Christ Chapel Production | Multi-View | Contemporary 03.20.22

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good morning christ chapel and welcome to service this morning my name is shamyra and i have the honor and privilege of serving here in our student ministry at the fort worth campus whether you're in the sanctuary or joining us online we are in for an incredible morning of worship if this is your first time to christ chapel welcome in the seat pocket in front of you is what we call our connect card we ask that you fill that out with as much information as you feel comfortable and drop that off in any of the offering boxes out in the great room if you're joining us online you can fill that out as well someone is posting a link in the chat as a christ chapel family we believe in the power of prayer and it will be our honor to pray for you guys this week you can fill out your prayer requests on the connect card as well and drop that off in any of the offering boxes out in the great room and if you're joining us online just make sure you click submit easter season is upon us and we have two great ways that you can celebrate the easter season the first is easter lilies if you're looking for a great way to remember a loved one or honor someone who's just really impacted your walk with christ you can purchase an easter lily and we will put their name in the worship service folder that will be during our easter service and we will decorate the sanctuary with those easter lilies on easter morning so you definitely want to make sure you purchase one as well on tuesday april 12th we have our seder celebration this celebration will happen in the oak room and will be led by dr david teitelbaum and this seder celebration is just a great passover meal that you will get to experience the same way our savior jesus christ experienced during his earthly ministry it's an incredible opportunity if you're looking to invite some family and friends to join for more information on easter lilies as well as the seder celebration you can check out the christ chapel website we get the honor and privilege to worship our lord this morning as a christ chapel family would you join me as we stand and begin in my ship taking three one we're gonna go to meredith first go to four take four back to three take three no that's jessica one wait this uh one we need to go to the right you need to go to the right you're still in the room [Music] take three [Music] a little bit a better job just zooming in a little bit tighter shots going to one take one going to four take four out of five taking five into two take two [Music] take five and a six take six [Music] take four and a six take six shout out back to one take one into three take three [Music] back to five take five into three take three two four take four yeah there we go five five take five nice good adjustment one to three take three [Music] again here we go that's one take one [Music] four take four and we were the point and a six uh three three one one in the house back to six actually let's go to five five out of four take four one [Music] five six one three three four four one one [Music] six six three three back to one take one four four nice four and a five five back to one one and three three keep going three keep going six can we get meredith four four three five five go one [Music] let's make that adjustment we've got a lot to celebrate this morning let's continue we got a one taking one [Music] we're going to stick on uh keys and drums for here we go [Music] take six here we go three take three and a one taking one three three four four five stay where you're at three three let's go a little bit wider and three taking three here we go five take five two absolutely fine let's just tilt up a little bit yeah there we go one take one and a six six tilt down for me a little bit three taking three now to six taking six [Music] four four [Music] going to three again take three out of one take one three let's go a little bit wider for me go to six take six and a three take three [Music] [Music] nice five here we go one we're gonna stay here for a little bit five let's say stick on keys that was nice just keep doing those movements [Music] take four back to three five [Music] [Music] back to one take one into six take six back to four we got four taking four and one one three three five five three three and a one one and a four take four three two six take six [Music] keep going three nice back to three three let's go a little wider now back to one one two three three four four you're never gonna hit me back to five five [Music] yeah there we go six taking six yeah just tilt up for me six four taking four five five one one no oh one you're like one three three going to four taking four [Music] back to one [Music] taking one and a three taking three four taking four five taking five five we go back to one take one we go to three taking three let's go to six take six and a three taking three going to five taking five back to three taking three good six let's get joseph again all the way to your right punch in all the way six punch in six for me five thank you here we go five taking five good five just stay there yeah that's four great four good three we're going to go to doug next guys here we go nope this is jolla oh sorry three taking three go to one taking one stay there what our circumstances today as we gather and what the week has been he's doing a prayer good bad in between three i'm gonna go to you next as we make this transition when he says amen situation oh god it's in the ground working years and years and years ago in the story you're still telling god and we wait patiently for your return but we love you and we trust you so god we give all things to you to your son we love you it's in your name we pray we're going to three