Chris and Kat - BloodyNightCon Europe 2015

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cat I know I know we're in can buy donuts next year I to where I can buy my did you wait Crona Crona next year don't we do the music here in Brussels are they from Belgium near divorce I helped to get them next year yeah I had so many chocolates and I'm a cronut there's your water pointers here like doughnuts and pecans in the same event this one place and they called me New York bowls by Germany in the first I'm German yes sorry I love ns thank you no I love that you guys know me so well that you're like we know where to find the doughnuts we know where to find them they can we have doughnuts for you we know we know that's what she said if your space punching diamonds yes that you say you've read all of the Harry Potter books and it was my room I also like everyone had to scream sorry I was just talking about it I talked about Hancock's man Harry Potter question what do you think which houses where your characters or yourself feel like Scriven doing cat is another enemy give me a break give me a break you'd be Slytherin kind of chimeras I think bond you might be helpful pop then I would be Gryffindor the bottom is biased for sure huffily your 10 favorite I definitely remember but Hufflepuff is Bonnie Bennett all day yeah kai might like to leave the school and go totally me Slytherin precept we even join Lord Voldemort sorry he couldn't my son forgive me yeah what else would you be if you're really cool we look like close to the kitchen thank you and guys ah beautiful thanks for being you I think that's like my highlight in you to be here and I would like to ask you to do an improv scene together my improvisation scenes do one where Bonnie and I meet accidentally at a speed-dating event oh all right these are chairs right Dean would you please move to your next table thank you hi hi hi bunny okay hey what do you do what's your coven oh sorry my common I know it's really pretty strange I'm not a witch the regular girl is too called cool that's her favorite insect I like better compliance and character loads are really nice why did you say you're from never seen before I'm from Virginia I was in the place his place that was a using this place nice a place where I got stuck in Duty cupcakes okay good to see you what coven are you in the worst date ever one day ever thank you guys it was like the the version where Kyle doesn't try to kill anyone yeah thank you that's why we don't write hi guys what is up I just wanted to ask if you guys get to shed again big ball cinema which ball you like to play it's like something James Bond I don't know why great example I will take it well I'd love to be a kidding huh you're a little PM readership for James Bond yeah you need like at least 10 more years sorry like baby James Bond baby it'd be really great baby looking at that very pistol the introversion may be it James Bond flashback he's in a like I'm Blanche Baxter yeah like what he was I also like to play chase and you're a little I don't look like no but like something like a fun like action movies are super fun and then I hope that I'm doing it with my Tammy project but you know we'll see what the dream role is there's still some money to do thank you I want to be a superhero though some form thankful fresh like grand baby see here I'm maybe I'll be back man one day probably probably hammock I have a great Batman voice Joe show us chemin I'm on a roof he's scaring them yeah I can do babe kind of yes you want to do again you about in speech day yeah there's beta Batman I'm speaking dick please take your next seat oh you're really beautiful what's your sign I'm a Gemini that's Oh Gordon yeah professional actors we did it where other thing this is also what we just do by ourselves like in the row back there so he looks we on to play a disease we'd better look we out we don't yeah you Michigan ambience oh look go thank you never gonna invite your spec no I remember it hi my question to fight here and all the characters in Vampire Diaries who would you start Marion avoid a song say you know it's not you marry avoid I know with that that's like um kill but I like to say merge Mary burger in order to marry murder yeah but he won't emerge wind you know smog other cat the characters on the show I okay this is me or is this kind all right no kinds boring because obviously all three her I think I'm set a boy also it's not like that is that like to kill poor hands not gonna answer that ah France is Latino um okay this loser stock character you da or I think I'm I think I'm Mary you Bonnie I don't know doesn't really talk to anyone yeah that's what a theory I'd make her talk to me I don't know let's see there's there's who's all the characters the shows in the show but that Damon we've got Stefan Elena Caroline Enzo what we missing yeah Matt and Romina oh I would marry Sheriff Forbes when she was alive Alaric encircled him I yeah China boy I'd avoid on Klaus but sound like know maybe I'm Marian Mary Damon now King up a little spurt adaptable enough I'm so skewed Bernie is crazy yeah good question that's as close as we get to announcement any question that's as much as you get thanks thank you for asking hi my question is you say something in Dutch and French like I love him I know expectancy don't touch I don't speak Dutch can I say him yeah you sitting on their back okay egg egg egg egg egg ho echo my sacred love you fun okay a cold front I'm gonna say it first okay third section is supposed to write it down and give us a week to memorize that's no I can say ich liebe was in Cuba how's the chairman is that okay you're looking at me like you better represent okay and then in French the girl chipped a cheater that's good right yeah thank you so much I my question is forgettable it's about Chris that's human faces yeah irritated makes morning routine get even more focused about routine morning I became a morning routine on the set but if I left you a morning routine on recess like what's Chris doing when you go sit you usually don't have her shirt okay that's only because we have usually a lot like towards that a lot of prosthetics but you have to wear so you wasn't wearing a shirt a lot so I can't imitate that I don't know it's kind of quieted in the mornings we're just kind of sitting there I mean this is it yeah we're in the chairs we're tired sorry it's really boring it's 40 on set that's pretty much it that's all we do