Christmas At Maxwell's

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(pleasant music) - [Doorman] Good evening, sir. - Merry Christmas. - Thank you. - [Woman] I thought you might be coming alone. - [Man] Suzie couldn't make it. - [Woman] How is she doing today? - [Man] Well, we're still waiting for some good news. - We'll miss her singing at our Christmas party. - [Man] She will too. - [Doctor] We might need some more tests. - [Man] Ugh. - [Doctor] This is what you want me to do, isn't it? - What I want is her to get better! Aren't there some new drugs that she can take?! - [Doctor] I've already prescribed them for you. I'm doing the best I can! - [Man] You don't really know why people get sick like this, do you? - [Doctor] No. No you don't. (somber music) - [Man Voiceover] It is not my fault! Your career's over! It's over! And it's not my fault! It's not my fault! (ominous music) - Andrew? Are you okay? - Yeah, yeah. I'm fine. - All right, well, merry Christmas! - Yeah, you too, merry Christmas. (somber piano music) (festive horn music) (pleasant music) (festive horn music) (somber music) (beeping) - [Radio DJ] Hope you're all ready for Christmas. It feels like Christmas in Cleveland. It's cold enough, the cold has set in. The good news in the WGRA forecast as you get ready to head over the river and through the woods, no snow between here and grandma's house. ♪ The street is a blanket white ♪ ♪ And candles all burn bright ♪ ♪ Smiling faces all aglow ♪ ♪ Fireplace and mistletoe ♪ ♪ My hope is there the whole would knows ♪ ♪ This magic Christmas night ♪ (pleasant saxophone music) - Hey, Suzie? Hi. - Hey. - I wish you coulda been there. - Sorry, I had to stay home and throw up. I'm so sick of throwing up. - I saw Kevin, he gave me a new prescription. I'll fill it in the morning. I'm so sorry. - I know you are, babe. - I shoulda stayed home. - You're always staying home. You can't ignore our friends. Did you have a good time? - Uh-uh. - Oh. - John and Martha gave us there annual Christmas gift. - They're so nice. (chuckling) (somber music) - Martha said that she missed hearing you sing. Remember when you used to sing with George's group? I used to think that you were singing just for me. - [Suzie] I was. ♪ There's times in your life ♪ ♪ Things never seem right ♪ ♪ And after you've tried ♪ - I'll never leave you. ♪ You want to give up the fight ♪ ♪ Don't lose sight ♪ ♪ Of all the good things in your life ♪ ♪ Smile in the face of adversity ♪ ♪ You will see ♪ ♪ That with the sun comes ♪ ♪ A new day ♪ ♪ And the strength you need ♪ ♪ To make a brand new start ♪ ♪ Look straight ahead ♪ ♪ And you'll find a new way ♪ (somber piano music) - [Andrew Voiceover] I don't even remember what I've done this week and it's already Wednesday. There was a time I loved this, you know? I don't know. The problem is I just, I don't feel anything anymore. - You going to renew your orchestra tickets? - Sandy, I'm gonna be going away for the weekend. Nice hat. (pleasant piano music) Yeah, that's what I'm talking about. It's Australian. No, it's good wine. It's actually a red grape. Yeah, a red grape. Yeah, I know it's a white wine but it's a red grape. You just have to trust me on this one, okay? (thudding) (yelping) - Oh my Lord, princess, who did this to you?! (pleasant piano music) - Mary, no! Oh! - Hey, is this your car? - Yeah, officer, could you give me a break? I didn't know that you had to pay on weekends. - Hey, just relax. I was just putting a note on your car. City Council's decided to remove all these parking meters. - They've what? - The new town council. They decided the town's losing its old, friendly atmosphere, so I was just leaving a note on your truck to let you know we need this area clear for the Christmas and holiday street parking. - No more parking meters, I can't believe it. (chuckling) - Things change. - Yeah. - It's a good Christmas present for the people. It's a good way to start the New Year. Oh, by the way, your left rear tire needs some air. - Yeah. - Merry Christmas. - Yeah, you too. (giggling) - [Girl] Hey, Mary! - [Mary] So what's up? - What's the deal with the cop? - Oh, nothing. My dad was just thinking this guy was writing a ticket. - Yeah, so what else is going on? - Getting ready to go out to our summer house for Christmas. - Summer house? - Yeah, it's for my mom, she likes it up there. - [Girl] She still stick? - Yeah. - I'm sorry. - It's okay, you know, I gotta go. I'll call you guys later. - Bye. - Bye, Mary. (somber music) - [Man] Hey, Andrew! - Hey there. - [Man] Hey, how you doing? - Merry Christmas. - Hi, Andrew. - How are you? - Good to see you. - Good to see you too. - How're you doing? Come on, join us. - [Man] Won't you have a seat? - Come on. - Okay, okay. Hey. - How you doing? - Getting ready for the holidays? - Yeah, you bet, how about you? - Oh, day by day. - Yeah. - Hustle bustle. - How's Suzie doing? - Oh, we're taking it day by day. She still gets tired really easily. - Andrew, it's the meds. If you can get her off of them she's gonna be a new person. - I'll take the old one. - [Woman] I know. - You know who