Christmas with Danny Duncan!

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oh my god that big-ass tree cueing ya the way you [ __ ] that's good yeah that's fine we all call you when I want you guys to come back and put it back up [Laughter] yeah I won't worry about it when I get the thing built out thanks man wave votes grande it'll hit the ceiling it'll be like Christmas vacation always looks bigger in person man it can touch it I don't care if it touches the ceiling if it damages I'll just get it fixed it'll be like my dick dude it leans a little bit no I'm just gonna do is just call the uber and deal with it when it gets there you know what I mean you don't have to analyze every situation just get it done I don't care I'm gonna Oh Danny's a dick dude do his friends Dana's Victor's foreign no just get the [ __ ] done I guess I'm a dick but if I'm only addicted because it's valuable to both of us it will help his life and it'll help my life have I helped your life were you not it [ __ ] complete [ __ ] before now you at least have some skills you at least have some skills in life because of me it would be like saying the military is just an [ __ ] because they help the soldiers become better and stronger individuals not something that I'm the [ __ ] military but it's the same concept in a way because I'm hard on someone and make them better I'm an [ __ ] no you guys watching are just [ __ ] stop watching me go watch a [ __ ] storytime channel or something it's funny all this and the tree just looks like [ __ ] when we stand it up oh it's heavy you're good you're good that's probably sliding dude Aaron why aren't you helping you a little baby you know why you know how you won't punch me I say baby in Spanish BAE BAE oh the moon baby maybe a key I'm saying a little baby boy needs to sit down there and hold it all the thing oh that [ __ ] just hit me in the face give me I'll keep you on can you hold the two you [ __ ] oh now what alright like it we had receive it falls tree looks like you should you hit I don't drink either makes your pee-pee smaller I heard so I stopped doing it thanks for the help thank you very much be safe keep working hard [Music] we should get this and then I'll print out probably in space and have it look like papadum it's facing him drinking a coke the ultimate dunking set dude this might be the best invention I ever seen in my life gonna wrap this up from this ultimate Christmas what a genius I wonder who came up with this I wonder if you wanted like a Nobel Peace Prize or something to say yeah Nobel Peace Prize March 2020 that's a 33 right there one of them was damaged though I don't want the damaged one [Music] don't drop it oh oh don't drop them don't I just don't want me to drop them he's just like acting yeah when like a year ago really I don't remember this you like breaking your head on [ __ ] that's why I always see you I'm [ __ ] cracking your head up on things home boys boys my hair bro what's his name my lanky where'd you come in Russian no this thing's [ __ ] huge dang I better think I'll piss on me he keeps covering my eyes why'd you do that you can't see me bro John Cena s over here bro this kids hungry he goes on some food only [ __ ] place has a line hot dog on a [ __ ] stick and every little kid here just stares at them don't stare little people it's [ __ ] weird they look in the mirror glass self take it my card his [ __ ] card declined you should have been like I'm a little short I'm trying to get more of it I don't to promote too many brands you know no trying to go to the hood the kids that don't get nice [ __ ] kids are gonna be disappointed with a DGK deck I gave a kid that easy no what the [ __ ] is this you return that dude keep your money [Music] [Music] the capers and there's like this watch kid with the boatbuckle board like Watson cries would a dupe or what do you think we were doing no not not a little bow his digs bigger news hey that question are you doing no disrespect to him it's just a dumb question thanks bro [Music] this is our leader yo you guys have a leader what's his name names / Schneerson he lead - he's alive or not he's not oh so this is like your guy live on him no he's not our God you have God and then we got leader man I'm so lost I'm sorry you guys wanna get make some Oreos or something you can't you can't have Oreos Oh today's Chanukah the first day no the third night so do I owe you a gift no no I think I got you something hold on no I got you guys something yeah we heard you guys are gonna be doing a lot of stuff so I got you skittles and coca-cola Holi one three guess I'm gonna judge people like really control [ __ ] though oh really you guys do that I was wondering who control the weather alright thank you so