Choosing camouflage for the dark/night

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right this is going to be a bit of a weird video that's what I want to do and it's about what camouflage should you be wearing in dark because this is a thing where lots and lots of people argue about this and some people say things that are so stupid it really makes me go have you never tried any of this and you're giving advice on it so say you're in the dark and don't want to be seen what is the best thing to wear Wow unfortunately some people will lead you to believe that black is the best colors away if you don't want to be seen in the dark which is like the worst possible thing you can wear as opposed to white I guess like if you're wearing pure white or pure black that's generally not a very good idea if you're trying to stay hidden in the dark the reason being is if it's dark and it's not pitch-black obviously you can see things a bit I'm gonna flick the light off let's your dark it gets on the camera obviously the cameras gonna try and do some auto exposure adjustment you see a bit of blue light coming in from where the window curtains are open but if I'm wearing this basically what happens is when it's dark your eyes can't make things out in as much detail and your perception of colors doesn't get as you know it gets worse so if you're looking at something you can't distinctly make out the colors an easy way to test that is if you look out your window at night look at all the cars parked out on the road or whatever try and work out what the colors are I bet is quite difficult to actually know exactly what shade of Blues and red some of my cars are you know and that's an actual thing that happens a lot where people can't recall the colors of certain objects when it's dark probably because it's hard to town so the thing you need tops you realize is that the colors of things don't change when it gets dark your perception of them changes which is what flipped like my confident it's not a good idea to think with camouflages I need to wear a totally different set of camouflage during a night than I would during the day there might be a couple of exceptions to that but for the most part if you're in a woodland area woodland camouflage like this is a very good idea and if it's dark obviously like the colors of the camouflage is still going to fit in perfectly the issue being obviously that they actually get better and I've done this on the camouflage test if I remember all sticks and photos from in the video where we are testing camouflage is in the dark and whereas it was getting darker and out what we found is as the video went on we were taking photos the darker it got more effective all the camouflages seem to get the reason being obviously that as it gets darker your eyes can't make out colors and shapes as well in the dark especially a distance so then a camouflage looks pretty good during the day gets more and more effective as it gets dark so obviously if the camouflage works well in the area during a day or maybe you have a couple of exceptions when it gets dark it's obviously going to work better now the reason you don't want to be wearing black is the obviously black doesn't occur very often nature as I've said before and the other issue is obviously that when it even when it's dark nothing is actually black there might be things your eyes might perceive as black but they're generally not black even if you look at a darkest shadows during the night it probably doesn't look pure black so if you're wearing like some sort of ninja boiler suit thing all in black you can actually stand out because your silhouette will be very obvious especially if there's a little bit of light I said if it's absolutely pitch black it doesn't matter what you wear because people can't see you but if there's a bit of light you're gonna look like a proper silhouette you're gonna stand out because you know if you're wearing a solid color be white or black that's obvious white is probably more obvious because it'll catch light more but even black isn't you know a good color to wear in the dark your silhouette will be obvious so as I was saying what should you wear instead if you're gonna be forced to wear at one size color then supposedly dark blue and dark Reds and some some shades of sort of dark purples work very well now I've not had a chance to test all of those but from I can see it makes sense because they're not a solid you know color like solid blue is or a solid black or whatever light thing like that but you know actually I can understand why logically dark blue purple or dark red would work at night and one thing to bear in mind is where I am as well often it does seem slightly red outside at night because when there's clouds over the street lamps that reflect up or I'll see hail in the clouds and it gives everything a slightly reddish hue but that doesn't mean things are red now one camo I found it doesn't work well at night and I think this is getting back into the white aspect as if I scroll right down you know so I've got my desert trousers on now the desert trousers that's not actually white on the trousers there that's like a light gray and there's the sort of mid brown on them on the British desert camo trousers now the issue is that the dark brown or the mid brown have you wanna call it the sandy color brown on the desert camo is absolutely fine at night the issue is the very light gray whatever color it is like the light sand color as much as that would be very effective during a desert during the day what hen tends to happen is that like kind of absolutely glow if there's a bit of