Christ's Cure For Anxiety - Loammi Diaz

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it is good choice myself thus far I want to turn your attention to the bit of Matthew chapter 6 I'm going to read verse 25 through verse 34 Matthew chapter 6 verse 25 through verse 34 it's good to see sister Gina here tonight but I was going to miss her so weekend but the Lord brought her here get the man of God support a man Matthew chapter 6 verse 25 to verse 34 Bible reads so in the name of Jesus Christ therefore I say unto you therefore I say to you do not worry about your life what you will eat or what you will drink or about your body what you will put on is not life more than food in the body more than clothing look at the birds of the air for they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly Father feeds them are you not of more value than them in which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature so why do you worry about clothing consider the lilies of the field how they grow they neither toil nor spin and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these now if God so clothes the grass of the field which today is and tomorrow is thrown into the oven will he not much more clothe you oh you of little faith therefore do not worry saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we wear after all these things the Gentiles seek for your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things but seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall be added to you therefore do not worry about tomorrow for tomorrow will worry about its own things sufficient for the day is its own trouble today tonight I'd like to speak to you here on this subject Christ's cure for anxiety Christ's cure for anxiety tonight I feel like the Lord is about to save you a whole lot of money you won't have to go to your shrink you won't have to go to here you won't have to go so much to these people some of you still do but the Lord the Lord is going to save you a whole lot of money because he's going to cure some of you from your anxiety your anxiety and we're going to see what the Bible says about worries that spirit of worried father we come before you and we ask that you would be in our house that you would help us here tonight that you would help us Lord that you would bring about a great great great and immense satisfaction satisfaction for knowing you Lord and also from hearing your word I pray that you would be among your people as I speak that the Holy Ghost would permeate this place and a deluge of your presence would fall upon each of us as we are assured of your Providence as we are assured that you are in the business of curing us from our anxiety in Jesus name we pray amen and amen god bless you before you seed it turn to your neighbor next to you and tell them I absolutely love your hairdo tonight hey when we read through this text we will find that Jesus pleaded with his disciples and he did it three times and he said do not worry another version says do not be anxious be anxious from nothing in verse 25 he says do not worry about your life in verse 31 he says do not worry saying what shall we eat or what shall we drink or what shall we wear and then in verse 34 he says do not worry about tomorrow when Jesus repeats himself multiple times in Scripture more than likely it's because he is emphasizing a point see the Jews did not have an exclamation points in their in their grammar and so the way that they emphasized a point was by way of repetition so when you hear stuff like you know many will say and that day many will say Lord Lord you know what he was saying was they will in fat eclis say Lord you know because this is the way that they repeated himself or the way that they showed emphasis was by way of repetition in essence Jesus is telling his disciples here's here listen this point is absolutely important there's a reason why I'm bringing it up over and over again it's because it's very important and I need you to pay close attention to this deal called anxiety Jesus repeats himself and then not only does he say the words do not worry but he also expresses and illustrates the point in different ways using several different anecdotes now why is this topic so important to Jesus why does he bring this topic up so repeatedly why does he want his disciples to take this topic so it would seem as though Jesus understands that as humans we are predisposed to anxiety and to worry and to panic as humans we have no access to our future and so we do not know what tomorrow will bring so we'll always struggle with anxiety anxiety to know that everything is going to be alright jesus knew that we would worry about our lives he knew that we would worry about our health about our jobs about our education about our basic needs our relationships our businesses our children there are so many more things to worry about it is all normal life throws at us no shortage of options for which we could be you know we could worry about perhaps even tonight some came to the service and you've been battling against a spirit of worry the spirit of anxiety the spirit of panic over the raising of your children or perhaps a conflictive marriage or a job that is causing much stress or mounting debt or an illness or the stress of having to provide for your family or perhaps for those adult single people in this house you are also worried worried about finding that romantic partner or in the modern vernacular better known as a boo you're worried so as to keep yourself from enrolling in a Catholic convent for nuns you are worried and Jesus understands that these worries are normal in us who are incapable of discerning what our future is and so he remind his disciples repeatedly and he reminds us in 2017 by way of implication and he tells us do not be anxious do not be anxious but I've got a question for you Jesus because how in the world do