Chinese Porcelain Auction Results, Reproductions, Fakes?? At Lauren Gallery | Opinion 中国艺术赝品

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[Music] well hello this is Peter combs from bit amount comm and Peele combs Asian art in Gloucester Massachusetts and today is Wednesday April 25th 2018 and it's promised we're gonna take a look back and see how the old Eden gallery did last a Laurin gallery excuse me Lauryn gallery did with their auction last weekend with the fakes particularly we're gonna focus on the porcelain and here's the post we did on it and he's promised we're gonna come back and do a little auction review and see how they did with that stuff but for fun I thought it would be interesting to and we've gathered up some other images of authentic items from Sotheby's and Christie's and what they brought and some other sources and we're gonna compare them side-by-side on a number of these examples just to help inform rather than just sit here and beat these people mercilessly any rate this was one of the Lots they had it was a chin lung marked bottle vase with a underglaze red and underglaze blue decoration that underglaze red dragon it's a well-known type of they're very rare and this one was particularly badly drawn really poor and it brought $5,500 to some poor soul but we're gonna take a look at it and here's that here's a picture of at the bottom of this thing look like yeah with it as a chin lung mark and the foot is as many of you are recognizing right away this is all wrong for that period and is pretty clearly a very late to modern example and so forth and this was sort of interesting what we were looking up things to compare it with we came across this I guess Eden galleries the old company had this last last year so they seem to have a source for these under glaze red and blue vases imagine that this is a real one this is what a detail of one that was sold at sotheby's a beautiful chin long example very very nicely done and notice the iron red how it's done notice the expression almost look at the expressions the expression of the dragon's face on this just just wonderful the eyes pushing forward the Starling lips sort of ferocious coming up out of the clouds which are swirling around him in a counterclockwise fashion and there's the entire base powerfully done but very elegant very subtle and lots of shading in the cobalt but very clearly able to see it alright and here's the Tail of the Dragon coming up here and so forth alright and we also found other examples that sold at sotheby's the one on the left is a cloisonne example also of this was a young Chen example and on the one on the right is another another piece which is also young Chen and this style was the first done during the young Shen period in this form late young Chen again even more ferocious looking dragon in this one all right and here's a comparison of them side-by-side alright and the differences are just striking the one the one on the left sold for 10 million Hong Kong years ago which is about 1.1 million I think was in 2003 or for somewhere back there anyway today that would probably be worth 2 million 2.2 million and the one on the right is the one that eden gallery's peddled and I mean the decoration on if you look at it carefully it looks like the Potter had a mouthful of cobalt and underglaze red and he threw up on the thing and they fired it anyway alright and then we get over to this this is the the Kang XI vase they had sold for $8,000 which is really amazing to me the the what's wrong with it is a long list the first is the the color of the cobalt that jumps out at you it's electric looking it almost looks like a Christmas ornament cobalt blue that you might see it's just way too bright way to glows way too much and then you have this poor iron red fish that looks as though it was a stencil that was applied onto it like a sticker and they stuck it on there and it's very stiff looking very uneven animated fish on porcelain everything on porcelain when they painted it was always to look as though we're in nature whether it's butterflies flying flowers they should though they're moving and maybe a little bit of a breeze and the fish should look like it's swimming not like it's been stuck there and it's terrified and then we get over to this this is a real one this is a real country vase and when you see the real ones the fakes is so blatant that it doesn't need a lot of explanation the first thing you notice is is the the cobalt blue has different shades too it's that sort of soft loo blue I think you know the way the way it looks it's so speckled and the fish look very real the fish this one in particular is very animated and this one coming down and again you have this reading areas around the eyes the way it should look then you have another fish up here that's in cobalt I mean in gold and gilt and very beautifully done and then there's another example right here also Kong's she also period that was sold by Sotheby's and this one sold for sixty-two thousand and a half dollars over ten years ago alright it was a very nice example and the red is a slightly different color than the other one as you can see and then the way the fish is drawn it's it looks like a different species of fish but that's the way they do them and when you pull them all up and compare them side-by-side the fake really jumps out at you and how someone could think this was possibly a period when there's I don't know I feel bad for him but if you look at the the color of the cobalt base on this one compared to the cobalt on this one compared to the other two the first two on the left are obviously very different types of porcelain and much more proficiently done much more naturalistically done and that's what you want