that is, don't you? - Uh-uh. - That's Charlie, Charlie Lawson. Fred Lawson's son. Charlie lost his wife and kid in a car accident on River Road. - Is that right? - Oh yeah. - I ran into him the other day. I thought he was giving me a ticket but he wasn't. He's a nice guy. - He's a super guy. - Hmmm. Well, listen, we're going up to the summer house for the holidays and I was wondering on the 23rd, I know it's Christmas and everything, but if you have time and you're in the neighborhood, if you could stop on by, we could enjoy the company for Suzie. - I will be there. - I knew I could count on you, Pat. Listen, I gotta go. - It's good to see you, merry Christmas. - [Man] Merry Christmas, Andrew. - Same to you. - Give the kids a hug for me. - You bet. Andrew Austin. - [Charlie] Yeah, I remember you. - Yeah. - [Charlie] Have a seat. Please. Hey, I'm sorry to hear things are going so rough for you these days. (chuckling) - God, it is a small town, isn't it? Listen, I was just talking to a friend of mine and I heard about you and your family and I didn't know that, I'm sorry. - Oh, thanks. It happened awhile ago. - I'm sorry. - You know, sometimes people don't understand. My wife and I, you know, we tried to have kids for years. And then it happened. Now they're both gone. Why? It's a mystery. My niece, Amy, is taking some music lessons from your wife. - Is that right? - Yeah. How's your wife doing, by the way? - Well, it's crazy. - Hey, it's all about faith, you know? And hope. (phone ringing) - Excuse me. Hello? Yeah, this is he. I'm sorry, you're breaking up here. It's good? Look, I'm sorry, I'm losing you. You're saying it's good? (chuckling) Well I am now. No, thank you. Listen, I've gotta go. It's nice to official meet you. - Take care. - You bet. ♪ Holy infant so tender and mild ♪ ♪ Sleep in heavenly peace ♪ ♪ Sleep in heavenly peace ♪ - Amy, that was so nice. You're really starting to get a feel for it. - Thanks, Mrs. Austin. I love singing. I wonder if this will be my career. - In time you'll know. - [Amy] How did you know? - My dad. He used to tell me I was talented and beautiful. For a long time, I didn't believe him. And then, one time in high school there was this talent contest and this band asked me to sing with them, so I did. - How did it work out? - Oh, it was incredible. I was so nervous. I was all dressed up. - What did you wear? - I had this perfect little black dress that had all these little sequins on it. It was the only time my mother ever let me wear it. And I sang this song and I felt like everybody in the whole entire place was just listening and watching me. And then after the song was finished, everybody cheered and screamed. It was amazing. - Wow. - That's when I knew I was gonna be a singer. But that's enough about that. You know this is probably gonna be our last music session for awhile. - Yeah, I know. - Well, I'll give you a call after Christmas, okay? - [Amy] Okay. Here's my money for today's lesson. - Amy, I want you to take that and put it in-- - I know. Put it in my savings account. But you never take the money, Mrs. Austin. Why? - Well, I guess I look at you as my other daughter. - [Amy] Okay. (somber piano music) - Come on, sit down. - We're almost all packed up. We just have to get the Christmas presents and a few warm things, some things to snuggle in. When are we gonna leave? - Now. (chuckling) Hmmm? - No, really, when are we gonna go? - Early. - Okay. - Oh, I got you a couple goodies from the drug store. These may change though. I got a call from Dr. Shoe, the lab doc. I tried calling you earlier but I couldn't get through. He said your tests were very good. - Really? - He said it several times as a matter of fact. Maybe this is a good sign, huh? - Wouldn't that be wonderful? You know, I have been feeling a bit better lately. - Well you seem better. You haven't been throwing up. That's definitely a good sign. (somber piano music) (somber horn music) (television commotion) Hey, guys. What you watching? (television commotion) When's it over? Okay, well I'm going to the gas station for a few minutes. I'll be right back. You can call me on the cellphone if you need to get a hole of me, okay? And don't disturb your mom, she's asleep. Okay? Mmm-kay. (door closing) Hey, Kevin, what're you doing? Making house calls? - Anything for you, Andrew. Say, did you get that phone call from Dr. Shoe? - Yeah, whoa, what a relief. Listen, Suzie's thrilled. We're leaving first thing in the morning, I was just gonna get some gas. - What did he say to you? - [Andrew] What? - What did Dr. Shoe say to you? - He said that the tests were good. - No, I don't think so. Andrew, the tests were not good at all. - What? - There must've been some miscommunication. We're concerned about her white blood cell count. There's nothing very good here at all. That's why I thought I'd stop by and go over it with you. I mean, I thought the new drugs would make a difference. Not only did they not make a difference, it's worse. - Oh, God. - It's the worse she's ever been. I don't understand it, I mean, she doesn't respond to anything I do. Listen, I've