you not expect me to be anxious why should I not be anxious you know that there are legitimate concerns in my life legitimate concerns in my life that are causing me to feel anxiety and to feel ynx and to feel stress and concern and worry and panic so there had better be some good reasons for why I should not feel anxious doctor Jesus responds and tells us here tonight well thank you so much for bringing this up but tonight I'm going to give you a prescription that is going to heal you from your anxiety are you ready to see what Jesus has to say about anxiety here for now number one Jesus says the reason you should not worry the reason why you should not be anxious is because you are a spiritual and an eternal being and you are not merely a material and a natural being where do I see that I see that in verse 25 therefore I say to you do not worry about your life what you will eat what you will drink nor about your body what you will put on and this is where I see it in this question is not life more than food and the body more than clothing listen to what Jesus is telling his disciples here he's telling them see in life in order to live in this material world you need food and yes of course in the physical realm you unless you're a skinny dipper you need clothing this is what he's telling them and so Jesus continues and says but you are not just subjected to a material world and you're not just subjected to a natural realm there is more to you like transformers than meets the eye life is more than just food and the body is more than clothing in other words you're not just merely a physical being you are a spiritual kind of eternal being and when your life is characterized by anxiety in this natural world in this fleeting world in a world that is passing away and is temporal then all you are doing is expressing how much important you are giving a fleeting and a passing in a temporary world things have your utmost care things have your utmost value things have your utmost attention and you value things and stuff more than an eternal soul should and so the defit that the fundamental defense against your anxiety according to Jesus is your immortality the fact that this world is not your home you are just a pilgrim and a stranger here your citizenship is in heaven for I reckon that the troubles of this present life are not worthy to be compared with the glory that shall be revealed in us and so because of this you should not be worried because life is more than food and the body is more than clothing this is what Jesus is saying is it I didn't come just to give you life in this world I came to give you life a lasting he who believes in me shall never pass away that's what my Bible tells me no wonder some of the first martyrs as they were being decapitated for their faith would cry out as there they were being decapitated history tells us they would cry out and streamer you can kill us but you can't harm us you can kill us but you can't harm us do you know why because life is more than food and the body is more than clothing a life is more than food and the body is more than clothing you can kill us but you can't harm us they must have been hearing the Apostle Paul when he said that not even Gaza can separate you from the love of God which is in Jesus Christ death can't separate you from that love amen what does jeans are say in Luke chapter 12 he said something very similar he said and I say to you my friends do not be afraid of those who can kill the body and after that they have absolutely no more that they can do but I will show you whom you should fear he said fear Him who after he has killed has the power to catch you into hell yes I say to you fear him do you know what that means it doesn't mean fear the devil it means fear God you better fear God he's the only one that can cast your soul into hell that's why I don't understand people that says stop judging these you can't judge me only god can judge me I don't know if you've ever heard people say that and I say that's true but does that not put the fear of God in you that God can judge you I mean he's the only one that you better you better you better like that I judge you here down here because all I can do in judging you the most I can do is kill your body amen but I've got a God who's able to cast your soul into hell that's who you are up here that's the man you ought to hear up there in other words is what Jesus was telling them don't fear those there are far more important things in the body though fear those who can kill your body you are a spirit you are a soul there are things that are more important and your soul your spirit your spiritual man your body being killed is of less importance to Jesus then your souls being damned to hell because you are a spiritual being and not just a material being no wonder no wonder they understood these these first martyrs that you see out there they didn't get see what their thought was in ten thousand years you're not going to be worried about well look at what she wrote about me on Facebook and like that girl tagged me on that Instagram picture and I told her don't you tag me because I don't look good I don't look my best you didn't put the right filter on me you just put that filter so that you can look good but look at me I'm looking like Shrek and I don't like I don't yeah this doesn't happen out here in Australia but but you're not going to be worried about those things you're not going to be worried about whether you found a man or not over why is in Botox working on my wrinkles you're not going to be worried about these things in 10,000 years while you're at the feet of Jesus and so he says why do you worry so much don't you understand that you're lucky if you have threescore antenna as a lifer 70 years is a point of the minute if you're over that then you're blessed and you have mercy you know but why are you worried so much it's just