Chromecast with Google TV Review - 6 Months Later

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I've been using the Chromecast with Google  TV for over the past six months now and   in this video I'm gonna take you through  my experience with it, what I like about it   the top features, and make sure you stick around  towards the end of the video because that's where   I'll take you through some of the issues  and downsides I've had with the Chromecast   and you'll especially want to watch  that part if you're a fan of 4k,   or Dolby Atmos or Dolby Vision, but  for now let's talk about features. First up, Google TV, which is the UI that you see  on the Chromecast and it's one of the best parts   of using this device over the  long term because of one thing:   recommendations. Google TV does content  recommendations extremely well. I think   Google TV has come the closest to getting to  that desired state of being able to just use   one UI to find and discover TV shows and movies  to watch versus the way a lot of us do it today,   which is clicking through each app individually  to find content. Google TV's recommendations for   me have been spot on over the past six months.  Now part of this is due to the universal rating   system where you can rate shows and movies  you like with a thumbs up or down as well   as mark shows and movies as watched. The more  you do this the better recommendations you get. Another part of the software I've absolutely loved  using over the past six months is being able to   add a show to the universal watch list. Gone are  the days of having individual watch lists within   each app. With the Chromecast with Google TV, you  can just have one watchlist and add shows to it   from a variety of apps and services. The layout  of Google TV’s UI also just makes a lot of sense.   You have a top menu that consists of search,  for you, movies, TV shows, apps, library,   and then your Google profile icon at the top  right which is consistent with other Google apps   and where you'll find the settings for the device.  Each section is pretty self-explanatory and it's   easy to navigate around with a new Chromecast  remote, which I have a lot of feelings about. The previous Chromecast was great at  casting from your phone to the TV, but   it was never something I'd actually use to watch  TV shows or movies because it didn't have a remote   and I always had to have my phone with me anytime  I wanted to watch something. With this new version   of the Chromecast, Google solved that issue and  produced a really nice remote. The buttons have a   nice feel to them, it's easy to use reliably and I  haven't had any problems with it in the six months   I've been using it. The main thing you'll use  the remote for is to navigate the UI and you do   this by using the top and bottom, and left/right  buttons along the top of the remote and when you   want to click something you can click the center  button inside of what looks like a little wheel. If you have a newer TV or other devices  like a receiver or soundbar in your setup,   you can teach the Chromecast with Google  TV to turn on and off your devices and   control their volume using either HDMI  CEC or with an IR blaster on the remote   and in my experience it is worked well.  The only downside to using an IR blaster   which is what I do because HDMI CEC doesn't  completely work with my setup for some reason,   is that the IR blaster won't always kick  my receiver over to the correct HDMI input. Now you may have noticed that dark button on  the remote. What does that do? It controls the   Google Assistant. To use it just hold that  button down and ask Google for something.   You can ask for different types of TV shows or  ask it to show a particular genre of content   and of course you can ask it for more regular  assistant things like asking about the weather. Next up services. Now unlike some  other streaming devices out there,   they're aren't currently any disputes  between Google and other content companies   over their apps on this device. It comes with  all of the mainstreaming services you'd expect   like Netflix, Disney Plus, HBO Max, Hulu  in the US, Amazon Prime, Paramount+,   etc, and in the six months I've been using  the device, Apple TV has been added as well. Another standout feature for this Chromecast  like the ones before it is casting. As I   mentioned earlier, you can easily cast media  from a device like your Android or iOS phone   tablet or a computer when you see  the cast button available to your TV. This is one of the greatest strengths with  the Chromecast when you compare it to other   streaming devices out there because cast support  is found in so many different types of apps.   