called in a new drug for her. I want you to start giving it to her first thing tomorrow morning, okay? - All right. - [Kevin] Take care, okay? - Yeah. (faint jazz music) (somber piano music) "Andrew, "I want this Christmas to be--" - [Suzie Voiceover] The most wonderful Christmas of our lives. I pray each day for strength. I'm more in love with you than ever before. I'll always love you, babe. - "Suzie." (somber piano music) Okay. Is this everything? - I hope so. (dog groaning) - Mom, can we bring tucker, please? - Chris, we've been over this. Mia's gonna come and take him. He's just too much for me. - All right. Tucker, I've got some bad news. You can't come with us but we still love you. (dog panting) - Okay, let's go, come on! Come on, come on, come on! - Sorry, pooch, you're staying here. (pleasant piano music) (dramatic piano music) (sobbing) (upbeat music) - Who's that? A friend of yours. A friend, how good a friend? Looks like you know him pretty well. What's going on here? - Keep your voice down. - Keep my voice down? My voice is fine. I don't know what you're talking about! - You're embarrassing me. - Oh, I'm embarrassing you. What exactly do you think you're doing right now? - [Suzie] I'm sorry. - [Man] No, we're getting out of here. We're getting out of here! (dramatic music) - [Priest] Did something happen to you? - Yeah. - [Priest] What happened? (sobbing) - I can't. (sobbing) - Yeah. (dramatic piano music) (pleasant horn music) - [Suzie] We used to come up here with my parents. - [Chris] Really? - [Suzie] Yeah. Grandma Maxwell spent a lot of Christmases up here. Well, this Christmas is gonna be a bit different, guys, but it's gonna be great. - [Chris] Wow, we're here! (pleasant horn music) (kids laughing) - [Woman] Hi! - Look who it is! - [Woman] Oh! - Thanks for opening the house. - You're welcome. I put the heating on as well. - Oh, thank you. - When you phoned it took me awhile to realize you're actually going to be here for Christmas. - Yeah. - When was the last time you guys were here at this time of year? - Not since the kids were born. - Abby and Thomas are gonna be over the moon they've got someone to play with. - Can you give me a hand? - Yeah, sure. - All right. - Let me take this. - Yeah. - So, how's Suzie? - Can we talk about it later? - Sure. (cash register beeping) - There you go, sir. - Okay, thanks so much. How're you doing? - [Cashier] Real good, thanks. - Yeah, well say hi to everyone for me. - [Cashier] Will do. - Yeah. - [Cashier] Have a good Christmas. - Thanks. Hey, Andrew. - Hey. - You up here for Christmas this year? - Yeah, good to see you, Father. - Well, good to see you. - Hey, listen, we're having some people over on the 23rd at Maxwell's. Would you be interested in coming? It's for Suzie. - Oh, yeah, yeah, what time? - 6:30, seven. - Yeah, yeah, that'd be good. I had to get the alter wine from somebody, you know? You're not around, you know. (chuckling) So, how's everything going? - I'd like to talk to you about something else. - Okay, you don't wanna talk now. - No, no, no, no. - Okay, well give me a call at the rectory. We'll put something together. - Will do. - Okay, thanks. - You're coming, right? - I'm coming, I'll be there. - Looking forward to it. - Okay, thanks. (somber piano music) - Ho, ho, ho. - Tootsie! - Hey you. - Hey! Good to see you. - [Tootsie] Oh, look, that gray is coming in pretty good. - Your hands are freezing. - I know, I came in here to get some warmth. It's so cold in my shop this time of year. Speaking of which. - Yeah? - Are you guys gonna come and get a-- - Christmas tree. - Christmas tree? Yeah, bring the kids because they do a good job, huh? Listen, I heard about Suzie. How's she doing? Oh. I'm so sorry. Oh gosh. (bell ringing) - Well, if it isn't Al Pickerling. - How are you? - Fine. How're you treating the chickens nowadays? - Oh, with great kindness and respect. But, you know, it's not the chickens that count first. It's the Colonel. (laughing) And he loves us, no bones about it. Get it? - Yeah, yeah, yeah. - [Al] You, Andrew, you still selling the altar wine? - Yes, I am, I am but there's a more serious topic of affairs right now. Our friend, Tootsie, is freezing hers off because she's not getting any electricity at the Christmas tree shack. Can you help her out? - Well. - No, no, it's fine, it's fine, it's fine. - Tootsie, we can't have you cold down there. What's the problem? - Well, you know, I put on the lights, I put on the heat and then everything goes out. You know what that's like. - Tootsie, your hands are cold. I'm gonna take care of this. After all, we're right next door. I'll call my foreman. He'll run a line out there. - God, thank you. That is really nice of you. - I'll take care of you. Trust me. - Good job, buddy. - Oh, that's too much. - That's okay. Here. (pleasant music) You want some? - [Chris] Stop! - All right, okay. Just this one. - No, no, no. (pleasant music) - Come here! Hey, sweetie. - I remember as a kid going to get the Christmas tree was always so exciting. I used to get excited to think about all the presents we'd get under the tree