a little grain of sand up in the in the time of eternity so why are you worried so much about things life is more than food and the body is more than clothing there's another reason why you shouldn't feel anxious the reason you shouldn't feel anxious according to Jesus is because he is a bird feeder he is a bird feeder and that right there ought to give you contentment that Jesus is that God is a bird feeder I'm telling you where do I see that verse 26 look at the birds of the air they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns yet your heavenly father feeds mm and then he says are you not of more value than they I know all around the world people sympathize with Harambee I understand that and the bible does talk about you know how we ought to be civil and kind to animals but can i tell you people you know i had an argument the other day on social media and someone was saying these animals deserve just as much attention and love as human related uphol double they do deserve attention and love and kindness but don't you ever compare an animal to me because the Bible said I am of more value than birds I am of more value than animals I am of more value these people that will go around and they will March you know save the whales but are the same people who are for abortion and I'm going to have to tell you something about that listen life is more than food the body is more than clothing but also the Bible tells me that I have more value than animals there is a special calling God put his likeness and human beings he put his image any human beings you have more valued in animals now there's a powerful inference in that verse that we should all take and that is that God is so in control of the universe and so in control of the universe as daily activities that it can be said of him that he feeds the birds now listen if I was God I would be more interested in bigger things you know like Isis for example right like North Korea like these things were trouble be a little just a little bit more like tsunamis and Venezuela and Donald Trump's hair these things like these things would really trouble me a whole lot more but when I look at this scripture right here it tells me God doesn't just have time for dignitaries he doesn't just have time for North Korea and civil wars in Venezuela he doesn't just have time for nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction he doesn't just have time for Islamist terrorism that is going around dude that's not what he's got time he doesn't just have time for that he's got time to feed the birds you know what that means in other words every worm every insect every leftover french fry it was left there you thought you were just littering but God had appointed that I can't even joke around like that but you know this is what every everything that was left over it was left so that God could take care of that birds nutrition see you've heard of birds die of a whole lot of stuff but you've never heard of a bird die of hunger do you know why because God has appointed that he will feed the birds he will feed the birds and that's a powerful thought that God feeds birds and Jesus's point is simple and it is this if God can feed animals who only have an involuntary relationship to their master that is they cannot choose they cannot choose whether they're going to serve their master or not by virtue of their existence because he spoke them into existence they must serve their master in other words they don't have a choice and yet they still worship their master if God feeds them they have an involuntary relationship to him and he still feeds them and provides for him how much more will he not provide for those you did have an option of whether you were going to show up to service tonight or not but you made up in your mind as for me and my house we're going to serve the Lord you made up in your mind I'm going to enter his gates with Thanksgiving and into his courts with praise and shana if i feed birds birds will only have an involuntary relationship to me how much more well I'm not feed you you who has a voluntary relationship with me if birds are fed and yet they only have involuntary praise how much more will he not feed you listen when anxiety starts mounting up in your life this is what Jesus is saying it's simple open up the windows of your house open up the windows of your condo open up the windows of your apartment and stick your head I know there's a scientific reasons why birds chirp I seriously I know why they chirp but can I tell you I'd rather believe what my mother my mother used to sing to me when when when I was just a young child she used to sing to me in Spanish there is a song she used to sing and I might just sing it right now but you won't understand what's gonna say but she say see demos gracias seƱor demos gracias demos gracias por su amor por las meninas las llaves Compton Susana dances on West row salvador e tu hermano porque no Cantus rasulallah answers I'm here so this is what I'm telling you right and that song just says in the mornings the birds open up their middle beaks and they begin to praise the Lord this is what it's telling me so from the time I was raised up I believe that when boys began to Charbagh they were doing it in praise and worship to the king [Applause] oh my goodness so when anxiety begins to mount up in your life please open up the windows of your apartment open up the windows of your houses open up the windows of your condo stick your head out the window and listen to see if the birds are chirping uh if the birds are chirping a bird who don't show up splurt who the reaper birds who don't gather into barns uh in other words they don't have a jo b whereby they acquire a salary whereby they pay for food and yet without a salary without money they're still chirping with absolutely no anxiety because they know who provides for them listen up if those birds are