taking three one we'll need to hop over to doug let us continue to worship our lord through the giving of our gifts and our offerings there's three ways that you're able to give you're able to give through texting the keyword that you see on the screen you're able to give online but you're also able to give by just dropping your offering in the box on the way out sorry you know over the past couple of years many of us have been able to contribute and give to the south campus building that we're building out in the south campus however i know that uh you're as excited as i am to be able to see it we were able to open up our first worship service on february the 6th i'd like to be able to see the inside look at this special invitation now from our south campus pastor pastor micah barnum yeah three two one rolling hey christ chapel family as you have probably heard we are celebrating an exciting milestone over here at the south campus the doors of our new building are officially open and we now have a place to call our permanent home what you may not know is how all of this began originally this church family was a small gathering that faithfully met in a living room and after just four weeks there was an obvious need to move locations and begin building a new christ chapel home here in johnson okay guys after this as we met in centennial high school our numbers continue to grow he's gonna wrap it up studies to weekend events we saw god give us the resources that we needed to provide one we'll stay on dogs and even when coveted hit and we had to leave the high school god provided in a way that only he could through the office space that we now call the depot as our new building was underway the depot was where our church continued to grow and regardless of uncertainty god used all of you to help us afford the necessary materials to build the space that i'm standing in today what god will do with this building only he knows but we can't wait to be a witness to it every step of the way and we would love for you to come see our new building join us in this celebration so on saturday march 26th we will host a come and go event for you to see the new building and for us to have a time of fellowship together as one church family now to make sure that we have enough parking for everyone west campus would you please come between 2 and 3 p.m and fort worth campus between 3 and 4 p.m it's gonna be a great day and we can't wait to see you there okay looking forward to this saturday hope to see you there as well let's have a word of prayer for our offering father thank you for just the way that you have blessed us in so many different ways and father thank you for the opportunity to be able to worship and give back to you just a portion of the many blessings that you have given to us um one really we can't pray for this church and that you would multiply the effectiveness of each gift that's given that the good news about jesus christ would be proclaimed boldly around the world thank you lord for who you are thank you for this time bless our offerings for we ask it in christ's name amen all right go on a bumper three two one way to go guys yeah one let's just center that shot up a little bit if you're zoomed all the way in if you can zoom in a little bit more if not that's okay and then we'll just tilt up yeah that's good right there [Music] yeah that's fine it's cropped in on the multiview at all yeah it's fun three or one yeah taking one so jesus said pray then like this our father in heaven hallowed be your name your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil i'm in agreement with the theologians who say this text is probably the most memorized most embraced most quoted passage in all christianity the lord's prayer and it's been my great privilege i was assigned by dr mcqueen to unpack matthew chapter 6 in the lord's prayer verses 5 through 13 this morning it is a great joy sometimes he's giving me passages that were a little difficult but this morning he's given me one that is uh absolutely breathtaking so would you take out your bible matthew chapter six just so you can get something we're in the sermon on the mount series called upside down and the reason it's called upside down just a little bit as our lord teaches us through these chapters the way the world is and the way he teaches us the way the kingdom of god is it we're upside down in this world and he's trying to turn us right side up and so while you're turning there by the way get your sermon notes out as well i want to say welcome to everyone who's watching us online and who's streaming welcome to the south campus i love your building down there and uh looking forward to seeing more of it in the in the weeks ahead west campus blessings to you and especially uh my sweethearts at the hive out there i know you're yelling and screaming for me right now saying uh you can do it pastor ted you can do it get through this by the way if you live in parker county and you're looking for a traditional worship experience we meet at 9 15 every sunday morning in the student building called the hive so you're welcome and welcome to everyone who's worshiping with us this morning throughout history israel has been known as the most religious just nice nation nothing too it's the most prayerful nation as well in fact it's the praying nation online they were religious it's said by others about prayer more so than any other nation in human history in fact i came across a quote that in the synagogues the fathers memorized and the pharisees the sadducees memorized it says this he who prays within his house surrounds it with a wall that is stronger than iron and they really believed that they were religious about prayer literally as a nation but something happened when the exiles took place about 700 bc something happened in the