each year. One year there were so many you couldn't even see the bottom of the tree. My mother used to play a game with us where she used to wrap up anything that she would find in the house. Cans of soup, bars of soap. It was still pretty exciting. So now here I am needing a Christmas tree and... I'm not excited. The kids can see right through me. I ought to do something. - What is the matter with you? Will you just go out there and find a Christmas tree with your kids, huh? Go, go, get. ("O Tannenbaum" instrumental) (giggling) - [Al] Hey, guys! How y'all doing? - Hey! - Hey, Toots. Gonna take a look at them space heaters for you. Get them all fixed up, get you back in business. - Oh, Suz, hey. Look at this. (chuckling) - Aw. Look. Look at his hair. - Look at yours. - Look at you and your earrings. Aw. - [Mary] Hey! - [Chris] What? - Stop! - [Chris] I can do what I want. - No, 'cause you can't because-- - Guys, why don't you go upstairs to the attic, okay? And get the rest of the Christmas tree decorations. - We've never done it before. - It's okay, just go. - Let me do it. - No, no, no, no, go, okay? Turn on the light. - And we need the light. - Yeah, I knew you, go turn on the light for your brother. Okay? - I'll race you! - Be careful! - Guys, guys. Don't break anything, please. - [Mary] Okay. - "Okay." - She's good. - You like that tree? - Yeah. A bit fuller than we normally get but yeah. - Like Tootsie. - Don't. Do you think she likes him? - Who? - Pickerling. (chiming music) (whimsical music) - [Chris] So old and dusty. - [Mary] I bet ghosts live up here. - Whoa, look at all this stuff. - Want some? - Just a little. - Oh! (clinking) Cheers. (chuckling) - Mmmm. - Hey! - Hey, hey, hey. (laughing) - You look good. - Thanks. - Sit down. - That's a nice shirt. - Thanks. - Army Surplus Store? - Ha-ha. (giggling) - You already ordered. - Not for you, what do you want? - Oh. Ice tea. - Ice tea? You can have something harder. - No. Salad. - Ice tea and a salad, please. - Thanks. So... Thanks, by the way, for coming to the funeral. That really meant a lot to me. - Oh, no problem. - I probably shouldn't say this but I had a feeling that something bad was gonna happen. - Really? - Yeah. - Well, you know, motorcycles and-- - Yeah, I know. He was just not nice. - Oh. - Whatever, you know. So I heard you and Karen broke up. - Yeah. - Yeah. You good with that? - Yeah, I'm good. - Good, good or not so good? - No, good. - Good! Oh, good. That's good, thank you. Good, good. So. - I probably shouldn't say this either but... I think about you often. - Often? - Often. (giggling) - Really. - Probably more often then not. - Oh. This is bad. - No, no, it's good. - No, it's... It's just... Really complicated right now. - Well, what can I do? (chuckling) (somber music) - Look at this neat album. - What's it say? - "Lucy Austin." - [Chris] Who's Lucy? - I don't know. All of the pages are blank. - Hey, look a these costumes. Let's put them on. - Okay. - It's too quite up there. - You're right. Hey, guys?! What're you doing up there? - [Mary] Nothing, Dad! (somber music) - Well come on down! - Awww. - Awww, my. Look at this! - Look at you. - These are yours from when you were small? - Look at that. - Oh, here, let me guess. Statue of Liberty. - Freakish-looking elf. - Of course. - What are you? - Ghost of Christmas Past. - Oh, very nice. (laughing) Wow. - [Chris] Mom? - Yeah? - [Chris] Who's Lucy? (somber piano music) - Hey, Mary, you wanna help me set the table? - [Mary] Yeah. (pleasant music) (cork popping) - I don't know, maybe I shouldn't. - Ah, no, it's a really, really good wine. - Maybe just a sip. (groaning) (laughing) Here. It goes very will with the wine. - Nah uh. No, no, no! No! No, no, no, open this one. Oh, come on. - What is it? Ask me. Ask me. (pleasant music) - Will you marry me? - Yes. - Yes? - Yes. (giggling) (dramatic piano music) - Hey, buddy, as for Lucy. - I'm sorry, Mom, did I say something wrong? - No, no. Someday, buddy, okay? Just not today. (crying) Okay? (sobbing) (ominous music) (heartbeat thumping) (bird wings flapping) - [Andrew Voiceover] It is not my fault! Your career's over! It's over! It's not my fault! It's over! Over! It's not my fault, it's not my fault, it's not my fault! - Babe, what's the matter? - Nothing. I just thought I heard the kids. I'll go check 'em. - No, no. - No, I will. - No. (dramatic piano music) - Mom? - Yeah? - Are you gonna die? - I don't know. I do know that I'll always be with you. Okay, close eyes. (dramatic music) (cathedral bell ringing) (somber music) - [Father] Well how are you? - I'm fine, Father. - [Father] Good to see you, Andrew. - Good to see you too. - We don't see you up here so often, you know? It's kinda nice. - Yes. - So one day the lake is frozen and the next day it's thawed and the waves are back. Let's go in here. I love this place up here, I really do. This is a picture, here, that one of our parishioners sent to us from Italy. We just had it restored. You know, you see these guys and you wonder, you know, who were they in their day? What did they do? That type of thing. I don't