to look for okay the shape of the fake wasn't bad but it was off in some areas of you compare the rim thickness and the way the base tapers you can see it the way this is finished down at the bottom and the thickness of this rim is not as thick as it is on the originals alright and here's a little copper I found this what I was looking for under glaze for copper red pieces I came across this great little plate and this this plate sold years ago for forty three thousand dollars but just a terrific little plate but again he's animated looking right and very subtly painted in this beautiful beautiful cobalt ground just elegant alright and there's the other one and now on to Ming pieces this side this I was looking at Ming pieces and I came across this lo and behold Eden galleries had this last year and this is the one that the new Lauren galleries had this year and this is supposedly like a Chunhua type of plate again the drawing is very stiff the cobalt blue the way it ends is very abrupt again it looks tensely it doesn't look like it's been meticulously painted in any way everything looks like it's been put down on a grid alright and if you compare it he's a detail of a real one if you compare the one on the left is a real Chunhua plate that's sold for three hundred and forty nine thousand dollars some years ago and compare it to the one on the right they are different stylistically the one on the right has fruit on it you notice the treatment of the cobalt is very different especially on these leaves the underside of the variegated leaf you see on here and look at the carefully the variegated the backs of the leaves the way they're done and on this they almost looked like corn cobs okay they look like corn stalks and on the real ones that much softer and again you have some fruit here on the rims the way they're done okay and then you have the fruit the way it's done here it's very abrupt very dark too much contrast there's not enough fluidity between the pieces all right and there's the real one again just just as the last example how beautifully it beautiful it flows all right and now onto unto yung Chen coral ground bowls this is a pair of fakes that went through there they brought $6,500 they had four character marks on them and all that and the first thing you want to look at carefully is that is the color of the cobalt I mean the the coal red rather it's very very dead looking all right and then the enamels here the way this is done it looks like it was almost spray painted on it doesn't look like it was very well painted and the lotus leaves are quite unnatural and the yellow is rather a sort of an unfortunate tone it's shaded okay but but they're just not not a good the color is wrong alright and here's a real one okay now look at the soft that very translucent yellow that we were just talking how the poor quality that well you know it was on the previous and again the the ground color here it is that nice deep call red a real strong background on which to paint and then really makes the decoration really really really stand out and you'll also notice that the base of it the the mark itself is lighter in color than the cobalt on the copy alright here's the color of the cobalt copy excuse the fire department I think is about to come by if it gets noisy in a minute we have the windows open for the first time in a long time alright now back to the now back to these again you notice that there's this this the coral has a slightly purplish hard tone to it and the the coral ground on these is sort of glow and the way they shade the flowers and plants they don't shade them here very well at all they just sort of plopped on and that's not something you you really don't want to see that okay and now we're gonna move over here's another one this is a very nice coral ground bowl this one sold for 5 million Hong Kong's Oh hold on there they go okay we're near the harbor here they have emergency vehicles racing down to Gloucester Harbor pretty often nobody's hurt but it does there's a lot of activity around here so see as we get into boating season all right back to the ball okay this is a real one it sold for five million Hong Kong some years ago which is about six million six hundred and fifty thousand rather us a beautiful Bowl again the shading of the pink the way it flows in and the way the flower is painted the way this peony is painted just subtle elegant and beautiful and then the outline and so forth just very three-dimensional very naturalistic looking all right and then we got in here they had they had a they had a copy of a country first pot with calligraphy on it these are extremely popular and very collectible and I don't remember what this thing brought actually I forget what it was but it was a it was in the in the low thousands as I recall a real one will bring seventy-five to a hundred thousand and there's a real one okay the difference is striking okay here's here's a real one there's a fake all right and the differences are quite quite instantly recognizable all right and if we mosey over here here's the bottom of the fake with this unglazed area that's sort of this unfortunate brown color shouldn't be that color it should be white alright and if we flip over here we're gonna compare it the one on the left and all the photos we're doing the ones on the left of the real ones the one on the rights of the fakes on the left is the bottom of a real country brush pot it's flat it's smooth and if you were to touch this porcelain here it would be very very smooth to the touch almost like glass and the one on the right is the obvious fake their marks are done okay marks are easy to do okay never go by a mark alright and there's another shot of the of the authentic one I also notice