much happy Chanukah be safe stop by whenever it's Christmas it's gonna fill up this car we got a bunch of complete skate decks - we're gonna hand out I'm just going through the area where kids are known to live in poverty you know paycheck to paycheck that type of [ __ ] cuz that's the type of child I was growing up I would like to give back to the kids that one day might be like me we got a skate park and no one's there [Music] your ox black face the ethos inside of her like I like that sir oh here's my board [ __ ] I almost didn't would've been able to skate kids are waiting on us dude Santa Anna come to some people's house Trevor my dress is ready and Happy Hanukkah you think Lake streets a good one no one damage the merchandise man got any advice for the viewers that's what I try to say no it's good it's simple but your health obviously is the most important thing so staying active is important we know you'd be outside of you kid Merry Christmas you want drugs come here I got you I got you something else you want a skateboard yeah can I have your old one yeah I'm just kidding you can give it Thanks thanks man be safe Merry Christmas that's exactly what we want kids you have shitty boards on Christmas cuz you know they didn't get a brand-new board on Christmas because or they'll say would have set it up and then give them a new board the [ __ ] Santa Claus bow say Nicky gave me a board for Christmas it's over there somewhere this is not a state where called a cougar here you know I think you seven don't track it on the park bro [ __ ] wrong with you bro I can't say [ __ ] will save my life [Music] you got a shitty board too what size you right give it to that kid that's where you smalls lit all right that'll be $105 you have any new boards you own one you good man sad just tell me bro it's [ __ ] wack anyway dude you should not the skate guys are like bro you don't need to learn the you don't need to land this [ __ ] cuz it's [ __ ] lame you want to try it see if you like it dude try it on that first guy he lands it first around this border be pretty funny or if he didn't land it and stomping the board would also be really funny why you do a kickflip that's way cooler oh dude that is what no no [ __ ] that's [ __ ] way nicer than apart you can have that dude that was nice y'all hold me got a football oh okay you guys want some shirts we're giving out shirts [Music] gemenon your father you learn to tell me anything we got skate [ __ ] everyone's it hey don't be a scumbag let everyone get some [ __ ] alright [Music] we get out of here we are eaten alive oh my bad yeah there's a car there there's a flood never in Salutin stealing everything hey man I'm glad someone's excited for it yeah Merry Christmas just throw them all over there but for those of all we're all right I'll come out in a second Kia ones here so we're gonna [ __ ] with him his breath always smells because he always smoking weed pretty much like toothpaste and [ __ ] in here but I got him I got like a nice necklace with like diamonds you know cuz he likes that [ __ ] but I'm just gonna make him think that that's his gift and I told I got him to drive here and everything like 40 minutes I was like you oh come here I got you a nice kiss so he's gonna think it's just a [ __ ] toothpaste and [ __ ] alright find your gift by the tree man bro it's right there it's that one right there it's yes is that one was it say you have to what does it say I read it to keep watch from that I swear he came here last night oh yeah let's see if you're a good or a bad boy we didn't have regular tape q1 you should be thankful you're even getting a gift after all the shenanigans you pulled this season brush your nasty-ass feet dude you [ __ ] sneaky ass breath I'm just kidding I got you a real gift here yeah thank you cry and say thank you girl wait put it off you don't even have this'll honestly no okay yeah yeah keep in your car [Applause] [Music] get your first audio book for free plus two audible originals when you try audible for 30 days visit slash Duncan or text Duncan a 500 500 audible originals our exclusive audio titles created by celebrated storytellers from worlds as they versus theater literature journalism and more I'd like to recommend the audiobook can't 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Channel: Danny Duncan
Views: 6,281,761
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: danny duncan, danny duncan 69, danny duncan vlog, danny duncan pranks, danny duncan vlogs, vlogs, pranks, danny duncan tour, danny duncan florida, danny duncan merch
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 10sec (790 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 19 2020
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