Choosing the Best Position for a Vegetable Garden

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g'day I'm Mark from self-sufficient man a few days ago I've visited a good friend of ours and fellow gardening YouTuber Marty from Marty's Garden Marty is a single dad living with his daughter and they've just moved in to a new home I thought I'd pop in say g'day and help him establish his brand new veggie garden we got him some birdies raised garden beds and some gardening tools so in this video I'm going to show you in real time how to cite a new vegetable garden let's get into it [Music] okay three hours later we're at Marty's Place hey Marty g'day mate good to see you how you going I'm okay yeah I'm just really excited about getting some garden beds up well let's come in a bit closer this video is about sighting and this is a really great opportunity with Marty because he's siding his new veggie patch he's invited me up I couldn't be more excited to start a new Garden even if it's not mine let's just now have a look around and we'll just discuss it and see where we're going to put these three raised birdies garden beds the front yard here so we've got the road that comes across you were thinking that it's nice and level yeah it gets plenty of Sun yeah it gets really good Sun winter it's a little bit yeah it's not as great it's a bit lower and these big trees at the front do block it a bit so it's not perfectly ideal so just to orientator we've thrown you over there and this is practically most of the front yard that we're talking about just on a different angle so you can see it better you might notice Muddy's got some cameras set up he's filming too so make sure you check out his channel because he'll be uploading a video at the same time as me and you'll see a different video but on the same day hey yeah yeah pretty much why wouldn't you cite it here it gets a lot of sun it's pretty open it's it's nice and flat it's actually a really good spot to be honest it's easy to mow around Whip and sniff all that type of stuff I think the only thing is that I'm growing a lot of my foodie at the back yep and if I sort of disorientate two spaces so I work in zones yes so I create you know a vegetable garden zone herbs Zone one as a permaculture point of view and then I have like my bush food scene running up and down the fence with the natives and stuff like that that's another Zone my Nursery is another zone so this probably needs to be somewhere maybe down down in the future when as I scale up so I don't want to be doing too much and overextend myself so now let's go around the back and see where we could cite it there yeah also you can film all in one spot too and just looks aesthetically better oh yeah for us YouTubers yeah yeah yeah that's right yeah all right and the back okay yeah all right so we're in the backyard this is the permaculture area you're talking about yeah so I'm building out sort of Natives and some fruit trees and different things here some Bush food stuff like that get the insects and the bugs and the birds in here a bit of food and you know really build it up so I don't have to use sprays and chemicals and things like that yeah yeah more natural yeah yeah I like it because then that transfers over to the rest of your garden that's right yeah and just introduces well it's a bit of a link from the Farmland behind correct and it brings them in and then those insects populate the rest or pollinate the rest of your your garden yeah yeah so that's pretty much it and in the middle you've got some fruit trees yeah we've got Amanda in uh there's a lime and a lemon there okay at the back you've got your chickens yeah yeah well they can be moved anywhere around the yard okay oh radio yes whatever I want them to be they can be there and that they've got to move out of there soon yeah around the side and what you can't see on camera now is there just about the back door these are a bail garden they're made out of straw bales and they're basically it's like an advanced version of building a raised on a raised bed but um you know they call like lasagna beds no dig methods and I just developed the system where you just keep putting compost compost on top Let The Roots going down and as it drops down it builds the soil profile and you put the worms in and everything like so it builds the soil on top of somewhere where you've basically got really bad soils so you've got somewhere to grow in the meantime at the same time it's building up soil yeah for when you want to plant later and I believe you're going to put some papayas in there eventually yeah yeah and this will become more of like a fruit tree small fruit tree garden with some herbs and veggies and right out the back door right so you've got your permaculture sort of principle of herbs something you're going to grab every day right out the back of your house exactly quick and easy efficient it's like I just run out even it's raining I can just grab a handful of herbs and I'm banging it out yeah because my kitchen's right there like literally 30 seconds do I right so Okay so we've got that we've got a bit of a shaded area down the back yeah which probably won't be appropriate for a raised garden bed because you really want a lot of sun as much sun as possible and you're not always going to get a perfect garden or a perfect orientation so you're going to have to always compromise like we're going to do today if you can get as much sun as possible I'd say that's one of the most important principles would you agree definitely especially if you're going fruit you're going fruit you know you need that six hours minimum yeah and we know we've learned the union now you almost need like a few more hours because it's just getting so much shade and stuff but um you