Christ Our Everlasting Rock - Archbishop W. Goh (Abridged Homily Extract - 02 Dec 2021)

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In our journey in life, we know that we have so many struggles to face each day. And sometimes we feel lost. Sometimes we feel discouraged. Sometimes we feel helpless. And sometimes we want to give up. And this is because our house is not founded on rock. To be founded on rock, of course, is to be founded on the Word of God. That's why Jesus is the Word of God. So, it's important to ask yourself, is your life built on Jesus? Is your faith centred on Jesus? Is your faith centred on His Word, trusting that Jesus would fulfil His promise? Or is your faith founded on your ingenuity, on your hard work, on the world, on your power, on your strength, on money? So, it's very important, once again, to ask ourselves, what is this rock? What is it that drives you every day? What is it that gives you the strength to carry on? The best way to prepare ourselves and to strengthen ourselves is to spend time praying the Word of God, receiving the Word of God, so that the Word of God will give us that strength and inspiration always. It is only when we stop reading the Word of God, we stop praying the Word of God, when we no longer hear the Word of God, that is when we begin to rely on our own rock, on our own strength. And we know that house, when the wind blows, it will fall. We cannot withstand the challenges. And so, this is where the Word of God, especially, is very important to build a strong prayer life. Those people whose prayer life is weak, because why? It is not founded on the Word of God. That is why those of us, when we read the Word of God, we interiorise, that Word of God becomes our prayer. It becomes something that will spring from within. Because the rock also refers to the heart of Jesus, the blood of Jesus. We remember how Moses was asked to strike the rock, and the water flowed. And remember, the soldier pierced Jesus' heart with a lance, and we are told that blood and water flowed. Blood and water, of course, is the symbol of baptism, the symbol of the Eucharist. So, to come to Jesus, the Word of God, is to receive the Eucharist, to recognise Him in the Eucharist. And He will give us the strength. This is where the Eucharist, which is the love of God in person, will give us the courage, the strength to continue to trust in Him and to rely on His grace and love. Jesus is the Rock. Jesus is the Living Water. Jesus is the Bread of Life. That is what we need to sustain us in this journey. That is what will help us to be protected. How do we protect ourselves? This is where we need to ask ourselves, how strong is your prayer life? We have to put on the armour of God, otherwise we will be slaughtered by our enemies. The armour of God, precisely, is the holiness of life. It is the Word of God that will protect us. But it is not enough. Listening to the Word, receiving the Eucharist, all these things are important, but they must be translated into actions. It is in acting, in putting the words into practice that we grow in grace. So, we do not grow in grace overnight. Just by dreaming about it, we do not grow. Let us take baby steps first. Once we take baby steps, we can take the big step. But we must begin. We cannot just be waiting and waiting, doing nothing. It is not going to help. We need to cooperate with the grace of God.
Channel: Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore
Views: 3,214
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Keywords: Catholic, Catholic Church, Roman Catholic Church, Archdiocese of Singapore, Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Singapore, Archbishop William Goh, William Goh, Homily, Sermon, Scripture Reflection, Singapore, Proud2BCatholic, ArchComms, Homily Extracts, Short Sermons, Message of the day, Daily Bread, Mass, Jesus, Eucharist, Evangelisation, Gospel, Vocation, Faith, Homilies, Homily for today, Daily Mass, Advent, Weekday Mass, Second Coming, Foundation, Christ, Word of God, Pray, Grace, Love, yt:cc=on
Id: YtCdItF-c18
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 58sec (298 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 02 2021
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