know. - [Andrew] It's big. - Yeah. Why don't we sit here? If you don't mind, I gotta take my coat off. This place is so warm. One of the things that the old house didn't have problems with is heating. Have you ever been in this room? - No. - This is a great place and I'm glad you're here. You know you're welcome any time. So, how are you? - Good. The family's good, the business is good. It's good. Well, Suzie's dying. And I'm just trying to figure it out. - Figure it out? - Why? - Andrew, this is just the way life is. The Lord gives, the Lord takes away. It's not like you have had anything to do with it. Are you thinking that somehow you're responsible for this? - Maybe. - How could you be responsible? I'm sure you're doing every conceivable thing that you can do to resolve this. You got a lot on your hands, right now. This is not something you should be worrying about. - Maybe. - I don't understand. - Suzie and I have known each other for a long time. We started dating each other in high school. Then I went away to college and she started her music career. We'd still see each other at summer times. We just sort of lost touch. And then, well I was in New York on a business trip and I found out that she was singing in a nightclub nearby and I went to go and see her. I don't know if you've ever heard her sing. - No, no I haven't. - She's good. She's really good. (audience applauding) (somber music) ♪ You were there when I laughed ♪ ♪ You were there when I cried ♪ ♪ With a heart always willing to share ♪ ♪ When I needed to hide all the tears in my eyes ♪ ♪ I'm so glad that your shoulder was there ♪ ♪ You must know I'll always love you ♪ ♪ And the reason is, you see ♪ ♪ That you loved me most ♪ ♪ When it mattered most to me ♪ (sighing) - When I finally got back to town, things were drastically different. I saw her at a party. She was with this... other guy and she was pregnant. The father was killed in a motorcycle accident. I always knew I loved her and I wanted to marry her, so we did, quietly, of course, because she was expecting. At first I was okay with it. We started picking out names. Suzie thought it was gonna be a girl, so she picked "Lucy." And then... One night we had... A pretty bad argument and I don't know what came over me but I lost my temper. - It's not my fault! I'm just asking you to take care of it! - What do you expect me to do?! - [Andrew] I expect you to do something about it! - I just can't do that, Andrew, I can't. I just can't do that. - Did you talk to each other after that? - We didn't talk for a long time after that. It was a very confusing time. (dramatic piano music) - No, Andrew, it's not your fault. No! No! (crying) - She started going to these support groups and that that seemed to help. And I went once but I couldn't go again and so I sold the house and we moved and I know that God's angry with me and I had no idea what I was expecting her to do and she started going to church daily. Suzie's been working it out. I haven't, I have been... covering it up. - Andrew, you didn't act alone here. Where's your faith? You don't know how this is gonna work out. Look, our understanding of God's ways is limited but one thing I can tell you, for sure, and that is that God loves you unconditionally. Can you understand that? Are you the only one that God won't forgive? A God who is giving you so much wouldn't forgive you. This is about Suzie. Suzie needs your love right now. This is about faith. God responds to faith. What can I do for you? (dramatic piano music) Okay. I'm glad you came by. God bless you. Okay, I'll walk out with you. - All right. (somber music) (somber music) I went to see Father Johnston. - Thank you. (somber music) - Hi, anybody home? - [Suzie] Rachel. - Hi. - [Suzie] Hey. - Good to see you. How are you? - I've been better. I brought you our favorite. Double-decker chocolate cake. (laughing) - You want some tea? - [Rachel] Sure. So, how's the teaching going? - Oh I love it. It's slow lately. Too many drugs. How about you, how's the husband? - [Rachel] Oh, he's okay. His business is a bit slow this year. Abby and Thomas are at the same school now. - Oh. - Suzie, you're taking all those. - [Suzie] In theory. - What's going on here? Are you? - Gonna make it? - Of course you're gonna make it. - Rach, I don't now. I've turned it over a thousand times. I think this is it for me. - No, Suzie. - Seems like all I ever do is go for tests. Andrew keeps bugging Kevin for this great solution but I'm just so sick. I try and rally for the kids but I'm just wiped out. I got nothing left. (somber piano music) I can't even deal with Kevin anymore. I just make Andrew do it. - Are you eating anything? - I was having trouble keeping anything down, so I stopped taking the drugs about a week ago. - Suzie. - Rach, they were making me sick. I'm still taking the pain pills. I flushed the other ones. It's a shame, really, because they're so expensive. Maybe I'll start taking them again after Christmas. - Okay. - Andrew doesn't know. - You have to tell him. - No, I can't. - Suzie, you're not giving up on this, are you? - No. I don't know, Rach, there's