nation the people of god began to realize that god had turned his ear away from them and throughout the next 300 years all the way down to the end of malachi in the english text into the moment in the book of luke when the angel speaks to mary that jesus is coming that's the first time in 400 years they've heard from god for 400 years no matter how much they prayed god did not hear them at least he did not respond and in that period of time something happened in the nation's psyche they began to pray differently they begin to approach the whole idea of prayer differently they changed the way they tried to get god's attention through the solely for me again i'm gonna come just saying that makes me realize something interesting i i am of the age that i remember the rotary phone there's probably not a person that remembers the rotary phone hanging on the wall remember that anybody remember and then it went to the very high tech push button in my kitchen at this very moment there's a little white box uh right next to the sink it's an amazon echo we've come so far haven't we from a rotary phone when i was a young man to this thing where i can walk in the kitchen and say any anything i want to ask you it can answer up to millions of questions uh now the interesting thing about it is you can't just walk in and ask it a question you have to walk in and address it properly alexa play classic beatles play the classic beatles for you from 1964. okay that's how it responds to me but you have to be careful because if you walk in and say uh hey uh what's beyonce worth silence if you say alexa what's beyonce work beyonce's worth 212 million dollars wow it's amazing when you ask it correctly when you approach it the right way it hears you and responds it hears you in response and i hope you're grabbing a hold of that very real life illustration because that's exactly what's happening here when we have the sermon on the mount and the lord's prayer talk to us the disciples were aware of the fact that jesus prayed differently i heard that what was what would you say after that because the fact he went off by himself and prayed maybe but i believe they saw the contrast in how jesus prayed because when jesus prayed god heard and answered and in luke chapter 11 they actually say to jesus jesus teach us to pray like you pray so the ear of god is there just like saying alexa we speak to god that way this text is all about how to approach god so he will hear you how to approach him so that in fact you know he hears you and answers you in his time in his sovereign way and so take out your sermon notes i want to walk you work you through how jesus teaches us to pray so we know he hears us we know for certain he hears us in fact there's a a few negatives verses five through eight and then verses nine through 13 he tells us exactly how to approach him in detail so look with me at verses five through eight how not to if you want to pray and not offend god and by the way you can pray and offend god it's very clear in this passage but if you want to pray and not offend god what do you do two things first beware praying for your image or for self-promotion verses five and six and when you pray follow along with me in your text or on your notes and when you pray you must not be like the hypocrites that tips you off right away jesus is speaking to individuals that um are self-promoting and offensive to god for they love to stand and pray in the synagogues and at the street corners that they may be seen by others truly i say to you they have received their reward in earlier passage in full this is all they're going to get the applause of men but when you pray go into your room and shut the door and pray to your father who is in secret and your father who is in secret season secret he will reward you the interesting very quickly before we look at this passage there's a quite a contrast in this text between the scene and the unseen between the physical and and the spiritual level you see that juxtaposition throughout what our lord teaches us here so beware of praying for your image or for self-promotion the the pharisees were very theatrical very loud very boisterous i call them peacock pharisees and jesus despised them they offended god when they approached him and hypocrites require an audience and by the way they they had five steps the typical pharisee let's let's show everyone a pharisee a typical pharisee there's five steps in their pharisaical prayers each day they prayed at nine in the morning at noon and at three always in public unless it's in the synagogue with it was in public they had to stand a certain way you can't see from the robe he's wearing but they so many inches apart their feet were supposed to be the way they held their hands was something they were taught the way they approached god they're verbose and loud they they had interesting long barrages of verbiage about yahweh about god and the attempt was to put 16 adjectives for every use of yahweh now understand the people of israel these poor in some ways beating down people see this on the street corners and at the synagogues and out around the temples where that gentleman is there that peacock pharisee and that's what they saw in fact they had a prayer for everything lightning i got it exiting the building entering the building the city and so forth so how would we avoid that and jesus tells us to avoid the tendency he says right here go to your room and pray in private find a private place to seek god leading me to say every christian should have a place in your home your office somewhere where you find and seek god sometimes more than one place i have my office i have two places in our home where i seek him places i can kneel places i can sit places i can read i've got a lamp there it's a place where i do my very best to meet