Chris Buck Pedalboard Build – That Pedal Show

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oh hey guys fancy seeing you here I knew the pedalboard birth can you possibly help okay hey guys welcome to let Phil the show down here Mick here and crusher go right belabor bill day today Chris has popped in we've been talking about this for quite a long time yeah we're gonna do a whole G to build for with pet cameras that up there'll be no pull my cables to leanness going on today it'll just be go on for my coop so first things first we'll get the layout done then we will run the power and then we'll run the audio on a bit of a time thing today so we have to get on it cool all righty okay so let's do okay my first question how much of what's on here is going on here all that we have the pruner aqua rec that me tuna buzz cali 76 and the clothes sailor Rangemaster and the kingdom it's pretty much a little bit nearly a decade yeah joke okay so the first thing we do when we're doing a new board this is a layout let you do the honors use paper cut out place across the front of this pedal board for the last couple of months is to plan this moment out ah sweet that's the first question obviously this board is you know it's not flat to the floor so you're right with getting a feet to that I'm assuming yeah absolutely oh yeah okay because I guess you're used to stepping over and yeah the flow yeah okay cool right so first thing we do is layout this is 80% of this video was gonna be stronger for pedal so it was an essential part of the journey is the most hideous knocking pad well I don't think don't think I look sailor would mind me omitting that but it sounds right yeah so I'm seeing a lost old boss kind of enclosure I see this done yeah but that's not a combo Chris okay my rice is your par from the way send them so that's everything off of me that needs to come off okay she's all gonna fit on this okay anything that you need to get your feet at that's the only one I'm thinking is going to be out of a loop I can I'm thinking we may need to save space on the amount of loops we have okay and then since that's gonna be first of the chain anyway okay but because it's a fairly big old boy I don't think I'll be too much of an issue okay step it over the g2 so don't make it the way I came yes yes have you've already got a plan there's a climbing this is a plan nonetheless I guess that's coming underneath underneath what was on top then we have that we have probably the Empress but whichever doesn't really matter say that's in there that actually saves quite this place so I'm thinking I'm gonna be a bad shout mm-hmm looks cool looks may not be as forte but it sounds pretty good I like the knobs yeah thank you mrs. okay right there we go so that tritone cetera somewhere like there with 976 somewhere pretty much bloodied up I guess that's why you have TP that's one yes number two oh man it's gonna be tight and you've thought this through but it's really nice now one of the issues yeah there's now when I close this lid see these things here right they come down watch what's gonna happen to that knob uh-huh all right I might need to come forward comes just come for a little bit I'm not a fan of these sort of things on pedal cases but that's okay that's okay yeah no it wouldn't be really cool with this hmm if this plugs rating the under step let's not get crazy we're sorted for layout now I need to make sure that everything that needs velcro on has velcro on we're going to the power next and then we'll start to audio cables now I'm going to show you guys how to properly test an audio cable as well cool right if you see in this trick no boss paddle right take it off yeah I know that oh that's genius yeah you might the boss battles light falling off my board and there goes well things don't go very fast - I think need some disco - hurry up [Music] [Music] so one of the things that's important to remember when you're using cable ties I'll put the cable ties on and I put these little stand off but I I won't do them up completely I'll just I'll run all the cables and only one everything is tested powered up and tested when everything's happy then I'll do the cable ties up tight and snip the ends off but doing them like this get in position it just helps you run any cables that you need and get everything neat and tidy one things I find if talking about eating chocolate cake it's too good Simon's birthday on Saturday happy birthday Simon and once is is coming up a holiday and this man's made some awesome chocolate so I'm dance working hard I mean chocolate cake so you can fish the power and you're checking the power I am it's quite a complex one listen it is it is surprisingly complex you I wasn't here for the first 13 yep and they're always on the yeah it's nice it's a finger building in there it is it's getting there generator bones connected to the structure bone the directed to another distributor bones the distributor bones connected to an isolator bone the isolator bones connected to lots of pedals bone the distributed bones connected to the doubler bone the doubler bones connected to the car 76 oh yeah yes are you yeah who knows connected to the Timelord bone yeah yeah I think that's it for bones yeah it's just flesh now this is the last connection to make and then we shall start doing audio but everyone can help out yeah our cables so we're gonna have a little thing to build a campfire sit around and make audio cables together so as you see here well before all the cable ties still undone because I'll still be using these for some of the audio path as well with the DC stuff it's you can my audio DC cable