there's some you can see these gaps that were formed during the firing when that when the clay pulled a little bit and it creates creates gaps okay it's not unusual on these all right and then into the moon flat so they had they always seem to have a lot of moon flasks and this was a copy of a chin lung moon flask is an extremely rare type that octagonal moon flats are among the rarest of all the moon flats and they just of course had to have one and here it is alright and if you click along through here here's a real one okay this particular one sold for about nine million dollars some years ago beautifully done and beautifully painted we couldn't find one that had enamels on it to be honest with you we looked around we couldn't even find one that it sold at auction there perhaps there is one somebody I'll tell no doubt send me a picture now that I've said that but anyway here is a real one with this lovely scene with it with the geese on it and this border this is a border that was was used on the originals that was used on the copies and here the two our side-by-side the one on the right you're the first thing that will strike you for chin lung is the enamels are rather hard and uh nelligan t' and they almost look like republican or later enamels okay because they are okay much later and on the left you see this beautifully painted scene and just underglaze blue though the one on the right the one at Lauren gallery it souls for see if I have that number here give you some idea $4,200 okay and the one on the on the left the real one sold for just a little under 10 million some years ago okay but we're gonna look at the decoration on these and compare also here's the foot of the fake okay this is not a foot you want to see on a chin lung anything its base looking very late very just completely the wrong color or wrong wrong everything alright and here's a detail of it of the birds on this piece again you see these very hard enamels not a lot of really good shading the colors are a bit bright and garish the this this green that's on the tree branch there's two green okay and again these blackbirds that do appear on some early portions but mostly they appear on much later once in modern examples alright and I wanted to compare one aspect of the fake with this this face this was a real one that sold some years ago I believe it's Sotheby's and I want to compare the way they did these cranes that you see cuz there are cranes on the back of that colored enamel fake and here's how they they did it there's there's the closeup of it and we're gonna look care sort of look for a minute it the way this this green looks this nice translucent green and the way the birds are done okay and there it is this is the this is the - I found that was sort of similar the one on the right is on the copy and again you see this very stiff drawing the pine tree almost looks like it's crushing down on the neck of the bird it should be floating behind it and how dense the green is it's a very hard sort of you know hard modern green and also notice the way the tail feathers are done just black points no detail no sense of fluidity to them especially here on the back of the bird alright and now look at the real one on the left the way the black feathers are done they flow down over the bird the bird has a very sort of charming you know sort of amused expression on his face and and the way the red is done in the head it's sort of dabbled on with a brush and you have this nice translucent green on the pine tree instead of this hired you know really hard chromatic looking green okay I also look at the way the birds feet are painted they're sort of just dabbled on some of the brushstrokes actually go through the feet which they shouldn't do and here's a better shot of the real one again notice notice the fluidity of the birds is a group the way this birds and that loops around this one is looking back alright pay always pay attention to how they paint them and then you have this chin lung copy this carved celadon vase with the the arrow vase form soon they call it a zoom it's really not but any rate we're gonna argue the way that the first the first problem is the color of the celadon it's too dark it's almost it's just not the right tone for an 18th century celadon and the vase is so crisp everything is crisp on it and it shouldn't be like that and here's the bottom of that vase of the copy and the first thing you're going to see are these these feet all right when you see feet like this on Chinese porcelain from any period you know it's a fake because the fakers are using this same foot on late Ming pieces marking period Ming pieces Ching pieces Republic pieces they're ridged they have dirt sort of scattered throughout them and you and you and you're getting really if you see this type of foot with these ridges running along the sides and through here you want to put it down and run for your life okay because it's a fake this is a real one okay that's a real scarm celadon it's a different form but but notice the glaze and just how the thing sits and it's such an enormous presence to it beautifully done and the quality of the decoration is just excellent all right and then lo and behold they had another moon flask you can believe that this one's an under glazed blue and under glaze red and the first thing that should jump out at you again is the stiffness of the drawing the way these flowers are done they are again almost like decals decals going on the under glaze Blues is okay but it's not there's not a sense of fluidity to the the vines and leaves in the background and the flowers look like they've just dropped on to it okay and this space I think I forget what it sold for hold on might be able to tell you here I didn't