god and we all should have that private place when i say that i ask myself the question so is god is he against public prayer because of the way the lord prefaces this when the answer is obviously no paul prayed in public peter played in public pastors pray in public uh you know dr cecil just prayed in public a few moments ago what's happening here disparaging public prayer and the answer is no he's not at all because a little bit of time here all right come to you three he wants us to realize something there's a currency in the kingdom of god and i hope you listen carefully to this in the kingdom of god the currencies are this they're different denominations faith without faith it's impossible to please god okay hope thank you hope for the future this is how christians need to live faith hope love first corinthians 13 to love one another and love god but there's a fourth and fifth currency the fourth one is humility but the fifth one is directly related to what jesus is saying here and here it is motive seldom do we think about motive as christians what's my motive for giving that money this morning what's my motive for prayer it's his point if our motive standing in public whether it's in a small group whether it's in a bible study we're leading whether it's in church as i said what's the motive is it chapter 5 verse 16 where jesus says we should do everything to bring glory to god what's your motive for prayer publicly or privately and he's really drawing us out here asking that question and you know i think to myself in contemporary times when i look at our lives my life your life we don't really usually stand in public and promote ourselves when it comes to prayer or our spiritual life do we well what about facebook what about those hundreds of facebook notices it that we get are send out where there's a hot cup of coffee and there's a bible and sometimes your hands right there in the screen and you send it out to 6 000 people but you only know one of them three i'm going to go to you again and you ask yourself the question well what's your motive motive is the currency of the kingdom that really addresses it right here most of the currency by the way in case you're beating up on yourself about motive which i do every week listen to the men and women in the in the history of our faith who really wrestled with their prayer life and motive dietrich bonhoeffer martin luther iam bounds hudson taylor charles hedden spurgeon a.w tozier peter marshall billy graham john r w stott great men and also great women have wrestled with motive but motive is the currency of the kingdom of god and as christians sometimes i think we forget that why am i doing that is it for god's glory or is it for more and that's to our lord's point point two b beware the counterfeit prayers and meaningless repetitions he says in verse seven and 8. and when you pray do not heap up empty phrases as the gentiles do for they think that they will be heard for their many words do not be like them for your father knows what you need before you ask him too many words beads incantations all kinds of religious wheels and things like that in fact when i read this passage the first thing i think of and you all know this great old testament story where elijah confronts the prophets of baal at mount carmel remember the story of first kings chapter 18. and so elijah challenges the prophets of baal these pagan prophets 450 of them and they have a sacrifice they kill and he says to them you pray to your god and if fire comes down from heaven and consumes this sacrifice then he is the true god so for one solid day from morning until noon 450 prophets prayed and babbled and wrenched their necks and their backs around the sacrifice and by noon elijah comes out and says so where's your god is he relieving himself is he on vacation where's your god it made him so angry they prayed from noon until dark cutting themselves and babbling and praying to no avail nothing beware of counterfeit prayers and meaningless repetition how do we how do we get around that well he says here to avoid that tendency be brief and focused but just be brief and focused pretty simple isn't it it's not rocket science here i love it that he says he knows your needs you know it's interesting the lord knows our needs even before we ask them he never he never walks into the end of a long hard day and looks at your life and says good night nurse i had no idea you're in that much trouble where have i been why haven't i helped you never he knows your needs the father knows what you need even before you ask so ask directly ask naturally approach him that way and studying for this passage i uh asked myself the question what are some of the most meaningful prayers i've ever heard and you know what they are they're men and women who are fresh in the faith they just trusted jesus those are the best prayers i've ever heard i harkened back to years ago when i was a student minister and there was we had this every summer in august we had a youth camp down to aquila texas a place called latham springs and in august last week of august it's hotter than he double hockey sticks down there and in fact it's neat to talk about hell because you're so clear i'm going to have you talk about heaven because you're so close to hell there so hot and there's no air conditioners and so i remember real quick clearly carl was a young man he was a junior in high school and after the thursday night meeting and this is an old outdoor tabernacle with no air as i said and fans and concrete floors and benches and so uncomfortable and carl came up to me and said ted i want to talk to you sure and he said i think i want to talk about jesus at three years let's go outside we went out and sat on the edge of the tabernacle on the concrete in a shadow and i said so what do you want to talk