Chrysler 46RE Class Part 1 lesson 2

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this video classroom lesson is sponsored by transmission bench visit the transmission bench comm store for the deluxe super kit other parts and even the video classroom lessons used during this project hello again this is 46 re class part 1 lesson 2 it's time to get our hands dirty what I really mean is the transmission you were working on should be on a safe sturdy bench or table exactly as it was removed from the vehicle it should be drained of all fluid but still covered with oil dirt and road grime in other words don't attempt to clean the case until after the transmission is disassembled you may be tempted to take it to the car wash and blast it with 900 psi of water and detergent before you place it on a workbench it's not a good idea water can quickly destroy many transmission parts especially the electronic ones such as the vehicle speed sensor and output sensor high pressure washers can inject water pass their seals ruining them and water on the bare steel surfaces of the input shaft and output shafts as well as the pump housing will quickly oxidize and turn them brown only the empty aluminum case should be washed with a water-based solution all other parts should be cleaned with a petroleum-based solvent such as mineral spirits the goals of this lesson are removal of external assemblies separation of the overdrive section from the main case and finally disassembly of the overdrive section you will need the following tools 11 millimeter or 7/16 inch 3/8 drive socket 13 millimeter or 1/2 inch 3/8 inch drive socket 3/8 drive ratchet a t25 quarter inch drive Torx bit quarter inch drive ratchet small medium and large flathead screwdrivers mechanic's pick box 10 11 millimeter or seven sixteenths inch wrench a one-inch open or box in wrench or 1 inch six-point socket and 1/2 inch ratchet snap ring pliers and a box for small parts you'll also need safety glasses gloves and a face shield put your glasses on now we'll begin with the transmission as you see here our demonstration transmission has been taken apart claims of dirt and fluids and then reassembled with its original serious problems still present for us to discover and discuss it'd be a good idea for you to remove the pan in order to drain the fluid from your transmission before you remove it from the vehicle the torque converter should be removed and set aside if you are working on a 2005 and later 48 hour remodel remove the electronic throttle valve actuator assembly located above the selector shaft set it and the two bolts which attach it to the case onto the bench next to the small parts box all earlier models will have a throttle valve lever located here use an 11 millimeter or 7/16 inch box in Ridge to loosen the clamping bolt simply pry it up and off with a medium or large screwdriver place it into the box now move the selector lever from the part position to the lo first gear position this will extend the internal parking rod mechanism as far back as possible in order to make removal of the overdrive section much easier later use an 11 millimeter wrench to loosen this clamping bolt use a large screwdriver to pry the lever up and off of the selector shaft set it into the box use a 1 inch wrench or socket to loosen and remove the neutral safety and backup light switch place it here with other small parts 2002 and later models have a large square transmission range selector located here instead of the three prong switch detach it by removing two bolts with a Torx bit and simply pull it out set the three pieces into the box use a 1 inch socket or wrench to loosen and remove the output sensor place it in the box use a 13 millimeter or 1/2 inch wrench or socket to loosen and remove the bolt and bracket which fasten the vehicle speed sensor pull the sensor housing and gear out set them into the box use an 11 millimeter or 7/16 inch six-point socket along with a 6 inch or longer extension and ratchet to remove the 7 bolts which attach the overdrive section of the transmission to the main case [Applause] use a large screwdriver to pry here and here pull the housing completely off of the intermediate shaft set it like so onto the parse bench remove this thrust bearing steel spacer and the overdrive apply piston set them onto the parts bench in the order they were removed place the piston down first with the two protruding locating pins facing downward set the steel spacer ring into his recess finally set the thrust bearing down with the protruding inner race lip facing forward toward the spacer remove this thin round snap ring and set it aside on top of the piston depending on model remove a thin steel plate or as you see here a thick in play turn it over and set it aside remove a friction plate next you may need to use a mechanic's pick or screwdriver if it is badly damaged as this one is turn it over and set it on top of the steel plate as a side note a healthy friction should look like this remove a steel plate next turn it over and set it aside continue to remove all friction and steel