together a little bit concern about the AC being so close to the king of tone god but we should be ok we shall check and make sure time now to check out these cables clear up before Nick starts throwing things at me so we're using these pill patch cables this is the pin through the center of the braid type thing a couple of rules of thumb there using these sorts of cables okay if I was Danish Pete I would have shut it down as you do that literally every time you plug something in it by the time you cut something any time you do anything yell bang the top of his voice every time it gets you right okay I don't know if you can see if you can zoom in on this one side of the cable cut beautifully it's very round and circular this side that I've just used snips on you can see it's oblong so it's really important that you roll that around and make that circuit a little trick find a flat table when you just use the handle of the scissors or whatever just roll it this is good now you need to check the cable as if that Center braid you need to make sure isn't hanging over onto the edge of the shield it's really important now this these plugs have got a little slots head screw in them come on skull we got time to burn mine is money so the idea with these patch cables there is a pain in the center here that goes down into the tip George owns most of the solid on this patch cables use this type of arrangement that pin has to penetrate into the core of the cable and then the outside again this isn't like a little little circular protrusion that penetrates into the outside of the shield now there's not a whole lot of space here where you have millimeters so you need to be really precise when you when you push this in you need to make sure you're pushing it in straight and just push them firmly okay next thing you're going to bend this cable over you need to make sure that you're pushing in as you're bending the cable over so as not to pull the cable out okay continuing on metallica theme how do you know when the Sandman has entered I don't know it's not a joke how do you know when this is when this has made the connection oh so I'll show you right cuz I'm like once I've got some pretty insane ones and it's possible to screw it in too far sure okay when you make these sort of patch cables you absolutely have to test every one of them and testing is quite simple you get your multimeter you put it on the highest possible connection on the ohms side because we're measuring resistance so what I'm going to do you see here if I touch these if I gently touch my tips together it'll come up with a zero reading which means there is no resistance now between the tips so first thing we need to do is touch the shield together make sure that they connected yep great then I touch the tips together and make sure they're connected and they are but now it's really important that I measure up between the tip and the shield so you see that there is no resistance there that means this cable is Duff this will not work the shield is either / and now touching the inside of the tip yeah so Duff Duff thing we need to undo this now and check it out and see why hasn't worked and start again you see here the inside the pin as the pin has pushed in against the centre braid it's pushed that over touching the the core now fight if I um if I push this away from the outside and I can see there that's not touching yes so with no disrespect to the penile patch at all well with some maybe went down and I bang on about the evidence audio sis and why they work and why they're so bloomin expensive this is basically war isn't it yeah once these are put together yeah exactly generally fine but putting them together can be a little bit finicky alright trouble is how many of these we've got to make yeah so 60 connections yeah okay good so far that tests fine yeah so we'll crack on okay so one that's correct one is correct we have one we have okay that about face about terms we are going to use the evidence audio as an assistant after all we are having a round robin table thing and we're just going to many failures we could have made it work but we just don't have time today we can get this done really quickly it's 20 plus 5 yeah so I was gonna go at 6 which means Katherine's in the filming chair but when we unplug it inside we are up against it a little bit in time so just gonna do this because we can do it quickly yeah cool right let's get done okay last time we spoke to you was a long time ago it's now ten to seven now why I am doing the last connections the soldered connections to the input Chris had already made this cable up and it's been working fine so we're going to go with this one so we're we're on that we're on the last bit our way before we can go and plug it in about five minutes away so Dan you've done you've done the audio finished all the patch cables hardwired in the input and the output yeah and we're ready to go ready okay next time you see us we'll be plugged in and we're back in the room ah okay it's done it's all happened Chris hasn't heard anything yet yeah we've deliberately kept him out of the room while we just line checked everything just to make sure everything is working so Chris let's start from the beginning you've got two amps you've got a victory Vee 140 and a v40 deluxe yeah so how do you run those amps normally forget about pedals just for a second normally for you wet both have reverb everything going into both and it's yeah good got a month's no sir so bearing in mind that we your Center ax is always on yeah and something else is always on oh there was the people still it was always on but that hasn't made it