about he said well i really want to be saved from my sins and i said okay why don't you talk to god and you know what he said he said okay and he bowed his head and put his hands together this is a junior in high school this is the best prayer i've ever heard he said jesus this is carl save me that was a prayer this is carl save me by the way the scripture never says that we what a place or time that we need to spend with him it just never says that at all or jesus never says that and i guess this is a good time for me to do true confession if i have a moment to do this um i have three grandchildren seven alice five sylvie and then a little son who was two yesterday uh or today actually he's two uh little miles and our grand girls live across the street from us so they eat with us pretty often and over the years graham they call me poppy granddad's not been not been a good spiritual leader and the fact that at the meals we always pray and a couple of years ago whenever we'd all bow our heads i'd steal french fries off their plate i'm confessing i i'm confessing this i'm getting it off my chest it's been a long time coming but now i can get this but obviously they don't see it until they look so then for a couple of months every time we'd pray together they'd have their eye watching me is poppy going to steal my french fries and now when we pray they steal my french fries and so my wife the matriarch of the whole family has finally come to the conclusion to avoid all of this mess and stop contaminating our prayer time we're going to hold hands so nobody can steal anybody's meal true confession i just had to get that off my chest i haven't been a good grandfather in that sense so anyway this is the negative part our lord proclaims to us he says this if you want to pray and not offend god be aware of praying to your own benefit and also beware of counterfeit prayers and meaningless repetition and then he says okay so what do we do and here's what we do look with me at verse 9-13 he says if you want to pray a god-honoring prayer note do it this way and by the way this is really not the lord's prayer it's the disciples prayer he's teaching to pray a pray directly to god and address who he is verses 9 and 10. pray then like this jesus our father by the way the term father there means relationship our father in heaven hallowed be your name the word hallowed is really a strange word we're not totally sure what it means other than it is holy but sanctified set apart set apart as your name i think of the ten commandments never disrespect the name of god your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven and two two things i think he points out here first we should come to him in adoration and respect understanding that he is the only true god beloved this world is full of gods everyone in washington has a god everyone in the byways and highways of your life has a god but is it the one true god who's from heaven yahweh the covenant god as i said i think this is commandment number one of the ten commandments unrestrained eagerness when you come into the presence of the lord so you find your place that's alone and you close the door as jesus said in the first few verses and you're alone now and you come to him and say holy father creator of the universe you run this universe honor and glory and exaltation belongs to you you're god and i'm not that's what he means you're god and i'm not you're worthy of all glory your name is to be honored second come desiring that this that his will be done in your life on the earth above everything else his will be done did you notice he says your kingdom come your will be done where on earth as it is in heaven what's going on in heaven right now okay full submission to the king of glory peace love joy three we can start movement happiness the fruits of the spirit for sure i believe laughter laughter is a part of god's kingdom i'm certain of that he's saying so your will lord be done here on this earth your reign that's happening in heaven may it happen here in on earth first in my life first in my life your sovereign will for me in my life i read the other day that uh many people many pastors believe only 85 of all christians actually are living in the will of god they're aspects of our lives moral issues obedience issues we're just outside the will of god but he's saying pray that you'd come under the sovereign will of god and live under that sovereign will and by the way this really speaks to missions doesn't it when you think about it he says pray that whatever is happening in heaven everyone there is saved that's for sure happens here on earth we need to go we need to tell we need to proclaim it's a proclamation for missions it puts your life in perspective so i would ask you this morning watching are you in the wild of god in his will first and foremost is that you know christ your savior who gave himself fully for you and died for you this is the will of god that you know and walk with jesus and he has a sovereign direction for your life every one of us has a purpose for being here are you in that purpose that's what he says pray that then he says be pray for your needs pray for your needs this is verses 11 13 the last three verses both physically and spiritually give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our debts as we also have forgiven our debtors and lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil three things obviously real they're real simple pray for your physical needs request provision from god's hand to meet your physical needs just as you would from your own father just say lord i i have these needs and you know this really pushes us to be dependent upon him i'd ask you this morning my christian friends as i ask my own heart do i really believe today that god's strong enough and able enough