just so many things. The kids and Andrew. Who's gonna take care of them? Who's gonna be there mom because I sure as hell. I just don't know what to do anymore. Rach, they're gonna remember me sick. It's just... It's too much. It's just all out of my hands. - I know, I know. (crying) (somber music) - Oh, did you get the money? - Five bucks. - Awesome. - And if there's some left over, we can get some candy. - Yeah, oh, we get candy, awesome. Yeah, I think we should, yeah, I think we should get chocolate chip. Yeah, let's make those. - Chocolate chip? - Yeah. - All right. - Awesome. - Hey, Kevin, it's Andrew, how you doing? - [Kevin On Phone] Andrew, I'm fine. What's the weather like up there? - It's cold but we're keeping the fire going. - [Kevin On Phone] How's Suzie doing? - She's okay. She seems to have picked up the past several days, which is good, she's just amazing. - Hey, guys, how are you? - Hi, Mrs. Smith. - I love those hats. Those are great. - Thank you. - Have you decorated your tree? - Yeah. Well, it's okay. - Just okay? Aren't you excited, it's Christmas. - Well, my mom's sick. My dad doesn't think we know but we do. - Yeah, I heard, I'm sorry. - Do you think she'll die? - Chris, shut up! - Look, everything is gonna work out but when someone we love is sick, that's hard and it can make us afraid. - [Kevin On Phone] I know it's almost impossible, Andrew, but you've got to try and have her rest. She's at a turning point. She needs to get enough sleep. I got Suzie's latest test results back today and-- - Kevin, what's the story? Are we doing everything we can? I wanna get this thing resolved now. - [Kevin On Phone] Andrew, she's got cancer. What can I say? This is about as serious as it gets. People die of cancer every day. - I want a second opinion. - [Kevin On Phone] I'm doing everything that can be done. You want a second opinion, that's fine. I don't think we'll be able to make it up to your party. I'm really sorry, we'd like to come. Now do you wanna hear about the test results or not? - [Priest] Sometimes we're not sure that God loves us at times like this but He does and He'll always be with us. - Yeah, okay. - All right. - I'm sorry, we have to go to the store. - All right. - Listen, good to see you and remember, prayer and merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas. - Okay, we'll see you. (dramatic music) (glass shattering) - Suz?! Suzie! Oh my God. Hey! Suzie. Honey, hey, honey. Honey, talk to me. You're okay, talk to me. - I'm okay, baby. - Oh. Okay. Okay, I'm gonna call an ambulance. - No, no, no. I'm okay, I just slipped. I'm fine. Okay, don't call anybody. I'm fine. I just need some rest. Okay? - Come on. - I never liked those dishes anyway. - Oh. Come on. (somber music) - Don't tell the kids, okay? - Of course not. I'm gonna call Kevin. - No. - Oh, come on, honey. - Andrew, no! - You just fell in the middle of the kitchen. - Don't call Kevin. - Listen to me! - No, I just need to rest, okay? No. (somber music) - Why don't you guys do the dishes tonight? I'm gonna go sit with your mom, okay? - [Mary] Okay. - Dad? - Yeah, bud? - Is Mom okay? - Yeah. Your mom's okay. - Okay, okay. - Yeah, Chris? - Is Mom going away? - No. No, buddy. Mom's not going anywhere. - Okay. - You're my best buddy. - I'm your only buddy. - [Andrew] I love you. - I love you. (somber music) - You know how Father Johnston told us about praying? - Yeah. - Well? Maybe we should try it. - [Chris] Okay. - [Mary] And you go first. (giggling) - Hey! (laughing) (phone ringing) - Hello? Oh, hey, Abby. Yeah, sure, I'll ask her, great. Hey, Mom? Can me and Chris go over to Abby's house for a sleepover, please? - It's okay with me if it's okay with your dad. - Oh yeah, sure, it's okay. - Yes! - Make sure you get your stuff together. What you thinking about, babe? - Just that it's so beautiful here. - I've always loved this place. So quiet this time of year. - It would be quiet any time of year without you. - Andrew, I'm not dead yet. - I didn't mean that. - I know. Maybe you'll go first. (chuckling) - It's nice that you can have a sense of humor about it. - I don't have a choice. Promise me something, okay? - What? - Promise me you'll tell the kids about me. - Of course. All the good stuff. - A little bit of the bad stuff too. You have to balance it out. Come on. (waves sloshing) (phone ringing) - I'll get it. Hello? - [Woman On Phone] Oh hi, Andrew. - [Andrew] Oh, hi, May. - [May On Phone] You up here this year? - Yeah, yeah, we're here till after Christmas. - [May On Phone] Listen, I need a favor. I said I would take care of this old fella from the nursing home and Mom's ill. - I'm sorry to hear that. - [May On Phone] And I've gotta go down and take care of her and I need some help. His name is Gus. - May, this is a really difficult time. - [May On Phone] I knew you would understand. - No, that's not what I meant. - [May On Phone] And I told him you'd be there to check him out. - May, could you hang on a second? She's supposed to take care of some old guy from a nursing home and now she can't do it and she wants to know if we can tomorrow