Touring The Secluded Walled Gardens At Petworth House | Visitors’ Book

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thank you [Music] I've came to Petworth in 1978 when I married and I was very attracted to the Royal Garden when I first came here because it seemed a more intimate space to the great vast landscape Park and the huge house I was very drawn towards spending time in this wall Garden [Music] the soil here has been very beautifully looked after for a long long time so everything grows here very well I'm very lucky in my way when I first decided to make something of a wall Garden I realized one of its unique features is this lovely olfilard of arches there were three arches in alignment all through the six acre garden and the reason for the arch is being lined up is because the horse and carriage used to come down to get the produce from the vegetable garden to take back to the house it seemed to me to make sense to make a Pergola running between two of the Arches and also it's sort of links in a way to the house I decided that pergola needed something in the winter could make it look a bit more robust and more interest hit upon the idea that Dracula spermum trained up in a square Arch would give it a certain solidity being Evergreen and also what is lovely is they are scented white columns in the summer took me about 15 years of coiling it round and round and round finally to make a complete Arch well to enhance the sense of an old-fillard and the Vista I have punctured the walls in some places with a window and other places opening in the Hedge to give you this sense of perspective when I made I call it the Cloister Garden because it's really like a Cloister the two pergolas and the horn beam hedge at the back I just thought it would be nice to have a pool in the middle and so we redirected the spring that comes from the park into the my new Garden here and then it flows into another Pond I made in the sunken garden which is a still quiet reflecting pool like a mirror or fed Streeter who was the famous head Gardener here who came here in the 1920s was very particular about rainfall so we have got records but I think earlier than the 1920s going further back which are still in the potting shed in a big Ledger and Jonathan Arnold the present head Gardener still keeps that up so we do take readings and record the rainfall I'm not sure probably every day I think foreign things I decided to do here because I didn't know very much about gardening in 1978 I thought was a good idea would be to put roses on the walls and I just thought well white and cream roses would be quite pretty against the brick walls so I just made a selection of about a dozen roses planted them I have to say most of them if not all are still there because they love the soil and they love being on a south facing 14-foot high wall Fair quiet have I found thee here it's a rather Charming quotation from Andrew marbles poem The Garden which is actually rather beautiful and quite appropriate because when you sit here in the evening it is deliciously quiet [Music]
Channel: The World of Interiors
Views: 698,397
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: architecture, country house, countryside garden, decoration ideas, design tips, flower garden, garden design ideas, garden plants, garden tour, gardening channel, gardening ideas, gardening tips, home decor, home design ideas, home garden, home gardening, home tour, house and garden, house garden, house tour, london house, modern house tour, petworth house, the world of interiors, world of interiors
Id: v4Q2xdF5Ymk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 26sec (266 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 13 2022
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