thank you thank you sorry not sure though that that the last two episodes I basically was just like running around I was covered on blood yeah as a big wolf bite my neck took two hours every day yeah it's crazy crazy crazy hey I just wanted to ask you well I started my career just like this year and I got my first fans but I got my first haters too so I wanted to ask how do you deal with hate I'm not very good at dealing women and one's life you should ignore it like I see all these people like just ignore it ignore them you know I actually think I deal with the hate that I get pretty well um but hold on you guys just gonna you know all these when you guys get up and leave it's not the empty seats that hurts me it's the emptiness in my heart they're me no I get it it's actually it's a picture with the larkey my god I'd be out too we you know I think I've dealt with it pretty good for myself I'd listen like if people say something unless it's something like actually extremely extremely bad or like anti-semitic or racist like I just kind of let it go it's when people will talk about my friends or my family I get really really protective and I really don't have much self filtering I'm working on it incident kind of turn into a bitter at five but just when it comes to you know my friends I consider my family but other than that I guess I don't know just don't tolerate don't let anyone bully you're not just going on but you know what also it's you know you don't want it to be gave attention to haters anyways just just I'm like the queen of blocking people now you have to realize too is that the hate always comes from some form of jealousy and someone resenting you because in some capacity they want something that you have so you just have to filter it out the second you put yourself out there but the second you do you aren't going to get it you're just going to get it if these artists like the biggest artists in the world from whether it's like a Johnny Depp or be on saving these people think of it and it's like your flawless your amazing your perfect people you do no harm you do a lot of charity work you are like we want to just make good our end home but they get it so they get it you're gonna get it you know what I mean but you just have to know that that's going to come with the territory and unless you want to hide in your house and not be anyone you're going to get it yeah stay strong I my question is for both of you do you like how season six ended if you don't which card will you change getting into trouble that's a hard question that's not a question we can answer politically and truthfully hi my name's Anna I'm trouble obviously there's things that I want to change or I feel like you know I'm huh if I wrote the show it would just it would be different in a lot of ways even for like my character exploring different things but it's also like I'm coming at it from sometimes a very selfish place because I play one character I'm looking at everything I'm not looking at everyone I'm like oh what's good for Bonnie sometimes you know you just naturally want to do that so I mean you know I also like I get very attached to the actors on the show I don't like seeing anyone leave even if they leave to do bigger but I just get you know attached so I want everyone to stay on forever you know no man well also it's you know I think there sometimes because sometimes you see something that someone's doing whether it's how it's being written or like this this story changes from what you thought was going to happen sometimes you're like wetland why don't they see it the way that I see it yeah but the truth is it's like it goes back to like to school when you're doing a project and there's six of you and you've six totally different opinions that I have a turn the construction paper into a house and everyone thinks that their opinion is the only way that it's possible to get it done and it's just seen seeing that and also knowing that what she said as an actor we're always going to see things differently because we're looking through the eyes and what we want for our own journey and sometimes truthfully sometimes we're blinded to the picture as a whole and we don't see that our piece needs to be in a specific way and sometimes in retrospect you go oh I understand that choice now but also sometimes you disagree and that's just life you know yeah you're not going to agree with everything building into central thank you thank you I thought the finale was really scary I thought it was really fun I enjoyed it did you guys like it I liked it I mean you can't say you weren't surprised right that was Alicia it's very shocked thanks for the question so my question is what is the funniest thing you've found evident to you funny yeah I think you know you guys did this chocolate thing the funniest thing I'm getting is all these freaking on a chocolate that's the funniest thing is how much I think you guys want to look what is not possible matter what the funniest thing is and how do you think the funniest oh gosh do you have that story I don't know I'm trying to think like yeah I had that moment earlier it gets scary sometimes they know oh god I'll see you guys together no I think I can show up dress like Bonnie and it was real weird of cute and awesome she looks more like Bonnie than I did that was really funny I was like happy me it was really cute oh I think I mentioned this actually in parents actually they gave they have those shirts that are like lost to my boyfriend and it's a picture like somebody and some of you probably saw this & sfd yesterday told me you saw the pictures but they gave us each our own shirts so they gave me lost my boyfriend Chris would sure like I could ever wear them so obviously I gave it to my boy when I gave her the ball and he gave me and we were each other's so that was funny but we you know I actually loved it I have to sure I think it's fantastic those falling for me thank you hey what's up all and I want to tell you in touch you're very talented and my best round couldn't be enhanced today and she really likes you so I was wondering if you would just add quickly something that I never send them what's right what's right LM f men you guys want to be part of this with us yeah okay so hopefully if we meet em n say safely see the kids all right see ya sorta a 95 percent right - right all right okay um - ah ah - watch names thank you I sort of think guys so just mumbled some hi I just like to