Christopher Columbus - The Discovery Of America And What Happened After

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we all know how Columbus came to the Americas with his three ships but who did he find there and how were the Spanish greeted this is the story of the first contact between the Native American and the Spanish people and what followed after the Caribbean 1492 on October 11th 1492 the Spanish were approaching the Bahamas from the Northeast when they saw something interesting land was first seen by a sailor named Rodrigo de Triana but Admiral Columbus at 10 o'clock saw a light though he was uncertain that he could affirm it was land afterwards Columbus claimed he saw the light once or twice more like a wax candle rising and falling it seemed to some to be an indication of land Columbus had to make certain that land was close Columbus asked and admonished the men to keep a good lookout on the fo'c'sle and to watch well for land he made a statement saying that a reward of a silk doublet along with ten thousand morrow vetti's promised by the sovereigns would go to the first sailor to seal and add two hours after midnight land was sighted at a distance of two leagues Columbus ordered the three ships to halt and wait for daylight before going further the next day on October 12 1492 after two months at sea Columbus and his crew finally clearly spotted land it's not known where they landed but we can say for sure that they landed somewhere in the Bahamas having landed they saw trees very green and fruits of diverse kinds upon reaching land Columbus fell to his knees thanked God for a safe voyage and planted a flag in the ground claiming the land for Spain as the Tainos who had lived there for a thousand years watched from behind trees and bushes shortly after landing many of the islands inhabitants assembled on the beach the Tainos gave them food and drink gifts of cotton and other goods and the Spaniards gave them gifts of red hats and beads the Taino people had never seen white men before and thought they were gods Columbus spent the next two months looking for gold in December of 1492 while they were sailing east of Cuba three ships under the command of Columbus approached the second largest island in the Caribbean which they later called las paniolo just when he was about to return to Spain on Christmas Eve his ship the Santa Maria ran aground and sank the Taino chief mechanic Ari told his people to help the Spanish and retrieve every salvageable item a problem arose when all the sailors who had accompanied Columbus could not fit on the 2 remaining and smaller ships so a fort was built using the salvaged wood from the santa maria and 39 men were left behind at a fort columbus called La Navidad shortly after Columbus set sail for Spain taking some of the natives and birds foods and plants to show the king and queen for the second voyage Columbus was given a fleet of seventeen ships and some soldiers upon arrival at La Navidad Columbus found the fort burned to the ground and all 39 men he had left behind had been killed it seems the sailors left behind had misbehaved in the form of rape of the local women and theft of anything they saw that they wanted one of the local leaders named Carnival had met with the other leaders and and all but one agreed that gods would never have behaved in the manner that the Spaniards had and they decided the Spaniards had to go so they eliminated them and a threat they posed to their people Columbus vowed to find Kona bow and retaliate more fortified places were rapidly built including a city founded on January 2nd 1493 and named Liza Bella for the Queen from that point on life as the Taino knew it ended the spaniards took revenge for the destruction of the fort along Navidad and also took slaves Columbus forced the Tainos to work in the gold mines searching for gold those who refused were killed each adult over 14 years of age was expected to deliver a hawk spell full of gold every three months or when this was lacking 25 pounds of spun cotton if this tribute was not brought the Spanish cut off the hands of the Taino and left them to bleed to death Taino women were given to spaniards to do with whatever they wished the fields unattended failed to yield enough food for the Tainos and the spaniards whose supplies had run out all were hungry Columbus found cal-neva they tricked him in order to capture him and he was put on a ship that was sent to Spain and was never heard from again many tiny no starve to death others died from hard labor many committed suicide epidemics swept the island they were beaten tortured raped enslaved and murdered after 1496 the number of Tainos fell by about 70% cacao gari the chief who befriended Columbus also died soon at this point the Spaniards and Liza Bella started a rebellion against Columbus and his brothers the Spanish king and queen sent a royal investigator to calm the situation Columbus and his brothers were found guilty for numerous crimes against both the natives and the Spaniards Columbus and his brothers were arrested and put on a ship to Spain the Spanish authorities would allow him another voyage across the ocean but they forbid him to visit las paniolo he explored the Caribbean for two years and then returned to Spain where he died in 15:06 meanwhile on Las paniolo the Tainos who didn't want to work for the Spanish fled for the hills the Tainos ruled in a mountain region their leader was a woman named Ana Corona she was the wife of Carnival the chief who had led the attack on the Spanish fort years earlier in 1503 the Spanish governor requested a meeting with her in order to break the resistance during the meeting of 80 Taino leaders including a Nocona the Spanish governor nicolas de ovando ordered the meetinghouse to be set on fire to burn them alive Annika Juana was arrested and accused of conspiracy for resisting occupation and executed prior to her execution on Nocona was offered clemency if she would give herself to one of the Spaniards which was common in the era standing with her fellow Tainos and solidarity the Taino indigenous female leader chose execution over colluding with her Spanish enemy her refusal creating her legend on Nocona remained rebellious and independent until her violent public death she was executed by hanging at the age of 29 another Taino chief Kota bana Mahal was ruling in another area successfully resisting the Spaniards for a while until he suffered the same fate as a Nocona but there was one tie you know who came to be known as the most resilient of all his name was Enrique he was also in the meeting when the Spaniards burned 80 Taino leaders in fact one of them was his father and Rica managed to escape after a Spaniard governor named vaana's whele raped his wife enrique started a revolt in 1519 with a large number of Tainos from the mountain range he and his followers started a community in the mountains and set up a scouting Network and Rica instructed his men to fight only in self-defense to kill Spaniards only in the course of battle otherwise simply to deprive them of their arms the Spaniards often attack them but the Tainos pushed them off time after time during one battle Venezuela himself was captured but even his life would be spared andrey k ordered his release the Tainos were able to continue the rebellion and waged guerrilla warfare on the spaniards until 1533 because of their better knowledge of the region as the Spaniards were not able to control the rebellion Spain's monarch Charles v signed a treaty granting the Tainos the rights of freedom and possession and Rica settled in the mountains with his 4,000 followers the last members of the Taino culture by this time the native population was rapidly declining due to European diseases at the end of the century the Taino population was officially reported extinct
Channel: Native American History
Views: 1,247,276
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Keywords: Christopher Columbus, spanish, tainos, native american, indian, indians, native americans, colonization, discovery of america, west indies, arawak, sioux, apache, sitting bull, geronimo, blackfoot, blackfeet, indigenous, cherokee, indigenous people, native, cortez, aztec, maya, montezuma, history, middle ages, medieval, navajo, america, americas, carribean, the carribeans
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2020
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