write it down I think it was around 6,000 bucks or something but at any rate it's a it's a it's a chim lung copy and here's another one that they had too by the way I sort of mentioned this Eden galleries had this last year another extremely rare type and this year Lauren galleries had this one she they look alike don't they endless supply moon flats that's a real one that's a real chin lung Moon class that went through Sotheby's some years ago it brought 541 thousand dollars ten years ago okay that's a real one all right so you know you can always find them and compare them and notice how the vines are just much more fluid there's a much greater sense of movement of animation on the original versus the fake we'll go back to the fake there's the fake all right it doesn't matter which one you look at they're all sort of the same that's it you know is that the vines don't seem to have any sense of movement this one does has a whole different energy to it all right and then under the under the the trunk Shen six character mark so the transitional type of vase here this double gourd it brought eleven thousand dollars which absolutely amazed me it's such a blatant copy and here's a couple of originals and these are sort of standard ones these aren't fancy ones at all these are pretty standard transitional type of pots all right and the colors on transitional pieces can go from pretty light to dark blue to go mister greyish blue but what I wanted to share the most immediate thing is again remember I mentioned a minute ago about these chin long examples with these these lines on the feet well here's a pair of aces supposed to be earlier by a about a hundred years again those exactly the same feet the same base with those ridges running all the way around it we'll all that dirt the down here at the bottom all that dirt in them all right that's applied after the one of the left is a real transitional patter this was a an incense burner we sold awhile ago and it's an authentic one it's got a nicely shaped foot very nice white paste on it and beautifully done and that's what it should look like it shouldn't look like the one on the right it should look like the one on the left okay and now we'll mosey over here's another badge a shot of that bad foot again I'd really plecos these these dents that appear out of nowhere there's another one there's another one they just bang the feet up on these and stuff dirt on them then sell them alright there's a real one okay and here's another one oh you'll be through in this one is the last one this was a again I wanted to show this blue this was a transitional vase we sold some years ago again has a nice day cobalt blue almost like Kangxi but again you have that very nice pure white foot on these transitional pieces always look for that alright and then you had the min copies okay this was a Ming Chen hua type of plate they were they were selling and so yeah I think it's probably they probably meant this to be Sun tea it doesn't matter they're fakes but anyway here's one with a vine pattern on a barber imply t' and here's a real one okay yeah these are the son d here's a real one the cavana was a little sharper a little better done and the decoration as you can see lots of painting and shading and going on all through it and the way the flowers are applied very artistically rendered and then on here they're again very stiff very stiff and uncomfortable looking alright as though they were stenciled on there's a real one very natural as a whole different again energy to it alright and they had this main plate that was supposed to be Ming anyway another should indeed plate cobalt ground with white you know against a white relief and again you have this do you remember the Kangxi vase with that cobalt well here it is son of Ming please alright that that that overly shiny glowy cobalt color this one's a little darker blue than the Kangxi plate but vase but very similar and this white white background with vines and flowers and and fruit this is supposed to be fruit and then when you look at the real one it's quite different again much more detail in the in the rim and the cuvette oh and the decoration and the center of it the chrysanthemum is the peony is much more developed much much more animated looking and when you put them side-by-side the one on the left the difference between it and the one on the right is obvious it doesn't have that modern look to it alright the the cobalt is a deeper more somber elegant color than that shiny thing on the right and the decoration is much more naturalistic looking and the one on the right I don't remember what that one sold for to be honest with you didn't bring a lot $600 okay the fake brought 600 the real one on the left brought 2.2 million some years ago all right and now we're into the fate yuan dryers they put them in his Ming these are actually copies of Yuan Dynasty guys and here's his the one they had complete with a lid and a little stand all right and here are two of them side by side the one on the left is a real one all right that one is sold for two and a half million dollars some years ago I think eight seven eight years ago and the one on the right is the is the fake that was at Lauren Gallery and when you these guys are extremely rare and they turn up in the market an awful lot so don't pay a lot of attention to them if you see them the likelihood of a real yuan jar with this decoration turning up anywhere loose on the streets of America is almost nil okay so you wouldn't know it by looking at live auctioneers are invaluable they seem to be on there by the busload I think this letting Lauren had two of them in the sale they don't turn up okay no matter how good they look and they're faking the bottoms the splatter