Chris Brown | James Ch. 3 | Pt. 2

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it wasn't one thing that led them to murder it was a series of little things that just kept building up and building up until finally that last straw and yet they all remember a time they remember a time before he came it didn't used to be like this there was a time where things were more peaceful more fair the anger the hatred wasn't there but ever since he arrived ever since he showed up if there was ever a bigger piece he always got it if there was ever a front of the line he was always there if there was ever more time spent it was with him if there was ever more affection given well he was receiving it if there was a bigger gift of course it had his name on it and it was all the little things that just kept building up and building up and they hated him I find it ironic they hated him especially when it happened within the family and all the favoritism came from dad and yet they hated him man if you thought you had a dysfunctional family I promise it hasn't gone this far and I want you to see it with your own eyes I want to jump into the story I want you to grab this and understand this is exactly what we're talking about today so if you got a Bible you know you've been doing a book study in the book of James so open your Bible to Genesis Genesis first book of the Bible video cafe you're in on this open your Bible Book of Genesis chapter 37 video cafe comfy seats not crowded get that hundred yard dash to your cars before the rest of us Genesis chapter 37 here's the story now Jacob lived in the land where his father had stayed the land of Canaan and this is the account of Jacob and as the lights go down on the screen comes up right now I have no clue what's going on all I see is rolling hills as far as the eye can see I see livestock all over the plains down in the valley that little thick row of trees and green brush where the creek runs and up on top of one of the plains is a large tent and inside the flap you see him his name is Jacob he's living on this land because his father lived on the land it's an inheritance story and I don't know where it's gonna lead but I'm watching this and layer by layer it's gonna peel back the dysfunction Joseph a young man of seventeen was tending the flocks with his brothers the son of Bilhah and the sons of Zilpah his father's wives Aziz is and he brought their father a bad report about them and in the opening scene in the midst of this the screen door gets slammed open a young man comes running in sweat dripping from his brow old man is sitting at the table long white beard his face is aged in wrinkled decades of being out in the Sun of taking the toll on the man and the 17 year old gives the report and father you got to know what's going on they're actually not watching much of the Sheep at all there's spending more time playing cards and drinking than anything else at nightfall they go into the city and they're sleeping with women from some of the other tribes and some of the other villages and I don't think they're doing what you think they're doing and right off the bat there's a villain and I hate this kid I don't like him at all I grew up in a family of boys in West Texas there was always one that was telling on and then there were those that were being told if upon no and every time my little brother started to run for home we tried to tackle him because if he ever broke loose and got through that screen door we jump on our dirt bikes and we'd take off mom was about to know what we were doing we'd see how long we can spend outside the home and Joey's that kid and right off the bat he's given a bad report on his brothers now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons and now I'm not sure who Israel is or is this a different story and luckily I brought a friend with me who paid attention in Sunday school and he whispers in my ear Israel is another name for Jacob it's like a nickname because he has 12 boys they're gonna be the 12 tribes of Israel so Jacob Israel is the same thing I'm like thanks glad you're here Shh now Israel loved Joseph more than any of his other sons because he had been born to him in his old age and he made him a richly ornamented robe for him when his brothers saw that their father loved him more than any of them they hated him and could not speak a kind word even to him and now we have the core of the dysfunction in the family that is old many wives one son born in his twilight years from his favorite wife now here's why I need to take a stop in the movie for just a second the Bible is descriptive and it's prescriptive the Bible describes what happened with real people real time real place and the Bible also prescribes how we're supposed to live this is a descriptive story I want to make this clear anytime you are currently trying to figure out who your favorite wife is you're in a bad script okay I don't want anyone walking out of here going time to be biblical this is not gonna end well for everybody his son came in his twilight years from his favorite wife and now you see the scene see dad used to be the other one outside making sure the oxen pulled in a straight line dad was the one that made sure things were planted and harvested at time dad was the one that made sure the livestock were always being fed at the right time taken to the right watering place always being protective dad spent his life on a huge ranch the chapters before us talks about their wealth and he had boy after boy after boy after boy 12 of them from many different wives but he's retired now it's in his older years and favorite wife has given him a young boy and now you see how it's happened dad has more time at the house than he ever has before dad has more time to sit on the carpet and make up for one son his lack of fathering his other sons he was too busy away on business always at work and now he pours it into Joey this is his chance to really be a dad