chirping up don't you let them sing by themselves up for module with the birds former trio with the bursa and when you sing of seeing the old founder why should I feel discouraged and why should the shadows come and why should I feel my heart feel lonely and long for heaven head home when Jesus is my portion and a constant friend is he his heart is on the sparrow and I know he watches over me don't you stop there keep singing I sing because I'm happy I sing because I'm free up his eye is on the sparrow and I know that he watches me there's another reason why you should not feel anxious according Jesus because worry and anxiety worry is absolutely worthless worry is absolutely worthless where do I see that I see that in verse 27 verse 27 Bible says which of you by worrying can add one cubit to your stature and this is what he was telling you this is precisely what he was saying what he was saying is this listen how many you would like to change your height that's what stature means how many of you would like to change your height in here lift raise your hand if you would like to change your height girl raise your hand I'm trying to write but there are some things in this world is basically what Jesus is saying there are some things in this world you cannot change like your height right and so what Jesus is saying look all anxiety is is an emotion listen if anxiety makes you tall then I had a whole lot of anxiety growing up you guys laugh but most of you had no anxiety whatsoever you had the peace of God that passes all understanding but this is what is if all anxiety is is an emotion emotions don't fix problems emotions don't free people from jail emotions don't pay your debts they don't heal the dying relative they don't bring back your loved ones they don't find a job for you so this is what Jesus is saying this is what he meant you anxiety can't make you add a cubit to your sculpture if you worry so the things you can't control don't worry about those things leave it up to God because you can cry all night you can cry all night but in the morning the sick will still be sick the dead will still be dead the debt will still be the debt the man out in jail will still be the man out in jail in the morning it'll still be there because your anxiety cannot change a thing no wonder no wonder Charles Spurgeon said it best he said anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows but it only empties today of its strength anxiety does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows it only empties today of its strength you know what that means it means anxiety doesn't make tomorrow better it just makes today worse just makes today worse do you know why because worry doesn't kill the problem worry kills the person doesn't kill your problem it's killing you you're getting older with worry you have like three sets of new wrinkles because of your worry I'm telling you the truth I'm telling you the truth and if you don't believe me all you have to do is look at before-and-after pictures of people when they got to the presidency and when they left the presidency and you will know that worry adds at least three lines of wrinkles to you maybe that's why I've got no worries I'm like 84 years old look at my it's not a reason why you shouldn't feel anxious according to Jesus you know why because worry is a revealer worry reveals a lack of faith in God we're easy that preacher I see that in verse 30 now if God so clothes the grass of the field which today is and tomorrow is thrown into the oven will he not much more clothe you O ye of little faith you know what worry is worry reveals a lack of faith in God come on tell you we fight against atheists all the time we tell it oh only a fool says in his heart that there is no God but I'm going to tell you what where he is you are the fool if you tell someone that he's a fool and then you're worrying and I tell you why because worry is functional atheism cognitively with your mind you're saying I believe in God I believe in God but your function and your actions does not reveal what you you believe therefore worry is functional atheism if that's who you are you're an atheist if you worry because if you're in and let me just say excessive worry everybody worries but excessive worry constant excessive worry is a form of atheism you know I would be a slap to my face if I ever got home on a Monday morning or Sunday night I got home from preaching out when I get home my two boys are waiting on me going dead where are we going to sleep what are we going to do what's going to happen in our future what about school are we going to move around stay here what's going to happen are we going to have a roof over I said all that but we're going to get sick or we honestly you know it would be first of all I would tell them look you little punks y'all need to you need to chill first and foremost because I'm not just your dad I'm also your chiropractor because I'll break your back so I need you so I need you to calm down first and foremost and then and then and then all I have to say is forget not any of my benefits don't you ever forget any of my benefits have I ever have I ever done you wrong have I ever not provided have I ever not come through have I ever been an irresponsible father I have always been there for you when have you ever left in your life you may not have the greatest stuff on earth but you've always had a roofer you've always had your basic necessities I've always taken care of you do you know if you went to my home listen I need a loan to feed my children their world could be upside down you would never know it do you know why because daddy is with them daddy is with him do you know I took him in Mexico two weeks ago there it was the first time outside of the United States I took them to Mexico into a neighborhood where I was scared out of my mind I did not know what we were dirt roads everywhere