night. - That's fine. - Suzie, it's more complicated than that. - Just do it for me. (somber music) - Yeah, May? - [May On Phone] Yes? - Yeah, that would be fine. - [May On Phone] Oh Andrew, thank you so much. Merry Christmas. - Merry Christmas. - Thank you. - Suzie, there's something I have to tell you. I invited some people over for tomorrow night. - Oh. - In retrospect, it's a bad idea and I just didn't think having-- - [Suzie] No, no, no, it's fine. - [Andrew] You're too tired. - It's what I want. - You sure? - Yeah. I need to be around people right now. Did I mention how wonderful I think you are? - No. - Did I mention how much I love it when you kiss me? Did I mention how sexy I think you are? - Keep talking. - Okay, I'm tired now. (somber music) (kids laughing) - Hey! How were they? - They were absolutely wonderful. - Good. Oh, no, no, honey, stay inside. - Honey, I'm fine. You got lipstick on you. - Okay, well I gotta go. - Where you going, Dad? - Dad's gonna pick up a friend. - [Chris] Who? - His name's Gus. - Gus who? - Uncle Gus. He's a relative not too close. - Okay, why don't you guys go inside? - All right, okay, bye baby. Thank you. - You're welcome, anytime. You sure you wanna be having people over when you're not feeling good? - Yeah. You know what, this place has always been about friends and family. - Okay. Well decorator extraordinaire at your service, madame. (pleasant music) Hey, Thomas. Do you wanna just hang these up? - Sure. - Hi. Are you.... Gus? - Yes. (pleasant music) (door opening) - Oh hi, Beth. - [Beth] How are you? - Good, thanks, oh presents. Thank you. - Merry Christmas. - [Rachel] Put these under the tree for later. - Oh, you guys, this tree is beautiful. - Haven't they done a great job? - [Beth] Yes, very nice. - [Rachel] What time are you coming over? - [Beth] About seven. See you at the party. - Okay. - Bye, bye. (pleasant music) - You wanna come with me? - Yes. - Mr. Carpenter. - This is my wife, Suzie. - Hi, this is Chris and this is Mary. - That's nice. - Welcome to our home. - Actually, I'd prefer if you'd call me Gus. - Gus? - Uncle Gus if you'd prefer. It has a nice ring to it. - We told the kids about you being a distant relative. We thought that'd make you feel more at home. - Thank you. I do already. - Where's Uncle Gus staying? - On the first floor. - Hey, kids, do you wanna show Uncle Gus to his room? - [Chris] Come on. - [Gus] Thank you. - [Chris] This way. (sighing) (somber music) - [Suzie] Hey. - Hi. - How'd it go with Uncle Gus? - Oh, fine. It wasn't as bad as I expected. He was just sitting there waiting for me with his little bag. Probably wanted to get the hell out of there anyway. Honey? Where are they going? - Down to the lake. - [Andrew] You said it was okay? - [Suzie] Yeah. - He's an old man! What if he falls? - Andrew, relax. It's fine. Hey, Chris? - Yeah? - [Suzie] Don't be gone too long. And remember to take care of Uncle Gus, okay? - Okay, Mom. - What's that? (sighing) - It is now a pre-Christmas present. - Pour moi? - Pour vous. - Oh, Andrew. It's beautiful. I love it. Thank you. - You're welcome. - [Suzie] Smooch. (screaming) - Mary! Mary! (ominous music) What should we do? Should we get my mom? - No, I don't think that will be necessary. - Then what do we do? - Nothing. She's going to be fine. (dramatic music) - Wanna see me do that again? (people chattering) (clinking) - Attention everyone. I... I just wanted to say, it's great for you to be here. Especially this year. And... And merry Christmas. Father, do you have anything to add? - Well, we have a wonderful buffet set up there. Mary, would you like to give the blessing? - No. I want my mom to get better. - Well, let's incorporate that into our prayer then. Lord, we ask at Christmas time that you left up Andrew and his family, and particularly, Suzie. Amen. - [All] Amen. - So let's eat. - Okay, let go. (people chattering) (pleasant piano music) - Hey, Gus. Or Uncle Gus. (chuckling) (chiming) To be honest with you, I wasn't really thrilled that you where here today but for reasons that, I just want you to know that I'm glad that you're here. (somber music) - I'm glad too. - We're so glad you're here with us. - Oh, thank you. It's so nice to be here with you. - Okay, guys, time to go up for bed. Go brush your teeth. - You helped Mary today, didn't you? - Yes but you have something very different on your mind. - Mm-hmm. - [Suzie] Okay, bud, you're next, let's go. - But. - Oh, but I'll see you first thing in the morning. - Okay. - [Suzie] Goodnight. - Night, night. Night, night. ♪ Smiling faces all at home ♪ ♪ The fireplace ♪ ♪ The mistletoe ♪ ♪ My hope is that the whole world knows ♪ ♪ This magic Christmas night ♪ ♪ Little people tucked in bed ♪ ♪ Silent wishes are all met ♪ ♪ Dreams of sweet and spirits bright ♪ ♪ And troubles all seem out of sight ♪ ♪ My hope is that the world can find ♪ ♪ This magic Christmas night ♪ ♪ Falling snow ♪ ♪ Santa's sleigh ♪ ♪ Hope and peace on Earth ♪ ♪ That rings throughout the day ♪ (laughing) - Now, kids, I want you... ♪ Friends and family, old and new ♪ ♪ Always there reminding you ♪ ♪ That