he'll jump in the old Chevy truck and he'll drive out and he'll oversee some stuff from time to time but in the front seat Joey always rides with him the boys are out trying to come up with their own lunch and Joey always shows up with a happy meal rolls down the window one of you guys are you guys working today and I've rumored him from working today and there's hatred in the family and dad makes them if you were in Sunday school a coat of many colors or if you were more musical a Technicolor Dreamcoat and his brothers hate him and in verse five Joseph had a dream and when he told it to his brothers they hated him second time all the more and he said to them hey listen to this dream that I just had we were binding sheaves of grain out in the field and suddenly my sheaf rose and stood upright all of your little sheaves gathered around mine and started bowing down to it isn't that cool you kidding me now here's a problem I have and you may have this when I'm hearing stories like this I immediately go back to the Sunday School pictures that I got to color and Sunday school has greatly distorted my understanding of the Bible I think I have a lawsuit against my Sunday school teacher I'm starting to put together because every time they talk about Joseph and his coat of many colors we get to color it and all the brothers and they're all smiling faces of a whole bunch of nine-year-olds and that's the scene I picture a little kid coming downstairs in his pj's maybe footies on the bottom there's a big breakfast table 12 bowls of Captain Crunch all these little boys are sharing it and Joseph oh I have a dream you're all gonna bow down to me and they're like we don't like your dream that's not the story in Genesis if you want to read the book of Genesis and take it in the context his brothers are men his brothers are in their 30s and 40s by this time they have children of their own as old as Joseph at this time and they're not all great men three chapters ago two of his brother Simeon and Levi went in at night and massacred an entire town for violating their sister whether right or wrong I'm gonna leave that one up to God but he's got two brothers that are cold blooded murderers they slaughtered all the men in a village at night he's got another brother Reuben that two chapters ago went in and slept with one of his dad's wives just to show all the brothers there's an alpha male in the pack these are the guys he's telling this dream to that's stupid he's walking now to murderers guys that sleeping with some of dads wives anyone hey guess what I had a dream right in the field we're all got our grain together mine stood up and yours came around you started bowing to it isn't it cool and simians off and the Bible says they hated the punk oh they hated him well I'm sure Joseph wonder stood that at this point he's not gonna make that mistake twice verse 9 well then he had another dream oh here we go and he told it to his brothers listen he said I just had another dream this time the Sun and the moon and eleven stars were bowing down to me and there's 11 of you mom and dad the whole family needs to bow to me oh now even dad's had enough of his favorite kid when he told his father as well his brothers his father rebuked him and said what is this dream that you've had will your mother and I and your brothers actually come and bow down to the ground before you his brothers were jealous of him but his father kept matter in mind and a little time goes by and things died down a little bit and dad not clearly thinking sends Joey out in the fields again hey go find out how the herds are doing go find out what your brothers are grazing go find out how the quarterly is doing and bring me back that reports and it says skip to verse 18 but when the brothers saw Joseph coming in the distance before he reached them they plotted to kill him here comes that dreamer they said to each other come now let's kill him let's throw him into one of these cisterns and say that a ferocious animal devoured him then we'll see what comes of his dreams well when Rueben heard this he tried to rescue him from their hands well let's not take his life he said don't shed any blood let's throw him into the cistern here in the desert but don't lay a hand on him see Rubens said this to come back and rescue from and take him back to his father Reuben knows his own the oldest man that they killed the brother dad's gonna take it out on him so when Joseph came to his brothers they stripped him of his robe the richly ornamented robe that he was wearing they took him they threw him into the cistern now the cistern was empty there was no water and the story begins of Joseph they see him coming from a distance the last of the sunlight glaring off that coat and they know who that is they're all sitting on the tailgates of the trucks reaching their hand and the ice and the coolers to see if there's a cold one left and they're all empty and when one of the brothers season goes I hate that kid and everyone shakes their head and another one goes let's just kill him do you ever say something out loud you can't believe you said it out loud let's just kill him and there's no disagreement in the group the Bible said three times he is hated he is hated he is hated by his family and they throw him in a well well the story from there takes about nine chapters and you've got to read it sometime today but Jude is gonna come along one of his brothers and go look if we kill him we don't get anything if we sell him to somebody right now as a slave we can go into town and fill up the coolers the coolers I've added not in Scripture but I've hung out on enough ranches after work to know what's happening so they sell him on the trade route and he heads to Egypt and Joseph will spend the next 17 years as a slave in Egypt then as a slave convicted of a crime that he didn't commit and in an Egyptian prison 17 years as a slave and in an Egyptian prison and church I'm telling you I don't think