there is people being kidnapped everywhere around that town in that place and I'm telling you I went there by faith and I was I was confident and I was trusting in the Lord but I was and I was secretly scared out of my mind when I would look at my children my children were outside playing outside doing stuff getting on the quads and I'm over there like oh no you're gonna get kidnapped they didn't know that though I was over here you know and I was scared out of my mind didn't have a care in the world and I'm going to tell you why because daddy was there that's all they knew all they knew is when we're in trouble daddy brings us out of trouble when we're hungry daddy pays for our food when were thirsty daddy gives us a drink as long as daddy's allowed everything is gonna be alright how much more when you go tell your heavenly father father was gonna happen my health my marriage my grand my life my future my church my ministry what's gonna happen tomorrow what's gonna happen am I gonna live here am I gonna live here what's what happened he's looking sadder and sadder he said what's gonna happen I'm calm all God has to say is don't you ever forgive baby I am Jehovah Jireh Jehovah your provider don't you ever forget I brought you out of Egypt I brought you out of the world of don't you ever forget when everybody turned their back on you I was the only one that has dedicated a life and hope up and victory whoa my god my god hammers alright there's no reasoning she'll feel anxiety according Jesus the reason you shouldn't feel anxiety is because what you seek after reveals what you worship what you're anxious about reveals what you worship reveals what you worship how do you know that because verse 31 and in the first half of 32 therefore do not worry saying what shall we eat what shall we drink or what shall we wear why because after all these things the Gentiles feet see whatever you seek you worship great and so this is what Jesus is saying Gentiles in this context means unbelievers so he's saying unbelievers seek things they seek what to wear they seek what to eat they seek what to drink but you should not worry about things how do I know that we shouldn't worry about things and we shouldn't seek things because the next verse tells you what you ought to be seeking for he said but seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness unbelievers seek things but you seek the kingdom because whatever you seek after you worship if anything ought to be causing anxiety in you is your prayer life it is your church attendance it is you're giving it is your serving it is your ministry it is your reading of the word it is your deciphering it is your small group attendance if anything or be causing anxiety in your life it is your spiritual life up because we see the case gamma and its righteousness ark I've got two more two more two more points and then I'm done and don't you think for a minute that it's going to be get by quickly it's going to be awhile there's no reason you shouldn't feel anxious verse 32 for after all these things the Gentiles seeking but your heavenly Father knows that you need all these things the reason we you shouldn't feel anxiety number one is because God knows what you need but watch this not what you want but what you need God a there's a whole lot of stuff that you want that you don't need and I'm going to tell you something else that may be a little controversial a little controversial a pastor may not invite me anymore after I say this but I'm coming back anyway and as this there's some things you can pray for it doesn't mean that God is going to give it to you there's a lot of fasting that you can do it doesn't mean that God is going to give it to you I know we like to claim it you know we like to name it and claim it blab it and grab it slide it and charge it but there's some stuff that God is saying listen I don't hear you of every sickness there's some sicknesses that you need my god so you can [Applause] I'm just done with my sermon right now [Applause] some stuff you need in your life IRB extremely on see you remember Paul Paul asked three times for the thorn in the side should be taken away and the Lord said no oh no my strength is made perfect in your weakness my grace is sufficient see there's some stuff you need there's some stuff you want that you don't need I listen I'm going to be extremely honest with you here today I don't think that in this life that God can make me a wealthy man me personally he can make you wealthy now I'm going to be your friend but I don't know if he can make me wealthy now I say I don't think just in case it is the Lord's will but I don't think he can make me wealthy and it's not because I don't want it it's because if I were really to open up my heart to you and reveal what is inside of this heart this preachers heart if you could see the vanity that exists in this preachers heart if you could see the materialism that exists in this preachers heart it would absolutely shock you to death and the day that the Lord would give me that kind of money would be the first day towards my destruction and it's not because I don't ask it I ask it every single day I tell them Lord no one has to know just you and me it's a little trip to Las Vegas Nevada no one has to know don't publish it in any papers don't put it in the Pentecostal Herald just us two just us two and I've got it all planned out I know exact what I'm doing I'm going to get in front of a slot machine and I'm going to look around and I'm going to out of my bag I'm pulling out olive oil that's what I'm doing I'm going to anoint the slot machine I've got a plan that that's why you're not rich you don't have a plan I have a plan I'm going to anoint this slot machine and I'm gonna say Lord you're made away from Moses up and you're made away for Joshua y'all think I'm lying listen did this the truth of the matter is this if God