love is real and dreams come true ♪ ♪ This magic Christmas night ♪ ♪ This magic Christmas ♪ - You sure it's not too far out of your way to take Gus to the airport? - Andrew, I'm going right by there, it's not a problem. - [Andrew] Are you sure? - Absolutely, and hey, thank you for having us. We had a great time. - Hey, you're welcome. Gus? - Bye, bye and take care of yourself, old chap. (dramatic piano music) (ominous music) (cathedral bell ringing) (dramatic piano music) - Suzie? Suzie? - [Kids] Come on, Mom and Dad, it's Christmas! - Hey, guys, why don't you go open some presents? I'll be out there in a minute. - [Mary] No, open up now! (dramatic music) - Guys, I need to talk to you. - You need a better gift? - No, I don't think so. - But we want a gift. - This is no time for gifts. - But Uncle Gus promised us. - I called an ambulance for you mom. It's on the way now. - You don't need to do that. - Yes, I do. - No, Dad, it's okay. - No, it's not okay. (ambulance sirens alarming) How do I say this? - Dad, Uncle Gus promised us that on Christmas morning Mommy would be better. - He asked us what we wanted for Christmas and we said we wanted Mommy to feel better. - Oh, guys. No. - If we believe. - Mommy will be better. (crying) - Dad, don't cry. (somber music) - Mommy! - Mommy! (pleasant music) - Hey, babe. Don't cry. (Andrew sobbing) See, buddy, he believed. - I thought. - I know, I know, I know, babe. (cathedral bells ringing) (pleasant music) - Hello! Merry Christmas! (laughing) Suzie, let me look at you. Suzie, I was so afraid. You're okay now. Are you? - I really think I am. - I just don't know anything anymore. Sometimes I think I never knew anything before either. - There's just a few things you need to know. (laughing) - Hey, did you hear? Al Pickerling and Tootsie are engaged. - You're serious? - Yes! On Christmas Eve. (laughing) Can you believe it? - Yeah. I believe it. (somber music) - Uncle Gus was right. - Yeah, it was the best Christmas ever. - Mom is really better. - I don't wanna leave. - Neither do I. But I'll race you down to the lake. - All right. I'll beat you there! - [Mary] Oh no you won't! - May, merry Christmas, it's Andrew. How is everything? Hey, how's your car? - [May On Phone] Oh, I'm fine. I was just out to church. And the car, the car is fine too. I'm about to go to my mom's house. Just had to pick up a few things for dinner. - [Andrew] How's your mom? - [May On Phone] Oh, she's fine. She wanted to go but she decided to stay home. - Then she's not ill? - Ill, my mom? Well I don't think so. I mean, not that I know of. Why do you ask? - Nothing. Well, Gus is gone. - [May On Phone] Gus? - Yeah, you know, Gus. The old guy. - [May On Phone] Gus? Gus who? (pleasant piano music) - [Woman On Phone] This is the church nurse. You wanted to know about Mr. Carpenter? - Yes, please. - [Nurse On Phone] What would you like to know? He was a resident here, a wonderful man. He would do anything in the world for you. He'll be missed as a member of our community, to be sure. - Well, is he all right, did he move? - [Nurse On Phone] Oh, I'm sorry, I thought you knew. He passed on. He died here on December 22nd. - He died? - [Nurse On Phone] Yes, I'm sorry. Look, I don't mean to cut this off but we really are quite short on staff today. Can I call you back? - No, no, thank you for your help. - Mom, we saw Uncle Gus today! He said hi! - What? - Yeah, it's true, although we won't be seeing him for awhile. Because he's going to a special place. - [Suzie] A special place? - [Chris] Yeah, he said that people will forget about what happened to you but you and Dad will never ever forget. (somber piano music) (pleasant piano music) - [Andrew Voiceover] Father Johnston has given me a prayer by this monk and it started, "My Lord God, "I have no idea where I'm going." Well, I knew that part of the prayer but there was another part I didn't know so well. "I will not fear for you are ever with me "and you will never leave me to face my perils alone." (somber music) (uplifting horn music) (pleasant instrumental music) (pleasant instrumental music) ♪ The street is a blanket white ♪ ♪ And candles all burn bright ♪ ♪ Smiling faces all aglow ♪ ♪ Fireplace and mistletoe ♪ ♪ My hope is that the whole world knows ♪ ♪ This magic Christmas night ♪ ♪ Little people tucked in bed ♪ ♪ Silent wishes all are met ♪ ♪ Dreams are sweet and spirits high ♪ ♪ And troubles all seem out of sight ♪ ♪ My hope is that the world can find ♪ ♪ This magic Christmas night ♪ ♪ Falling snow ♪ ♪ Santa's sleigh ♪ ♪ Hope and peace on Earth ♪ ♪ That rings throughout the day ♪ ♪ Memories great and small ♪ ♪ Of years you might recall ♪ ♪ Friend and family, old and new ♪ ♪ Home is there reminding you ♪ ♪ That love is real and dreams come true ♪ ♪ That magic Christmas night ♪ ♪ That magic ♪ ♪ Christmas ♪ ♪ Night ♪
Channel: EncourageTV
Views: 94,866
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: aBTAD7RxF6c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 19sec (5419 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 16 2021
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