it had to go that way you know what I wish Joseph would have read if there was one book I could have given Joseph and said buddy I think there's a different way to do this you know what one book I would have given him open your Bible to James chapter 3 verse 13 the versus Joseph wished he would have had now some of you automatically going wait wait wait Chris God used that for good he puts Joseph down there then Joseph comes up he put his second-in-command of Egypt when there's a famine the whole family comes he's able to save them and that's how God works it out yes church I've read the story I believe there are many many different ways God could have gotten that family to Egypt I think Joseph took the long route he had God's plan he had God's dream he was on God's side and he did it dead wrong and if we have the right things if we have the truth of God and we do it the wrong way we are dead wrong and Joseph needed to learn some lesson to get godly character Joseph needed to be stripped of his coat and sometimes we can't get character until we lose our coat and that part about us that makes it all about us that part about us that once our pride our position our authority our ego that part about us that wants everyone to know I'm different I'm gonna get mine why in the world is that kid wearing a coat like that out on the jobsite huh oh he knows he's not about to work he knows he's not gonna get dirty he knows he's special he knows he's gifted and he's got to get over it and there's a seventeen year journey to bring some humility into this kid and some 1,950 some years later the half-brother of Jesus James writes a book and he goes let me tell you what you need to know because a lot of you are in a place right now in life that's a struggle a lot of you are in your own slavery to something or prison to something right now and it is a struggle and church let me tell you there is a fine line between God's will and my stupidity okay because I'm tired of the dumb things Christians say well I guess God wanted it to be this way well God has me where I'm at and I'm I know you're where you're at cuz you're stupid don't blame your stupidness on God and and it's a big difference there folks some of us are in a bad place in life we're in a jam and we're like well god it's your will and gods like that II my oh my god you're an idiot no God would never cause an idiot he wouldn't even call his fools he goes you're a fool that's not where I wanted you you didn't have to go that route and this is a message from the book of James that we gotta get this is a message for some of you that's gonna turn the course of man this is how I've been living and this is what I need and James starts with a simple question chapter 3 verse 13 who is wise and understanding among you mass again who is wise and understanding among us not a single person in this room video cafe their hands are already there like we're getting to our cars first weren't some of you want to raise your hand don't you wouldn't ask you why somebody like I want to raise my hammer I think she's gonna come back and bite me somewhere wanna see where this one goes James the same who's wise and understanding wouldn't you love to would you love to raise your hand who's wise and understanding I think that's pretty much me how do you know people say that all the time would that be cool women wouldn't it be cool for you to walk by a group of women at work at church at the gym in the neighborhood just out for a walk and neighbors go see that one she's one the wisest woman I know dudes wouldn't you want to be known as wise I would love to walk through a group that's Chris that's a sentence wise I'm like yeah sorry yeah who is it who has wisdom who's known as a person of wisdom and understanding and James let me give you a biblical wisdom who's the wise and understanding person among us let them show it by their good life by deeds done in humility that comes from wisdom humility comes from wisdom wisdom is gonna bring it's just the opposite we're gonna do this wisdom brings humility because humility comes from wisdom and James goes let me give you biblical wisdom wisdom is nothing about what you know it's how you live I'm not talking who's the smartest person in the room then I'm just looking around my guys I've never been called the smartest person in the room I can be playing with my three kids and I'm still not the smartest person in the room an 11 year olds got me beat hands-down I've learned that as soon as like dad I need help with homework and I'm like let me get your mom home well that's way beyond my paygrade mm-hmm I do stories I've never been the smartest guy in the class or in a room anywhere I've gone and James no no no no listen this isn't about what you know he goes wisdom is gonna be seen by how you live by your deeds by your actions and I tell you they're gonna come from humility coz wisdom brings humility some of you are gonna walk out of here today and go I'm a lot wiser than I thought others if you're gonna walk out here and go well I'm smart there's a core here that comes all throughout scripture if you're gonna be a child of God if you're gonna be a follower of Christ we call those people Christ the ends Christians not someone who goes to church not someone who believes God if you're gonna be a follower of Christ he says you're gonna have humility and let me tell you Church it's your choice you can choose humility or humiliation but it's going to come and Joseph had the right words the right dreams the right plan Joseph couldn't handle it and God said you get a 17 year detour on humiliation and then you're gonna walk out of there able to understand you are never gonna be the star of God's show huh and some of us need to get rid of the coat to understand that character and the half brother Jesus goes wisdom is gonna come from humility he goes but verse 14 if you harbor bitter envy and selfish ambition in your hearts man don't boast about it or deny the