ever gave me money I love you in Sydney you don't understand how much I love you but you would never see me again in your life unless you go to Aruba you go to Aruba you're going to find that I have a 28 room mansion with a bowling alley at the bottom and a heliport on top I have a beachside mansion and I will be at the beach every single day with my silk bermudez for holiness sake I want women lusting after my knees so I want all right listen if you ever invite me back to Sydney I'm not listen if listen if God gives me money and I decide that I want to get back to this country I'm coming back to Sydney I am going to I'm not going to park in that car park right there I'm going to part in the for yay and I'm going to bring my seventeen 2017 lime-green Lamborghini and I'm going to park it right there so everybody could see what the man of God is driving see right now when I go to churches I park three blocks away so that nobody sees what the man of God is driving uh sure ask me all the time man how did you get here Chariots of Fire brother Chariots of Fire that's what I'm doing and if I get here I'm going to have on a red suede suit with alligator green shoes with pink socks and a yellow tie and I'm going to have a big old fedora and I'm coming and I'm hiring my own mariachi and they're gonna come and they're gonna escort me to this with their little stretchy pants they're gonna come and escort me now you know why God can't give me money there are some things that I want that I don't need and when you finally get to this realization like the Apostle said and everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you when you get that revelation you let the anxiety right out because you go thank you lord you know what I need you have ordered my steps you know exactly there's some jobs you've been asking for that the Lord is saying no no no but Lord it's more money I know it's more money but no but I'll be able to take care of the temple and he's saying no no no the temple because Paul said and then I am the temple of the holy the temple the temple saying no I know what you want but more importantly I know what you need I'll give you that job then you're missing on the Lord's Day you can't volunteer you can't come you can't do ministry you can't pray with your family you can't hold hands with your wife you have no time to go visit with your children I know what you want but more importantly I know what you need and lastly lastly usually I only get when I'm in the States I only give like three of these points but like I didn't fly 13,000 miles to get here and preach 30 minutes so I got an hour left lastly lastly lastly lastly someone say praise the Lord there's a reason why you shouldn't feel anxiety it's my favorite one it's in verse 32 he says the reason you shouldn't feel anxiety after all these things the Gentiles seek but your heavenly Father that was it if you miss it you missed the reason you shouldn't feel anxiety you know why because you are not an orphan he called him father father that means a lot to me we won't tell you why pastor means a lot to me because I had an incredible father I honestly I can't vouch for him as a as a husband or as a pastor I don't know like they'll they'll have to bow him but as a father that man was an incredible song taught me the Word of God taught me to have discipline put me through school put me through my university then through Bible School it was a great man I could tell you that sometimes I would 5 o'clock every morning he would be in prayer sometimes when I would wake up that early which was never I would go over and I would sit on the top step of the stairs just to hear him travail over his church and family and life I had a good father I'll never forget I grew up in the Bronx New York when I say the Bronx the boogie down bronx it is uh it is one of those you know boroughs nobody goes to nobody goes to when you think of New York you do not think of the Bronx I didn't just grow up in any part of the box I grew up in the South Bronx South Bronx not even cops came to the South Bronx I don't think angels showed up to the South Bronx the South launch is to give you a little context the South Bronx is where rap music was born the South Bronx is where graffiti was revived it was an ancient Egypt practice Egyptian practice actually it was revived in the South Bronx the South Bronx there's a whole lot of evil that comes out of the South Bronx there's some good too there's a Jennifer Lopez comes from the South Bronx that's good I remember we live in the building six floors and any evil you wanted you didn't have to leave my building to find whatever evil you want and it went by floors on the first floor it was drugs on the second floor it was all prostitution like if your husband was if you caught your husband coming from a second-floor apartment he wasn't there for sugar you know or maybe he was Oh God forgive me and uh and so forth you know every floor had a you know special deal that they had going on that's robbery every single day after school I would play basketball and you know we play with our friends the courts were right behind my building which was the courts were surrounded by buildings I remember on this particular day as usual right after school we would go down to the courts and we play ball and I was coming out of school I was playing ball with some of my friends when all of a sudden all of my friends left abruptly I didn't know why and so I said what in the world is going on that's different and then I realized why reason why is because there is a group of about 15 and 20 new guys that we had never seen before come came to the courts and so that's when I realized all these guys left I did I still didn't know why but I said maybe it's because of them and they asked if they if they could play you know I had no one to play with so I said sure so we started playing but the more we played the