Chris Martin from Coldplay joins Valentine in the Morning

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Valentine how you doing how are you Chris Phil hi John hey hey you look good buddy you happy I'm great I'm always grateful to be alive how are you doing we're doing good I mean I think we're pretty excited around the show as always and we're excited about the Rose Bowl because I mean it's the Flippin Rose Bowl that's massive yeah we're so we love it it was funny I um I was coming home the other day and my son Colin had heard me talking about Coldplay playing the Rose Bowl and stuff and I said when he got home I go hey I got some really good news for you and he goes what what I got some really good news buddy he's like what you got tickets for Coldplay like no no actually I picked up Chick-fil-A on the way home dude he's so into it he's stoked about it we can arrange that I'm sure all right well that's locked in that's all I needed out of this full interview here um let's talk about some Grammy nominations congratulations hey thanks a lot it's always a nice uh surprise and was oh we're just so grateful for all of it but we stopped worrying about these kind of things now so that came as a real out of the blue thing so how did you find out does somebody call you or did you just happen to see in the news or who let you know that you guys are up for some Grammys I have a system of Lights On The Wall and one of them's a Grammy alert and it if we get a nomination that the siren goes off and yeah I immediately have to start dieting you might have heard a second ago where he said those things don't mean that much to us anymore you know we just didn't happen they happen I've got this light system that goes on as soon as we get nominated I got you know you get texted and uh yeah but I think it's you know at my age it's sensible not to worry too much you don't your happiness shouldn't depend on those things right like a nice it's just such a lovely bonus yeah it's not what we do it for but it's uh like if if you stop someone in the street and say hey I like your shoes you give it you maybe lift their day a little bit it's the same with this right it's a little bonus for them yeah the guys from BTS like knowing a collaboration like that a song like that is getting recognized too that's got to feel good like I said anytime someone says your work is all right it never feels bad yeah at this time have you won an award you must have won some awards um we won a Gracie okay women in media uh we were nominated for a Marconi great what's that was 2017. he's lucky to be nominated yeah oh we were blessed to be nominated that's right that's like one of those industry Awards you know yeah yeah they got the inventor of radio Marconi that's why they went with that yeah yeah we didn't get it though well these things don't mean anything that's that's important no we that one needs some we actually have the nomination on a plaque in the studio you know we love that so at this stage does mean something to you if it's not the awards what's the best part of your career where you get the most enjoyment right now well I mean you know like I said someone giving you a nomination or it's just nice but you don't you don't want to let your being depend on it but it's right it's really great we love the Grammys are you kidding it's so fun to play it's so fun to go and it's awesome but um the the question you asked really that's live connection is the number one thing or any any connection yes a privilege that we go to a lot of places and you can communicate with people through music right and and meet people and it sort of edifies my belief in humanity uh that connection with other humans so that's the number one thing you know it's interesting we talk a lot about you off the air and before we do interviews because we're fascinated by you as a person we find you to be incredibly entertaining and generous with your time and your spirit every time you come on our show um and there was a question like is there a bad Chris Martin because every time we've encountered you you've been an absolute Joy kind of a ray of light but I mean we all have our ups and downs right is does Chris Martin never have a bad day where he's like yeah Santa every day is an equally good and bad day yeah you're really asking the question I have a lot of tools to get me through the day meditation and I do a thing where I like write everything that's bothering me and then burn it I do that every day every day like a lot of I had last year I went through some weird long stuff so I do a lot of breath stuff okay every day it's like putting on your emotional clothing as it were right I would say okay I have the same terrible Downs that everyone else does it's funny I was trying to tell you about them because we're on we're trying to talk about nice things yes of course and we're not going to get you we've tried the tricky before to do stuff we try to trick you BTS we always try to get you something um but like the journaling stuff I love that I think it's really good I just to me it's frustrating because I have the worst handwriting so I'll Journal I don't burn it maybe I should and then I look back years later I'm like I don't even know what I wrote I can't read I don't generally see because that would mean I'd edit it so the thing I do is uh for 12 minutes I write and it doesn't have to be legible but it's awful it's like I you know it's really angry stuff right and then you have to destroy it I would never keep it that seems incredibly cathartic okay I may try that