so now just a sensor or so does it make sense to set you up with a core amp tone hmm with with the center and get you happy there yeah probably yeah it's good to do that [Music] you that's for that a lot yeah how are you feeling about EQ from the core sound of the amp that's pretty good [Music] probably bring the output down very slightly on the for a long time I was running the center ER so it's pushing the amps a little bit harder right and just fall out love without a little bit like the sort of the tonal thing it does the hue kind of chef not just pushing the amps are [Music] nice nice we have a tremendous amount of reverb going there is so give it just play for a bit quiz and see how that feels just with the center and the two amps [Music] very nice what are you feeling happy yeah fantastic sounds quote from Webster I mean I'm getting more of the v40 probably comes in front of is it Cleese at but yeah we can we can we can do that as we go it sounds don't get in the cliched sort of response it sounds cleaner than it used to this less happening and there's less going on between what I'm playing so does that make you feel me you see when it must be a tone wood in the paddle board it is absolutely no that's the kind of straightaway that's the thing everyone kind of says about the jutsu I guess is that everything's cleaner and it sounds a hundred times and it's just less mud crunch and mud very interesting well and that is also testament to to the to the klom because there you know there's a so basically the signal is always buffered through the air of the Clones on it's a surreal tone Centura sorry Syria tones just just to make that clear yeah but yeah there's but basically at the moment you're going to the pond straighten both amplifiers there's nothing else no yeah we've got a bit of hmmm we I think we're picking up a bit of hum off the lights yeah I rather can unplug boom yeah what do you think that's coming from I think that's coming from is it the proximity of the AC Inlet to now it might be let me do it yeah yeah do about it okay probably lights and things like that it's quite loud in here we don't have the DB meter but I can tell you that when Chris hits it that's gonna be registering about a hundred compared to where we normally are yeah so um get into some gain stages then yeah okay so number one is your and we get this right the first one issues yep is the smokes black mouse by boss okay how would you set this see the interesting thing is with this same as the last panel boards when I bought the Blues breaker the Marshall one years ago didn't really know why I was doing it first in the chain even though I wanted a as a solar boost right it's kind of like cool drive your new pedal you go first then imma clear wives do it and it's always just been there I still use it as a solar books and it's more of a bit more game I can a little bit of volume I guess I'm running the other pedals relatively relatively clean it's more of a game stacking thing okay so I guess there's still a little bit ahead room in them give a little bit of a volume left when I click the black box in or the Blues break or whatever so this is actually the solar book so I would very rarely use this in isolation okay but it's just the case so that kind of saying they're up to taste I guess so should we buy like yeah yeah okay so now on [Music] cuz he might say so yeah very sadly that's really interesting different overdrive fellas all set to sound exactly the same this was the the kind of journey we were speaking about this a little bit earlier but the old board was part of the process of sort of figuring out which ones we used which ones I just stuck on there because I could hmm I'm sort of slowly whittling it down you know it's been a journey man but as we again as we were talking about earlier it's that kind of thing of not wanting to be Billy big box turning up with the thing with big ostentatious board you know it's a really interesting trend that I think we've reflected on that in a couple of vlogs and things where you just feel a bit embarrassed by the by a huge board mm-hmm when it's your own gig and your own thing your own band it's a different thing do what you want yes but turning up to a jam or something with it just feels a bit or doesn't yeah I mean yeah you've been feeling no absolutely it's just a little bit ostentatious it's a bit kind of Here I am I've arrived yeah make way for the board you know and so it's just it's kind of been paring it down a little bit but again as I said it's just that kind of key shave not want I know a million different OverDrive's he says I'm set here like this holding the lid because we have to keep going up there keep flipping yeah yeah yeah alright so number two mmm it's gonna be become a 76 that peddle show up special edition case number two I just tell the story again that Chris was the first ever person to buy a that peddle show a t-shirt from the back peddle show store and it amazing the first one we ever sold we didn't know Chris at that time so Chris thank you know so we talked about earlier it's kind of get an immense amount of enjoyment out of this I'm not just someone who sort of I should pop up on you every now and then but actually watch is it we can we go so that's it's cool it's a big deal big deal for us very cool thing for me car so compressors you count 76 so everything straight up again mostly stable okay you so they've come the box everything straight up aside from the output or the yeah ad it's labeled yeah which is backed off very slightly yeah and we were when we were in line checking this earlier was really now really bad yeah so this about it [Music] probably become now slightly more that's another thing these panel suddenly seem a hell of a lot louder right and then they did before who said that Matt Scofield Senate code Fletcher said it I'm sure more people have said it and that when you when you put decent power and a good switcher in seems like they're working more efficiently yeah everything gets louder right okay interesting this more yeah [Music] sweet so wait what do you use the Cali 76 for Chris is it for the front of the note is it for the end of the note no it's um it's a kind of lazy thing to be honest and I feel bad I've refrained from getting a real compressor for a very long time and then you watch people like Josh Smith talking about I'm trying to keep compression out of any stage of my rig mm-hmm and then this me go in I just want it to sort of make me feel was it you one of you said that for a sonic yoga mat pillow cushion just to make you feel like you're not alone that's the owner you having a bad night then you probably actually are the difference between you and Josh Smith though is it Josh Smith plays it like insane volume yeah and and Matt's go for two and so those guys they don't like the compression because they're happening is happening yeah exactly yeah but as we've discussed this many times you know your stage volume is being is being forced down the same somebody else's and I think perhaps that's where you get some of that dynamic yeah it gives that sort of very slight sag I guess in the note which makes it feel like the amps are just working a little bit harder than they probably are hmm just yeah makes everything feel a little bit more cushion and a little bit more kind of sponging lovely under the fingers wrong and having to work that not been harness on would you use that in conjunction with anything else that I swear the laziness comes in that's kind of we come in and always arm job II yeah unless I'm using humbuckers music PAF's or something like that I turn it off just cuz it's sort of don't think it needs it so much but again no doubt the laziness will uh sort of sort of spread over time and it'll be a and always-on thing so that would kind of thought about that earlier whether I even needed to be in a loop but can't accept such a great panel it is a little bit noisy on occasion some have the yeah it's an interesting I don't know if it's the misconception or whether it's actually true to say that it's noisy its amplifying all the noise makes everything exactly so there's no signal going through and it's going oh I need to make this louder yeah that was my impression of a compressor okay very good as well okay number three is thinking of time it is now again in sort of try and tacit fashion of setting all the mobs in one direction that's exactly how I run one as well yeah everything that two o'clock is always the best way to say that most pedals sort of phases back towards whales instead of Mecca at me we're staying or something so yeah something like that something like that always sounds pretty good to me so hey sorry reverb we are again a lot louder than we used to be so maybe back those off a little bit [Music] goofballs Mexicali on without just for a sec can you dad [Music] [Applause] [Music] yes that sponginess is easier to play when the calories on yeah but is hidden oh so no one need know so awesome cool awesome okay awesome we're getting that leaner than it was this she's less less crap going on yeah sweet that's the plan okay so number four we have the vs audio straight flush from grease this was the current at the Blues breaker it is yeah how can you guess this was the kind of condensed version of the Royal Flush I think they make okay she's like one half of it yeah kind of King Kong derive their guess which okay turn is from what you've read blues breaker derived so it's all kind of coming back from that pedal which ironically is one of the few pedals which hasn't made this board is the actual blues breaker from the old one which wow it's most this is the one I sent you and I'm sure you found this out it's a fantastic panel as long as you don't look at it try and touch it or you know kind of not give it a nice amount of forewarning that it's gonna be turned on the really interesting thing about that pedal is it's so interactive yeah you know one knob completely affects the original exactly type chassis sure yeah let's do our yeah that's a good idea is that the blues breaker yeah yeah it's in that kind of chassis ethical battle as well the original governor that's like a main under in the box and seen as we're on a tangent and we're talking about black box Josh actually when he came to visit us yeah I dropped him off in bath I'm warmin and told him to find his own way down or a train blast him this yes he did as a gift the drive man he's a man with many pedals he is exceptional tasting Footwear good I do my best I need a new pair of unless these again a bit ragged around the edges so I reckon yeah cowboy bill that's who you want to be in places it is throughout I really like across America like boots hats shirts at Bon Jovi alright there's a half the advertising up from the show before is is Jon Bon Jovi's clothing brand going away hot and dagger I think it's called yeah said they're all into it yeah let's do it t-shirts available that posed on Chris buck signature cowboy boots soon I'm on the way yeah yeah yeah ok so how would you set this one I set that one um so you can't really tell it all [Music] [Music] see again talking about snapping of knobs earlier not missing I snap the knob off my grave Stark sent me in a flight so I didn't do it I stopped the knob off this the tone knob