more I realized these guys aren't here to play basketball these are these guys are here to cause trouble the more we play the more violent they got and it wasn't just like the team on the opposite end it was like my own team was being violent towards me so I knew ok this is getting out of him so at one point I decided you know what I'm not going to fight so I grabbed my bag I grabbed my ball and I said all right I gotta go but they wouldn't let me they all surrounded me and out of their backpacks and bags and what have you came stuff I had never seen in my life machetes brass knuckles daggers I mean all sorts of stuff weapons I've never seen in my life and they all began to chant they're all surrounding me begin to chant and scream and laugh and I knew right then I was a goner I remember looking at all the buildings and there are people watching but in the ghetto you have a motto hear no evil see no evil and if you're a snitch snitches get stitches so these people were looking but no one did a thing and I just knew I was going to die in my building there was a lady who lived on the top floor and that lady had been contracted by all the drug dealers in the area to be the lookout like when the cops would come she could see them because she had a corner apartment so she could look out of both sides of the building so she could look in all four directions this woman did not sleep nor slumbers but you'd get there at 3:00 in the morning she was looking out the window you'd wake up at 5:00 6:00 in the morning to go to work she was looking out I don't think she ate I don't think she used a restroom because she was always out of the window she's like melchizedek by you just so this woman we hated this woman as kids we hated this woman because she just didn't look out for cops and she was really good she could spot cops from miles away and she would give the sign everybody knew what the sign was and whenever she would give that sign whenever she would see a cop that place went from like the South Bronx to Beverly Hills in less than ten seconds I think even palm trees started growing um I hated this woman because she didn't even look she didn't just look out for cops she was in air bodies business everybody's business like she knew when your husband left work when your lover came in she knew everything about you she knew everybody's name and the reason we hated her as kids is because when our when we did something wrong and our parents would come around she would tell on us she would go your son did such and such a thing in such and such a time with such and such a person in such as much a place and we would say things to her so I hated this woman but on this particular day I absolutely love this woman loved her to death she became family to me because she saw me when she saw me bye you know till this day I still think about this and it blows my mind my dad I never seen my dad miss work he was both used by vocational ministers so he was a pastor but he's also a he ran a an auto or mechanic shop and I never seen him miss one day of either work or being in the office like he was a workaholic you could ever find one I never seen my dad miss a day for some odd reason my father just so happened on that day to be on the side of the building outside not at work not at the office and he wasn't by himself he had friends with him I didn't know my dad had friends well they were they were changing like for some odd reason this car was brought to them and he didn't take it into the shop they were changing like either an engine or a transmission it was something big it was on a crane and they were changing one of those things right on the side of the building and he had all these men with him like five or six dudes and when I say friends I mean big dude like one of them by himself could eat five of these kids big dudes they were friends and here here's a here's something very important to this story there are just any friends they were unsaved friends which I wasn't allowed to have but on that day it was such a blessing forgive me Lord save them but on that day I needed some unsaved friends to come the last thing you need is a little brother coming up there I can do all things through crisis Lord again forgive me so I'll never forget well later I found out this lady saw me and she screamed that my father she said if you don't hurry up they're gonna kill your boy I'll never forget I'm surrounded by all these guys they're all chanting and laughing and they've got knives and you know daggers brass knuckles the whole deal and I'm over there I don't know what they have and I'm over there I've got my bag in one hand and the ball in the other hand my knees are knocking my heart is racing and life is moving around me in slow motion when all of a sudden out of nowhere I heard something sounded like this now that may not mean much to you but to me that's the whistle I would hear when I was in target in aisle six and my dad was ready to go that was my dad's whistle and I remember looking back and when I looked back my dad didn't even have the decency to go through the park door he was climbing the fence he's coming the fence Oh like I am the land my dad was spider-man he's climbing the fence and listen these guys had daggers machetes I think my dad had a I think he had a screwdriver but when I looked at his face I knew somebody is gonna get screwed Rove to death because that dude his face looked like a pit bull on cocaine somebody found out of music I'll never forget you know all his other friends they all went through the part door like it wasn't their kid so they were all went through the park door and I'll never forget as I'm standing there when you hear that whistle boy I'm gonna be really honest with you I dropped my backpack and I dropped the ball and I picked up my man card and I picked up courage it's like all of a sudden I remembered I am a man and I remember my