very Catholic I'd be like I did this radio interview and they were still um right now but it really helps me it really helps me and um every yeah there's always a balance isn't it so we have an incredible highs doing our job I mean I'm unnaturally High highs so I think it has to be balanced somehow and that takes a little work how to handle that talk about the Rose Bowl and the show we can expect there it's going to be a standard Jazz Metal Fusion so just what we'd expect out of you of course yeah yeah predictable from our band no I mean so we were supposed to play another place last year and then we had to postpone it because of various reasons and uh the rose Bowlers are I'm going to say equal favorite place to play now um because it's so open and old and beautiful and simple and it was simply and simple and beautiful and um so we're gonna bring our tour there that we've been already doing for a while but it's it's La so it's home and um it's just very special well what's the infinity taker program because I look down here it says Coldplay is offering their 20 Infinity ticket program for newly announced shows yeah that's um the infinity ticket is like a the cheapest ticket okay but you're not necessarily sure where it will be because sometimes when we get to a building in the in the day before the show we realized oh we can open up these seats here or right this these seats are being blocked so we have to move this there's always a little bit of um in the moment seating changes so those tickets we wanted to do for the reason of being extremely cheap and also there's like a fun to it we we stole the idea of the stones I think well I love that because you're people a chance to come see a show at a price that's something they can afford whereas we've seen problems in the past with different artists and we saw what happened with Taylor Swift and everything where it became so difficult for people to get to a show it becomes too overpriced or too hard well people will get to Taylor's show because it's going to be amazing um I didn't follow that story but I don't think it was to what don't think it was Taylor Taylor's fault no not at all it was in Taylor's ball it was it was the ticket situation they were testifying in Congress about it the other day and they were all trying to quote Taylor it's very funny right um yeah I mean coming to a big show is a pain it's really hard and we understand that I mean that's why we try so hard to make it good in a way it is because I feel like when you leave a Coldplay show you have some there's this theme of Love and Hope and everybody's connected and it's it's an experience so I was so happy that you guys are coming back to the Rose Bowl that was the last time I saw you guys was at the Rose Bowl and it was honestly one of the best shows I have ever been to and I'm so excited tickets go on sale today and you guys are going to be back because it's remember when I looked at you and waved remember that number yeah you saw me it was great he's the high school guy I honestly I don't doubt that at all hey I was gonna ask you a favor too this is down the road it probably won't happen so you can say yes because the problem is not gonna happen you know they do that a Hollywood Walk of Fame type thing here in La yeah ever by chance if ever by chance I got one on there they need a star to like introduce somebody if you were available you would do that for me yeah that's very nicely it's probably not gonna happen for someone else oh can't remember who it's a very impactful moment isn't it looks I've been I've been to two but one of them I was just a guest and one of them anyway I'll remember we'll come back to that sometime listen my friend I can't wait to see you it's so good to see you here even on zoom and stuff we're glad you're doing well how is your lives going are you okay what's the deal I'm good well yeah I'm doing well you know married 25 years this year and we have that 14 year old son Colin it's his first year of high school he's a freshman of high school and we moved to a different area so it's a it's a big change for him that freshman year but he's doing well he's thriving thank you yes that's I mean that's just a rough couple of years for everybody yeah are you ready for the kids to go off on their own and go off to college and stuff yeah my daughter's like um where she's gone already has she she made her debut or Paris Fashion Week debut and my gosh she looks beautiful I woke up yesterday and she was a supermodel yeah oh my gosh cool stunning how do you wrap your mind around that as a dad I wrote my mind around it because I because she's awesome yeah like of course she can do whatever she wants to do and then my other my son is in uh 11th grade so they're third they're old I know it happens fast doesn't it yeah it's crazy yeah last time you saw me I didn't have these Grays I know last time I saw you I didn't have this wig Chris thanks bud we'll see you soon okay all right is that it that's it yeah I don't want to keep your time they we've got certain amount of time with you we can talk forever but then Andrew then I have to go and do some push-ups and try and get hey yeah there you go get ready all right cheers
Channel: 104.3 MYfm
Views: 11,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 104.3 MYfm, Valentine In The Morning, Los Angeles, Interview, Chris Martin, Coldplay
Id: I-enlqF1jpM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 55sec (715 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 27 2023
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