LJR#62 underwater metal detecting Cartier watch & rings

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hey guys welcome back to module recovery so now I'm down to bay again different one Sydney Harbour the lost rings trace it back to the lost her wedding band the wedding ring is actually being lost around fifteen foot into the water on the high titles around two meters so I bought also the acid uber tip if you guys have been asking about it so it's an 8 meter breathing hose I've got the rags first stage okay I run off a 18 liter favorite ink that's 232 bar gives me about two and a half hours down time and then today we'll be using the Excalibur - a great machine followed by the Garrett as well so if any like people we should be fighting it on a green screen lost actually for about two days now so I've definitely got some hope for it alright guys we'll see Tracy in a minute you you you okay hey guys so I'm back from the hunt this is actually two hunts and this was from finding Tracy's ring now unfortunately I haven't found Tracy's ring in the bay just yet these are what I found on the first hand so I found what looks to be a 9 carat gold ring possibly plated by the look of it just say via the other metal on the underneath as well so then followed by a jump ring and another jump ring so that was on the first hunt and then followed by it was roughly around $10 and then you get your miscellaneous else's value aluminium batteries and your junk also was really interesting is this was also out of the first hunt and that was all just one big clump of metal and everything else inside it and it actually is still a coin in there not too sure it looks like could be a 10-cent coin maybe something else but what's really interesting is you've got a 20 cent coin out of there 5 cent coin and then a sixpence now I can't see a date on that just yet but yeah that's very unusual you're finding all these modern-day coins in this clump of metal and then you find a producer more silver so it was really interesting on that one and then today I just went out I'm trying to locate a ring again and the best find for today unfortunately it's still not Tracy's ring it's an 18 carat nice little snake there and it's engraved 750 just on the underside there so really impressive fired and then followed by when we got here a Superman in a stainless steel third not bad see there stainless steel this little earring here that just looks like bling I can't see any markings the stamps on that then followed by this watch here since it got me going a little bit I don't know what do you reckon is that gold gold plated not too sure but put that for the tumbler and I'm yeah see how she goes on that one then also toy cars as usual you guys probably still get them as well this one here is actually a Batmobile that's pretty cool at all period but doesn't have a date unfortunate I don't know if it's an old one or like unusual and then we got brass piping sorry rods pretty thick still worth some money and then also this one here chromium plated made in England and don't know what that is alright so there the hunt for the two days but I haven't given up and Tracy's ring is still out there so I'm just going to keep going with it and see what what else we can pull out and then hopefully at the end we could eventually find Tracy's ring alright guys until next time have you hunting Cheers you
Channel: Michael Oliver
Views: 221,910
Rating: 4.8939724 out of 5
Keywords: Lost treasure underwater metal detecting metal detecting gold Excalibur
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2016
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