so it's a bit scratchy but [Music] 80% of the show was gonna be rebuilt rails that sounds mega cappella oh yeah it is yeah yeah yeah yeah so that is probably gonna get a lot of use in conjunction with the king of tone see on the old board that was the job of the Tim yeah right so very much like but no way shape or form is not gonna fit on here cuz it's about 7 foot 17 foot tall as well as much anything else that wasn't when I ran over I told you about earlier I'm gonna soft gig bag as well at the time bless it but only the boost which in the desk so yeah that's gonna be kind of with the king of tone I guess I see that yeah [Music] cool that's probably very slightly more gamey than I would have but this is the thing again at gig volumes everything tends to be a little bit less gamey than I was yeah probably expecting so we could probably bat the game off on that slightly but guess what on the vs yeah I mean I get it's gonna take you a while isn't it to go through that oh yes yes and stuff especially when everything suddenly louder than it was before yeah it's really interesting what you say about when you get to gig level you need less game yeah yeah definitely just try that for us [Music] cool yeah still although probably yet probably slightly less if you want to play well yep so I just want here that's here just this myself yeah sure sorry for that if I was in tuned cool that's getting absolutely you can chew I can tune that into my born it legs last in our joke anyone who didn't follow that joke it was in tune and I bought it like it's audio description for the Welsh my bet I bet there are people that are taking guitars back to shops going it's out of tune Oh absent in history absolutely yeah right tidy five sounds King Don wants to get on well with there's a lot to get through and it's been a big day and any rambling that you hear is is my tummy oh I see eight o'clock is it no don't be daft that's been awesome okay but five I believe is the gunshot it we run out of overdrive pedals I play so I can't that few awkward right panels man this is a achievement it probably is the gunshot yes which looks as though it is on full blast a minute the gunshot is gonna be my kind of rock box panel right probably not for use with single cause I change guitars yes so this is gonna be the kind of the one or two remote kind of Gainey moments in a sack yes okay [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] [Music] calm out that's it that's the one superb this a great panel it's kind of like I said it's the sort of Rock box thing is that the one with the bias knob yes it is that was yeah first we those bars quite low at the moment yeah at least it's a low level of the bias knob which means it's not that I don't really play with that one [Music] cool it's probably again more game than I would use for a little bit but I always think about it always seems to get chewier and sort of harmonically rich yeah yeah move that around absolutely that's a very cool paddle so yeah that's the bucket one how on earth have we run out of gain stages well no we haven't it was do it one to go are we we haven't tried the fuzz which is before everything else so this is the trouble booster it is okay not the most hideous paddle you've ever seen ah yes it's the color set it off I think yeah no it's very cool Hello Sailor effects got in touch with me a couple months ago and offered to send me it's his kind of version on a range master mm-hmm so I was kind of intrigued on two levels to be honest I don't think he would mind me saying that the sort of deluxe of the paddle are quite unique looks suspiciously like a boxing club it doesn't know strange yeah yeah but yeah he sent me a paddle through a picture of a paddle and I was just intrigued just to see it couldn't possibly sound like it looked so the colour of it was sort of I guess what you could only sort of describe is like a prawn burst like a salmon kind of job exactly from this so yeah I got off him and was absolutely just blown away by it it's such a great sounding paddle and in this sort of scenario it's there gonna be the kind of more loud right booster yeah booster I said we'll never never used in isolation sure yeah but kind of you know conjoined with this yeah yeah so that's the one that works right on top that does nothing as far as I can tell so to be fair to him he sent me the big one which was infinitely kind of more complete than that and then I go back in touch saying it sounds amazing it's too big can you condense it slightly and he turned that around about three days so I don't think that's gonna be the kind of fine no I think boss would probably have something to say about it yeah but if I can switch to turn very quickly see you again the angerness 14 you know he's a natural just as at while he's changing guitars dancer everything up in stompbox mode at the moment so it's on and off on and off and after this video I would imagine Chris will probably spend some time setting up the presets do you think wouldn't you yeah me brain no work so good with all of this sort of stuff so it'll be interesting I there's gonna be a couple of things where I think I probably get you soda presets we'll see ya oh yeah yeah or even a combination of things where you've got your basic gain state let me know it that's the way you use it is that you have your basic gain stages set up and then you switch in your yeah wet effects on top of that yeah no no okay so right the Rangemaster so how would you set that up um how is it probably there we go okay so what I'm thinking [Music] so which was the king of Tokyo most three [Music] [Music] that is beautiful so again in isolation