Christmas at Chatsworth 2020 - a virtual Christmas tour

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[Music] the chatsworth house trust has been putting on christmas for 19 years now it started in 2001 in response to the outbreak of foot and mouth unfortunately this year we haven't been able to open as planned but in case we don't open at all we really want to share christmas with you i'm going to hand over now to the duke and duchess who have a quick message welcome to our virtual tour of christmas at chapters we're really sorry that you can't actually be here but we do hope that you enjoy it because as always a huge amount of work has been put into displaying something fun for everybody our teams have made a real a special effort this year really to make something special for everybody children and grown-ups to see what we can do here at chatsworth at christmas time and i hope you enjoy this video to decorate a house like chatsworth takes 16 months in the planning it takes three months to make and three weeks to install this is the start of the route come with me and let's take a look [Music] [Music] [Music] in here is the chapel it's the most magical space so this room actually has quite a tiny door by comparison a lot of the rooms in the house so when you enter this space there is quite an intimate feeling you've you've got the mezzanine ceiling above your head you walk in and then your eye soars and the enormous tree helps that it lifts your eye up to this richly painted ceiling and the decoration and it is that real wow we have angel wings and crosses in the trees so there's a nod to the room's purpose so it's a sensitive very classical elegant room this and and to me that is it's very important because then you are respecting the whole reason this room was built [Music] we're coming into the painted hall it's one of my favorite rooms in the house it is a glorious glorious space and this year it's one of my favorite trees it's the most perfect specimen of a christmas tree you can possibly get the colors on it i've picked from the ceiling which is just a riot of blues and greens and oranges and people assume there's red up there that actually isn't it's all the sort of burnt ambers and the fire colors so paired with the cool of blues it makes quite an unusual scheme my favorite bauble in here this i always have one every year and it's a gorgeous burnt orange glass bauble and it bounces perfectly with a tree at the top of the stairs which is silvers and whites and glass and icee so it's the fire and ice mix there's real sort of christmasy cozy colors here mixed with the the landscape and a snowy white christmas obviously i didn't do this all myself there's a huge team here at chatsworth so head up the stairs and some of them will show you the rest of christmas [Music] i'm standing here in this amazing snow scene in the great chamber where all of the decorations this year have been homemade we with the help of some of our colleagues made some christmas kits to send out to care homes and schools in the local area this year all of those kits contain decorations exactly like this one here the kits for schools have instructions about how to make these but also some recycling based learning resources and the kits for care homes have got dexterity and memory based activities for residents to try out with the care home coordinators and family members we wanted more than ever this year to bring a little bit of chatsworth into the classroom and care home [Music] come on in these are the state apartments that you can see um going through here normally these rooms aren't open at this time of year but because we've had so many of our rooms in darkness during our periods of lockdown we've decided it's had sufficient amount of low light levels that we can open them into christmas this year we've tried to be really sympathetic with our christmas decorations in here so you can see a lot of natural materials we have a lot of dried fruit decorations and dried lavender we do actually use lavender as a method of preventing moth infestations next door's the state music room where there's beautiful hummingbirds dangling from window displays and then beyond that is the state bed chamber where you'll find a cozy fireside scene with a carrot for rudolph and a beer for [Music] center hello come and have a look at the murmuration that we've created in the ante library this year we've got birds swooping around the whole room and ending up on the tree um all white very peaceful to create a bit of texture amongst all of the white i cut out all of the birds using different types of paper so they are mostly white but we've also got some map pages some book pages some paper with gold and silver and other glittery colors on so um it's a a swoop of birds coming around the room and ending up on the tree with these different 3d birds that are handmade using different papers as well they're all different this little guy here is my favorite he's got the lovely crest and some glitter on it it's very cute through the doorway over there is the library and the library is an enormous room but we've tried to make it look really cozy and like a very normal home at christmas we have lots of the christmas cards that have been sent to the duke and duchess hanging in there just like people would in their in their homes at this time of year welcome to the great dining room as you can see we have decided to lay the table for christmas dinner this year we've decided to use a huge flower display on the table to really make the room come alive for christmas so we've set the table for 18 people and you can just imagine the atmosphere in this space when you kind of take a seat ready to tuck in for your christmas dinner you know you've got the three huge trees in this room you've got all the wrapping paper everywhere you can just imagine everybody's unwrapped all their presents chucked all the papers all over the floor you've got christmas music playing you've got a room packed full of people all kind of enjoying that christmas atmosphere and it's genuinely one of my favorite rooms in the house and here we are in the sculpture gallery the last room on the christmas route this year the theme is kings and candles these beautiful sculptures by canova were designed to be seen in this space by candlelight so they're all glowing and all of the lights are twinkling and reflecting off the marble and we're really pleased to have everyone home with us including our beautiful achilles that's joined us from the british museum back home for the holidays this place really isn't the same without visitors it's all about viewing enjoying and looking at beautiful things and we are so sad not to be having you with us this year but we really do look forward to welcoming you in 2021 wasn't that marvelous we hope you've enjoyed watching it as much as we all enjoyed making it and we hope very much that you'll be back to see it in real life in 2021 and now we want to wish you all of you and your families a very happy christmas from us from the duke of myself and our family as well
Channel: Chatsworth
Views: 240,516
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0XBnLFenPsM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 20sec (620 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 15 2021
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