Like Spotify, Netflix, Google Photos,  etc. And if you have an Android phone,   you can just cast whatever's on your  screen to the TV with a tap of a button. Next up, Bluetooth. The Chromecast with Google TV  does have support for wireless Bluetooth devices   like wireless headphones. You can pair your  wireless headphones to the device in settings   and in my experience with this feature...actually  it's been alright, but not great. I found that   there's too much interference in the Bluetooth  signal for it to be usable in my experience.   And some of that may just be due to my  Chromecast sitting behind a large receiver   so your experience may differ here based  on the setup of your TV and sound system. So that's one thing that hasn't worked very  well for me on the Chromecast with Google TV.   Now, let's dive into a couple of other  downsides I've found while using the device.   First is lack of universal playback controls.  Skip forward and skip backward features do   not work the same across all applications. In  some apps like Apple TV Plus you can just use   the left and right buttons to skip ahead and  skip back but in other apps like Disney Plus   when you hit the left and right buttons, it'll  bring up a pop-up menu and then you'll need to   move the selector over to the rewind or fast  forward icon and then hit the center button   in order to fast forward or rewind, which is just  clunky. I wish Google had done something here to   enforce a consistent experience across all of  its apps like Apple does with the Apple TV. Next if you're a Netflix fan, unfortunately over  the past six months Netflix Originals will no   longer show up as recommendations in the Google  TV UI. Now some Netflix content will appear in   the recommendation UI but it only seems to be the  stuff Netflix is currently licensing, not its own   shows and movies.This is further backed up by when  you use the Google Assistant to show you a Netflix   show like the Queen's Gambit, for example,  it'll give you the watch page for the show,   but you're unable to rate the show or tell Google  you've watched it which is kind of a bummer. All right, now the last big downside involves 4K  Dolby Vision and Dolby Atmos. For those unfamiliar   with Atmos or Vision, Dolby Vision is Doby's  HDR technology that gives the picture on your   TV a boost. It makes bright objects in the images  you see really pop. Dolby Atmos is Dolby’s latest   around sound technology where instead of having  channels like right speaker left speaker etc etc,   Atmos allows sound engineers and mixers to  place sounds as three dimensional objects   around your environment using the speakers. So  basically things sound better and more dynamic. So what exactly does this have  to do with a Chromecast? Well,   for whatever reason certain apps on the Chromecast  don't have content available in Dolby Vision,   Dolby Atmos, or even 4k sometimes when they  do on other devices like the Apple TV 4k.   Disney Plus just flat-out doesn't support  4k in general for content like Hamilton,   the Mandalorian, WandaVision, pretty much  everything on the Disney Plus app on the   Chromecast is an HD, where this isn't the  case on other devices like my Apple TV 4k. Also Atmos and Vision support is inconsistent on  the Hulu and Amazon Prime video apps. I notice   this with Hulu's new WeWork documentary  for example and Amazon Prime's “The Sound   of Metal” which both did not show up in 4k on  the Chromecast where they did on the Apple TV. Alright, so given the downsides and issues I've  run into while using the Chromecast with Google TV   over the past six months, do I ultimately  recommend getting one? Well in general,   yes. The Google TV UI is one of the best I've seen  on any streaming device and at $50 US dollars,   it's hard to beat even with all of the  downsides I've encountered with this device.   For $50 that price more than makes  up for them when you compare it to   other streaming devices like the Apple  TV 4k, which goes for $179 US dollars. Now is the Chromecast the main streaming  box I use now that it comes with a remote?  Actually no, and it's because of that  4k Dolby Vision and Atmos content issue   in certain apps. This is the only  use case where I don't recommend   getting the Chromecast with Google TV right  now and would instead point you elsewhere. All right, well I hope you found this review  helpful and informative and if you did and   liked it, make sure you hit that thumbs up button  below and subscribe to the channel to see more   six months later reviews like this one as well  as other videos on tech and Google products.   Well, that's gonna do it for me, For 6 Months  Later, I’m Josh Teder, thanks for watching.
Channel: 6 Months Later
Views: 982,455
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Google, Chromecast, Google TV, Review, Long Term, 6 Months Later, UI, Features, How to use, 4K, Disney+, Dolby Atmos, support, Dolby Vision, HDR, Hulu, Amazon Prime, Netflix, Google Assistant, HBO Max, Issues
Id: Qvgw1-s6oMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 58sec (538 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 09 2021
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