it's um doesn't sound like a range master that I would associate with us it's much fuller sounding there Zuma bleah this is some sort of base cutters it is yes yeah and we took it to a less base I assume so yeah the switch on the other one was configure slightly differently so I didn't know where that's gonna sound about whatever you did it snowed about so ebooks on your table cool sounds great so that yell I said that's the kind of more giving me volume mush yeah cool okay so now we're getting into wet dry stuff so I guess this so again struggle with fuzz pedals on their own it's kind of serrated yeah yeah Angra kind of thing so I tend to stack that with something a bit more mid humpy okay like the Kingdome probably like the vs audio like the kind of whatever really I guess any of them on there a fairly kind of mid-range voiced so [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so yeah it's that kind of kind of thing well that means it's funny he's going doesn't mean that yeah it's just a bit yeah a bit harsh for me so that with maybe the Cape Town which was three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] yeah [Music] sweet yeah that's the on/off switch nice man that was nicely whirring our preamps as well which makes me happy awesome yeah cool okay so loop seven we have the Supra tram I think okay Chris hmm you've not done wet dry before no have you ever played a wet dry rig before mmm-hmm I think so maybe very briefly you're stoned Brighton but yeah very very very briefly play something you like get up a semi Gainey's sound or whatever so whatever you like and Daniel is gonna switch on the super ultra mellow part the way through [Music] yeah us amazing dude all reminds me of the only of running amps out of face or lamp it's out of phase I mean gives you that weird oh the sounds coming from all around me right and it's horrible at the same time gives you that kind of ya know it when it when lap is kind of running out of phase you get I'm Bo 3d sound kind of thing but you know you can't use it that's like that but you can use it well because it's harmonic tram is there is a phase relationship going here is coming in now I'm not just ice 3d orbs and Matt yeah yeah yeah switched and delayed on top of that down let's have a listen to the bus sharing one with that in a minute so it'll be the last but one so [Music] that's amazing it's just huge its massive I even kind of lush do you think will that sit in the band is it too massive for the bow I'll make you sit in the band no not at all I mean I guess the sort of proximity the ambush as well as a kind of big part to do with that and they're never gonna be I'm never gonna set one up over beyond the drum kit as a surprise you know so they're always gonna be there behind me so I guess it's a little bit more controllable but no absolutely I mean it's kind of what I've been doing but just more defined and more yeah it's not getting lost much especially when I use you know enough reverb to take down a sort of a large mammal it just helps keep things a little bit more defined and you've got a clarity that wasn't necessarily there before so so so just just for the record if you switch something something warming you on down for a second what okay just for a second just play something this is the dry sound and I will switch the wet amp on while you're playing okay okay [Music] [Music] so that's that's what that's justify that same thing you couldn't get away with that much delay just with the wetter no no no it's even I'm more of your more moisture yep because it was because they have the dry app yeah you get all the clarity is there and the weight just sort of sits on top of it yeah the other great thing is you can then mix that into taste in terms of like volume with absolutely but the other great thing with the wet/dry rig like this you can set it up on stage yeah what sounds great for you but then the sound guy has gotten control over how much wet and then the next question that comes up always is how does the sound engineer then mix that well it's up to them yeah normally it's straight down the middle because it's both it's two parts of the same sound there's no it wouldn't make any sense to pan it left and right unless there was something you were doing for a specific effect but yeah just straight down the middle guess that gives sound engineer's chance to come in the room a lot is actually needed sadly so in terms of you on stage you might like it really well that's not working for the front I was so very dependent yeah and that's one of the things that as always especially when I had I'm bean overdrive pedals the reason I was never already concerned with having presets is I really was different overdrive pedals for different venues sure exists a very first real problem that different OverDrive's would suit different venues better you know when you find you need different levels game yeah yeah it's never been case of one sound or gigs so so yeah just mean that yeah that kind of yeah amazing that's just otherworldly room I'm happy ah ecstatically so wonderful are ivy so the Supra and the echo are sharing a loop there so if we work thing off sweetie [Music] you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] yeah you just couldn't get away with that level of delay before no oh man I don't have a tiny bit of tremolo on your dryer oh dear I've listened to that just don't listen to that [Music] that's the bola masa harina [Music] you [Music] [Music] mazie that's just so much fun it's like surround sound it's sort of I've gone from hearing it in 2d to 3d all right I use have been open I'm fascinated to hear your reaction once