed it due to the tide second day we're out there the tide worked in our favor we did work on the low tide and that's it guys we got it that thing weighs about 20 grams it's a gold nugget [Music] so you
Channel: Michael Oliver
Views: 64,951
Rating: 4.950151 out of 5
Keywords: CHUNK of GOLD Found Washed up on PUBLIC Beach Metal Detecting, metal detecting, beach metal detecting, underwater metal detecting, huge gold find, found gold treasure, found gold, minelab detectors, best treasure find, lost jewellery recovery, Michael Oliver, gold find, scuba dive, hookah dive
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 3sec (663 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 24 2021
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