to meet my needs and a whole lot of my wants okay i memorized years ago this little incantation i guess you'd call it when i work i work when i pray he works i love psalm 84 11. no good thing does he withhold from those who walk with him almost every day i pray for the lord to bless me my family my friends and you even in your sleep the proverb says he'll do that even in your sleep my needs he ultimately supplies my needs the breath in your lungs at this moment he has supply he has supplied secondly your spiritual needs confess your sins and ask for strength to model the same forgiving spirit in your own life this is really a really difficult passage don't you think he says and forgive those who are debtors toward you in fact it's so important if you'll drop your eyes in chapter 6 on down to verse 14 and 15. he says this and if you forgive others their trespasses your heavenly father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive others their trespasses neither will your father forgive your trespasses that is a shock don't you think well here's what we know for sure that in christ we're forgiven of our sins and my interpretation of this passage is god's very very serious about us forgiving others because you know he forgave us one of the most famous passages parables actually in matthew is in matthew chapter 18 where a king forgives a servant all his trespasses all the money he owes the king the king forgives him and then the servant goes right out into the street and is approached by someone that owes him money and he refuses to forgive that servant god takes very seriously the reality that he has forgiven us at great cause and even if we're justified even if it's the most heinous thing that's ever happened in your life and it's happened for years he's still calling us to forgive and here's my take on it if we don't forgive he still forgives us but we never feel like we're forgiven there's nothing more freeing in my life beloved than knowing i'm forgiven when i've heard against others don't you agree when you can say i i forgive that person even if i never see them again as long as i live even if they're dead and gone i forgive that person so i can be free and feel god's full forgiveness in my life that's what he's saying three ask for supernatural resistance from your own weaknesses and the evil one and this is really interesting and a lot of good theological discussion about it but notice he says and lead us not into temptation when you read that you should first think of job the word temptation there also means trial or testing there are times in our lives when god says okay kitchens it's time for you to get a little more mature in jesus i'm going to put you through this trial you all know what i mean don't you you've been through that in your life some relationship some job situation some difficult thing and you know when you look at it this is god pushing me into this trial to purify me a little bit more it's a temptation he said lord if it's possible hey i don't want to learn the hard way i don't want to learn this the hard way and then by the way the enemy there's real evil in this world wouldn't you agree really satan has come to kill to steal and destroy and you can know anytime the enemies at work when you ask yourself are those three things happening in whatever context whatever scenario you want to talk about like for instance in our world right now and there's a war going on and what's really behind that war powerful individuals in countries sure but there's something behind them who's come to kill and to steal and to destroy pray against that because lord jesus i'm just dust i'm just dust i can't fight that spiritual battle no human can but he can post an angel at the front door of your home or at the back door of your home and protect you from it so in conclusion for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen did you notice that that's that little epilogue is actually not in the lord's prayer either here or in luke chapter 11 where the the disciples asked jesus teach us to pray somewhere in church history this little epilogue was attached to the lord's prayer and lead us not into temptation and it comes to the end the epilogue for thine is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever amen and amen and it's all true and it's all right but it's really not in the text and you know what else is not in the text you notice anything else about this text when jesus brings us to a conclusion did you notice that he says nothing about praying for the state of the world he says nothing about praying for that person next door to you who has cancer he says nothing about praying for your grandchildren or praying for college entrance or that exam or he says nothing about those small but very important issues in our lives why in fact the book of james says this pray for one another james 5 16. paul says in second corinthians 1 help us through prayer paul says in philippians 4 don't be anxious about anything but pray for everything luke 6 says this pray for those who hurt you etc etc and yet jesus doesn't mention any of those why beloved you have just walked down the corridor and through the threshold into the chamber of the living god that's the lord's prayer this is how you introduce yourself to him this is what you do to hear to know that he hears your voice are you saying pastor ted that reaching the heart of god and the ear of god is formulaic there's just a formula for it no jesus says that he says that this is how you do it pray then like this and then you have access to the heart of god into his ear now how he answers you is up to him and his sovereign will sometimes he postpones his response sometimes it's immediate sometimes he says no but you know for certain you've heard that he's heard you and that you've been heard that his