know I think we've if you're going leafy greens you could get away with a bit more shade if you're going to push sort of those and some leafy herbs and things okay you know I want The Best of Both Worlds right yeah fruit yeah you know if you're everything flowering stuff yeah so anyway I think sun is the the best option for us all right so that being said where do we put these raised garden beds we're not going to go out the front because you want them all group together for now yeah I mean you can always build like we said out the front later but yeah where do we think we're going to put them here do we put them back down the back fence line there with the near where the chickens are it's a great spot there it's nice and level yeah I could reach the hose down to there yeah um it does create a corner where you'll be able to create your own sort of mini ecosystem has that Advantage because you've got the fence line and things keeping the wind and stuff out yeah still a bit far away from the house so back the back kitchen yeah and it still means I've got to create another Zone I think we could probably put something there because it still fits into that zone that I'm building and if we actually like if I move out a little bit closer a little bit further out yeah I'm still just extending onto that zone and it keeps all my insects and the the population of the microbes that all close together which I'm really into so I think he is definitely an option so so what are you saying you're thinking maybe splitting those three beds up just having maybe one in this space yeah I think that would be as your herb garden and small salads type stuff yeah that you can grab quick um but all right yeah I like that I like that's a good idea because this is a really good winter spot because the light comes back off the edge of the house yeah it's blocked out from the south cold wind yeah um and it really stores a lot traps a lot of heat here for for winter yeah and um it seems to be okay for the summer as well so it's not just convenient it's actually a really good spot to grow yeah for food yeah especially that leaves us within two more beds where we're going to whack them I think we've got a space here that's fairly flat near the fruit trees all right so here's your fruit trees yeah I think this one's the lemon so that's the dwarf lemon the reason why that's the smallest one near the house ah so I want it to sort of raise up and go up like that yeah yeah okay and three in a row so say two beds here in front of them yeah fruit trees how how far away should we cite the beds it's gonna come out about there because I do keep them pruned yeah you keep them small easy to manage yep and so you know they won't go any bigger than two meters yep and then you know so we've got anywhere out from here and I'll be mulching around them as well so okay yeah yeah I'm you know these are obviously would be no problem so I would say anyway from sort of here out and we're facing what's the orientation so we've got West that way it's that way yeah and that's North and that South it's perfect orientation for going what I believe to be uh east east west and so we get a good and in the winter you know you get like a a sort of like a East Norway Sun yeah coming straight in yeah which is really good for Australian East Coast stuff and when boys Sun orientation are helpful it doesn't have to always be the most important thing but why uh because if it's coming in from another Direction and you've got a tree or something like that blocking out like we've got the big Palms at the back here yeah if that was on the other side it would block out a couple of hours of light yeah and so like it is now yeah yeah like it is now on that's on that side the sun's getting much higher because we're coming in the summer yeah but uh this spot here is pretty much open to the sun all year round okay so yeah I think it's a really great position and I think if anyone is looking for a good position they want to try and go for that six hours if if you can get it you know more the better that's my opinion yeah yeah okay radio so let's uh move in I suppose that is the siding side of things now we're actually going to go through and create the garden beds going to put them all together it's going to take some time and a little bit of effort but until you might have got a bit of a saw back yeah you mentioned yeah you've been going too hard now yeah yeah it's moving furniture and stuff I might uh I hope you look after me yeah I will oh I'm a little bit I'm tough well I shouldn't say that should I they might go no he's not going to say anymore I look a bit pretty maybe yeah so uh I've taken a few painkillers though don't worry about me we'll get into it right here let's get into it I didn't tell you I actually took some tablets before myself yeah just for like an aspirin and um like a thing to inflammation yeah well you're younger than me mate yeah no I got a bad neck we'll be right there yeah we'll be right the old files will get into it [Music] thank you well as you can see we've changed the configuration of the garden bed we're going to go with that larger one we're talking about but instead we're going to go with this longer one because it just suits the position better and the orientation of the kitchen Garden here adapt and overcome that's what you can do when you've got six in one you can just change it around change it up to suit your garden because it's wet by the time we tried [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] are you happy with this yeah I am actually I think we've got enough depth in there yep and we've got enough material in there that's going to actually rot down into something that's going to be quite a good soil anyway yeah in time and you know it's going