Chopped After Hours: Amateurs | Food Network

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Who am I looking at so if I may take a look fantastic today what happens after hours in the chopped kitchen when we judges get our way we take over the stations and we cook okay so Geoffrey Amanda Scott this is a basket from the entree round in the amateurs episode I think it's very fitting who's been chosen to do this I'll leave that at that we have tikka masala sauce croquettes Asian long beans and hanger steak I want to see some pasta like one database basket to make pasta with these ingredients I'll make pasta don't worry about it and you know what when we're done I'll give you the recipe to use in your restaurant so let's make this a non amateur 30 minutes your time starts now let's see your best stuff all right okay this is a great combination of three judges because while their dear friends there's actually a ferocious rivalry between Scott and Jeffrey behind you behind you after hours all bets are off Jeffrey why are you seasoning your steak so much just rolling it in salt and pepper all around cuz that's how we roll in WM okay golly they can grow don't bother me right now your hey did you hurt something all right all right are you looking for attention I talk to us Buster's the garage never never happen is that a secret Italian tactic a little extra flavor a little dude you know the problem is is that I totally wanted to grind these onions this way I make a Bolognese yeah always grind my vegetables through the grinder before decides everything is consistent abandoned what's your plan I'm gonna make a shepherd's pie what do you think okay so normally shepherd's pie is a layer of ground or some kind of beef with vegetables fun additionally there would be some tikka masala sauce in the chappa'ai oh are you gonna I might come through that sheffy like deconstructed so I think it's kind of interesting when you start the round by taking your plate like you're envisioning the endgame from the beginning absolutely the first thing to me is the finish you sing a song he's finished you finish 20 minutes left are you really making a sample I'm making a Philly cheesesteak you are not making an Indian Philly cheesesteak explain my version has tikka masala garlic monster cheese long beans is what Philly cheesesteak on what planet has arugula at monster are you serious yeah mine honey it's my agent give me a minute can we stop the clock for a second - no Jeffrey yeah you're right smells so good everything's coming together seems like you're putting the whole basket into one thing what if it doesn't work out your punch at that point I'm just gonna eat Jeffrey sandwich Jeffrey duel the iron chef's get to use two tables all right bring your bread back over here huh huh like the rest of us Amanda I'll take care thank you guys for busting fifteen minutes on the clock someone's got to give this stallion up fence I'm gonna reign in my creativity it's gonna be hard look at this I barely put it down he's already put a plate down just to the edge good guy will not color in the lines of the cabbage but no matter what you know let's set it before and the time is it oh my god Amanda the hands down looking like she made the dish with the most finesse oh look at this she's made a little croquette crust when I'm talking about a sandwich with a tikka masala spread here folks we're not talking about a bowl of spaghetti we're talking about boom we're talking about Freitag with a shepherd's pie from scratch it's a girls club oh it's a girl's laughter after hours it's ladies night ladies night thanks chef 4 minutes and 44 seconds left not too because really that looks good it's really good is about mmm the pastas really super out that day so I got the boss about 85 to 90% of the way in the water okay three then I strain it and I continue cooking the pasta actually in the sauce so it absorbs all that beautiful flavor it's got to cook a little bit more I got seven minutes so so Geoffrey you have time to go over and taste everybody's dishes yeah is that because you just spread the tikka masala sauce straight on the baguette or work I spread the tikka masala on that toast with love then greedy you might not know about Oh tough crowd whoa whoa I don't think anybody's ever use this broiler setting who you're worried about Amanda I'm worried about myself ten nine eight seven six five four three two one finish Wow so I made a little bit of pasta and it is the hanger steak ground up with the tikka masala potato long bean sauce and this has some wood chips in the spoon yeah tell us why your ground the meat you know what's nice about is the beans a crunch of the bees so delicious and you know and you did it with a piece of meat that's not that fatty so there is still a Luis and luscious the pasta went into the sauce when it was so super al dente and it just drank the flavor to rank the flavor now it's perfectly cooked so judges and chefs I made for you a Western Massachusetts Indian Philly cheesesteak sorry it's a sandwich in a Philly cheesesteak really basically is it's not hanger it's made with ribeye which is like the most expensive cut of meat it's really amazing they slice it real thin they fry it on the griddle then they dump onions underneath the Jeffrey we can't eat your story yeah hey can we can we recycle your sandwich just and the fan and we start minding please I've reimagined this unlike yourself into my own version of it with a arugula and a little chili and some Munster cheese well you know what this is a great idea I love the spice in here this is where's it run when we need them is nice there it is it is really really good thank you we titled my dish I'm going this a tikka masala shepherd's pie and I just took the crook at us and made a little bit of a cross on top by the way that steak is so tender hmmm did such a great job with that she cooked it and rested it for at least I would say 15 minutes yeah here's what I love about that you took an ingredient like a croquette which is really kind of horrifying when it's like already cooked yeah and you ran at it and you added more potato versus like ran away from it yeah and you did a great job of holding back that tikka masala flavor it's it's there it's present I was I was worried about that I have to give a nod to the amateurs because this wasn't an easy one Cheers myself a little bit under the legend the legends already out there see I like that tie that necessary though yeah for nothing sir to watch the judges whip up dishes from other baskets go to slash chopped
Channel: Food Network
Views: 271,972
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chopped, food network, tikka masala sauce, croquettes, asian long beans, hanger steak, scott conant, amanda freitag, geoffrey zacharian, alex guarnaschelli, pasta, cheesesteak, sheherd's pie, after hours
Id: ZG0WN5xcRpg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 29sec (509 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 05 2014
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