you get it in the band whoever that is actually usable in a bank on text or whether it's too much and it's too massive all matter that's not et cetera how just how you get on with it like I said the main concern within within the bank context is level just sound engineers I think for good or for bad I kind of wanted things quieter on stage which is fair enough I guess to have more control of them out front and I my sort of argument to that is I absolutely detest here in my guitar through monitors yeah because it doesn't sound like a guitar so I'm just like beer can is the obvious one but it just doesn't sound anything like what's coming up behind you so my contention is always been well let me get one point where I'm happy with onstage and the way that usually goes about its just getting Bob you know the drummer bucket Emmons to kind of each play group me and you play nothing no front-of-house no monitors not anything if I can get to a point where I'm happy then then go feel like I'll be happy for the rest of the gig really and if you know if we can avoid having it in the monitors great if we have to then you know we tied the engineer but yeah it's kind of I mean it's this gig dependent as well we're lucky draft 12 our own engineer understands that and if you're fighting against someone who doesn't really get that then it's gonna be a long night so it's kind of worth keeping people on side will be the the Calvet as much as the temptation is to kick back and you know do it do it yeah that's a very good point I'd be trusted to hear how if this rig makes a difference in that scenario mmm so whether the sort of slightly bit cuz it is a bigger sound yeah yeah dry it's a bigger wider sound whether that is a benefit potentially yeah or just or you can kind of sit in the sound a bit more maybe yeah yeah that the the the logical thing would be hang on a minute 2 amps that's gonna be much louder mmm that's just stupid in a low stage volume environment but actually it might just be bigger Sarah Lee that in itself is the issue any people see you turning up with two amps yeah it's gonna be the loudest thing in the world and it's not it's really not about volume is anything it makes it gives you opportunity to be slightly quieter I think because it's a it's a bigger sounds a wider sound it's kind of suddenly in stereo a little bit literally in this case so I'm Alice thank you so much that's been my I appreciate it's an immensely long day no it's Christ what's its but it's totally worth it I'm I'm wanted to build your rate for so long yeah I'm wanting to get you here for a while so the snake of the last one I was I did myself that was the thing well you know in but you did great and I think that seventy well for a long time yeah yeah and every you know every clip I ever see of you playing anywhere it always sounds also let's not yeah that's not gloss over that what just very very briefly before we wrap why have you got to a correct style pedals because tone no reason reason being the echorec the actual echo rack yeah doesn't very specific job I played a bit earlier this track or slow drain with bucket Emma set which is as such what Luke weird before that I tell you won't you turn that off as well so we need all the tuners on a minute so can we [Music] [Applause] [Music] lovely [Music] you [Music] that's the smile of a man who's very wet that's amazing it makes me sad that that's not gonna it'll translate a YouTube to a certain extent yeah but I don't yeah it's a sort of well you've heard you had a wet/dry thing all the time but actually being here yeah absolutely it's a kind of it's all around me so you use that use the Catalan bread one for that specific sound yep and then you use the Dorner prince one for that is my kind of sticking all under solos yeah and just kind of pad everything out quite nicely as well that would be a good place to leave it wouldn't it yeah yeah I think we should sign out Daniel and we should let Chris blow our minds with solo buna sounds awesome brilliant thank you guys so much for watching please don't forget to subscribe and then you know click the bell click about you should do as we said once all five times in the video that Palazzo stove calm as we can get t-shirts be like Chris Farrell t-shirt also better thank you to our preferred retailers in the UK in Europe is and us this music of Guilford and Surrey in the US of A is B rip city guitar and in Australia with the pedal Empire of Brisbane Queensland don't forget to go to buck and Evans the corrector it is yeah yeah you depending on when this will go out we've got a couple of tour dates left why is recognized awesome yeah yeah become later in the officially so yeah it'll be yeah yeah you do have vinyl we do have oh nice and finally massive thank you to all of our patrons on patreon thank you guys we literally couldn't do it without you thank you thank you so much so we're gonna let you leave you in Chris's more than capable hands [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: That Pedal Show
Views: 201,273
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Chris Buck pedals, Snouse black box, Ceriatone centura, Catalinbread Echorec, Boonar pedal, Boonar demo, alder and ash pedalboard, best overdrive pedal, wet dry guitar rig, victory V140 demo, victory v40 deluxe demo, Hello Sailor effects, King Of Tone demo, Gracetone Fuzz, Thorpy gunshot, guitar effects, guitar FX, guitar pedalboard, That Pedal Show, Chris Buck
Id: fNkdVZ2w3zU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 61min 14sec (3674 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2019
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