Christopher Plummer in Nuremberg, Infamy on Trial

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is the british prosecution ready yes indeed we are uh your honors with your permission i wish to read from a sworn affidavit by one hermann friedrich graber a german construction manager who in a civilian capacity was employed by the german army in occupied ukraine from 1941-1944 on several occasions he observed the mass murders of local jews committed by the ss or schutzstaffel the nazi party's police and security organization one such a kid he writes took place on october the 5th 1942 near the city of dobner that morning her grave was informed that all 5 000 jews from that city were to be taken by ss trucks to a place near his building site where they were to be shot and buried in large pits he continues thereupon i drove to the site and saw near it great mounds of earth several ss trucks stood in front of them i heard rifle shots in quick succession coming from behind one of the earth mounds those who had just got off the trucks men women and children of all ages had to undress upon the order of an ss man who carried a whip all these people had the regulation yellow patches on their clothes and thus could be recognized as jews without screaming or weeping these people undressed stood around in family groups kissed each other said their farewells i watched a family of about eight a man and woman with their children and two grown-up daughters an old woman with snow white hair was holding the youngest perhaps one year old in her arms and singing to it and tickling it and the child was cooing with delight all the people around were looking on with tears in their eyes the father was holding the hand of a boy about 10 years old and speaking to him softly the boy was fighting his tears the father pointed to the sky stroked the boy's head and seemed to explain something to him at that moment the ss man at the pitch shouted to his comrades the latter counted off about 30 persons and instructed them to go behind the earthman among them was the family that i have mentioned i will remember a girl slim and with black hair who as she passed close to me pointed to herself and said 23. i then walked around the mound and found myself confronted by an enormous grave people were closely wedged together lying on top of each other so that only their heads were visible nearly all had blood running over their shoulders some of the people shot were still moving some were lifting their arms and turning their heads to show that they were still alive the pit was at least two-thirds full i estimated that it already contained about 1 000 humans the victims completely naked went down some steps which were cut out of the clay wall of the and clambered over the heads of the people lying there to the place where the ss man had directed them they laid down in front of the dead or injured some caressed those were still alive and spoke to them in low voices then i had a series of shots i looked back into the pit and saw that the bodies were twitching and the heads lying already motionless were on top of the bodies that lay beneath them when i walked back around the mound i noticed another truckload which had just arrived this time it included the sick and the infirm an old very thin very frail woman with terribly thin legs was undressed by the others who were already naked while two people held her up the woman was obviously paralyzed the naked people carried the old woman around the mound and the shooting continued signed free rick graber did any of you ever hear of this grave you
Channel: Mark Gruchy
Views: 387,614
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: D7kydMg7tIE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 06 2021
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