say thank you for being a huge inspiration to me and I've had like a few bad patches seven months and you and me both yeah and I just like to thank you without thinking to your music and to your acting because this really helped me for those rough patches thank you just know that like and than you see and thank you that's so sweet after that if you just see them looking great or they're on TV that we don't have any like rough patches or if it doesn't just say it's not in comparison like sometimes it's something a little worse that you can even imagine so I just want you to know that like I'm with you on it we're all to kind of together on this journey through life and we're all connected and no matter if you think you're alone or dealing with something that you feel like no one understands you in like just doesn't I'm going to be going through the same thing and you know we're we're together on this you know we'll get through it welcome hi I wish for all of you I miss you it's both teach you our words in Polish what did polity just words in Polish well I'm a quarter polish which I can we talked about this I am too are you know not are you a quarter polish okay so we make half no he has been when he speaks polish it's just for like you don't even know what he's talking about however one time he brought his grandma to do Puccini and they were just like he doesn't slow down for anyone he's just like you can speak it or you don't so yet when you see him it tell unless he got healthier your friends out of interest in college he just talks in an accent most of the time yeah it's really really funny yes the Polish X yeah it is English with a polish accent yeah that's again this one Paul and I fight me also being Polish but other than that hello guys hi how are you great how are you so thanks fine okay great great yes so my question is what advice would you give to someone who is searching their back you know what to do in life and their passion what should we give as advice I don't believe that a lot of people just don't know I think a lot of people know what really they're passionate about I think a lot of people are scared to follow it I don't think there's many people in this room that don't have something that they're passionate about it finding a way to make it real and make money from it or survive from it and just let that be your sole focus kind of have to take the lead but finding your passion you've only you know that it's just whether you want to follow it really scary it is scary being an actor is scary you know many of us there are it's like you know you want to go and be a famous audience oh yeah sure you do sure you want to be a big laughter and you want to have hit records and you want to be online and TV show okay good luck I've literally on people say you'll never make it if you would have made it he would have made it already I did this for 20 years without a TV show without any of that so you you have to just believe that would be my advice you have to find what your passion is in your core and if you were fortunate enough that that's something so obvious that you don't have to really like search and weed through all the external stuff that makes you doubt that you can do what you want if you're lucky enough to have it and you just have to use have to go for it that everything you have and if there's a few things you love and you're not sure what makes the most sense you have to try to remove all of the logic part of it and find a witness what is it was what has to make you the happiest what's going to bring you the most satisfaction in life because it's never easy you know I am I what to call it I paid my way through college with student loans and graduated with a hundred and thirty thousand dollars of debt and moved to the org and lived in my friend's closet literally was a closet but my suitcase was in and I pulled out an air mattress and put it back up like you would just make it work you figure it out you moved to a city where you don't know anybody and you just put the time in and if you're driven and if you're focused and if you work hard you have to work hard no matter how talented anyone is you have to work hard and you have to believe in yourself because everyone's going to say no most people in your life are going to say no so you to be the yes you have the find es in yourself and push yourself to pursue it you know you'll of course this is going to be a less question with the priests on stage cat will stay for a little while I'll leave but I'd still love you guys wait a second the two of the last question yesterday so yet I know you can sing really really good but Chris you said here is played in spring away in so I was wondering if you would sing a second part of one well I don't know running away you can or something else if you like oh my gosh I never have more stage fright that when someone asks me the same what I'm going to show and I'm pretending to be someone else and I walk on stage and there's all these lights and the music starts tonight and start singing it feels so natural and relaxed and I know that feeling but when I sit here and your legs sing something I my whole body I start to sweat and body recedes into itself like she's probably starting to smell me right now because I'm incarcerated it makes me really nervous would you sing my yesterdays oh really yeah you know what you have to do like there's good moments where I've been like I'm like so tired I just yeah I mean they get it and we like we went to dinner last night we went to be different down the hall for dinner and or we had drinks and I like staying at the table than we like it was so close it was so intimate and you know we can sing the same songs it's just a different thing so if you're not if you get listen there's plenty attentiveness like marijuana that's a correct so just when it feels right then I'll just sing maybe I'll sing for you later but just is too awkward now okay thank you hey guys I'm gonna leave you now that has Graham but you're the best hello
Channel: Videl Sakura
Views: 54,764
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tvd, The Vampire Diaries (Award-Winning Work), Bonkai, GrahamWood, Bonnie Bennett, Kai Parker, Kat Graham (Film Actor), Chris Wood (Film Actor), Bloodynightcon
Id: Rrja0XmTEIU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 57sec (1737 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 03 2015
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