back even got stronger my knees stopped knocking because I remember when I saw my dad and I looked over and there was like six dudes coming / like big dudes I don't know what got into me but I dropped my bag I dropped my basketball and I said yo what up now [Applause] y'all want some of this come on now come on with it and it's as though at that very moment that very moment isn't playing make the story Saturn it's as though at that very moment I could hear a voice from heaven scream out to me go no I'll be Diaz yes Lord a little busy right now you should not feel anxious what what do you mean I shouldn't feel anxious you know there are legitimate reasons surrounding me right now for why I should be anxious we mean I shouldn't feel anxious yeah but you shouldn't feel anxious why Lord why shouldn't I feel anxious because you are not an orphan [Applause] you have a father with all of your friends turn their back on you and want to run away you have a dad says oh go that's my responsibility that's my child son if I have to give my life for you I'll give it but you're gonna be set free you're gonna be saved I'll spare not my own life or give it for you I'll fight for you son if I whatever I have to do but you're my life you've got my day I'll protect you you're the apple of my eye you are my son in whom I am well pleased I'll protect you it's daddy as long as daddy's around everything's going to be alright son I don't care how many come against you to your left in to your right I'm gonna be right there I'm gonna fight for you I'm gonna fight your battles vengeance is mine I'll fight for you you are not an orphan and if there's anything you have heard this last hour I'll pray to God the Holy Ghost brought me here to Sydney to give you one thing right now here tonight that is it is just one thing that's what the Lord brought me here to tell you [Music] dad I'm surrounded by legitimate adverse adversaries this illness is getting uncontainable the pain is unbearable pill after pill medic after medical injection I don't know how to answer this pain is just too much anxiety is creeping in and what shall I do I said I'd never leave you nor forsake you I am a father if you being evil give good gifts to your children how much more will your Father in heaven not give you good gifts you have not received the spirit of slavery you have not received the spirit of bondage interfere you've received the spirit of adoption whereby you call me up father Lord my ministry I don't know what's going on with my ministry Lord it's not where I thought it would be and people are talking about me and I'm a little concerned and anxiety started to mount up in that man that said he would be with me for the rest of my life as now till death do us part and he left I've got the two three boys I'm by myself I'm a single parent single mother single father where am I gonna find to supply for them what am I going to do I know you by name I know you by name I feed birds and dress lilies are you not a more value than name you are my son you are my daughter hold you in the palm of my ear just like your hands all over this building right now the Lord wants to cure somebody from your anxiety right now you are not an orphan that's what the devil wants you to think your loneliness your tears and your fears but you are not an orphan you have a father you have a father who cares you have a father who protects you have a father who knows you you have a father who has never left your side you have a father you have a father you have a father and a father you have a father tonight I want to make an altar call to this place but before everybody rushes down here I want to first call those whom the Holy Ghost have been speaking to you about your own anxieties you know beyond a shadow of a doubt this sermon was because there's some anxieties you're dealing with in your own personal life I don't want you to be embarrassed because we all go through this I don't care who you are whether it's pastor down to the Usher I don't care what kind of ministry you run or who you are we all go through this so I don't want you to be embarrassed but what I want you to do I want you to get down here to this altar and I want you to say old preacher you don't know but God needs to heal me from this spirit of anxiety that has taken over my life to worry the inks and not knowing what's going to happen and I don't know and the fear the panic the stress it's doing the number on me and it's killing me it's not killing my problem it's killing me I need to be healed from it that's who I want to call first I'm inviting everybody but you who are dealing with anxiety I want to call you to this altar first would you again lift your hands to stand to our feet and all those here who are in this place you're dealing with anxiety in your life come down to this altar right now we want to pray with you come down to this altar we want to pray with you all of those who are dealing with that worry in that panic and that anxiety over the raising of your children over some business that has been lost over your career over your over your stuff over your job over your family and relationships I want you to come come on come on come to this place come to this place come to this place God is here God is talking God is near come to this place this is Christ cure for anxiety this is Christ cure for anxiety he knows you by name he knows you by name he knows you by name you are not an orphan you are not an orphan you are not ignorant you have a father [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: POSydney
Views: 867
Rating: 4.8000002 out of 5
Keywords: Preaching, pentecostal, church, Sydney, Australia, Sermon, Loammi Diaz, UpRising, Evangelist
Id: rC4EHVRy3xU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 7sec (4327 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 27 2017
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