and glaze on them and all this but the first thing you want to look at on these is the decoration notice the developed elegant design of the real one on the left the way the vines are done they're very three-dimensional lots of sense of movement to them the minor border is a meticulously done the minor border on the one on the right is not it's sort of clunky and awkward the rim around the mouth of the jar is very typical of yawn pieces all right these crashing wave patterns you see them on the insides of plates and so forth and bowls and here they just sort of didn't get the concept so it's just sort of it's a clashing sort of abstract looking thing doesn't work out very well up here you have these these beautiful Lotus's and over here you have nondescript messes going around the neck of the piece but the the but it's very similar in many ways okay and there's the real one again just for a good look at it just beautifully done and also the cobalt is not snow white like it is on the fakes okay there's a slight slight darkness this light is very slight grayness to them to glaze and now we're getting into the end of it we just have a couple left and this was one of these under glaze red red enamels and yellow vases this was a fake it sold for unbelievable eight thousand dollars at this auction i have no idea why and we're gonna compare it in a minute here's a detail of it alright here's a real one alright and if you notice the the the real ones are very focus here here's a detail of it again that very expressive dragon with the eyes bulging and the way the scales are done just terrific and we're gonna I think we have a comparison here's a comparison side-by-side of the two the authentic one is obviously on the left and you can actually see the shading in the red different different shades of red enamel and the way the dragon is done snapping and growling and the way they did the flowers and the waves off the flowers and then on the on the copy the the red now is almost a brown color alright the claws don't look like claws the echo it looked like high-heeled-shoes on the ends of long legs instead of the claws on this one which are actually curled like a real claw alright but this was their interpretation when they made the copy all right so just stay stay away from it okay the the real one on the left by the way sold for nine million Hong Kong some years ago I think seven seven years ago which is about a about 1.1 million today and then we're onto this this was the last thing we're going to talk about was these fish jar okay the one on the right is is the fake obviously and the one on the left is a real one the fake on the right sold for I think five hundred dollars or no no excuse me it's Olfa $27,500 excuse me 27,500 I thought five hundred was way too much but somebody spent bid they claimed spent twenty seven thousand five hundred on it the one on the left is a real one and if you look at him you just eat just a glance the difference is so startling it's it's amazing but the way the fish are done again very animated looking and you have these these water plants aquatic plants coming up sort of flowing in behind the fish notice this this plant it's the same pattern you have this this nicely shaded cobalt blue underglaze blue and then you have this thing look like starfish coming up under it and you have this nice soft green translucent green and the ammo and over here you have this very hard because of a chromatic Pollock you know chromatic enamels then the color is too hard here you have this rather unfortunate choice of yellow and the cobalt is just too too cobalt II it's it's too dense doesn't have the translucency that the cobalt does on the left the shape of the pot the potting is on the authentic one is much better the one on the left brought a little under two million dollars some some time ago all right and also the the knob on this thing looks like it came off the top of a circus tent on the fake I don't know where they got that idea they were trying to copy the one on the left obviously they failed and there's a there's a better shot a full screen shot of that fake it's just awful and there's the real one all right and once you've seen a picture some pictures of the real one you'll never be fooled but again these these are so rare it's not I think one just sold recently I think went for fifteen or twenty million dollars a better even better one than this these don't turn up in the US market loose you're not gonna find one at the local auction is not likely at all by you know multiples of thousands so if you see one just just be you can probably rest pretty well assured it's a copy all right and yeah they had this and a whole bunch of other crud but anyway we're done with this video and I hope this was helpful look carefully compare and do your work on these things so you don't get taken all right thanks so much for watching I'm sorry this went on so long but I wanted to go through it with you alrighty have a good week bye bye we'll see you Friday [Music] [Music] [Music]
Channel: Peter Combs
Views: 25,956
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fine art, fine chinese art, auction, chinese art, chinese art auction, japanese art auction, japanese art, art news, auction news, asian art, auction results, chinese porcelain, chinese paintings, chinese bronze, jade, asian art auction news, asian art values, chinese art values, auction houses, online auctions, internet auctions, authenticating chinese porcelain, art, reproductions, copies, fakes, chinese fakes, peter combs, antiques
Id: z3MRvcaJSfY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 25sec (1885 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 25 2018
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