moonlight that hits it so realize that when I was walking down the path it was like a muddy brown path and these trousers actually during the day worked quite well as camera down there but during night a bit of moonlight was hit I thought wow these are glowing knees are so obvious if somebody was looking over there you know it's cuz would shriek out at you because they're not colors that would uh you know it doesn't seem logical for them to be there so obviously as are saying what colors are actually good well colors like you know from camouflage it would regularly work that if you're not wearing camouflage I record would recommend you know like gray use of different darker hues Browns of dark hues dark greens but definitely not light greens because like green is very obvious to the eye but the idea is basically that you know you wear colors that fit with the environment because I was saying your perception of color changes during the night or in the dark but not the actual colors themselves so the environment like all the green leaves on the trees and all the like you know box and all the muddy colors in the woods whatever don't suddenly become black or totally different colors at night they're the same colors you just can't perceive them as well so wearing camouflage that would fit the environment naturally will appear the same in the dark now I said cameras that do have bits of black in them like this camera does have bits of black you can see a bit there I'm not a massive fan of these I said because modern camouflages have realized now that putting black in isn't a good idea what you really wanna do is put a darker Brown there or darker green so it's you know a contrasting color still but it's not it's still a color that might naturally occur somewhere but when you've got bits of black on the middle of a camouflage this or a DPM or whatever they're not bad because um or at least night because you know it's not like the edges of you the problem is when you're wearing a tall solid finger or make a silhouette with bits like this even if they're a slightly different color than the rest of you it's not going to matter too much again disruptive materials like this where there's actually swatch patterns on them will work well simply because when people looking at them obviously they will appear to be more than one thing another good idea as well as potentially to wear different color trousers on the top or a different camouflage pattern as long as they fit in and said don't wear anything that's gonna glow in the dark desert trails let's do that that makes it even harder for the brain to realize that it's a solid thing that's the problem is even if you're wearing a dark blue jumpsuit or whatever else that's still the brain will still perceive it as one block if it can see it well enough to do it even if he is quite subconscious so people be aware of you if you know you've got one type of camouflage trousers on that fit and one kind of camouflaged shirt or jacket on the fit the different patterns it'll make it actually harder for the brain to realize it's one person sort of shape so what I'm trying to quickly is flick a light off and see if I can actually I know I'm not outside and that's the environment you want to be in I'll see if I can demonstrate how your perception of color might suddenly change you know with the lights on and off right here you can see the multi-terrain patterned shirt on top of the m65 jacket so you can see essentially a proper woodland camouflage and then a multi-terrain camouflage let's flick the light off and again it's a bit too dark for the camera to pick up properly and the camera's perception of colors is not the same as a humanized perception of colors but hopefully you can see there that both of these aren't obvious and it's hard to tell the colors of them and we're you know one starts and one finishes obviously I think for being in the dark darker camouflage is generally are better but don't take that to the extreme of wearing black now hopefully we don't see that my white shirt is still very obvious and the desert trousers if I kneel down should be quite obvious as well at being a bit too bright there which is kind of the point I'm getting at don't wear a solid color because they will stand out you probably have to see I've actually got black socks on and the socks again really obvious that they're you know saying that's what you don't wear full black because you'll be obviously as a silhouette but actual camouflages that work well during the day for the most part will work while during the night because of how light works flick that back on now you can see that they're easily two different colors of camo but obviously during the night the human eye works either again it's also important like of all camouflages that you actually now to conceal yourself don't stand out in the open don't silhouette yourself if you're stood against the bushes or in a tree line or something like that with camouflages on like that actually work you know you will be pretty much invisible as the camouflage tests I've done before I've demonstrated however you know if you're stood out in the open it won't matter how good the camouflage is if you're making yourself very obvious you
Channel: Weaponsandstuff93
Views: 10,409
Rating: 4.8862557 out of 5
Keywords: weapons and stuff 93, Weaponsandstuff93, camo, camouflage, night camo, camo in the dark, best camo for night, best camo for the dark
Id: Hsds8OfEwAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 57sec (597 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 05 2018
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