plates and set them aside as removed finally remove the thick in play the next part to remove is a wavy snap ring use a small screwdriver to pry an end up and out remove it and set it on top of the overdrive clutch pack now remove a flat snap ring the same way set it unto the wavy snapper II use a t25 Torx bit and ratchet to remove the two bolts which fasten this snap ring access cover pry it up and off with a small screwdriver [Music] set the bolts cover and gasket with the other small parts use large snap ring pliers to spread this snap ring this will release a very large diameter roller bearing which locates the rotating assembly now you can pull it out set it to the side if the case to overdrive housing gasket remained here on the case and it will easily peel off remove it and place it under the overdrive housing you may have noticed by now that I have not thrown away anything even parts such as paper gasket it's important to save everything until after the project is finished because you may need to compare a new part with the old one later save everything we need to further disassemble this section with a shop press but before we do you must get a face shield and put it on as I mentioned before there are four areas in this transmission where you will encounter high spring tension the shield will not only protect your eyes but also your entire head and face from snap rings tools and springs if they accidentally become projectiles always think safety get a pair of leather work gloves too now we're ready to work with the press set the assembly onto a shop press equipped as you see here the roller bearing should rest on top of the support bars use an appropriate tool which will sit atop the overdrive clutch hub and also straddle the inner Sun gear force the hub down just enough to release the direct clutch snap ring use a mechanic's pick to lift one end of the snap ring up and out completely remove it from its groove let it rest on top of the housing compress the assembly further to expose the round retaining ring on the Sun gear pry it out and off with the pick remove it and set it aside slowly release the pressure and allow the assembly to expand take the entire section back to the parse [ __ ] set it like so set the Sun gear retaining ring on to the bench set the direct clutch snap ring around it as a side note this snap ring should never be reused it is always replaced during an overhaul high-pressure and repetitive flexing causes it to weaken and eventually break overtime it is common to find this snap ring broken into six or more pieces and no longer in the group when this happens the vehicle will not have reverse for now save it and set it onto the bench now slide the overdrive direct clutch pack off of the inner hub this pack consists of an in plate eight friction and seven steel plates and finally an apply plate the number of plates varies depending on model try to haul the place over and set them in the same order as removed on top of the snap ring pull out the inner hub large spring Sun gear and spring seat and finally up thrust bearing note that the bearing mounts onto the spring only one way turn these parts over and set them down as removed pull out the planetary gear set use snap ring pliers to grasp and pull out the inner roller clutch race carefully remove the roller and spring cage assembly if any of the rollers and springs are accidentally pushed out of the cage is one of the rollers out to note how the according spring is position and push it back in set the cage on to the inner race finally remove a thrust bearing set it as removed onto the inner race in order to make cleaning of the overdrive housing easier we need to remove two snap rings in order to separate it from the ring gear remove the first one like so stand the assembly on in and remove the second circular snap ring separate the parts and set the snap rings as remove check the output ball bearing it should turn freely and quietly if the outer race feels loose or you encounter any chattering from pitting remove this snap ring to replace the bearing this one feels fine I'll leave it as is mounted on to the shaft finally before we conclude this lesson set the o drive housing down lengthwise and inspect the smaller roller bearing deep inside confirm with your fingers that it turns freely with no indication of damage this one turns smoothly and feels fine if the bearing in your housing feels pitted or chatters as you turn it use snap ring pliers to remove his retainer remove the bearing set it aside and make a note that you will need a replacement this concludes part 1 lesson 2 in the next lesson we'll work on the main case I'll see you then
Channel: Transmission Bench
Views: 96,715
Rating: 4.817143 out of 5
Keywords: Dodge Ram transmission, 46RE problem, 46RE rebuild, 46RH rebuild, Chrysler 46RE, Chrysler transmission, 48RE transmission, 47RE transmisssion, 48RE rebuild
Id: -Hyk_yavD8g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 47sec (1547 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 08 2016
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