to sink down quite a bit yeah that's just normal for these types of raised beds especially if you put something that can break down really quickly like mole Shore most most moles or straw or other things that are in the base wood chip for example so you're going to get that sinkage but then you just keep topping up and it's like a no dig bed yeah yeah so that's what I'm going to do I'm just going to I'll plan out Mulch and obviously we'll maybe show some of that yeah plant out Mulch and then I'll just keep top dressing with compost and worm castings so before the end of the video we'll plant into this bed as well yeah yeah I've got seedlings there and next we're making the other two garden beds over here foreign [Music] [Applause] 's going down we've got two more garden beds to fill we're not going to get this last one done are we No so at least we've got them all made up and they're lined up we're just going to have to fill this one and start planning out in this first one and your kitchen Garden one yeah so I reckon if you'd lay the plants out yeah and uh all right start laying the plants out so that we're not filming this still in the dark all right we are under the pump it's like an episode of The Block only more exciting [Laughter] so I've got some lettuce two different types got some butternut squash there's one of those like a mild chili jalapeno yeah and then we've got some corn okay how are you going to plant the corn in one block it needs to be fairly close so it's self-pollinate yeah so just a block at one end that's what I do what would you recommend for how far I space these oh I reckon 25 to 30 centimeters each one yeah so that's not that far yeah okay let's go for it and uh gears are just in one block okay so that they'll be able to pollinate easily [Music] foreign [Music] what do you think I don't know I've got the right words for it sort of overwhelming and awesome at the same time I am pleasantly surprised I knew they'd be good but I didn't realize that you'd have so much more growing space and that it would match your yard so good the old house and the colorbond style just the balance it's really well balanced so everything's going to link together yes that's exactly what I wanted so I can keep all the bugs good bugs and everything in together and build worm farms in these situations yeah I'll notice that that's going to be interesting we left a space right there so you can put your worm farm in there and then they can feed that bed every time I go to someone else's Garden I learn a heap and you've got such a passion for gardening it just shines through it it's been a really fantastic day I've had my son here James and I appreciate you doing the collaboration with me and inviting us down what I want to do just to finish off is give you a gift wow really um well garden tools Australia has given it to you these here there's a little bit of a story to it these are probably the strongest garden tools in Australia really if I open it up yeah yeah wow oh look at that so man that looks that looks better than my kitchen utensils they come in a really cool well you cut they're basically indestructible and they're forged in in a factory in Sydney oh wow yeah and they feel good in the hand don't they that's almost like a weapon I'm not going to say anything else I I tried to get these back from Sydney and they wouldn't let me carry them onto the aircraft I believe that yeah well they feel like they last forever yeah yeah and they found one of these by metal detector in a lake down down the South Coast it was a saltwater lake they've got the serial number off it and they realized it was one of the first ones they made about 40 years ago and it was still in working order I can't believe I haven't seen or heard of these before well they usually sell them to the councils and that around Australia but now they're so longevity yeah and now they're selling them to the general public or they they're promoting them more and speaking of promotions if you wanted to buy them they sell them internationally as well go to their website links are below use SSM 10 as a code and you'll get 10 off so anyway mate I'm throwing my old plastic crap out it's going in the bin these will last forever you can just leave them in the garden bed you don't even have to put them away and if I lose them I get the metal detector out yeah yeah exactly yeah not that I would yeah but anyway so that's that and anyway seriously thanks again for having us mate great it's been a really fantastic day I've enjoyed myself and uh you guys at home I hope you've enjoyed the video if you have make sure you give us a big thumbs up and share the video around of course And subscribe to my channel And subscribe to Marty follow his journey you know he's got another garden bed to make up here so subscribe to his channel follow his journey his self-sufficient journey and his passion for gardening anyway thanks a lot for watching unreal man bye for now appreciate you bro cheers thank you yeah how's this yeah like a dream dream genie in the bottle yeah yeah you'll you'll get many years of use out of that
Channel: Self Sufficient Me
Views: 143,613
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Where to position a vegetable garden, how to sight a vegetable garden, best location for raised vegetable garden, best location for raised garden bed, best location to position a vegetable garden, best spot for vege, best spot for vegetable garden, gardening, garden, best position for a vegetable garden, choosing the best position for a vegetable garden, where to put vegetable garden, gardening for beginners, vegetable gardening, veggie garden
Id: V9ImN-9DB7k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2022
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