truth that kind of wisdom such wisdom does not come down from heaven its earthly unspiritual it's of the devil for you wherever you have envy and selfish ambition there you find disorder and every kind of evil practice he goes you know what this is gonna compete with though earthly wisdom earthly wisdom is gonna put you first earthly wisdom is gonna say what about me earthly wisdom is always gonna be promoting self earthly wisdom is always gonna say I gotta look out for number one and earthly wisdom therefore is gonna be jealous and envious of other people that are getting better having their ways the grass was always gonna be greener somewhere he goes let me tell you that's not godly wisdom I know that's the earth system I know you can live in a temporary place of wisdom and think wisdom is about buying the company owning the company starting up your success your title your pocketbook he goes it's all temporary there's really really stupid stuff when you invest your whole life in something that's short-term gain he goes I'm talking about biblical wisdom I'm talking about something long-term it's not self promoting it's not envious he goes that type of earthly wisdom always leads to places of disorder of conflicts ask yourself your life right now your home right now if you had one of two adjectives to sum it up and can only pick one of the two what do you say peaceful or conflict he's a godly wisdom you're not gonna have the conflict earthly wisdom you're gonna have disorder there's gonna be chaos there's gonna be conflicts I look at this and go church we've got to come to grips and understand this today three times the Bible said Joseph was hated he was hated he was hated with God's truth with God's dream with God's plan hated that is a great picture of the church in America today isn't it I don't know a more hated group in our country today than Christianity how help me understand how did we get there the one group of people that are mandated not an option but commanded not for extra credit the one group of people that are commanded to be the most loving most generous most compassionate most giving most understanding creatures on the face of the earth are hated hated hated it how do we get there well people don't like the truth well I think that's partially right people don't like the truth when it's beaten over their heads and shoved down their throat and you can have the truth of God but you do it the wrong way you're dead wrong you can have God's dreams doing it the wrong way and now it's the wrong dream and somewhere over the decades in America we still in a nation that used to be a Christian country and now Christians are the ones that are hated because over the last century or so we've had Christians that are more focused on being right than righteous and God is far more concerned about us being righteous than right and James says wisdom isn't what you know wisdom is how you live it what you know about the Bible is how smart you are about the Bible that's very fair say achill a group of guys in the New Testament that Jesus had the hardest time with you knew everything about the book and you refused to love people you refused to help people you refuse to live generously and he goes God just wants to spit you out of his mouth whoa Jesus on a bad day and so James goes let me give you a checklist he's gonna give us two verses and wisdom from heaven and I want you to take out your note sheet in your note sheet are eight questions on wisdom you have eight questions on wisdom and your note sheet I mean it's it's blank right now but when we're done you're gonna have eight questions on wisdom cuz your graphics team asked me like two weeks ago can we have an outline and I'm like Mike I got a job I'm worried about down there we'll see what happens so here's what we got right on your note sheet mi Weis question mark in my why's today we're gonna find out who's wise no no no no no before you start shakin we're not gonna give our answers out here it's a take-home test I'm just giving you the questions you're gonna have to answer yourself am i wise he goes here's wisdom from heaven verse 17 the wisdom that comes down from heaven is first of all pure so number one write down in my pure and motives and actions in my peer in my motives and actions or if that's wisdom from heaven you got to go back up and he says wisdom that's earthly and sensual and from the devil it's wisdom that's selfish it's wisdom it's all about you and envious are your motives and the actions selfish are they earthly are they about promoting you do you actually think you're the star of your show is it about your coat is it about your pride and ego he was first of all check your motives and actions are they pure he goes wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure he goes and then it's peace-loving right down am I looking for common ground am i looking for common ground that's someone who's peace-loving someone who seeks agreement not disagreement am I looking for common ground I tell you we have enough things in the world to be upset about Christians have killed themselves in the political arena because we don't look for common ground we're not peace-loving we look to pick a fight we think we actually been called to be God's guard dogs of Christianity and all we do is bark and bite and anything that looks strange to us we're supposed to be recruiters we're supposed to be salt and light we're supposed to show the world love now when you get through this list here's the problem because I'm gonna do it I'm gonna do it yeah I know you will too we're gonna go through am i loving and my peace loving do I get along do I respect others you're like yeah I think I do with people that like me and people that agree with me I'm really nice to them it's not we're talking about Jesus the end of Matthew 5 goes look even the tax collectors and pagans he was even pimps and drug dealers love people who like them they take care of their own you're