ears hear you he's turned his heart towards you the lord's prayer is heaven teaching us how to enter the threshold of the king's chamber it's expressing to each of us each of us citizens of the kingdom what it takes to enter into the very presence of the almighty god this is saying father god getting along with him finding your motive being correct you want his glory and everything you pray for and then asking him for those basic things your needs spiritual protection and then you're ready to pray what is prayer in fact it's asking and you're ready to ask his heart his ear hears you and my family when my children are very young we're always fearful of losing them especially at six flags or in some busy mall so i taught them a whistle and the idea was if they get lost they whistle this special unique whistle i'm not going to do it for you and i would know where they are lost in the crowd no you're not just whistle i'll know where you are special whistle and i'll whistle back the lord's prayer is the whistle lord here i am hear me answer my prayers you know i cannot imagine preaching on the lord's prayer without us taking some time to pray could you so if this is the entrance into the chamber of the king of kings then let's use it this is a large room the room's where you are if you're viewing online in your home or somewhere where you're more private that's good but remember motive is the is the currency of the kingdom of god doesn't matter if you're in a crowd you can still have that private connection to the living god so would you put down all your books put down your bible put down your papers and find a very comfortable posture just for a few moments i want to lead us in a time of approaching the chamber of the king of kings and asking him one i'm not sure if he's going to be moving so would you prepare it if he does all the campuses bow with me would you looks like he's staying now that we have his ear let's pray together three answers would you first say to him lord in humility and with a calm heart take three i confess that you're my father and you're holy and you're the one true god and father i ask you three you're clear i'll just keep going three we're out to work out your perfect will in my life take three again as it's done work it out in my life your will be done and if it's not pleasing to you lord god change it and three are clear and then would you say lord give me this day what i truly need i acknowledge that whatever it is it comes from you my father in the center screen well it's in imag ashton i want them to to turn off the other give me supernatural strength but i think they can leave on the side for just yeah i don't think i want seven to show don't you think jordan that's what you're seeing right now yeah literally if you're just seeing that that's not a big deal because it's really busy back then i would tell them just to go black i'll text it thank you at the start of high school prayer dear christian brother and sister at this moment you have his ear ask ask for our world ask for areas of your life where there's an unsettled lack of peace what would you want to say to jesus this morning maybe you'd want to say to him jesus it's carl save going to three take three what else is in your heart this morning when we read about forgiving others is there someone whose name pops into your heart and mind immediately and it's so difficult to even think about that person and yet the strength to forgive is something he desires to give you share it with someone begin to have them pray with you for you to really know the forgiveness of god in your life we must be forgivers by the testimony of jesus the father this morning is listening straight on jesus oh god for yours is the kingdom uh and the power and the glory they don't have a shot for that okay let's go to three take three sorry that's how i have to do one let's go to jess one let's go to jess she's on the left side nope wrong one other one other girl one to your left to your left [Music] [Music] [Music] six [Music] back to one take one [Music] [Music] [Music] back to one take one more [Music] [Music] [Music] three [Music] thanks back to one let's just go to three and a four more [Music] back to one two one [Music] take six take one and a five [Music] [Music] take [Music] four to one take one shelter grab ted come back up for benediction after this guys and three take three three just keep dolling for me one we're gonna get uh ted again oh it's doug i thought sorry i said ted on here remember thank you so much for coming and worshiping with us this morning if you have more questions about christ chapel go out and visit the next steps desk out there in the great room they would be happy to answer whatever questions that you might have also we have baptisms that are coming up in a couple of weeks baptism is an outward sign of an inward happening if you'd like to be baptized once again go out to next steps they would love to be able to talk to you about that or you can get online and you can find out more information there if you have some things that we would like to you like us to pray for right underneath the screens there will be somebody that would love to be able to pray with you about whatever is going on in your life and now go into the world in peace have courage hold on to what is good honor all men strengthen the faint-hearted support the weak help the suffering share the gospel love and serve the lord in the power of the holy spirit and may the grace of our lord jesus christ be with you all amen good morning
Channel: Christ Chapel Production
Views: 8
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Na8xgScAKoo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 35sec (3755 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 21 2022
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