nothing more than a pimp if you're if you're just like in people who like you he goes here's what I want you to do you've heard it said love your neighbor and hate your enemy he was what I'm telling you love your enemy because this is who this applies to remember he gave that story love your neighbor and I was pretty good he goes just love your neighbor as yourself and I'm like I live in a cul-de-sac that's three other people I'm good for those of you that live in like a big apartment and sucks to be you you got like 80 80 neighbors not my good luck loving them I got three and one never comes out so I'm really down to two and a half but there's always that guy in the crowd who goes you know one who's my neighbor and you're like shut up oh man are you kidding me and he tells that big story he tells that big story of the Good Samaritan which is such an oxymoron he picked the most hated racial conflict going on and he goes that's you that's that's your neighbor it's the Muslim terrorists it's Isis Oh God when you take it up with him not me I didn't write the book if I wrote the book it would've been one page with a picture like you fill in the blanks and color it as we do this checklist I want you to keep them in mind who's the lawsuit against what's the custody battle over who's the reason for losing your job losing your business the knife in the back whose fingerprints are on it the person who has hurt you your kids betrayed you your trust this is where we're going today this is a take-home test he goes now look you don't have to do this this is only for wise people this is only for Christ's followers the rest of you go dumbest thing I ever heard I agree my green this is for those that want to be christ-like so for those that want to show I live differently than earthly wisdom do I look for common ground number three am i respectful its peace-loving then he goes it's considerate what is being considerate it's been respectful if we're called to be salt and light to the world if we're called to show people Christ's love you cannot influence people if they don't think you like or respect them and anytime we get especially into politics anytime we get into a workplace any time we're get into religions if our job is to argue and battle Christianity those people know we don't respect them or their beliefs we will have no influence on them and since there's no wisdom is wisdom is being respectful it's being considerate to other people especially those you disagree with in a loving way how good am I at being respectful of people who disagree with me number four am i teachable it's considerate and then submissive I think great way to put submissive a my teachable in other words do I always have to win I don't nudge each other wait for the ride home are you that person that always has to win do you always have to be right do you realize if you're never wrong you're never gonna grow you'll never learn am i teachable how are we doing on our marriages so far are we respectful do we look for the common ground do we seek peace am i teachable number five am i merciful after submissive he goes and wisdom from heaven is full of mercy man it is full of mercy well what's mercy mercy is simply letting someone else off the hook okay I'm gonna wait till you're done writing it down cuz I want every eye on this one am i merciful just letting someone else off the hook here's what we have to understand about mercy it means they deserve to be punished okay if they have not wronged you if they do not deserve to be punished you can't give mercy mercy is not giving somebody what they rightly deserve that's mercy it's different than grace grace is giving somebody what they couldn't possibly have hoped for undeserved mercy is not giving somebody what they earned how good are you were giving mercy who's that person that you just can't stand who is that person that have hurt you the most and this is where I can won't Pastor Chris you don't understand when he divorced me or when she with him like I know I get it that's why this was the hardest difficulty you know what wisdom is you know the Christ follower looks like they give mercy they let someone off the hook now hear me watch watch listen listen boys and girls watch watch this it doesn't mean you're saying it's okay it doesn't mean you're condoning it my favorite thing to do after I give someone mercy is to walk away and pray hell on them I'm good at it you hurt me you hurt my family you attack me I will give you mercy and I will walk away and go sick I'm God blow him up lightning through the head split him in two I hope they go home in their house is nothing but ashes right now I hope they left the gas on when they were doing this to me and the things boom get them when I don't see that person for four or five weeks I'm feeling I'm like God killed him in my mind I think right now there are about 80 people that God has killed just cause of my prayer I really believe that once well I'll see him I'm like well he does raise people from the dead good for you I hope you learned your lesson you go where do you get that from the Bible I get that from Old Testament Saints I get that from the Psalms Mets say God my enemies here's what I wish you do to them I'm letting it go I'm letting it go sometimes the most merciful thing you could do is say nothing and just walk away nothing just smile and walk away there you go how was that mercy and I'm like they still have their teeth I've learned there's a fine line between being Chris and being Christ there's just a team missing some of you have a lot longer way to go than me I just decide everyday do I add the tea or not at the team coz West Texas Chris right now usually said that about me my family Mike didn't you're gonna be gumming your food when you wake up and I just smile and go alright alright fine good I walk away that's mercy and then go God get them now I don't know what God does with that prayer but I tell you why it makes me feel good cuz there are people that have hurt you there are people that have hurt my family and my extended family in some of the most horrific ways and they don't deserve to be let off free and God says Chris I get that he goes revenge is mine you let me be judged because you give mercy and you walk away and I do and I will give mercy and walk away no god I hope they pay and that's up on you you get them won't you can hit a lot harder than I can and I walk away why do we give mercy because we have been given oh we love receiving it don't we we love receiving it I love standing in front of that crossing oh my god I do not deserve this I cannot fathom this I will never live up to this Who I am and where I've come from and what I've done oh god thanks for mercy God thanks for being the most unfair father I've ever heard of you have not given me what I deserve thank you thank you now I'm gonna go knock this sucker out and guy goes no no no no no son son son son son son you're gonna be like that and you give mercy Cristy you've been given mercy we'd love receiving we had given it out don't we because you go give mercy in fact wisdom will be full of it full of in how much animosity how much anger how much resentment you still holding on to today Church well let me tell you may be smart but you're not wise it's killing you man it's killing you James says wisdom that comes from heaven is also good fruits ask yourself do I produce good fruit or conflict what do I produce good fruit or conflict oh he's got people that come up to me after our services and go Chris man there's just so much drama going on in my life what are you doing oh I'm not involved in that just drama everyone's talked to me about their gentleman my family calls I'm the person everyone calls with the drama and I'm like if there's always drama in your life you may be the drama no no no no it's our mom and my blood and sisters and what's going on I'll give that you're at least getting Best Supporting Actress and a lead drama we got a look and say we allow this drama we allow to be a conduit of drama he goes are you personally Guillermo wisdom but bear fruit they don't drama coming out of their life they don't have conflict coming out their lives there's someone who bears good fruits he said they're impartial number seven in my fair do I do this above list to all people regardless of who they are where they live what they believe in My Fair is this the love I can show to all people he said they're impartial and lastly he said they're sincere do I walk my talk since serious it's not being fake you know the hypocrite man ray hit this last week when he talked about the tongue he was kicking fresh water and salt water come from the same spring you can't come to church and praise God and then you turned around and he used that tongue to say what to your spouse just scream what's your kids to walk on the jobsite and what type of language well I'm just trying to get them in line I'm trying to get are you kidding me man this is a tough one for us my church is the back gate at Camp Pendleton we have over 900 marine families in our church a bunch of drill sergeants bunch of Colonels much seals I get that we also have over 60 men and women in law enforcement intent we got a lot of guns at our church it's close to West Texas I can get in socal got a lot of guns in our church and I get people that are in some difficult situations that Chris you don't understand what I guess I got to take command of the situation I got to use some words I'm all seriously the best figure in history who ever had command of every situation with Jesus and I don't think he had to drop his moral standard of words to do it it's a cop-out he was you sincere the person that you pretend to be a church is that you they're the six and a half days he goes I hope church is a place where you let down and just take in I hope you're better the other six and a half days in there we don't need to see Christians smiling in here we need to see Christians smiling and loving out there this is the one place where you should be your worst you should just come in and go oh I'm glad to be a baseline hope that we'd beat the heck out of me draw title of a bunch of idiots I just need the Word of God so I can do this again like glad to have your day get a cup of coffee soak this one up we all sit around scratch our heads let's go out and start loving again open doors we let's do this we do it the opposite we're screaming our spouse upset at kids drive to work we walk in upset open oh hi guys Oh lovely great to see you today James says here's your wisdom list and guess what it came just in time for the holidays for the people you can't wait to see in the family you can't wait to say goodbye to you have a checklist to take home it's wisdom it's not earthly wisdom this will have an impact this is only for those that want to be sons and daughters of the king it's for those that want to act like that because of what dad's done to you or you can take a 17 year journey and learn some humiliation or choose humility make him the story or show not you God thanks for today for your words for your wisdom God now we need your spirit in our life to give us what we need to produce this may you work through us from the inside out God may you give us the right words and the right timing God may you give us your character where we need it the most God may you give us your love to show when we don't have the feelings of love maybe we realize there are actions not feelings God made this holiday season may we walk out of rooms and may people know that wisdom has just left and that was a person of understanding may we reflect you in short in Jesus name Amen
Channel: Bayside Church
Views: 9,554
Rating: 4.7037039 out of 5
Keywords: 11-16-14, 11-9-14
Id: ItLTqwshYKw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 32sec (2372 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 24 2014
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